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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Help me with my macros please

    Unless you are eating like 200 grams of protein a day, you aren't eating high protein and I mean high protein at dangerous levels. A good protein goal is .8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    What is everyone "eating"?

    Protein shakes, Broth with protein powder. Never felt full or anything like it until soft foods.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Help me with my macros please

    If you aren't carb sensitive, and can meet your protein goals, I don't think the macro balance matters. Just the overall calories. Since you are almost at your goal, it would be a good time to have your RMR/BMR tested in a lab so you know exactly what your current caloric baseline is and pin your calorie goals to that.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    VENTING - can vs should

    I used to make a lot of posts trying to help people while drinking my coffee in the morning. There also used to be a lot more people that posted here that I liked and we had real discussions but they all got banned or left because of the banning. My posting has scaled back quite a bit. I can't really continue to care more about other people than they care about themselves. You cannot help people that really don't want help and are just giving lip service to it. Like the same people keep coming back saying they are struggling and whatever but they never make changes, and never have food logs or anything else. Why should I or anyone else love someone more than they love themselves?
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    VENTING - can vs should

    At this point. I feel like people should just have ice cream or whatever they want and learn the hard way. That is often the best lesson. If you dump once, and aren't mentally ill, you won't risk it again. It seems like some people are hell bent on testing the limits, so let them test.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    VENTING - can vs should

    I think grown ass adults asking random strangers on the internet to validate their life choices are getting the responses they deserve. If you want to eat soft serve ice cream, eat it. Don't ask internet strangers if it is okay. Dumb questions deserve dumb responses. You can ask someone on the internet if it is okay to eat nails and they will tell you it is fine because their cousin ate nails on a dare in 7th grade and nothing bad happened. Everyone that asks about pizza and alcohol when you can google like 50,000 responses for it, when people jump down their virtual throat, don't care. This whole site is searchable with google, even if the site search sucks. Plus there are other sites, to search and ask questions. Almost no one every asks a new question. Ideally people should be asking questions from the people they let chop them up for thousands of dollars. You know the people that actually know their medical history. Also, someone fresh from surgery or newly pre-op makes a little be nice to idiots rant monthly. This is old and played out too. @BigViffer Said it better than me. I totally agree with his entire post. I do have one friend from here that I text with almost daily, who is also a like minded individual. And I have a few other people that I am friends with on Facebook. These forums are pretty much useless for anyone that wants to make a real lasting life change and be a healthy/fit person. The only reason to come here is as a reminder of what not to do.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Second Opinion from another Doctor

    2nd and 3rd opinions are always great for anything.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Diet plan?

    @Sue Cookston It isn't available anywhere. Not even in his book. The information on his website is not the diet he gives his patients. Did you have surgery yet?
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Am I making the right decision?

    I'm kind of excited because I just watch an obesity documentary about the NHS discriminating against the obese, so I knew all the tiers! Get the surgery. First of all, you are never going to get this chance again on the NHS. You are lucky to be this close now. You will never be any younger than you are right now and the longer you wait the more damage you do to yourself. So unless you think you can afford to self pay at some point in the future, get surgery now when it is available to you. Secondly, every single day you are obese you are straining and damaging your body. Sure you can lose on your own, we all can, but can you keep it off. Forever, easily. Even people that regain after losing, usually don't regain it all. Even if they do, the time they were smaller was still a break to their body. Your other medical issues would be resolved in a couple months. My diabetes was well controlled with a couple pills a day and a low carb diet. Within 2 months of surgery I was completely off meds. I wouldn't roll the dice with the NHS, if you can have surgery now, have it, you won't get the chance again.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Not having success (pre op)

    If losing weight was easy pre-op people would not have surgery. Stop beating yourself up, that is only going to make your depression and anxiety worse. If you take meds for those, those meds make you hungry. I'm surprised you are having RNY with the conditions, most shrinks say they cannot manage your meds post-op because of restriction and are against RNY in favor of other options that don't have malabsorption. If you know you want to eat instead of not eating and feeling hungry or eating the wrong things keep good options around. Deli meat, grilled meat cut into chips, protein bars, quest chips. There are all kinds of things you can eat and stay on track.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Regain and scared

    5 day pouch reset is not going to work. It is just fad diet. Try eating just dense protein for a week or two. That is what should be our focus with a sleeve.
  12. OutsideMatchInside


