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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    When you reply you aren't interested they either tell you off or argue with you. It is safer to just not respond. I told several guys I wasn't interested because they had small children and they tried to convince me it wouldn't be an issue. I don't even want to date a dude with a cat let alone a kid. Not interested. Nothing wrong with it but "It's a no from me, dawg". I met a dude for coffee over a year ago, told him I wasn't interested and he is still randomly calling and text me from different numbers. It is better to say nothing and block them than take the chance on gaining their wrath. Men have no idea how dangerous dating is for women.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone around Rockford Illinois

    Why not Chicago or Springfield?
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    How much you can eat ?

    In one of the videos on the Blossom Bariatric YouTube they talked about a person that ate a 6 or a 12 inch sub as soon as they were discharged. There isn't enough variation in sleeves to account for how some people eat. Some of it is high pain tolerance, some of it is just stretching a meal over some time, and some of it is just flat out food addiction. I have a lot of restriction but I can eat a lot, if I want to. You learn how to eat around your sleeve I just choose not to.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Maintainance portions

    I have a portable scale I keep in my purse. sometimes if I can get away with it without people noticing I weigh things. The thing about restaurants is they have to portion control for profits, so if you ask them they can tell you hour many ounces something is. I ask questions all the time and I just make sure I tip well. Also if you can look menus up online you can get the portions.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    Do you play Warcraft or any online games? You could make friends like that and meet someone
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I know where I live women in my age group with no kids are rare, but seriously I can't be all that special. I've dated 2 College Professors, several business men (one owns a chain of sports bars locally), and a couple attorneys. All varying levels of fun. I met them all on Tinder. All of their credentials verified, none were frauds or creeps. Tinder has more confident people since it is all picture based and it has more "real" people since you have to link it to facebook. I'm sure there are lots of people looking for hookups but I haven't came across them, they are pretty easy to weed out just swiping left or right on first impression. You can tell a dude that is just looking for some. POF is full of losers. I've never done Match, I'm not looking to get married and guys on Match or more serious. e harmony just seems lame. Tinder has the most men, because you don't really have to make a profile, so it makes sense to go there. Thanks to OKPirate for that tip. Compliments don't get my attention that much, because men always compliment. I like the guys that read my profile, understand what kind of music I like. And ask me out. I'm not will to text or have long drawn out conversations on an app. If they don't have time to go out soon, then it is just a waste of time. That is another quick and easy way to weed out who is serious. If they aren't asking about your availability they are probably married and bored or involved and just looking for someone to talk to while they are at work. A guy with a successful career doesn't have time to chat you up on an app for hours. I want to use the internet as a fast track to meeting people, not for actual online dating. I'm not trying to end up on Catfish.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    High quality men are rare in most areas of the country due to a bad economy and increased drug use. So an employed educated man is highly sought after. They have the advantage in dating. Plus just sheer numbers, women out number men, men have their pick. Also if you are really 6 feet tall, you have it made, women will put up with a lot from a tall man.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    You need to meet someone in person, that has similar interests so they can get to know you as a person. If you are really shy have someone set you up. Men have the advantage in dating, when you realize that, your dating life will improve vastly.
  10. Hmm.. I dunno. I am just going to share my experience. I don't follow a regular exercise program, mainly because high intensity exercises stress my body out and it clings to weight. I do walk daily, I do yoga randomly, and I do weights and squats randomly. I don't follow any formal exercise. My chart estimates for 24 months post-op... I am 22 months as of yesterday. I was 208 exactly on my 15 month anniversary. So I was in the top 20% of sleeve losers at month 15 not month 24. So far I have exceed all goals. I think for me the biggest thing is my sleeve prevents me from feeling deprived. I was a low carber to control my diabetes long before surgery so eating low carb isn't some punishment to me. Low carb was a life saver for me that prevented me from going on insulin. The fact I can low carb now, without feeling deprived and feeling full seems like a miracle and a blessing I am grateful for every day. People that feel like they are deprived from things they love seem to really struggle all the time with making the correct food choices. I don't have that issue. Making the right food choices is easy and very natural for me. I'm going to start some kind of formal exercise program soon in addition to my walking because I really want to lose another 20 pounds and it isn't going to happen with any speed without me trying a little harder So I am going to try exercising because my food isn't an issue. I might find that I have bottomed out and my body just doesn't wan to lose anymore, I haven't weighed this weight in about 24 years so my body might just think this is good enough. My opinion is exercise is necessary for fitness and overall health, and long term weight maintenance but not necessary for weight loss. If vigorous exercise makes you hungry, it is counter productive to losing weight. Here is something else interesting about that calculator. This is the 12 month prediction... This is the 18 month prediction... Notice that between months 18 and 24 they expect you start regaining, you bottom out at 18 and start bouncing up. I have lost about 5 pounds since month 18 (and a dress size), no regain. My observation from reading this and other forums, is this is pretty accurate. Most people that had surgery when I did are regaining and struggling with food. I'm still losing, slowly with little effort. I have been kind of doing maintenance calories for a while because I wanted a break but I still ended up losing That was a long post just to say I think your attitude about your post-op diet has the biggest effect on your success rate. Weighing and tracking everything you eat would be number 2.
  11. I don't see any copyright on this so I am going to share it. A lot of this I didn't eat personally beacuse I was a diabetic and most of this has too many carbs for a diabetic and even pre-op I controlled my diabetes by controlling my carbs. Still this is what my program offered as a post-op diet. Hopefully it can help someone that has no diet to follow. First Shopping lists.
  12. At first I did walking, it wasn't even emotional eating, just boredom. Its a non issue now. Before I had surgery I removed all the high stress people and situation from life since since it has been
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    How much you can eat ?

