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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Long term vsg implications

    Ohh it doesn't show as spoilers on the webpage. It tell you that you have people blocked. I don't use the app.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Recovery time?

    I wouldn't put off the sleeve for the marathon. If you are already in decent shape, then your recovery should be pretty easy. You can only walk/jog really for the first 6 weeks of recovery, then you can do more. You will probably have to find a way to up your calories to work out, which might mean extra protein shakes. So even if you had surgery early to mid august, you should be fine for C25K, because it is easy, the rest of it, the issue is going to be getting enough calories in to fuel long runs.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Recovery time?

    I mean if you have the sleeve now, you would probably be okay to start training by the end of august. C25K is pretty easy, by the time it gets semi hard, its the end. I don't know your weight but I wouldn't run extremely over weight. You are just damaging your joints and risking injury. Your health is more important than a half marathon, there will always be marathons. http://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/why-weight-matters-when-it-comes-to-joint-pain http://www.menshealth.com/health/biggest-running-myth-debunked I'm not saying don't run, but losing some weight before can only help you.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Losing breath

    I'm glad you went to the ER. Stay chill
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Tips/Resources for Tracking Food

    Track as you eat, using an app on your phone Eat the same things, then you already know their nutrition and you aren't searching all the time Check resturants and get the nutrition information from their website I track everything metric (grams, ml) because it is easier to break it up At home when you have a scale, learn to use the tare feature. Example, I'm making a salad, I put the bowl on, zero out the weight, add the salad greens, track it, then zero out the weight, add the dressing, track it, zero out the weight, add grated parm, track it zero out the weight. You can think like that with recipes too. Like if I make an omelette I don't make that a recipe, I just weigh each thing and track each thing in the app. I used to make a lot of recipes but its pointless because I cook from the top of my head not with a real recipe so its different every time. The main thing is to make it a habit. So it is like second nature. It is easy to do early on because your diet is not varied. If you make the habit easy you can keep it later on.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    I have fallen down a slippery slope :(

    You can get back on track but it won't be easy. You are going to have to motivate yourself. I lost most of my weight the first year but I still lost in the 2nd year and that is even with not being as strict and not having as much to lose. I start out near where you started. I lost around 129 pounds my first year and then another 40 or so over the last 12 months not really trying that hard. So you can definitely lose, you just have to want to. Your tool is still there, you just have to get back to dense protein and you can do it.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    NSV happy!!!

    Nutritionist are worthless. They are the grifters of the medical field.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Long term vsg implications

    No idea why they shows as spoilers. I didn't even know we had a spoilers option on this forum My grandmother and her friends always said to wear girdles, not only did it hold you in but it prevented you from over eating. That is totally true. Anything tight sitting on my torso makes it hard for me to eat. Tight new bra, and/or shapewear is a no no if i want to eat 4 ounces. I can probably eat 2 comfortably.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Need Help With Hesitation Before Surgery

    I didn't have months leading up to surgery, I had been working on improving my health and losing weight for about 2-3 years before surgery. Then I moved and had to get a new Dr. This Dr did a complete workup on my and my health was just tanking. My weight wasn't going anywhere, I was developing high blood pressure in addition to the diabetes I already had. My heart was enlarged and acting abnormally (that is genetic but the weight was not helping). All of this before the age of 40. Those are all old people problems. My grandparents didn't have blood pressure issues until their 70s. No one in my family is diabetic. I come from a family of slim athletic people. All my issues boiled down to my life choices. I decided enough was enough. Surgery was my last ditch effort to improve my health. I felt like I was dying slowly anyway, and I felt the worse outcome I could have with surgery would be a faster death. I felt like I had absolutely nothing to lose. The process to get qualified for surgery because of my heart went all the way from EKG to Cardiac Cath. No one my age should have been undergoing a Cardiac Cath. The fact it was happening to me just because I was basically crushing my heart with fat was just too much. Signing those waiver forms was a pretty frightening experience. So no after that I had no fears. I also didn't have months to wait for surgery. I went from first visit to surgery in 8 weeks. I saw my new Dr for the first time in early April. Attended a bariatric seminar at the end of April. Saw the Surgeon the first time mid May, had surgery mid July. Once I decided that was the path I was on I rushed and made it go as fast as possible. If I didn't have insurance I would have self paid at that point to make it happen quickly. Post-op early on I had moments of doubt because I had low carb dieted before, lost weight but plateaued. I had moments of doubt that this would be no different. The difference is there is no quitting your diet post-op. When you stall out and are frustrated there is no ordering a large pizza and downing it with a 2 liter (even though people that post here still manage to do it). You are just kind of stuck eating the same, so you work through plateaus and you keep losing. Even by the time I had my first stall though, my health had improved so much, it was already well worth it.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    How much can you eat?

