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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. With the reflux RNY is your only option. Sleeve is not an option for you.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Adding protein to veggie dishes without the bulk?

    I eat my veggies as their own separate meal. They are usually my afternoon or after dinner "snack". I don't eat veggies with my meat because if I do either they take up too much space, or they make my dense protein not as dense and I am not full for as long. I think an unflavored protein powder could work with a stir fry but you could have to be really careful with the temp so it doesn't clump or curdle. One of the reasons I enjoy eating them alone is because I can eat them in a large quantity.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Do you tell a new partner about loose skin?

    Men never admit they have small penises up front or say anything about their shortcomings when naked. Why should I handicap myself when men don't. I've never had a man be like oh girl let me warn you, I don't have a 6 pack! I don't disclose anything about loose skin and no one has ever commented on it once. I don't hide the fact I have lost weight, but men I date don't even ask me about it or care. They know I'm active. I've lost a lot of weight. Even though I look good in clothes, you can look at me and tell I used to be fat. The arms are a dead give away. They already know what they are getting into before I take my clothes off.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Cloud bread

    Less fat means more carbs, it isn't really worth lowering the fat for cloud bread. You really aren't getting that much of it per serving anyway.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Metabolic Syndrome?

    @PatientEleventyBillion is right. It is like an umbrella term for a lot of things going wrong. It is just a blanket term for being fat is slowly killing you, although everyone with metabolic syndrome isn't fat most people are unless they have some seriously screwed genetics. That being said dropping weight completely reversed all my metabolic issues.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Cloud bread

    As long as you are hitting your protein and calorie goals. I mean some programs are going to say no to full fat dairy, but eating it is really up to you. I eat full fat cream cheese as a desert/snack. I haven't made cloud bread because I am too lazy to beat the egg whites, even with a mixer.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Skin Or Fat

    The answer to this is yes for the most part he is right. If you have hanging skin and it has fat in it, losing more weight isn't going to fix the skin. It is still going to hang and just be empty. Losing more weight won't fix the skin. However, if you still want to lose weight, it is better to wait until you have lost to the weight you want and then have surgery. Only because if you have surgery before and then lose more you will have more loose skin and want a revision. Unless the skin is causing you physical pain, it is better to wait until your weight has bottomed out and you have been at the same weight for a while.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    One year post op!

    @Megall9 I was 358 on the day of surgery. I'm really excited to see someone in my same range. I am wishing you lots of luck, you seem right on track.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Gained 5 lbs @ 12 weeks

    Why did you increase your carbs? Glycogen in your liver and cells, creating water weight after coming off low carbing. That is your weight gain right there. Increase your protein and try to keep your carbs at 25, max 50. That is pretty easy to do. Meat and green veggies, that is all you should be eating, and the odd protein shake if you are running low on protein for the day.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Not gas a leak

    @carlita42 Keep us up to date. I am wishing you a speedy recovery. Keep your spirits up.
  11. I always thought I had a big head because I had trouble with hats and stuff, but I just had a fat head. I wear wigs post-op and now when I measure my head, I need a small cap wig, down from a large. I can wear a wig and a hat and still have room, and I had issues with just hats before. When you lose weight you lose it all over and it balances out. The one annoying thing is that you might lose more in one place at a certain point but then it will drop in the other places. The one thing that helped me accept my size and that I was no longer plus size was taking my measurements and comparing them to size charts online. I did it every week for months. It helped me accept that I was really not plus sized anymore. I also tried clothes on every week even if I didn't buy anything that helped a lot too. Still shopping plus size has a lot to do with comfort levels and what you are used to than body dysmorphia. It took me a ton of time and trial and error to find stores and brands I like now and I am still learning. I still see a fat person in the mirror because unlike you, I have a ton of loose skin. If I could have my loose skin removed today I would drop about 20 pounds easily. Just keep working on accepting your size, it takes time. And most people have no experience with it,so they don't understand. A large frame is a technical term, big boned is not and it is a myth and a lie. I have a large frame, I have long bony thin feet now, I wear a size 10, I have longer fingers and big hands alone with a wide shoulders and a big rib cage. I'm still not effing big boned. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/imagepages/17182.htm I'm 5'5/5'6 and I have a 6.75/7 inch wrist (It used to be 8.75). That still isn't an excuse to be obese. It just means I can look smaller while weighing more.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Not gas a leak

    @carlita42 I'm glad you called your surgeon and went to the ER. I would also ask why you need RNY to fix a leaked sleeve? Most of the time they just don't let you eat and the leaks heal on their own when you have a leak that early. Plus your stomach is gone, at this point it isn't RNY, it is a DS. Did you have a post-op swollow test in the hospital, a barium swallow test?
  13. A healthy weight might sound skinny to yourself or to other people that already think you are small enough. Everyone I know thinks I am small enough. You can see my collar bones, they pop like crazy, all the veins in my neck (never had a fat neck anyway).I wear a 10, sometimes an 8 and I have an hourglass figure. It looks really good, but a healthier weight would be a better weight. I had like an hour long conversation with a friend of mine the other day that thinks I am small enough and losing another 30 pounds is unnecessary and ridiculous. When people look at my they don't think I weight around 190 pounds, I look like I weigh probably 160/170, because I have more muscle than most from years of obesity. I'm literally 1/2 the person I used to be. I get why it seems like I am small enough to them. I however know the difference that carrying a few extra pounds can make in how you feel and I don't want to carry any extra weight. Plus is I ever get injured and can't be active I am so close to 200, that I could be right back over 200 in a couple months of bad choices and I never want to see that 2 on a scale again. Your goal is your goal, no one else has to live in your body but you. I do understand how people telling you are skinny can make you feel, but you have to do what is best for you. I am very conscious of the fact a lot of people develop eating disorders and body dysmorphia after surgery so I do pay attention to what some of my health conscious thin friends say just in case I am getting off track, but I'm not interested in the opinions of fat people, they are too skewed.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Vitamin Intake