    I'm almost 2 years out, if I eat 5 wings I am stuffed for hours, and I mean 5 like drummettes, and I don't even clean them. There is no way I could eat that and Pizza. AT 3 MONTHS?!?!?!?
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Maintainance portions

    Weigh all your food and eat proper portion sizes. Don't guess on how much food weighs, weigh it. If you do that always and don't depend on restriction to set your food sizes you will never over eat.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    NSV shout outs

    Today I was able to pick some clothes out and just buy them without trying them on. This was really huge for me, but I have a really hard time accepting I am an 8/10 and I always have to try things on first to convince myself they will really fit. Well today I took a leap, believed I am the size that I am, and they fit! Logically I know they should fit but it has been a really hard thing for me to accept. Being able to accept that I am really this size and it isn't a dream or a delusion is a massive NSV for me (even though I have been this size for a couple months now).
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I miss living in Chicago (I never had dudes taking me on whack dinner dates then either, even when I was a whale, too much to do in the City), but even the smaller city I live in has plays and all kinds of events that range from free to still really cheap. A fun guy is going to take you on a fun date. A dinner date is about the most boring date you can go on. When I met the right guy. I told him I was into being healthy and active. Since I don't look my age (thanks sleeve for knocking 12 years off me at least), when I say I am into health and fitness people believe me. When he cooks for us or we go out, he makes sure their are healthy options for me. I told him I low carb, almost everyone in my generation has low carbed at some point so it isn't a mystery what people eat or how it works. I don't drink and he doesn't either. So there are no weird convos about alcohol. We go to sports bars and order coffee I don't eat a lot at once but I eat literally all day. Eating small amounts all day pretty much deads any convos about how little you eat when you are eating every 2 hours. The whole point in dating is finding someone who is you match. Some dude that wants to go to TGI Fridays and hit a movie isn't a good match for me, but someone else would love to have him, and they should.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    How much you can eat ?

    Seems totally normal to me.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    St. Louis MO Support Group

    @BigTink2LilTink Looks like you just missed out
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    Well if they are asking me out, I assume they want to spend time with me. If they don't then that is fine too, my dog is better company than most people and better dressed. The kind of men I date aren't the kind of men that don't take charge. If you can't tell by my posting style, I'm pretty aggressive. I need someone more aggressive than me or I will be bored. I work for my self and have for a very long time and I usually date men on that same level, and that comes with a certain personality. I get that you are disappointed in your dating life and having a hard time, but I'm not going to be your online punching bag because you are bitter you can't get a date.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    MO - St. Louis

    Go ahead
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone ketogenic?

    I have since about 6 months post-op. I eat more stuff that is not strict Keto, but low carb a couple days a week, but on a daily basis, I am Keto. I low carbed for about 6 years before surgery to control my diabetes without insulin, so this isn't a new thing to me. I don't really associate with a post-op surgery life, but with being healthy and my body running at optimal levels. Combining Keto with WLS though, is so easy and delicious it seems like cheating If I followed a normal bariatric post-op diet. I am pretty sure I would have bottomed out in the 240-250 range. Just make sure you don't follow it blindly. Use a calculator to set your Macros and weight/measure all your food and track it.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    How much you can eat ?

    That is healing, congrats. That seems pretty normal. I have no idea what size the chicken sausage links are though. The ones at Trader Joes and Sam's are bigger than hot dogs. How many ounces/grams are you eating at once? And how long does it take you to eat it.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    MO - St. Louis

    Someone made a thread on here, I haven't seen it in a while, it was late fall early winter.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    MO - St. Louis

    I don't think they meet in Collinsville anymore but someone had started a new group that met at STL public library. They always met on days I had work deadlines and had to work late, so I could never make it.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    If I have to plan a date, I can just make a date with my friends, people that I actually know and I already like. Instead of leading a middle aged man by the nose. I expect to be courted or it isn't worth my time. Think dating one month post-op you are creating a lot of your own problems. If you waited until 6 months, you could eat enough what you eat or don't eat on a date would be a non-issue. Men are used to women not eating a lot on dates, especially first dates.

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