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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. I was on regular food at 2 weeks, but in stages. I have a complete grocery list for each week until week 6 and then I have other guidelines. I have different stages things I can add each week. I wasn't allowed steak or pork chops until 6 months. I would put real roast beef not deli meat in the same category with steak.
  2. Today I did an experiment and ate my veggies, well it was mushrooms which aren't really veggies with my meat. The result was the same as when I eat salads out. Protein didn't sit in my stomach as long, and I wasn't full/satisfied as long. Going to stick with eating my veggies separate 

    1. TheRealMeIsHere!


      I realized the same thing! Lunch used to be a nice salad with lean protein. I was hungry shortly after. If I eat protein only, I'm satisfied for hours. Then non-starchy veggies for snacks.

    2. saraanne1981


      How much protein specifically chicken can y'all eat at 1 time? I never though of eating this way!!!

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      I don't eat chicken really. I don't buy it for home. I will have chikfila nuggets when I am out and sometimes I will get wing stop. Chicken is too dry for me. I don't have a good number of ounces maybe 3? I dunno I see chicken as mainly a waste of time. If I like thighs my opinion might be different.

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  3. Real roast beef is too tough for a fresh sleeve, eating stuff like that makes your sleeve work over time and it can twist. Google twisted sleeve. That is one of those complications that does show up until later on, but your actions now can create complications later on. Post-op diet is a prescription to prevent complications, this is a serious diet, not a time to experiment, you have the rest of your life for that, control yourself for 3 to 6 months. Your life is worth it.
  4. OutsideMatchInside


    Nope, surgery is really short.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling uglier

    If you are going to online date. Just use Tinder. That way there are no misses. You can only talk to people that match with you, so fewer hurt feelings Also most men suck at taking pictures. If you have a niece or younger sister, have them take pictures for you. Online dating is all about looks. People don't get a chance to know you first so personality doesn't mean anything.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Need advice!

    Just eat protein and veggies. Don't you have a plan from your Dr? Follow it. Not like a diet, but like a prescription that your life depends on.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    1.5 years post op

    I'm 22 months post op. My way of eating/plan is different than yours. I don't do intense workouts, I walk a couple miles or so every day. I rarely hit my fat goal, I always hit my protein goal, I rarely get up to 25G of net carbs on a normal day. I've had a minimum 90g of protein every day since day 2 of surgery. I'm losing slower on purpose. The really rapid weight loss for months on end was doing a real number on my body and causing a lot of hormonal and emotional issues. You body will cling to fat if it is not getting enough nutrients. Since you don't have your start weight, current weight or goal provided it is hard to offer advice. How much weight have you lost per month the first 12 months and how much per month after 18 months. Off hand I would say you need more calories and protein. If you wanted to drop faster as a kick start you could drop your carbs to 20g. Do you weigh and track all of your food?
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    vyvanse to reduce binge eating?

    Use Google search. Someone else on another WLS forum not this one, has had good success with it.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Am I doing something wrong?

    I only lost 7 pounds on my pre-op diet and I was a lot larger than all of you. It was hot in the summer and it was a miracle I lost anything because I was bloated. The point is to shrink your liver to make surgery easier, not rapid weight loss. Stick to the program and good luck with surgery.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Not going to apologize for being vain

    I definitely didn't start because of vanity. Vanity allowed me to think I looked perfectly fine before surgery. I was happy with how I looked. If I started for vanity and vanity was my motivation, I would have quit at 100/120 pounds. I was insanely curvy with a small waist and a lot of curves, with limited loose skin. At a certain point though, there is nothing left but vanity to keep you motivated. I solved my health issues losing the first 60 or 70 pounds. The desire to beat the odds, and just see how small I could get kept me going further. Vanity and more so pride I think can be insurance against regain.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Help! I ate a whole Pizza. How??

    I'm still amazing that people treat the post-op diet like any other diet. It is a Dr prescribed diet to limit complications. Telling someone that is risking their life and healthy to seek therapy isn't a bad idea. They are already obviously desperate and reaching out for help if they are posting on the internet. Just because someone suggests you seek therapy, doesn't mean you have to, but a lot of people are not even aware OA exists and it can help a lot of people. Hell just reading the OA book can be helpful. People still treat WLS post-op like it is just any other diet and it isn't. If someone had heart surgery you wouldn't tell them to ignore Dr orders.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    When I wear my keys around my neck to walk the dog. I don't have to lean into the door anymore. I have plenty of room because my stomach isn't in the way anymore.
  13. I missed it a lot. I used to start my day every day guzzling 16 ounces of water after I brushed my teeth. I can't quite drink 16 without taking a breathe like I used to but I can do about 12. Give it time
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone gone from Lap Band to Sleeve?

