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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone in the St. Louis area?

    I had surgery at Des Peres, but with a different Dr. They will take great care of you in the hospital. A lot of the nurses on the floor are sleevers too! @stlclg You can send an email to the leader for more information
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Picked up a new hobby after getting a new me...

    Walking along with the usual weighing all my food and tracking. I used to walk with weights until I injured myself. Not worth it for me, an injury sets you back. And my Dr friend told me off about doing. It isn't really necessary. I maintained my muscle by eating 1 gram of protein for 1 pound of lean muscle mass, every day. I've lost 180 pounds and only 10 of that has been muscle. I still have 125 pounds of lean mass.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling Kinda Meh.

    It seems like you have been down since your recent still diabetic diagnosis. You worked really hard to lose weight and you are not necessarily reaping all the benefits you desired. I understand
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    What is your favorite way to stay active on the rainy days?

    Walk in the rain. I walked and didn't let the weather interrupt my schedule at all the first year. I walked in the rain and the cold, and the snow. I walked when it was 10 degrees. I made a habit and I wanted to keep that habit going. The only way to do it was to do it every day, rain or shine. I tried walking in the mall, it was so boring. I'd rather get wet.
  5. OutsideMatchInside


    No, I use full fat everything.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    VSG and Fibroids

    You should address the fibroids before surgery because if you start losing really fast and hormone dumping from burning the fat, that is going to make the fibroids worse.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    How Do You Prevent Replacement Addictions?

    I think a lot of time is wasted on trying to prepare people for avoiding addiction transfer and a lot of other mental and emotional post-op issues are actually ignored. No one ever tries to prepare someone who has been obese their entire adult life for the changes of longer being obese. Losing weight isn't a magic pill to problem solving. I think the best way to avoid addiction transfer is to be in a good place before hand. I also think by ignoring a lot of other issues that come with losing a massive amount of weight, they are ignoring why people become alcoholics after weight loss. A lot of people are dealing with depression for various reasons, including an inability to cope with their new looks, lack of support from other people and levels of attention they have never experienced before. Then a lot of people were not social before when they were obese. Now suddenly they are out more and partying. It is easy to lose control, that is a social and behavioral issue more that just a simple post-op issue. It is part of adjusting to a new identity and lifestyle and some people really struggle. There is little support for those kind of struggles since most people think losing weight should solve all of peoples problems. I was worried I would develop a shopping habit. Thing is I was already a compulsive shopper pre-op. Post-op I hate shopping. I can't shop online anymore, not even for jewelry. I have dropped more than 2 ring sizes. Necklaces even hang different on me. I have to try on every single article of clothing. Shopping went from being a relaxing joy to being a complete pain. It takes forever just to find a dress. I might have to try on 10 to find 2. Regular sizing has a lot more variation than plus sizes, so it is harder to know your size, add a changing body and it is a disaster.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone in the St. Louis area?

    Where are you having surgery? Who is your Dr? There is a support group that meets in STL County. I have never been but it exists.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Sick of the BS

    I live in a completely different area of the country than you do. I also know exactly what kind of man I want. I have cultivated my habits to streamline the process. The kind of dates I want and the kind of man I want is specific to my needs and desire. I'm making a blanket statement that reflects my opinion on what I think is a boring date that I won't even accept anymore ever. I have a lot of dating options, I could book 2 dates a night for weeks if I felt like it and had the free time. I have to create a process to weed people out fast. I am self employed and my time is very valuable. Any free time I have is time I choose to turn into free time. I can literally work every waking hour of the day and make money. So a date has to be worth my time. I cannot get to know someone in a Coffee house. I have hired lots of people and I am great at conducting interviews but a Coffee House date is just an interview. I would rather evaluate someone doing an activity so I can get a better gauge on their personality, temperament and problem solving skills. Anyone who isn't an idiot can pass the HR interview, a coffee house date to me is the HR interview. Just sitting in at a table not much is going to happen, maybe a waitress is going to come by once or twice and you can evaluate how they treat the server, and maybe see if they know how to tip, that's it. An activity it the technical interview and that is where people always trip up. If they can't find a parking spot, how do they react? If someone bumps into them, how do they react? Are they kind to people they don't have to be kind to? If we do something competitive and I win, how do they react. If we are being active can they keep up? If I can't keep up with them being active (those dudes with long legs) how do they treat me? In a museum, do they actually know the arts? Are they well traveled? (anyone can fake these things with direct questions but not in an active environment) Can they appreciate a play? Even one with low production values (like a HS play)? Shakespeare in the park is going on (and free), do they know this play? Can they understand this play? What is their favorite play? The level of creativity of a first or second date says a lot about a persons personality and their compatibility with me and most of all how serious they are. I am a very adventurous and high energy person. I'm also aggressive and assertive. I'll run circles around someone that can't keep up. Been there done that and don't want to deal with that kind of resentment. If I was still just looking for someone to hang out with, then coffee dates or whatever wouldn't matter. I am, well was, looking for a real true match and they have to meet certain criteria. I've run across too many middle aged men he want to sit in the house and do ???? I have always been a person that likes to be out and about and active, even when I was a whale. I want someone plugged into to what is going on and what s happening that likes to be out and do things. A guy like that doesn't drag you to a Coffee House, someones boring ex-husband does.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Inner thigh lift

