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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside


    Burning a lot of fat can make your Cholesterol artificially high. Mine is high but my Dr understands why and isn't putting me on meds for it.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Periods and food

    I just indulge myself but with options of things I like. I might add an extra meal. I might eat quest chips. I might have a protein bar. I have days not just when I am on my period or about to start where I am hungrier than normal. I did this so I could lose weight without feeling deprived, that was the big lure of WLS to me. I don't deprive myself, and extra 3 or 4 ounces of meat is not going to throw off my plan.
  3. @Chris Lee Are you taking a PPI and antacids? There is no way you can be physically hungry at this point, it has to be acid. Your nerves in your stomach are not even reconnected.
  4. I started a little higher than you. Surgery day I was a tight 28, by the time I lost 70 pounds, I think I was a 24 or a 22, it gets kind of weird around that point because I changed and skipped sizes. I still didn't feel very different. I mean I know I had lost weight, and I was smaller but I was still morbidly obese and large to the rest of the world. Plus I was still shopping in the same stores. I don't think I really started feeling satisfied until about 100-110 pounds down. Even though physically I felt so much better before that mark health wise, looking at myself I couldn't see a lot of difference, not like what other people saw. Once I could wear like a regular size 18, not a plus size. I was a lot happier
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Thoughts and fears

    It is nice to see someone well informed. Don't tell you parents. You don't have to, it will make them stressed out and unhappy and add stress to your life. If you suffer from depression and take medicine for it then you need to discuss WLS with your Psychiatrist. WLS is very taxing mentally. You need a good therapist and a lot of support. The hormone dumping and all the changes your body goes through is really rough. Increased depression to the point of having suicidal thoughts is a real possibility. You only eat a limited amount of calories for a short period of time. You will have enough energy. You body will burn the fat is has for energy and the protein and other foods you eat will fuel you.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    One year post op!

    Keep up the good work! I don't usually see that many people that started where I did. Size wise we started about the same I was a tight uncomfortable 28 at Lane Bryant, and at 1 year I was in an 18/16.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?

    @funinthesun00 When I first started this and a long time ago before I ever had surgery. I thought surgery was just for extremely large people. People that were larger than I was, just like 500, 600 pound people. I still think that is the mindset of most people. Surgery is only for really extreme cases. Now after being in the WLS world for long, my opinion is completely different. I think people with low BMIs that keep yo-yo dieting should have medical intervention if needed. I think that catching obesity early before letting it get out of hand is important. If I only had 100, 120 pounds to lose I could already be done. I realized answering someones question on another forum that my boredom is coming from the fact the NSV and SV at this point are far and few between (I'm a normal size now). So it is just a lot of the same thing. Picking up a size 8 in a store isn't more thrilling than picking up a 10. Also as I go further down in sizes the more problems I have. My arms are too big for a lot of things that fit everywhere else. My waist is small, my boobs are huge, etc. I don't have a lot of interest in being a size 4 or a size 6 and that is the direction I am headed in. I don't really desire to lose more weight, I'm happy with my physical size, but I know being at a healthy BMI is really important, so I am going to have to keep going.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr. Nowzaradan guidelines-very confused!!!

    It is pretty easy. I was doing it most days by the 6 week mark. I was able to eat maybe 3 ounce of soft baked fish at that point. My program wants you off protein supplements and eating real food as soon as possible Eat Protein first at every meal. I don't eat American style breakfast foods for breakfast, not enough protein. 4 ounces of Cod is 20G of protein (3 ounces is 15) All meals/snacks are protein, with protein first. If you decide you have to have a minimum of 15g of protein per meal you can do it. At this point I am almost 2 years out and I don't have an issue with hitting 120 to 130 a day.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Is it just me or does anyone else have "hollow" days?

    @AGreenEyedWolf I work from home too and it is easy to eat all day, especially if you are bored. If I am bored in the afternoon and want to snack just because I am bored, I walk up the block and back. Just something short but it breaks up the day and makes me think. Looking at what and how you eat, basically everything you eat is a slider, which is why you have no restriction. If you were eating dense protein you wouldn't be able to eat so much and you would be more satisfied. I bet if you had a 4 ounce burger turkey or beef BY ITSELF you would feel a lot of restriction. That little stir fry you described, is a bad idea. You are mixing dense protein with vegetables and and kind of oil or fluids. You should eat the meat first, separately, then eat the veggies after you have eaten all the meat. Eating the veggies and the meat all together makes the meat softer and moister, it won't sit in your stomach as long. You are losing weight right now because you are freshly post-op. If you keep eating like this, it won't last. Especially when you are fully healed sometime after July. You need to correct this path before you go much further, while you still have as much restriction as possible.
  10. OutsideMatchInside


    This is the thing right here. Letting people play with their health on this product. It just isn't worth it. It is morally reprehensible that people keep recommending this to other people and I'm beyond annoyed with it at this point. I'm not "acting" like anything. If I sponsored a study and magically it proved that I was correct, wouldn't you be skeptical? You don't need a college degree for that, that is COMMON SENSE. I said that everyone who has been to college knows that a study doesn't count unless it is independent because verifiable, trustworthy and accurate sources are the basic corner stone of a college education. You can't pass English 101 without understanding and even HS and elementary school children are taught the same thing. It is basic education. This company is just taking advantage of people and it is immoral and unethical. Unless GenPro has been your sole source of nutrition for the past 4 years, your test results are meaningless. There would have to be a study over years that not only measure protein levels but also tracked muscle mass levels (to make sure the body is not leeching from itself to compensate for low protein). They are claiming they have perfected and achieve a new scientific advancement. If this was true it would be ground breaking and applied to many other products. Also how are we supposed to know you aren't new? Your blank profile isn't providing any information.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleepy after eating

