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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. Well for one, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. It isn't like people can go cold turkey with a food addiction, you have to eat to live. RNY should make it harder for you to eat around your surgery for a while, but you still can eat around your surgery. I thought for a little while that I wouldn't be successful because the weight wasn't coming off fast enough, (looking back that was completely ridiculous), but I am doing pretty good. I won't consider myself a success until I have stayed under 200 pounds for 5 years but I have done better than most people with my weight loss. Just follow your plan and take it day by day. Find a way of eating that you do not feel deprived so you can easily stick to it.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    successful sleevers?

    @emleyrose https://asmbs.org/patients/bariatric-surgery-misconceptions http://www.healthline.com/health-news/bariatric-surgery-patients-see-weight-gain-after-honeymoon-period-080515#2 http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/2422341 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2174497/How-gastric-surgery-patients-ALL-weight-on.html
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    What you are doing now is not working. If you want different results you have to be different. Meeting women online isn't working. People said meet people in person, you said no. I suggested playing a MMO, to meet people you said you play Nintendo alone. You have no real interest in getting a woman. Be honest with yourself. If you did you would be willing to try new things.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    How to survive post op clear liquid diet?

    I didn't watch tv. Walked a lot and went to bed early
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    ALL OF IT. You came in this thread pretending that you want to understand how women think so you can get one but all you ever do is low key bash women for not responding to you. You never once post anything about working on your social anxiety and improving your self worth. You are never going to get someone until you work on yourself. And above you said you were not willing to change for a woman. You don't need to change for a woman you need to change for yourself. You are going to wake up old and alone one day and regret your choices.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    Sgc has a whole thread with pages and pages of advice he refuses to take. People have been trying to help him for months. He won't even help himself. You can't sit in the house and expect a broad to drop from the sky. He isn't getting the results he wants how he is, but he refuses to change. There is nothing anyone can do. Personally I have never complained about not meeting nice guys, they are of no interest to me. I want a go getter.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    One week out need food suggestiins

    What does your plan say?
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    successful sleevers?

    You were having problems at 6 months though. That is pretty early, so your issue with regain isn't because of how far out your are from surgery. If any of your stats are right you never got to goal or close to it and you started regaining. People that get to goal or close to it seem to do better long term because they have more to defend and more room to bounce. Just because you had a hard time with the sleeve because of your food addiction does not mean the sleeve does not work or is not a good tool or that people cannot maintain losses. The issues you have with food and weight are more than just WLS issues. There is a binge eating drug that some people have success with Vyvanse. Maybe you can look into it.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    successful sleevers?

    If you work with your sleeve, losing weight post-op is easy. This is the easiest I have ever lost weight with the least amount of stress. The most important thing is to follow your post-op diet strictly the first 6 months. The stages of the post-op diet is not just to reduce complications but to also change your relationship with food and teach you to eat again properly. People advance their stages, don't follow a plan and miss that chance. The first 6 months you are healing so you have the most restriction. This restriction is a great tool to enforce healthy eating habits and make them natural. Example, a proper portion of meat for anyone is 3 to 4 ounces. Post-op you have to work up to eating 3 to 4 ounces of dense protein. The time it takes to work it to that and learn you are completely satisfied with that amount teaches you proper portion control and makes it normal. Also after living on protein shakes and water for weeks, the simplest foods taste delicious. Baked fish is suddenly a feast, veggies a delight. Going without and slowly introducing healthy foods resets your attitude about food, but you have to let it happen and work with your program not against it. A lot of people advance their stages or eat slider foods because they are easier to eat and they miss this mental reset. You get a one time shot at the easy mental reset post-op. If you miss it then you have to try and retrain yourself later on, on your own and it is just as hard as doing it pre-op. People that regain usually reintroduce carbs early and/or think they can eat how they did prior to surgery just in smaller portions. The one person I know personally that had surgery 5 years ago, never hit goal and has regained half their loss (They are a bypass patient). Never changed eating habits. Ate the same way just smaller portions, and then followed fad diets. Never learned nutrition, never tracked food. Now they have regained and are a loss on how to lose it. They can eat normal portions of food. Their tool offer a them no help and they haven't learned any lessons. Hopefully you are having surgery at a center of excellence. I was given a book and several handouts on how to eat and live for the rest of my life. I don't eat everything they allow because they have far too many carbs on the list for a former diabetic like me, but I followed my food stages. I follow the portions and I still look at my book for guidance. Picking a good program and a good surgeon is another key to success.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Frustrated and worried need help

    Well OA is supposed to help you love yourself not necessarily accept being fat. If you love yourself and are happy with yourself it is easier to make the correct choices. Have you ever worked on why you eat the wrong foods not just the foods? Do you feel deprived? Are you emotional eating? Are you self soothing?
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Lowest weight but still feel gross!

