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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Healthy Eating on a budget

    Maybe she just ordered once with the promo, because hello Fresh is 9.99 per meal per person. So it is $20 a meal. You can eat out for less, especially with a sleeve. One cooked meal for 2 people should cost less than $5. I spent about $5 a day on meat and veggies, and that is kind of stretching it. It is only that high because some days I eat grass fed beef. If I eat pork it is more like $2-3 a day. And I eat at least 16 ounces of meat a day. I have thought about getting one of those subscription boxes, but none of them have low carb options for menus, so they are a waste of money for me.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    How long was your process?

    @jillk101 Honestly I would switch Drs if I could, or at least threaten to. Why is it taking so long? I also hounded my Dr office. I wanted to get into surgery as fast and possible and I pushed them to make it happen.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Please Help: Struggling with Liquid Meds

    I had Oxy pills, those were fun getting from the pharmacy, lol. It was so much drama. I stopped taking my pills when I got home though because I wanted to drive, So I had pain pills but I didn't take them. Just ask for pills, and the nausea medicine is good to have too, just in case. Doctors work for you, don't forget that.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Still stuck!

    I wasn't depressed. I did have to feel all my feelings. I couldn't numb them out with food. So that was just different. It allowed me to get to know myself in a new way. I also had to find new ways to sefl sooth and calm down and new ways to celebrate. In the end it was a very positive learning experience. It was just rough when it happened. I didn't mourn food though. I knew the amount of time I could only eat a little would be short, and there is nothing that I want to eat that I can't now. I found eating out with people and friends more enjoyable because instead of trying to get full or get my monies worth, I concentrate on people and experiences more than food.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Food options

    @sleever123 You are claiming to be unhappy about your weight loss. If you want help. Tell us what you are eating so we can offer suggestions. I don't care you aren't eating meat but that doesn't mean you can toast and lose weight. There are other sources of protein. You didn't say you were vegetarian or vegan, you just said you don't like meat. So can you eat eggs? cheese? What can and do you eat? @SassyNanny Basically she wasted everyone who even read her original post by whining in the first post about slow weight loss. Then came back to just complain about everyone not patting her on the head and telling her it was okay. Then still didn't even answer any questions about what she is eating. This is why people don't respond to posts or try to help people. This kind of entitled BS.
  6. She is 190 if her information is accurate so her goal of 165 should still leave her at the high end of overweight close to obese. So even if she hits her goal, she will be no where near skinny at all. Which is what makes peoples comments completely ridiculous. No one even knows what skinny is anymore
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Food options

    The reason meat works is because it sits in your sleeve for a long time. If someone doesn't like meat, there are other sources of protein. It is harder but not impossible. We don't get to eat large quantities of food, so people should eat what they like, if she doesn't like meat, so be it.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Food options

    @sleever123 You posted a bunch of vague stuff. What do you eat in a day? How much protein are you getting in? How many carbs? How many calories? You aren't going to heal well or lose weight on bread. Bread and crackers and a whole lot of other stuff was on my list of foods in my book, but my Dr told me not to eat those things if I wanted to be successful. A lot of programs list a bunch of things that they don't really suggest people eat because they know if they are too strict people won't have surgery.
  9. First of all at 5'4 and 165 you won't be skinny or anything close to it. Everyone is so damn fat in America, people don't even know what legit skinny even looks like. Big boned is a myth, yeah some people might have slightly larger frames but big bones is BS. My bones are 3x denser than the average woman my age and they still barely weigh anything, and they look TINY on a DEXA scan. they are covered in fat and muscle. Big bone is just lie people tell themselves and others to justify obesity. Just because the weight is harder to lose or slower coming off doesn't mean you aren't meant to lose it or you can't lose it. You are barely one year out from surgery. It will probably take you another 6 months or so to lose the rest if you keep eating right. People need to think about their general health and wellness. The way insurance is going right now, those few extra pounds can cost you a lot in insurance premiums in the future. Everyone should be striving to get to a normal BMI at this point. And just because you are smaller doesn't mean you won't have curves. I have lost an entire grown man in weight and I still have enough titties for 3 broads and I have hips, thighs and a butt. Slim thick is really a thing. People need to stop kidding themselves. You will never be this young ever again in life. Go for your goal, go for it hard. It is never going to be this easy to lose weight ever again.
  10. I took all my pills normally, within 24 hours of surgery. They give you pain pill and other pills. I'm not sure where all this pill fear comes from or the ideal you can't swallow them.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Considering revision

    I thnk RNY is better after the band, especially for someone that had one as long as you with slippage. The hunger goes away but not forever and if you have damage and GERD, the sleeve is just too risky. I'm sure a Dr can assess you and tell you better. Good luck
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Please help! I'm in a dilemma.