    Yeah, WLS boards basically have nothing to offer people that are over 6 months from surgery and not failing. 85% of the board is pre-op and the newly sleeved, 14% are the random re-gainers that post asking for help, that never respond or provide logs of what they are eating, and the remaining 1% people doing well. I'm excited to see you hit your goal. I wish I was 6 feet tall so I could stop at 180,
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    How much can you eat?

    I was surprised at 9 months when it was a little different. I thought when I was "fully healed" at 6 months that would be it. Then at 12 months it was really a big difference, almost shocking. Not so much a large increase in capacity but it was like a switch flipped and things were more normalized. I'm not sure if it was physical or mental (just used to post-op life), but it was at that point I was able to chug bottles of water again, which thrilled me to no end. I just wanted to make you aware, because I don't recall anyone talking about different feelings. They just usually say they are hungry all the time. There is definitely a restriction adjustment.
  12. Those just use your weight, and guess your lean mass and calculate it. The machines that use your breath are averaging the measurements from your breathing over a period time. If you have higher or lower metabolism, this is the only way to get an accurate reading. The Tanita machines are basing it off lean mass and fat mass, which is it getting from an electronic scan. This would work okay for most people that don't need something very accurate, but when you are dealing with people that might have impared metabolisms, the breathe measurements are showing how you body is actually metabolizing energy, not based on lean mass and fat mass but what your body is actually doing. An accurate RMR test with a DEXA scan and MD or PhD in sports medicine around are good ways to get accurate calorie goals. It just don't make sense to blame weight gain on a slowed metabolism, when you haven't had it tested and have no idea what it is. Tracking your food carefully should be the first step. I can eat a lot more at 23 months than I could at 6 months. The only thing that stops me is weighing all my food and deciding how much I am going to eat before I start eating.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    How much can you eat?

    If you switched the cottage cheese for meat, you wouldn't be able to eat or need to eat as much. When you get to 12 months, you might notice a difference with restriction. I did every 3 months the first first year, but the difference between 12 months and now is the same. If you find that you suddenly have more room (and I am talking about an ounce, 1.5 ounces) you might need to switch to more dense protein. I don't see that cottage cheese working out long term unless you just love it.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Is it normal to wait this long for a date?

    It is odd. I called my coordinator and told I need a date on a specific week because I had commitments. She gave me the date I wanted. You are paying them thousands. Call and make them give you want you want. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    How much can you eat?

    @blizair09 I totally agree. When I ate smaller more frequent meals early on it helped me realize I was not being deprived and my next meal was just around the corner, it didn't matter that I could only eat 3 ounces at a time. Once I was past 6 months and could eat steak, steak sits in my stomach a lot longer so it isn't as necessary to eat as often. I think a lot of people that are food addicts could benefit from small frequent meals, but so many programs are 3 meals a day with no snacks...
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Need Help With Hesitation Before Surgery

    I'm probably alone in my opinion but I think if you have any doubts you shouldn't have surgery. You should only have surgery if you feel it is the best and only option. That makes post-op life a lot easier to deal with, other than that, any doubt you have pre-op just get magnified post-op and the hurdle you have to jump post-op seem harder.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    How much can you eat?

    @Dabearo Almost everything he eats could be easily portable. Lots of people eat all day at their desks anyway. We just don't notice it as much because they are having chips, donuts, candy bars. I couldn't eat like @blizair09 I'm just not that into food or have the attention span he does. Also I have more capacity than he does. I don't bother with 2 or 3 ounces of protein, I always eat 4 at a time. I also, don't bother with things like Cottage Cheese. Since I just basically eat dense protein, it takes me at least 2 hours for that feel like it has passed through my stomach and small intestine. If I didn't eat dense protein, he eats a lot of soft protein, I could probably eat more often. The way he is eating is good though for getting plenty of protein in with real food and also, eating all day so you are never hungry and are never tempted. I was eating 6 times a day when I was at his point but I have always been a dense protein person. I'm just too lazy to eat 8 times a day, LOL As far as the person that asked about fluids. By the time I was a year out I could chug about 8 ounces of water without taking a breath. Now as soon as I wake up I chug 16 ounces of water. I walk the dog and drink another 16 ounces of water while I make my morning coffee. I drink 16 ounces of coffee. then another 16 ounces of water while I make my 2nd round of coffee. So that is over 64 ounces of fluid before 11 am. I don't even start eating until Noon and I still get 120 gram of protein in a day.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Turkey neck