    Feeling gross and looking gross are 2 different things. What is your goal weight? I wouldn't expect you to see or feel a huge change with 20 pounds either. I don't feel like some of us really appreciate what surgery does for us until we hit uncharted territory. I appreciated my loss but it wasn't until I got somewhere I had never been and never imagined, a size 8, that I was really in awe.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Slippage of sleeve

    It is kind of hard to say because a lot of people have GERD resolved by just losing weight. The only thing you can do is keep an eye on it.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm the 1 Percent-Post Op problems

    I'm glad your Angels woke you up. Speedy recovery. I think pre-op people totally need to read this. Everyone needs to go into surgery eyes open. Anything can happen to any of us.
  14. Nope. I was not emotionally ready. I had it at the perfect time for me.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Slippage of sleeve

    The Duke study also states that the majority of people with GERD after SG, had it before. They also treated bypass people with GERD. This is why people with pre-existing GERD should not have the sleeve. And people prone to hiatal hernias. They list hiatal hernias has an often missed cause of GERD in sleeve patients. Still even in their study where they are purposely looking for patients with GERD for their clinical trial the percentage of patients with GERD is around 10%. The normal general population has 20% GERD. Duke study https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://web.duke.edu/surgery/2015BariatricMasters/session6_gerd_after_sleeve_torquati.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwim1d-5y_3TAhVF22MKHbytDg4QFghLMAU&usg=AFQjCNES3qOax4_1R4VNXW-1Ps14pvmYbg&sig2=9PCWYL8slSYotO2tMexN9w Gen pop GERD stats http://www.healthline.com/health/gerd/facts-statistics-infographic It is still a rare complication with a lesson common occurrence than people who have never had a sleeve.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    Completely off topic but I keep finding guys that are really proud of their omelette skills. Like they can t wait to make you an omelette. Is that supposed to be the male end all be all of breakfast? 😂😂😂 they are so excited it's adorable.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Slippage of sleeve

    I knew the risks. It was worth rolling the dice on GERD not to have my intestines touched. If RNY was my only option I would have never had surgery. I wanted to do something serious and long term for a long time and neither the lap and or bypass appealed to me. It sounds like OP has a good doctor and a good course of treatment. This just reminds me not to take my good health for granted and to stay diligent on my follow ups. My friend has a hiatal hernia and GERD and a stomach full of ulcers, never had any kind of surgery let alone WLS surgery. While having surgery increaes your risks, normal people have these issues. I feel really bad for band revision people. They seem to have more complications than anyone else no matter what surgery they pick, sleeve or bypass. The band really messed a lot of people up, I don't understand how it is still on the market and how there has not been a class action lawsuit.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    Dude, don't date a packers fan. You are better than that.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Keto diet

    I do eat other cheese like cheddar. Provolone, Mexican queso and lots of others. I just don't buy it often and it always goes bad before I can finish it.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Slippage of sleeve

    When are they going to fix the hernia? I hope you are better soon. Late term complications terrify me. Did you have this hernia or before the sleeve?
  21. https://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/393-plastic-surgery/
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Friend issue about being realistic with wls

    If your friend isn't smart enough to know the Dr is trying to sell her something you can't really help her. If she was really your friend she would know you have her best interests at heart. Also this Dr is slick as he'll. He left out the reason that most people don't have excess skin is they never lose to a healthy weight. If people hit the average WLS success of 50% of excess weight they won't have loose skin. It sucks someone is out here setting unrealistic expectations like that but from reading forums it seems more typical than we want to believe. Just be kind and helpful where you can and let her draw her conclusions.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Dates that don't revolve around food

    I know their are lots of scammers but I have been at this off and on for a while. I'm not willing to get cussed out and called all kinds of names for saying no, thank you. I tried responding to everyone saying no and it was horrible. You might appreciate a polite no thank you but most men don't. You go from beautiful to ugly and stuck up in 5 seconds. Also 90% of the messages are "hey beautiful", "you are pretty", those don't even deserve a response. Those are random compliments, and they flood my inbox so much its hard to even find the legit messages. If they actually say something that means they read my profile I respond because at least those guys are witty. That is why I switched to Tinder only. The only guys that can message me are ones I am interested in and I respond to each one. I will never use another online site where just anyone can message me ever again. You get way too many messages also that way. I could never keep up. My phone would die in an hour and I'd have to keep it on the charger and sometimes switch to the wired charger because the wireless could keep up. I don't give out my real number I have a couple virtual numbers. My Google number I use for other stuff and I made the mistake of giving it to that guy. He still randomly texts that number from various fake numbers even though I clearly told him I was not interested and exactly why, right after we met for coffee (he was late, he asked to meet for coffee during dinner hours, he didn't even offer to buy me a bottle of water, I had my own coffee because he was late getting there, then he sat in a coffee shop didn't order anything like it isn't a place of business). Everyone has a different online dating experience. It has been very positive for me. Just because someone doesn't behave how you expected doesn't mean they are being malicious. And even if they are being malicious that is their problem not yours, normal well adjusted people don't strive to hurt other people's feelings.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    How do I take flattering photos?

    For selfies, go to you tube and search how to look good in selfies. Then practice. It is really all practice. For family pics find a pro like someone else suggested.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Loose skin

    I wear shapewear like Maidenform and Miraclesuit. Spanx is trash imo. Little hold, high price.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
