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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    If it's God's will...

    The Lord will make a way, it might not be on your time frame but it will happen.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    If it's God's will...

    But you didn't even read what she wrote. She was hoping God would help her come up with the cash, not lose the weight. You went out of your way to be a jerk and look like an idiot in the process. After your idiotic comment the other day about stomachs growing back, this isn't a shock.
  3. This was a bad day to run out of Halo Top. My AC broke, I think it has been broke probably since last night. It is 81 in here and I finally just noticed. I'm not even sweating. If I was still over 350 pounds I would be miserable right now.

    1. Newme17


      Good. I need to normal sweat then. 😂

    2. Apple1


      My temp tolerance has definitely changed since surgery. I am cold much more often now and it is weird. I used to freeze my dh out with the ac set at 67 and now I am cold at 70.

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      I was cold for like the for the first year then my body regulated itself. I'm cold when everyone else is cold, it does take me longer than most people to get hot though.

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    How to decide on best surgery

    I eat high fat but I know if I eat a greasy burger or lets say one cooked in butter I could eat a lot more than normal because the fat acts like moisture, so if you have excess fat with your protein, it is just like drinking and eating. I'm sure a lot of them know that too, because things cooked in fat are never in short supply on that show. In general I think 600 pound life is useless but it is a great way to learn what not to do. Watching that show you can learn exactly how you can eat around your surgery, so hopefully you don't do it.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    How to decide on best surgery

    I just watched a where are they now episode and they were cooking burgers in butter. Yeah, it is awesome you aren't eating a bun but you are eating 2 burgers with cheese cooked in butter This is why when people are begging for Dr Now's diet on here. WHY!?!?!?!?!!? The people on the show don't follow it. They only lose weight because they are massive and they had surgery. The amount of them that manage to gain like 30 pounds in a month post-op is staggering. Still people come on here begging for his diet? Why? It obviously sucks just like his bedside manner. They also eat salads loaded down with trash. Salad greens are a slider, so when you eat other stuff with it, you can eat basically endless amounts. Saying "ohh I had a salad for lunch" doesn't matter when you pile another 800 calories on it. It would be comical if it wasn't truly sad. Food addiction is the hardest addiction to battle because you can't go cold turkey on food.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Do you HAVE to follow a low carb diet?

    23 months. I know lots of people that eat more carbs than me and are successful long term. The thing is I don't actually like carbs, so I don't eat them. I eat the things I like. I hate rice, I hate beans, I don't like pasta unless it is freshly made and then only one kind, and only like fresh baked (rye and pumpernickel) bread. and croissants. Crackers just make no logical sense to me what so ever. I think I have eaten crackers less than 5 times in my entire life and I am just making that number up because I can't even recall eating them. The issue with carbs post-op from WLS is carbs are EASY to eat. They go down very easy because they don't trigger restriction and you can eat them in massive (normal sized and binge size) quantities. So a lot of people that are food addicts go right back to carbs as soon as they get a chance. Then once they start, they can't seem to stop. My choice to limit and not introduce carbs came from not only just not liking them but from years and years of reading stories on WLS forums of people that regained. There was always one common denominator, carbs. Complex or otherwise. Complex seem to be a gateway to not so complex.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Four months

    Everyone is different.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Any St. Louis/Metro Area Sleevers out there?

    Everyone loses at different rates. There is no normal no matter what people try to say. There are a lot of other factors that go into weight loss. 28 pounds in 10 days is great. What did the Dr say at your one week appointment?
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    How to decide on best surgery

    Plus the failures seem to scream it from the roof tops, while successful people are enjoying life. Most of the people on youtube are WLS failures and they are always talking about the sleeve failed them but they are eating fried egg sandwiches for breakfast. Fast food with their kids. Getting every drink they want at Starbucks. I see the same thing on Instagram. There is a girl I follow 3 weeks from surgery and she eats more than me, most of it useless trash and I am 23 months. A sleeve and RNY are so easy to eat around it isn't even funny. I could easily suck down a large shake from Steak and Shake, that is around 900 calories. People that whine about not losing never say, I was eating 12 to 16 ounces of steak a day and gained 50 pounds. They are vague af about what they actually eat. You can't do it. People are such compulsive food addicts they lie about their food like heroin addicts lie about their drug use. It is just sad.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    What are you guys eating???