    Nothing is going to help except surgery or tape. I would just go the tape route. You can spend money on creams and collagen but they aren't going to help. I'm lucky I never had a lot of fat in my face or neck so I don't have loose skin in these areas. Still I have lost of loose skin in other places. I would rather have loose skin and feel light weight then be fluffy, fat and heavy. Once the skin is stretched out, it doesn't matter how fast or slow you lose the weight. Losing fast doesn't matter if your skin is already damaged from being stretched out long term with weight.
  19. @ReviseMe Find a University or Dr office that does RMR/BMR testing. You want the test where you are laying or sitting still for 20-30 minutes with a mask/tent over your face. The scales and machine that just take a few seconds are not accurate. Basically you are getting a reading of the baseline of calories your body burns just being alive. If you didn't move all day this is how many calories your body would burn (ie you are in coma). @Jim in Utah I mean unless you are seriously tracking every single thing you put in your mouth with weights, you can really know what you are eating. Just a few things could make your calories higher or lower. There are not that many people here in the 2 years plus range that post and the calories that people maintain on vary pretty wildly. The active people that post here seem to be maintaining on around 2000. I do yoga once or twice a week and I walk everyday, but I don't do any formal exercise and I have not really at all since surgery. Just walking. @BigViffer is a guy. He can tell you what he does.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Abdominal fat?

    Is it fat or is it skin? If you have loose skin in that area and fat is attached to it, it is almost impossible to get rid of. If your weight and BMI are correct you probably have very little fat left. You can't spot lose fat or concentrate on it. If you build the muscles under it you are just going to have toned muscled under fat and skin.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Intermittent Fasting - 16:8

    I 16:8 fast with my best friend although I have been slipping on it lately because I have been gaming and just acting like I'm on Spring Break. I started it long before surgery. We did it because we work from home, set our own hours and pretty often, stay up late. It was a way to cut out late night eating and in turn it stopped us from staying up until 2 or 3 am gaming. If you are hungry at midnight or 1am, you just go to bed if you can't eat.😂 I have never been the kind of person to eat when they wake up anyway. So not eating till noon works for me. I drink coffee and water until noon. It allows me to easily get my fluids in all morning. Then I eat every 2 hours basically till 8. This is fine when I am at home all day working. It sucks when I am up and out doing things in the morning. It works for my lifestyle but if I had a regular 9 to 5 job I could never make it work. If 16:8 is too hard, try 12:12. Almost every one fasts at least 8 hours a day because they are sleep so extending your fast a little longer isn't as dramatic as it sounds. There is a reason breakfast is breakfast, because you are breaking your fast. Like @BigViffer I pretty much think about good all the time. I plan and craft it so I can meet all my macros. If I didn't some days I wouldn't eat at all. I still don't have much of a physical appetite. I have to be very aware of food or I will just drink water and coffee all day and not eat.
  22. I understand about the healing and the scar tissue. Another one of the. Many reasons a stretched sleeve doesn't make sense long term. Cutting and removing the stomach simply creates a newer smaller stronger stomach (mine is tight as a drum). My concern with plication and endoscopic sleeve is that long term is has the same issues as RNY. You basically have a blind stomach they can't see. So if you develop ulcers or stomach cancer in that folded over tissue, there is no way to see or access it easily. By the time they would see it, it would have spread far beyond the source. Which is why I felt long term just removing the stomach your are not using is the safest option. I plan on living another 40 or 50 years like this. I need the simplest cleanest option available for long term maintenance. I still want to know why there is all this sudden interest in this surgery. I still think only 3 or 4 doctors in the US are doing it. That might be a stretch, I only found 2 programs period. So why are so many people asking about it?
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Ideas on Getting Free from This Slump?

    When I say just protein, I mean just meat. Real food, not supplements. I would never suggest someone healed from surgery go on a liquid diet ever again. Someone that started at your weight could easily eat 90 to 120 grams of protein. Upping your protein could start you losing again.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Ideas on Getting Free from This Slump?

    Try just protein for 2 weeks and see what happens. Just by what you posted it seems like you are getting like 60 grams of protein a day? Is that accurate?

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