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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Telling My Fiance about WLS decision

    You are seriously over thinking this. Tell him you are having surgery. His reaction is going to tell you if he is the man you should be marrying or not. Married people keep secrets from the rest of the world all the time. If he can't keep your secret he isn't worth marrying.
  2. Honestly from reading forums for years, people that "fall off the wagon" never seem to get back on it. It isn't like AA, you can just give up alcohol. You can't give up food and if you would never learn to control your eating and food when it was easy post-op, you probably never will. Post-op life shouldn't be on a wagon or off. You have to find a way to eat that is easy, normalized to your and HEALTHY. That way you don't fall off the wagon, don't feel deprived and don't cheat. If you really can't eat right, finding a therapist to help you work through your feelings about food might bring you some success.
  3. Meat. I almost never eat breakfast for breakfast. Maybe 2 times a month.
  4. I think I have almost everyone from our original thread. @AvalonNeeCee @scorpions118 @jas84047 @nevadapinkprincess @rainnie1976 @nads64 @Heatherrc1 @Cubancountrygirl @LauriTX75 @faithful @bnm4 @wheezysmom @lorilove @Jessicacherry3 @ExcitedButNervous @Nurse 52 @jjbowersock @mgilleo @laceygorrell @smkallen67 @mataz78 @Tricebhasstyle @fatsolovescandy @AYRW71 @Remix @Bullydog Mom @MaryPh @marypups @oceanlover How are you guys doing? Are you at goal or close? Are you maintaining well? What is your life like now. I am not at goal yet, but even if I didn't lose anymore I am very happy where I currently am. I still have very little physical hunger, it is rare that I feel hungry. I still track all of my food, if I didn't track I would never eat enough or meet my goals. My life is pretty normal. I do not feel like a WLS patient anymore at all. I feel like a normal healthy person. My life has been very enriched by my weight loss in ways I could not have imagined.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    No water 13 hours pre op??

    I went 14 hours without water and it was like 110 last summer. We have AC here though, so it wasn't like I sweating it out in the fields or something. Better to not drink than end up with pneumonia because you have fluid in your stomach and it ends up in your lungs.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Portion control

  7. Wendy's chili is a terrible choice and this is why... It trains you that you can still eat fast food and everything is okay. This is your time for a mental reset and going to a fast food restaurant is blowing that reset and keeping fast food normalized. This is a dangerous gamble for a food addict. Protein shakes are available at every gas station and grocery store. There is no reason someone is forced to eat fast food. It is a choice. Period. It starts with Wendy's chili but it will evolve into more. Stop eating fast food. If you want chili you can make it at home in less than 20 minutes of active cooking and let it simmer. The chili you make at home will be healthier and have lower carbs.
  8. @gwbicster Honestly reading about what you posted, you don't sound physically hungry. You are giving into a lot of head hunger. If you were just hungry protein shakes would satisfy you. You are eating fast food and things you know you are not allowed. That is head hunger. Do you have a therapist?
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Insight into "frustrating" success of pre op diet

    I did not lose a lot on my pre-op liquid diet. 8 pounds barely. The best thing about WLS for me is I am NEVER hungry basically. I have been easily to lose weight easily because it has been stress free. I am not hungry. I do not feel deprived. I am not suffering. That was never the case prior to surgery. And even if I want to eat a lot I can't or I start and I am like meh, not even interested. Would have never been possible pre-op. I also have the confidence that comes with losing a lot of weight, and that makes me want to keep it off because now I know the difference. And I feel like I can easily maintain this weight loss, because it has been basically effortless.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Hair loss [emoji102]

    If you are going to lose hair because of surgery nothing is going to stop it. All you can do is promote fast regrowth with high protein and correct vitamins (D, Iron, Zinc) It grows back, it is temporary. It isn't as dramatic as people pretend it is.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    When will this nausea go away.... vent

    Do you have a nausea med?
  12. Standing on low calories is going to be more of an issue than the water.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Acid Reflux

    I never had GERD before surgery. The first 9 months I had issue off and on which could have been prevented if I took my PPI the whole time like I was supposed to. Now the only time it happens it is my fault, eating too much with an underwire bar on. It doesn't happen to everyone or even most people. The percentage of sleevers with GERD is lower than the normal population. It just seems common because it is the one complication that is common, as in there are few complications and this is one. Also it can be self inflicted and a lot of people that are food addicts don't stop after they have surgery. Constantly over eating does not help. Also almost all the information about PPIs is BS. Look at the actual studies. I don't take a PPI regularly now, but if I had to take one for the rest of my life I would have no fear about it. It is better than the alternative.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm Cold?!

