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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. I'm not sure if we can link to this site, but this calculator is pretty accurate when you use the in depth one. http://www.obesitycoverage.com/the-complete-patients-guide-to-bariatric-surgery/ The issue with weight loss is everyone is so different.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Tired of the comments

    Well at least you are talking to your face and not behind you back. I want to lose 20-25 more pounds so people can gossip about me and say I am on drugs or something People have no idea what normal looks like. When I watch old movies I realize how fat everyone is.
  3. Yes, no fine dining establishment has a kids menu. That isn't to be mean or condescending that is just fact. Only on the internet is plain English condescending. They don't expect or want children there. Some places are just for adults. This is like getting angry because I said there is no kids menu at the strip club...
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    3 months post op hungry

    I'd keep taking the prilosec, Don't be like me, lol. There is no harm in taking it for 6 to 9 months and a lot to not taking it. Just because you don't feel GERD issues doesn't mean you aren't producing excess acid. If you can eat food at other meals, eat food at all meals. Give up the protein shakes, and yogurt is just a slider. Eat ral potein as much as possible.
  5. Well no nice restaurant has a kids menu because nice restaurants do not expect children to be dining during dinner hours. If you are at an actual upscale restaurant, the portions are normal to small anyway, so unless you are under 6 months post-op needing a smaller portion is a non issue. Only fast casual and family restaurants have kids menus. I understand restaurant table turnover and I feel like if I enjoy and establishment and want them to be around I should support them. Margins in food are razor thin. Also even though I might not order a full tab, I still tip my server like I did. Although now at this point post-op is a non issue, I can order like a normal person.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Filled Up! 8 weeks post op

    My experience early on was I had to eat solid food all the time or my sleeve would swell more and restrict. So once I started on food all my meals were food not protein shakes. I would have a protein shake in between if running low on protein but that was it. My experience is still, if I don't eat protein (I have been sick a few times not WLS related) and just have fluids because I don't feel like cooking or eating. My restriction is tight a drum. My sleeve has a use it or lose it attitude. Also 2 bites is a useless metric. How many ounces or grams is that?
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I didn't date at 1 month post-op, I would actually suggest people wait until they are over a year post-op but I understand hormones make that hard to do. If you wait longer you can eat more and there is nothing to explain about your eating habits. The idea in dating is to find a match. You shouldn't have to lead someone by the nose to get them to like what you like. OP do you have in your dating profile that you are active and you like to do active things? I had that in my profile and it helped weed out a lot of guys. Most of the guys I met are high energy and active like me. If they aren't they can't really fake it, although some try.
  8. A lot of times people don't come back to a thread but you can click on their name, see their activity and see if they are posting at all. You can follow people like that.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I kind of judge guys on the kinds of dates they take me on. If I'm not asking, I shouldn't have to plan. If a guy can't come up with a good date that allows me to actually get to know him and he isn't trying to impress me, there is no future in the relationship. I'm saying it like that because I want someone that is active and likes doing activities and doesn't plan dates that revolve around meals, which is boring to me. I was like this with dating before surgery. I want to do an activity so I can make a judgement on their personality. Dinner is too easy/boring. Anyway, I like concerts and outdoor events. I get to evaluate how they act in public, how they react to crowds, if they will protect me and treat me like a lady, how good they are with parking and other things. Basically I can see how the act under slight pressure, early on, without having to date them and waste my time. Also you kind of can't plan a date for a man because you don't know their finances. How creative they are with a date tells you a lot about them.
  10. If you want something with a crunch, Quest Protein chips.
  11. What does your daily food log look like?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    BCBS 6 mos diet requirement & comorbidity questions