    I didn't have problems. I just stopped taking chewables and took a gel cap vitamin that I like.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Regret, full feeling, satisfaction

    Once you are used to smaller portions. Eating some things are going to feel like a feast. 4 ounces of a dense meat, will make you very full and you will be satisfied on much less. I understand missing eating large amounts, I had a phase like that around 9 months. So I started eating a bag of baby spinach every afternoon. It was okay for like a week, but I got bored with eating large quantities. Just not really necessary. So if you want to eat a lot there are plenty of option of things you can eat large portions of like veggies and stay on plan. Hopefully you will find you just don't want to. Everyone misses food when they aren't really eating much. Once more of your swelling has gone down and you have more options, these feelings will fade.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    You go from maxipads never being large enough for your panties, to them being too large
  17. I have been struggling with this off and on. A few different things can make it happen. First it is really easy for me not to eat, I don't have physical hunger really still, at almost 2 years, so I can go long stretches of time without eating if I don't track diligently (which is why I track). If I don't eat enough calories I get faint. My blood pressure is low now after surgery. So if I don't keep my fluids high, it will get even lower, and I get dizzy. If I am standing and I overheat. I don't really sweat anymore, which is oddly annoying. I go from a normal temp to hot and I don't sweat to cool myself down. So if this happens, and it has happened at concerts and events, and even standing in line at a store. I get dizzy. http://ksi.uconn.edu/emergency-conditions/heat-illnesses/heat-syncope/ My heart is in better condition and under less stress so it doesn't beat as often per minute, see low blood pressure. Finally, I have battled with anemia my whole life. I had a period every 2 weeks for a year or more after surgery. That drained me. I have to take a lot of iron. So make sure you are eating enough, make sure you are staying well hydrated, and have your vitamin levels checked.
  18. @davina17 The difference is how much of the intestine is bypassed. Try a google search. DS is rarely done and there isn't a lot of information about it.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Need to hold in the jiggles!!

    @jwinters19 When you get smaller, the VS leggings and fabletics do a great job. Since you are still in plus sizes and losing... Danskin Compression leggings from Walmart perform very well, fit well and hold everything in. https://www.walmart.com/search/?cat_id=0&facet=clothing_size%3A2XL&query=danskin+compression+leggings&typeahead=danskin+compression#searchProductResult You want high waist and since you are still losing, order down a size from what you wear right now, so they last you longer. They have stretch and snapback so if they have to work a little harder at first it will be okay. I always get high waist leggings for maximum control.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Struggling to lose

    My Dr said the first 6 weeks post-op are for healing not losing weight.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Quest chips

    I love the salt and vinegar. I like them because I can keep them in the trunk of my car for emergencies. The only issue with them is, they don't do anything for hunger really, because they are chips and are a slider.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Finding myself

    The reason why I said not to take any meds is not because I am against them. It won't help with the gross hormonal imbalance created by dropping a ton of weight. My gyno wouldn't even give me anything hormonal because you can't balance out this kind of hormonal imbalance. Even when I cried in her office begging for help, she passed me tissues and patiently explained why it would not work. It is the same medical reason my Dr won't put me on high cholesterol medicine. It won't lower my cholesterol because it is high because of burning a tremendous amount of fat in a short time. Also meds are not going to help you with an identity crisis and major life upheaval. Situational depression/anxiety cannot be cured with meds, you have to work through it. If OP wants meds, she can go and try and find a Dr to give her some, no one reputable will if they know her full medical history. I'm lucky enough to live in an area with good medical care and I specifically choose young Drs that keep up on current medicine. Everyone isn't that lucky. @bluebonz36 There are very few people in the world with a BMI over 60 (Started at around 61 and you started around 64). Even fewer that ever lose any considerable amount of weight. You and I are in a special, different class. People are not going to understand what you are going through, they will not understand the changes to your body. Few doctors and medical professionals will understand. The more weight you lose the more of a unicorn you will be. Like I said in my first post on this page. Even the WLS community is mostly useless to me. My journey is fairly singular and it has been incredibly lonely. I don't know anyone that came from where I came from and is where I am now. So when someone who has a starting BMI of 40 or below tries to give you a lecture about post-op life and how your body is working , take it with a grain of salt. They have no clue.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Can I drink a smoothie?

    What kind of smoothie? Nutritional value? Ingredients?
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Beans- the magical fruit?

    I never liked them pre-op so I was unwilling to try them post-op. You are eating so little when you are on soft foods, I don't think it even matters.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?

    @Julie norton Thanks. I am looking forward to building my wardrobe again. I had 3 closets bursting at the seams full of clothes before WLS. I had several winter coats in varying length and materials. hundreds of shoes *sigh* All gone. I want to get stable so I can start rebuilding my life and it just feels like it is taking forever.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