    Well you definitely can take Tylenol, they sent me home from the hospital after surgery with it. If I had any kind of GERD prior to surgery I would not take the chance on the sleeve, unless the heartburn was weight or hital hernia related, those will be fixed with surgery. Your blood sugar seems like mine. Pre-op I could stop taking medicine if I didn't eat carbs. My blood sugar was always low, never out of control. So the sleeve could totally resolve that, probably in a month. I also had high blood pressure on the low end of high. Completely resolved, and now I am on the low end of normal, the very very low end. Your Dr is going to help you make the best choice.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein Goal too low?

    This issue isn't the 30 grams they claim. It is the fact they are claiming that 10 grams contains 30 grams. Which defies all logic and known science.
  14. @imadethelist I just wanted to add, I can't imagine how much water weight your might still have from surgery. I gain 5 pounds of water with my cycle every month. A lower body lift is rather brutal. If you are keeping your food on track, I would really go with water weight and I think mssages would really help you.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Filet mignon!

    I wasn't allowed steak until 6 months either. The day I hit 6 months I was in the grocery store like an addict in a drug den. Give me all the steak. I can still have a tough time with steak. It is not worth risking twisting your sleeve just to have steak early but to each his own.
  16. I've never done the chewing like that. You should just I just can't. The drinking, ehh I take a few sips when I eat some of the time. Mostly I don't do it because it will make me too full. The further you get some surgery the more you can play with the rules but it is kind of dangerous if you don't have your eating under control.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Extreme gas

    Do you eat a lot of things with artifical sweeteners? Like protein shakes and protein bars? Those are the only days I have really bad gas. If I use stevia I don't have those issues.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Wow. With the exit of so many vets...

    There is also just a change in attitude. Anyone that doesn't pat people on the head for eating 1/2 a pizza on day 10 was considered a bully. That seems to have died down some and people are better able to take suggestions and constructive criticism. Still with the void of people over 12 months out, there is less here for Vets, which means long term less vets will be active. I'm not even a real Vet (I think people beyond 3 years are Vets) but I am probably the furthest from surgery of people that post daily or close to everyday. If it ever stops raining and I can get my summer going, I won't be posting much either. It is a shame, this was the most active site, the other ones are dead dead dead. Oh well. At least I have my Keto groups.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Being too sensitive or not?

    LOL your face isn't thin at all. People are nuts. Tell them to pound sand What they probably can't get over is the change in your shape. I had a round face before, Now my face is really square. I had to change my hair styles, earrings and glasses to work with my new face shape. Most people are not aware or eloquent enough to be able to verbalize what they are easing, so they say the easiest and sometimes the most hurtful things. You look great and really youthful. You look like you are at your perfect weight like you were never obese. Enjoy life, it looks like you are.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    What the heck is wrong with me???

    @Mandybb It is really easy to have a day like that. Especially the further you are from surgery. We pretty much have to plan out food and always have options available. Protien bars, quest chips, etc Just learn from this time and move on, It was one day out your entire life, Just don't make it a trend. You also learned something about your sleeve today that you can hopefull use as motivation in the future. We can eat endless amounts of trash, nothing will stop you except you.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein Goal too low?

    Sometimes I really wonder if there is confusion on this topic. Like is 60 just a goal when you are healing and your consumption is limited or is 60 really for life? I'd starve on 40g of protein a day.
  22. I'm not sure if you look on real self but a lot of those ladies talk about the swelling and bloat. Did you get lymphatic massage post-op? If not it isn't too late to start.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Tone loose skin

    You can not tone or tighten true loose skin and you can't build enough muscle to fill it.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Long term vsg implications

    Well, there is about 140 years of information on it. Which is why I chose it over RNY, longer history, easier surgery (they did it in the old days and people still lived long lives). http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1893089-overview This is not a new surgery, it is just a new use for the surgery. Just like aspirin has been around for a very long time but taking it in low doses for heat attack prevent is relatively new.
  25. How long since the LBL? I thought you were bloated with those for like 6 months.

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