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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. Nice honest story. Thanks for sharing. Broads on YouTube like to be dramatic for views. Period. Plus a lot of them are straight nuts. If you watch enough of their videos it is easy to figure out. Men have a stigma attached to looking weak, women don't. They whine and cry on YouTube and people baby them. The same thing happens here, people mess up and make themselves miserable with dumb choices and want other people to coddle them. I don't have a YouTube channel but I have a high pain tolerance. I had a baby, no pain meds, 10 pushes, no screaming (I wanted my baby born into a calm environment). I had VSG surgery, stopped taking pain meds as soon as I got home 28 hours later. Drove my car on day 3. Did everything for myself because I live alone. I had no complications, little pain (it just felt like I did 1000 crunches, I used to do 1000 crunches a day in HS so I know the feeling), and I was back to my regular life fairly rapidly. People that are happy and have few issues don't usually shout it, because no one cares and it also seems like you are bragging and rubbing it in to the people that are miserable. So the miserable people have the floor. I think you are going to do great long term. If you aren't already seeing a therapist you probably should. You might have an identity crisis once you aren't a Bear anymore and you have to figure out where you fit in your world after knowing your place for so long. BTW the Bears are my favorite
  2. OutsideMatchInside


    A lot of people think you should wait to have surgery when you are at deaths door. It is so much better to step up and have surgery before you damage your body. Some bodies recover and repair (mine has) but some people never repair the damage done from being heavy. Before I had surgery and maybe even the whole first year after surgery, I didn't feel like people with low BMIs should have surgery. Mainly because a lot seem to have eating disorders and the sleeve is a person with anorexia dream. My opinion on that has changed drastically. I think if people have struggled with their weight for a long period of time, having surgery so they don't continue to yo-yo, is a good idea. Eventually down the road they will stop yo-yoing and just ge stuck at a high weight.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Post op vitamins. HELP

  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Post op vitamins. HELP

    Any of them will work. It is just up to you. The first 6 months I had free vitamins from insurance, they came free with my B-12 nasal. If you can get insurance to cover the B-12 Nasal, that company gives you free vitamins. That is what my Dr recommended. After those 6 months I switched to whatever I wanted.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    What are you guys eating???

    I keep meaning to make stuffed bell peppers and I have some riced cauliflower in the freezer, I am going to make some next week. I'm making fathead pizza tonight, so I will be eating leftovers all weekend. A rarity.
  6. OutsideMatchInside


    You can get the most wear from dresses and Ross does have some really nice brands there, you just have to look. I get Calvin and Ralph there all the time. Along with with cheaper unknown brands. Honestly if you are a good shopper, clothes are so cheap now there is no reason to wear used clothes. I purchased 5 bodycon skirts over memorial day weekend for less than $30 total.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Nutritional deficiencies

    Sleeve because your intestines are not altered at all and you keep the valve at the bottom of your stomach so vitamins and food get time to digest with stomach acid.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Long term vsg implications

    They tested my stomach when they sent it to pathology. Never had GERD before surgery. I had excess acid like almost everyone the first 6 to 9 months (took my PPI) then it stoppped no PPI. The only time I get GERD now, I cause it. Shapewear+Underwirebra+too much food=GERD for me.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Food torture

    All I did was watch cooking shows for a month. I had basically zero reaction to them and it was nothing short of glee. I was basically testing my head vs physical hunger. I knew I had a serious disconnect between my brain and my stomach and I loved it. It was very reassuring to not get hungry looking at food. It took me months to get interested in food, probably not until after 12 months.
  10. You could use search, then you would not have to worry about negative comments.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating in 2017, what is "dating" mean anyway? lol

    Learn from my mistakes, wait until 1 year post-op to date.
  12. Had to stop watching the 2nd Season of Skin Tight. I feel bad about my loose skin, but nothing like these dramatic mofos. Geez. I hope they are just faking it for the cameras, No one should dislike themselves that much. Goodness. This show is so  depressing and they always are built like a box of bandaids afterward, not a curve in sight.

    1. browngirl89


      yes who gives diet pills to a bypass patient?? that's unheard of to me

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      The girl with the awesome hair, her surgery results are lackluster. I wish they would get some better quality doctors on this show. And as Gucci would say "Well Damn", Dr Now did a better tummy tuck than the actual plastic surgeon. :lol::lol: The girl with the nice hair had a better body to start than the other girl, but she needed a fleur de lis tummy tuck and didn't get one. Dr Now did a fleur de lis on this girl and her stomach is actually flat.

