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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. Hell no. Things I didn't like before surgery I hate. Things I loved I really love. My taste buds have not changed, they are just more exaggerated and I have a different outlook on life. I don't do anything I don't want to do. If I taste something and it doesn't taste good I spit it out. I went some place a few weeks ago, and when my food arrived it was terrible. Luckily I paid before I was server, I took one bite, spit half of it into a napkin and spit it out. We only get to eat so much and we only have so many calories, I can't force myself to eat things I don't like. I tried to like yogurt, nope still nasty and as useless as ever. Since you are an adult you might find your tastes are more refined and you like seafood, but I don't think anyone should force themselves to eat things they don't like. Our stomach space is too precious
  2. @SEAHAWKS FAN! Before surgery I could drink a 16 ounce bottle of water without taking a breath. At one year I could do 8, I think I am up to about 12-13 now, but I haven't pushed it lately. Once I go to 8 I was really happy though. I love chugging water, it is something I have always done.
  3. Never, my Dr said no cream based soups, too high in calories, not enough protein.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Drinking in motion

    Just walk. That is the only way you are going to get relief from the gas pain. It isn't normal gas, it is the gas they use to raise your organs to make surgery easier. Just walk.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    How long till you hit GOAL Weight?

    Just read forums, you will get a better idea. The people that are going to answer are either going to be people that never got to goal and are complaining or you are going to get the people that are super responders to surgery and got to goal super fast. You won't get a realistic idea. If you need to lost 110 pounds and you lose normally, it is going to take you are year. If you are super responder to surgery, it might take you 6 months. You have zero information posted about yourself so it is impossible to guess.
  6. Walking is the only thing that works. The worst part of my recovery was when that gas hit my shoulder and stayed there for 2 days...
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars?

    12 grams of protein isn't meal replacement level of protein. Get the regular quest bars.
  8. They are useless for post-operative gas. It isn't even within your intestinal tract it is in your abdomen. I don't know why this Gas X myth keep persisting.
  9. The type of surgery wouldn't really matter. RNY recover is more complicated than Sleeve. As far as spicy foods, are you taking an antacid and a PPI? I had spicy food the whole time. At one month you can't really assess what you can and can't tolerate. I'm not really sure why you are eating chicken skin at this point anyway. Revisit it at 3 or 6 months. Most people don't dump, just like most people don't get GERD. If you already have GERD then choosing RNY over the Sleeve is a no brainer. Choosing based on dumping doesn't make sense because most people don't dump and even people that do dump, only dump early on. That is why its funny to see people choosing RNY hoping it will help their sweet tooth. I just read someone today who had RNY around the same time I had the sleeve that eats candy bars and drinks full sugar soda EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Healthy Eating on a budget

    @Sosewsue61 I just buy whatever meat is on sale that week. Sometimes I end up with things I normally wouldn't buy which is nice, then I have to find new ways to prepare it. Just eating meat and veggies is really cheap. The biggest issue is preventing waste, not the costs.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Stuck Feeling

    What you are experiencing is just from swelling, drink slow and drink constantly Also it is just a different feeling. I was trying to explain it to my friend the other day. When you have a normal size stomach, it goes off to the side and down, so things sit kind of to the lower left of your rib cage. With a sleeve, all of your stomach is just in the main part of your chest with your other organs, so you feel it more, because it is right by everything else. so if I am greedy and over eat, or my sleeve is just feeling tight that day it feels like a baby elephant is standing on my chest.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Any preparation tips while I wait for approval?

    Buy a food scale and start weighing all your food for proper portions (this is good for anyone, surgery or not). Track all your food and condiments, with an app, just find one you like.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Traveling soon after surgery

    That is not a long flight and you can walk. Also write the alphabet with your feet. Blood clots wouldn't be my concern, fatigue would. Get a skycap and get a ride through the airport, don't walk.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars?

    That is your answer. Also that is a pretty crappy program. I have a food plan that goes out for the first 6 months and then for life.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    1 week post op and NO FULL FEELING

    Mostly that applies to people with low pain tolerance, a lot of swelling and old age. The people with problems complain the most so they get to set the narrative. I never had an issue getting my fluids in. I had very little pain (stopped taking pain meds with 36 hours). I had to be able to eat and drink to be released from the hospital. You will not feel full on liquids. They go right through your stomach. This is an important thing to remember down the road, that end immediately post op liquids are no filling, so avoid drinking liquid calories. Also your nerves are disconnected so you can't really feel full even if you are. Be grateful you can nourish yourself without issues and focus on recovering.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars?

    When did your Dr tell you that you can have them?
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Still stuck!

    When is the last time you lost 3.5 pounds a week for over a month?
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    2 years post-op and back on program

    Glad to see you are back on track. I think year 2/3 is a real test for most people. Good thing you caught your regain before it got out of control.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    MILKTHISTLE to help shrink the LIVER

    The 3-6 month month diet has nothing to do with shrinking your liver. You can shrink your liver in just a few days by not eating carbs. You don't need special tricks for WLS to work, and the sooner you detach yourself from that mentality the better. Your liver is what detoxes your body, it doesn't need to be detoxed.
  20. Are you sure it is gas? The only sharp pain I had post op was from drinking ice cold fluids, which felt like daggers. Do you have this issue with fluids of all temps? Also contact your Dr. You are supposed to be able to nourish yourself post-op.
  21. Since it is a family trait, I really don't want to lose it. My identity has shifted enough with weight loss I need to keep something. At this point even if I lose another 30 pounds, I am not worried they will go away, they are here to stay, LOL
  22. The amount of time you can eat only small amounts of food is very short. I know this before surgery, but you don't really know it until you have lived it. And you can chug water again. I was more sad about not being able to chug water than anything else and by 1 year I could chug down water again without taking a breath like a champ.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Loose Skin Suggestions

  24. OutsideMatchInside

    opinions on fruit?

    I was diabetic for years before surgery so I didn't eat fruit. I still don't eat fruit. The odd strawberry if it comes as a garnish with brunch, and a bite of pear at Christmas. I went without fruit for so long before of my diabetes it is not something I miss or even think about really. I already eat all day to get my protein in. I don't have the time or room to add in fruit, and it would have to be paired with a protein to make it work for my diet. http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/low-carb-fruit.html
  25. OutsideMatchInside


    @biginjapan Well, some people are #$%^&%$#. I'm not sure what are you are but the older men get, the more grateful they are. LOL

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