    @James Marusek I discovered recently that my fav protein bars were under representing their sugar content. I haven't had this issue since I started eating meat again after Lent and gave up protein bars. Thanks again for your suggestion.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleepy after eating

    Recently I am noticing that I am sleepy often after eating. I just don't get how a tiny stomach can put me in a food coma. I'm also eating less overall right now for religious reasons so I am wondering if I just have more restriction now and this is causing it. It is a really odd feeling because it has been so long since it happened. Doesn't last that long. It could also just be coincidence. I am working longer hours to save for Plastics, and it could just be general exhaustion
  13. OutsideMatchInside


    If it was legit you would post it instead of being all cloak and dagger with it. I provided links to back up my opinion and you provided nothing. If you have legit links and really desire to help people from the kindness of your heart, share, here. This is an online DISCUSSION board, the whole point is to discuss. You knew this was going to be controversial, which is why you asked people to PM you. I don't get why you are acting shocked now.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Gastric sleeve and period

    Ask your Dr. Spotting is not uncommon. People that haven't had periods in years and thought they were done with menopause have had periods after WLS. Burning all that fat, releases hormones and things get wild.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr. Nowzaradan guidelines-very confused!!!

    Once your stomach is healed liquid protein is like water, it provides zero fullness or satisfaction. Going on a liquid diet for a long term person is useless and not utilizing their tool in the way it is intended. Eating dense protein, meats, tofu, beans whatever is always going to be better than liquids. Full longer, more satisfying, takes more time to eat, and people enjoy chewing.
  16. Once you can eat more with more variety it gets better. Everyone hates living on air.
  17. @FatPharm I just grabbed my book to check. Nothing is said about fats except they are essential part of a diet. Nothing about excluding butter and nothing about using sprays. At 10 days post op I was still on full liquids. I didn't start soft foods until week 3. My program doesn't do "stages", just weeks and months. I have a shopping list for each week, and suggested meals. @Sosewsue61 Where are you getting trigger fish in Illinois?
  18. OutsideMatchInside


    The only study is the one they sponsored, and they are also being sued over it. First lets start with that hilarious thread from the body builders forum, where their attorney showed up... https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=162454451 Then their sponsored study (it doesn't count if it isn't independent, everyone with a college education knows that) https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02919657 The lawsuit https://www.law360.com/articles/865678/protein-powder-maker-accuses-rival-of-false-advertising If they could really do this, NASA would be beating down their door and Elon Musk would have purchased the company. They are just taking advantage of the fact most people suck at science and math. @Sherrie Scharbrough If these studies were so great or you were a real person, people wouldn't have to PM you for the information, you would just post it.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr. Nowzaradan guidelines-very confused!!!

    That isn't his real plan though at all. That is the most hilarious part about it. He has one of the strictest plans, even limiting veggies. It is posted NO WHERE and his patients don't even follow it.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr. Nowzaradan guidelines-very confused!!!

    My surgeon is well a surgeon, at a center of excellence, and the food program looks NOTHING like that food program posted on his website. The food plan on his website is a generic food plan based off the food pyramid, AKA the food plan that has everyone in America fat. http://www.drnowmd.com/hos/Pages/OutreachPages/Nutrition.html That isn't a real bariatric post-op plan at all. In the years that I have read here, people ask this question over and over about his post op plan. I have never seen anyone that used him ever respond. They do on another forum that I am on and if you do a google search you can find his patients on another forum. The most hilarious thing about it, his patients are posting on forums asking what they should be eating just like 90% of other WLS patients. Did you know his immediate post-op plan is not to have protein shakes, and that people should be getting all their protein from food? That isn't even possible. He doesn't have a magic weight loss plan. Just eat dense protein. Have your BMR/RMR tested so you know how many calories you are burning each day as a baseline. ETA: Amazon reviews of his book. https://www.amazon.com/Last-Chance-Live-Younan-Nowzaradan/product-reviews/0997225203/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_paging_btm_2?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&sortBy=recent&pageNumber=2
  21. Tilapia is pretty much the worst fish you can buy. If you don't like fish, the strong fish flavor and scent of Cod is going to turn you off. Perch bakes perfectly and is a good place to start. Everything tastes good with enough butter. The first 3 months post-op I basically ate nothing but baked fish. So yeah if you can enjoy fish, fish is a really good way to go. Easy to digest, lots of protein, low calories. Just don't try to force yourself into things you don't like you will just feel miserable and deprived and that isn't how you want to feel.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Dr. Nowzaradan guidelines-very confused!!!

    Most of them don't have good results though and their diets are terrible. Eat dense protein.
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    Mine went like that. Boom! The longer it stays in the low range, the more you can see your body repairing itself. It is really amazing.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Recovery timeline?

    It depends. Do you have a high pain tolerance? I was able to quit my meds when I got home (within 36 hours) and drive. I think you will be fine at the tournament if you can sit most of the time and its not too hot. It is just really hard to say yes or no because everyone is different. I had very little pain, and since I live alone I was back doing things quickly. Everyone is different though. Just make sure you walk as much as you can as soon as you wake up from surgery, it makes everything easier.
  25. I love water too, and I have always drank it very fast. I grew up in a town where the tap water is delicious, so I guess that helped.

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