    This is the first good thigh lift I have ever seen! I'm really impressed. I had given up hope for myself. Thanks for sharing!
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Fasting in Ramadan tips

    Yeah it is hard with the limited window you have to eat, like I do all my eating in an 8 hour time period but it is noon to 8 pm. You are probably going to have to adjust your sleep schedule some to make this work, but I have faith in you that you can do it. You might as well do it now, because even if you can't do it now, you would have to do it later anyway.
  12. OutsideMatchInside


    they are delicious. if you use the waldens farms zero calorie pancake syrup it makes for an amazing breakfast. There are other low carb tortilla recipes on the internet. I use the store bought low carb tortillas/wraps every now and then, but they still have grains in them. So if you have been low carbing, as soon as you eat them you are going to gain water weight.
  13. OutsideMatchInside


    I mean you could but why not just eat it in a bowl? I had fajitas all last week in a bowl. If you just have to make it portable you could make these with no cinnamon or sweetener. http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2012/01/cream-cheese-pancakes.html
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Fasting in Ramadan tips

    @alaisha96 I 16:8 fast every day and have since about 6 months post op. Granted most of it is when I am sleeping, but you should be fine to fast with your sleeve. It should make it super easy to fast, actually. Since you need a lot of fluids. your best option is to do liquids in the morning. Liquid protein drinks, followed by as much water as possible. Then in the evenings I would eat as much meat as possible and then drink as much as possible. I gave up a lot of things for Lent, that I did not have to. It was etremely hard but it forced me to learn a lot about myself, and I have a greater understanding of myself. Before Ramadan starts you should really working on drinking fluids, faster. The more you practice at it, the more you can drink and faster. You need to practice ahead of time and get a good idea how much you can drink and how fast. Also I would drinking like I said above, protein drinks over water. They still count as fluids but you are getting protein and nutrition. bit-tawfīq
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    How long till you hit GOAL Weight?

    In reality that is super low carb since the government recommends around 300 carbs a day for the average american...
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Sick of the BS

    Where we live there are free parks and museums and outdoor events almost every single day. You don't have to spend money on a first date. I would rather walk in a park than have coffee. Guys that invite you on coffee dates are intellectually lazy. Coffee dates are for cowards. The kid of guys that ask you out for coffee are the kind of guys that are going to take you to dinner and to the movies or something else equally boring.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Mentor? More than 5 years out?

    I have another book for you to look at Improving Your Body Image Through Catholic Teaching: How Theology of the Body And Other Church Writings Can Transform Your Life. by John Acquaviva PhD et al. http://a.co/aJHIFZz
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Almost 6 month update with cute pics!!!

    Your stomach is amazing and you took at least 10 years off your face! Congrats!
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Craziness NSV

    I'm not quite smaller than I was 13 but almost. I have a hard time enjoying my surgery success because I feel embarrassed I was so delusional about my size for so long. I don't really feel like it is a victory to lose something I should have never gained in the first place. So I understand the mixed feelings. Keep going though you are rocking the weight loss. You have a better attitude than me, these last 20 pounds seem like hell compared to the for 150.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Not going to apologize for being vain

    @B.Annie We had another thread where we talked about how people view surgery for women vs men. When Men have surgery it is assumed it is for their healthy and they are at deaths door. When women have surgery, people assume it is vanity.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Medically induced stress test?

    I had one it feels like your heart is going to jump out of your chest. It is way worse than a treadmill or bike test. Just mentally get ready for it. There was a moment there I was sure I was going to die. A total of $40,000 in cardiac tests, nothing wrong with my heart.
  22. 4 business days. I called insurance knew I was approved before I got the letter. Called the scheduler and made her give me the day I wanted.
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    I love the tropical flavor. Tastes like Pina Colada. I love them, I used them a lot last summer. Great product
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    What defines a good surgeon?

    I picked my Dr because he is highly skilled, he fixes the mistakes other bariatric doctors make (is published). Young, does a lot of surgeries. His staff is a pack of $#@%. It amazes me how the nicest doctors have the worse staff.

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