    I was cold for like the first 18 months. Then when my weight loss leveled out I got close to normal. I am hot when other people are hot and cold when other people are cold. Although I have a pretty high heat tolerance now.
  15. Yeah you don't need to bring your own protein powder. Order soup and a salad. Don't touch the salad, just push it around, no one will notice. Eat the soup, just the liquids, you should be able to have most of it. Have your protein before and after. Honestly it isn't worth going out at 3 weeks but I am assuming this is some social event you can't decline. Eating out is something you have to learn. I have a lot of tricks to make it seem like I am eating but not really eating.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    6 month stall 2 lbs up 2lbs down

    It is very unlikely you are going to lose 16 pounds in a 6 weeks, so you might as well give up on that. A better goal would be to lose the rest by the end of the year. the last pounds are the hardest to lose and take the longest. Track all your food and weigh it all so your portions are correct.
  17. OutsideMatchInside


    It was on my list of approved foods. Do you have a list from your Dr? I never tried it because I don't like it, but Oatmeal and Cream of Wheat were on the list.
  18. @ma08 Thanks for sharing. I haven't read too much about your procedure but nothing I read said it only lasted 2 years. Also most of the things I saw said the restriction was similiar to the sleeve. I am surprised yours is so low. Again thanks for sharing, you will help other people.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    No Special Pre-Op Diet?

    If you really haven't been eating carbs, your liver is small and there is no reason for a liver shrinking diet. The fact you have lost so much weight pre-op has convinced them you are actually following the diet. You have a Dr that isn't an idiot, Congrats. They are rare.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating certain things?

    Eggs are hard. I can only eat them fried or poached which is fine because that is the only way I like them anyway. Scrambled eggs are a disaster. I could not have most red meats until month 6. I could only have ground beef. Grilled Chicken breast is dry and very hard to digest. I don't ever eat it unless it is on a salad, other wise it is too dry and hard to digest. I don't eat bread, I hate rice so I can't help you there. A lot of the stuff you are trying to eat are things that are going to be hard to eat for the first 6 to 12 months.
  21. That isn't something that will get better with surgery it will probably get worse. Keep an eye on it.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    What should I get from Chipotle?

    If you love and value yourself, nothing. http://gawker.com/the-government-is-investigating-chipotles-diseased-burr-1751347225 http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/28/technology/chipotle-credit-card-hack/index.html I do not understand why people continue to support this company. It is obvious they so not care about customers. They also lie about nutritional values. https://arstechnica.com/science/2016/11/the-case-of-the-diet-burrito-customers-sue-over-misleading-nutrition-info/ http://www.businessinsider.com/chipotle-portion-size-accuracy-2015-7
  23. What is a great decision for me, might not be a great decision for you. I am thrilled with my surgery but there are plenty of people that post here that are unhappy with theirs so... Other peoples opinions on their surgery experiences are not really going to help you.
  24. This is a case of can and should. You probably can, but you shouldn't. You are having MAJOR surgery. Just because they don't cut you wide open doesn't mean it is not major. You are having 85% of a major organ removed, and they are cutting through muscle to get to it. You need to rest. You are going to be exhausted, but you can probably be there, if you don't mind acting like Bernie in Weekend at Bernie's. There is nothing wrong with recovering and taking care of yourself.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    July 2015 Sleevers - 2 Years Post-op

    I'm pretty happy with my loss so far, I am down about 185 pounds, 173 since surgery. I would like to lose 10-15 more but if I have skin surgery I will lose enough with surgery, so I am pretty content where I am now. I am trying to lose 2 pounds by my surgery anniversary, we'll see if I can pull that off. My body seems pretty content. My carbs are usually lower than 20 grams and my fat goal, I do not always hit. My protein is between 120-130 grams a day.

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