    @Ldyvenus Some of us just have refined palate. Exemplary taste is a curse. I have always been picky like this since I was a child too, should have never got whale sized but I love food, even if I am picky about it.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    October 2016 -> May 2017

    That is amazing! You look great!
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Any St. Louis/Metro Area Sleevers out there?

    Are you seriously complaining about 28 pounds in 10 days?
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    What are you guys eating???

    I like all my food piping hot to the point it almost burns my mouth and fresh. I also don't eat microwaved food. I use my microwave for melting butter fast and that is about it. I feel like leftovers are punishments. I can't understand people who meal prep, they are just eating left overs all week. Why do people torture themselves like that?!?!? I end up getting boxes for my food at restaurants just to make other people comfortable, but I toss it in the dumpster when I get home and don't even bring it in. I'm not eating leftovers I cooked and for sure not eating restaurant leftovers, reheated restaurant food is the biggest fail of fails. I buy meat a pound at a time, rarely get frozen, only with grass fed beef because you just don't have any choice. I cook my steaks/pork chops and immediately eat them, so I cook like 4 times a day. I also work from home so I have that luxury. I had a job for a little while a few months ago, and almost starved because I didn't have a lot of options of places to eat around me and I hate taking a lunch to work. I also hate most carbs so I don't miss the stuff people are crying about all the time. I'm weird and I know it, lol.
  14. @MarinaGirl Any suggestions?
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    What are you guys eating???

    My friend always says she gets bored with food. I eat basically the same thing every day. I have a few variations during the week but not really. I don't eat leftovers and I live alone, so that kinds of limits what I can/will eat without creating leftovers. Maybe someone else will have good ideas.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    What are you guys eating???

    Everything depends on how far out you. If I recall correctly you are just like 2 or 3 months? One way I create variety in my food is in the way I season it. Example a pack of thin sliced steak can be.. Fajita meat with fajita seasoning Philly Steak Just steak Shrimp can be.. Cajun Boiled coastal style Scampi Salad topper The best thing you can do for yourself is to invest in high quality spices and seasoning mixes that don't have sugar. My 2 favorites are https://www.penzeys.com/ https://flavorgod.com/
  17. I'm almost 2 years out and chicken is still the worst. Too dry. Moist and fatty meats are easier to eat
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Any St. Louis/Metro Area Sleevers out there?

    I was sleeved at Des Peres, I have never made it to a support group. It is a good 45 minute drive from home and I haven't wanted to make the trip for nothing. After the kinds of questions people were asking in my pre-op group, I figured the support group would be terrible. I would like to attend though.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    How to decide on best surgery

    Surgeons like VSG because they can do 10 a day, with RNY they can only do 3-4.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    I'll ask my NUT but...

    Chowder is too high in calories and carbs unless it is a tomato base and that is pretty rare to find. Other than that you should be able to eat all the fish you want. Ask your Dr about getting in the ocean with your incisions. Don't swim too far out, fatigue can hit fast.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight loss questions

    I used to low carb off and on for years before WLS. Sometimes when you stall out you have to experiment. Hopefully your WLS team can help you out with some tips also.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight loss questions

    @nancymm72 Your food looks good, calories might be a little low, you are almost a year post op, 1000 calories shouldn't be that hard to do. You didn't answer about your blood work/labs. When did you have them checked last?
  23. 3 months, easier at 6 months, easier at 9 months, and at 12 months, that is about as easy as it is going to get. I haven't noticed any difference after 12 months.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight loss questions

    @nancymm72 Nice to see a food log. It would be cool to see what you are actually eating not just the macros but your macros don't look bad. When is the last time you had your blood work done and are all your vitamins okay? You might have to experiment. Remove all artificial sweeteners, see if the weight drops. If that doesn't work. Just got to all protein for week, see what happens, then add foods back in and see what stalls you.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Do you HAVE to follow a low carb diet?

    Yeah I think in Europe, they use the term LCHF more than Keto, in the past to use an app that had settings for it, Lifesum. The yearly cost was too high last year (I just checked and they lowered it if you buy a year at a time) so I switched back to LoseIt. The Developers of Cronometer have settings for Keto also. I think I might spend the evening taking another look at Cronometer. I used to use it to make nutrition labels for my custom recipes.

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