    It is hard because they make it that way on purpose. Obese people are still a group of people that it is okay to discriminate against. A lot of WLS programs make people jump through pre-op hoops to prove they are "worthy" or surgery and will be compliant hoping it will lower post-op complications. In the past insurance has made it difficult for people to get approved because they thought WLS was expensive. Now with Diabetes increasing and the cost of diabetes being so expensive, a few years ago a lot of insurance companies eased the path to WLS because it is more cost effective for them to get people to surgery ASAP. I got my ball rolling my BCBS by calling them, verifying my coverage. Finding a Blue Center of excellence, and going there for the seminar. Going through my normal Drs was absolutely useless. I went to the Bariatric program and then they told me what I needed from everyone else, and I just hounded everyone to get what I wanted as fast as possible. So I went from first visit to surgery in 8 weeks. ETA: I read your prior post, which you wrote while I was writing my post. That sucks but you need to get rolling on this 6 months ASAP if you want to have surgery this calendar year. The year is already almost 1/2 over.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    BCBS 6 mos diet requirement & comorbidity questions

    A lot of times it isn't insurance that requires it but the program. Your BMI is high enough that insurance probably wouldn't require 6 months. I would call the insurance company and verify the coverage with them to be sure.
  14. I have one. I have never used it. I'm an adult, sitting at a restaurant taking up the time and space that another paying customer could be taking up. It is bad enough I don't drink alcohol, I'm not going to short them on the food profit too. Almost everything on the average kids menu in america is trash I wouldn't even fee my dog let alone eat myself or give to a kid. Chicken nuggets, Mac and Cheese and other crap. Kids are as fat as everyone else, actually fatter, their menus are awful and contain nothing a post-op patient should be eating. You are better off just ordering appetizers or a light plate.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    First mini-goal - before and after

    You look really small at 208 and 5'4!!!!! Congrats! What size dress are you in?
  16. I'm glad you are getting out of this crappy marriage. The text message made the end a lot faster so I would be grateful for it. It seems like you were willing to go on with the emotional abuse for a long time. If you look good and don't have any kids, men are all on you. You will have a new man before you know it. If you want one.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling uglier

    Because men have never been known to be shallow or picky. What a glorious time to be alive.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Surgery in late afternoon?

    It is not that hard. I did not check into the hospital until Noon, and I think my surgery was at like 2 pm or something. I chugged water for like 3 hours before midnight the night before. Went to a midnight movie, slept late. Once you are at the hospital, so much is going on, you won't care about drinking. Plus they start and IV long before your surgery, you won't be thirsty. Plus the though of aspirating on the table and choking or getting fluid in your lungs is deterrent enough not to drink.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    36 but felt like 63...

    Good for you keep going! You are their example of womanhood so be the best woman you can be!
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Staying on track on European vacation

    I have not been to Europe since surgery, but the food is not really that different. In general they cook healthier with less sugar. You can always order a sandwich and just eat the meat and cheese. If you can access a grocery store, you should be able to find protein shakes and bars, that is fairly universal. If you can eat out in America and make good choices you can eat out in Europe and make good choices. It is all about knowwing your plan and knowing how to order and what to avoid. Should be easy.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Calories and macro nutrients

    When did you have surgery?
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    What my post-op diet from my book looks like...

    If you have a plan from your Dr, obviously you should follow that plan. If you don't have a plan from your Dr, hopefully this helps. I went to a Center of Excellence. I have a 66 page book outlining what to eat, what supplements to take, and what medicines to never take. It outlines how to order at restaurants and what to get. In addition to this extensive booklet I was provided a lot of other pamphlets and handouts on what to do and what not to do. In addition I was give a bariatric plate (never used it tossed it recently), measure cups, measuring spoons, water bottles (I never used any of it and tossed it all, but still I had it). If you are in the process of choosing a program, and they don't offer this kind of support, I strongly urge you to keep looking. This is a huge investment of time and money, even if you are covered by insurance (my surgery was covered 100%), it should be supported by the program and staff with a glut of information. There should be no guessing about what and how to eat.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What my post-op diet from my book looks like...

    Week 6 to 6 months and beyond.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    What my post-op diet from my book looks like...

    Actual weekly instructions Weeks 1 and 2

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