      A lot more Doctors than you think give diet pills to WLS patients. It is more common than you think, especially for people far from surgery. Reckless but common.

    3. browngirl89



    4. Show next comments  90 more
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Soft Foods

    Scallops are too dense too
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Extremely Sad

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Soft Foods

    Oysters and clams are too tough.
  16. OutsideMatchInside


    LOL No. She has surgery 13 years ago.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    If anything please WALK

    I started just walking 5 or 10 minutes, then I walked 1/2 a mile, then a mile and it builds. I can miles and miles now, I have walked 15 miles in a day, no issues. You just have to start. I had a lot of energy at 10 days out but it would be gone very fast. That is normal. You are recovering from major surgery and living on almost no calories. It gets better.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    How many calories per day is your pre-op diet?

    I was never given a calorie count. They provided a list of approved shakes. Meals were to be replaced with those shakes. Using those shakes the calories depending on the shake selected would be 480 to 750
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    @browngirl89 Did you take any of the suggestions from the last thread you made? Have you changed anything in the past week?
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    If anything please WALK

    Walking is great exercise and very underrated
  21. OutsideMatchInside


    Well, you need to find a supportive shrink. GERD is 20% in the normal population and 10% in sleevers. Don't stress about it. Even if it is going to happen to you, worrying about it won't stop it, it will just make the situation worse. Focus on losing weight and being healthy. When people look at complication data, they forget that a lot of people were in terrible general health before they ever had surgery. So since we have started down this path... I'm looking at their blog http://suethsayings.blogspot.com/ This is what they have to say about the sleeve... Really? because it is 5:30 PM and I have had 2 eggs, bacon, 32 ounces of coffee 32 ounces of iced tea, 32 ounce of water, and 12 ounces of pork. My sleeve holds a lot. I'm about to suck down 100 grams (2 cups) of spinach. I still have 2 hours left to eat and I plan on doing some damage, LOL They are completely ignoring ghrelin, but from the entire tone of their blog, they don't even research actual studies or science about surgery, claiming there is zero research. @Deactivatedfatgal The person running that site and blog is bitter and deranged. I had a friend from college, that had RNY back in the early 2000s. She had complications and ended up on a feeding tube. That sounds like a tragic story right? The part left out is 2 days after she was home she was drinking Coke (not even diet) and eating KFC (just a pinch to see if I can tolerate it she said). Her complications were brought on by herself. Not to mention she was not heavy enough to qualify for surgery and wore ankle and arm weights under her clothes to make her BMI high enough, Lots of people are not good cadidates for surgery but they don't tell that part of the story. You can notice even around here when people say they regained, they NEVER tell exactly what they were eating and in what amounts. They keep it vague and say they were eating bad. If you were tracking their food and looking at their binges in print, they would be less likely to do that, but that isn't what happens. So when people tell their WLS tales of woe, remember that there is more to the story.
  22. OutsideMatchInside


    That has basically been my approach. I do read people that tell stories here to see what symptoms they have so I can have an idea of what to be aware of. Other than that, I walk my dog every day and I am more likely to get hit by car with my dog than have a WLS complication.
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    The grandmother of one of my good friends said "Don't borrow trouble". Stay off that website, it is totally dedicated to complications but all those people had surgery years ago before techniques improved. Also if you look for complications then that is all you are going to see. It is like buying a new Camry, you probably didn't notice all the Camrys on the road but now that you have one, you see them everywhere. Stressing yourself out will cause your body to react making you sick. You have to chill out. Didn't you have a sleeve not RNY? RNY has all kinds of complications the sleeve just does not have. When is your next Dr Appointment? You should get back in school to keep your mind occupied. Do you have a therapist?
  24. OutsideMatchInside


    You seem obsessed with complications. It is that old stomach stapling. She had the surgery back in 1984. She died 27 years later... https://medlineplus.gov/ency/imagepages/19498.htm This looks like a terrible idea. I don't know who thought this was clever.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    how can I tell my new stomach is full ?

    You will never, should never feel food on liquids. You won't feel restriction until you get to soft foods typically. It feels different for everyone, you will know when it happens.

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