    There is a whole foum dedicated to it. https://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/394-band-to-gastric-sleeve-revisions/
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Mother's Day post-op meal ideas

    Baked fish Shrimp scampi
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Weird periods?

    It sucks also because I either gain 5 pounds with my period or stall. So it made it seem like my weight loss was slower than it was. I had breakouts too. I went to get derm and got pills for those, they have helped so much. The pills also help with hair loss.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    High cholesterol post 4 months

    i took them for a week and could not function at all. They made me so sleepy. I was passing out in the middle of the afternoon. Between those and blood pressure meds, it would be basically zero life quality. Those meds are the main reason I picked surgery.
  18. I'm baking cookies for the first time in a really long time. I'll let you guys know how they turn out.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      I don't really like cauliflower based recipes. I made them all experimenting last year. I would rather use Bob's Red Mill Low Carb bake mix or something else than cauliflower. It is a lot of work for very little pay off.

    2. Sosewsue61


      LOL - I tried that cauliflower pizza crust...oh geez seriously awful!!!

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      It isn't bad, but it is a pain in the ass. Fat head pizza crust tastes way better and is a lot easier. There are a lot of recipes that just aren't worth the time for me to make as a single person. That is why I mostly just eat a piece of meat and veggies.

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  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Help! I ate a whole Pizza. How??

    @kimberb The moisture content of food really matters. if it has a lot of sauce and a thin crust, it is basically a puree once you chew and pretty easy to eat a whole pizza. Not to mention anyone can eat a whole pizza with enough time. It is really a lot easier than people think.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Weird periods?

    I had a period every 2 weeks for about 14 months. It started with them moving up, then it was every 2 weeks, and with spotting in between.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    High cholesterol post 4 months

    I have the same issue but my Dr knows it is because of my weight loss. No meds.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Help! I ate a whole Pizza. How??

    I mean you can basically eat whatever you want. I know I can eat a whole large thin crust if I wanted. The crust crumble to mush like crackers and I know that pizza toppings are a slider for me. It might take me a few hours but I could totally do it. You made a mistake one time, learn from it and don't do it again. Losing weight after WLS is all about the food choices you make post op. You can easily eat around any surgery. If you just follow people on IG, I suggest you stop, unless you are look for what no to do. I follow a lot of people on Instagram, their diets are bad, they lose weight in the beginning just because they are healing but they never get to goal or even close and they end up yo-yo dieting and worse.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    How long after VGS can u wear a Girdle

    It depends on how tight it is. First I think compression is great on your stomach after surgery,it supports your stomach making it easier to move and helps work the C02 gas out faster. The only problem with shape wear is it makes it harder to eat and drink. That compression compresses right on your stomach and is leaves even less room in a very compact and swollen space. It just depends. if you have one of the full body version you can unzip down the front when you eat you might be okay.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Metabolic Syndrome?

    I too had the dark neck. I had it so long I thought it was normal, but a Dr once told me it was a metabolic issue and because of my diabetes. When I lost weight it completely reversed and my neck is the same color as my chest, after being darker for at least 20 years. My "waist" was 66.5 before, I carried all most of my weight in my stomach and on top of the mucle, not below (which now I know is a really good thing). Currently my waist is 29 to 30.5 depending the day. I relieved a lot of my symptoms by low carbing off and on for over a decade but I could never lose enough weight to cure myself on my own.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    My journey is begining and a little rant

    I really like seeing someone switch doctors and take control of their healthcare. Medicine in America is a for profit business. If they can drag you through 6 months of visits and then do surgery when medical weight loss fails and they know it will fail. They get to double dio and milk your insurance. It is more cost effective for your insurance to get you to surgery as soon as possible. Congrats on the adoption. My grandparents adopted my mom in their 50s and I am so grateful they did. They had so much love to share. Older parents make wonderful parents. Thank you for adopting.

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