    Jeans are a waste of money when you are losing. They are going to be too big every 2 to 3 weeks if you like your jeans to fit. I had to learn that the hard way. Dresses and skirts get the most mileage, you can wear them a long time after they are too large and it isn't noticeable. Besides compression leggings for working out, I feel like leggings are a bad choice. I have some leggings that are 3 sizes too big and I can still wear them. They were workout leggings that were not compression leggings. When you wear stretchy clothes, you don't see your loses and it seems like you aren't getting anywhere with your weight loss. Tailored/fitted clothes are the best because they will last longer and cover more flaws. Clothes with structure, look okay even when they are too large for longer. And you notice your loses better.
  13. How much your sleeve can hold depends entirely on what you are eating and the moisture content. It changes over time and it is different for everyone. The size of your sleeve isn't important,what you choose to eat is. Trying to base your portion sizes on the size is your sleeve is not a good idea. Portions should be measured/weighed and align to goals. Sleeve size and restriction changes over time, read posts from long term people that have regained. You can eat a family size bag of chips with a sleeve or 3 to 6 ounces of protein.
  14. OutsideMatchInside


    @diana52817 Ask your Dr.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    One year surgiversary!

    Congrats on all your hard work! Keep rocking it!
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Count all carbs

    Net Carbs, subtract the fiber.
  17. Sleeves are the shape of a banana not the size of a banana. Most bananas are larger than a sleeve, much larger. The size is going to vary for everyone because even though they use the boogie as a guide, they can only get so close to it and then end size is going to depend on the beginning size of the stomach which is different for every single person. I will never understand the obsession over the size of the sleeve, when the function of it is more important.
  18. It isn't the protein though, it is consuming too many calories at once and flooding your system. When you are diabetic you have an impaired metabolism, over eating stresses it makes it worse. You can't flood yourself with too many calories on something like green veggies because for example 4 cups of spinach is 40 calories. So protein is not the issue, calories are. I eat 125 grams of protein a day 20 to 30 grams at a time. My blood sugar is on the low end of the normal range.
  19. Well 8 ounces of steak is more than double what a portion should be. Any diabetic over eating is going to have spikes, that is also a lot of calories to consume at once. I learned a long time ago being diabetic that I had to eat small portions and basically no carbs to avoid diabetes meds. Luckily post-op, I am no longer diabetic.
  20. OutsideMatchInside


    Well I agree with your husband, cut them out your life. If people aren't a positive influence and bring something positive to your life you don't need them. Just because they are family doesn't matter. It isn't like you picked your brother. Most of us go through a lot of emotions post op because burning fat releases hormones. Everything is magnified. What you are feeling is normal and it will get better. But seriously, get rid of these people, they aren't helping you.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Need dating advice after weight loss

    That would work if she didn't say... But she did. She doesn't have any real material concerns she is being superficial and looking for validation from other people. Anyone can gain weight, even a WLS patient. Anyone can have a grabber and die. These aren't really valid reasons not to date someone unless a person is a coward and if they are that kind of coward, welcome to a really lonely life.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Need dating advice after weight loss

    Dude, you are not ready to date. You want to date someone that has never been overweight like they are some kind of prize. They aren't. People are more than just their weight or outward appearance. What if they have never been overweight, but they struggled with depression? What is they used to be a Wrestler and struggled with bulimia? What if they have social anxiety? People are made up of all kinds of different flaws. Hopefully this dudes runs from you as fast as possible. He deserves someone that values him as a person, just like you want someone to value you. You are already looking at him as tainted just because he used to be overweight. I can't believe I just read this dumb #$#@.
  23. Excess protein does not go to sugar and to get to protein excess you would have to be consuming like 250 grams a day for months. You should choose a way of eating that keeps you the most satisfied and that you can maintain for life. I eat keto but my protein grams are still higher than my fat grams because fat is higher in calories than protein. So yeah my calories from fat are higher than my calories from protein but I still eat more protein than fat.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Struggling - Update

    I'm glad you are finally being helped.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    I fainted at a concert last night

    I have almost passed out several times, I don't drink so I can't blame it on alcohol. The main thing that triggers it for me is standing still for long periods and becoming over heated. I don't really sweat anymore, I go from normal to hot very fast. Standing makes the blood pool in your feet and you get dizzy. Low calories. I used to try and save my calories for dates, and not eat much during the day, but mistake which probably leads to the other cause... Low blood sugar If the alcohol did anything it wasn't because of the liquor, it is because it spiked your sugar and then made it drop. If I go some place and I am just standing for long periods, I get dizzy every single time.

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