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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Best WLS for my weight? Process?

    Well your Surgeon can tell you the best surgery. With a family history of diabetes, RNY, the Gastric bypass might be your best choice. All programs are different in what they require. Usually you have to so some pre-op testing to qualify for surgery. 6 months nutrition and weigh-ins might be required. You have to look at the requirements for your insurance and the program you choose.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating is hard

    Well, I'm pretty smooth and charming so I want someone that is like me. I dress to impress and I want someone that matches and is comfortable with my lifestyle. I don't think it is worth getting dressed, doing my hair and makeup for a coffee date. I know a lot of people don't share this perspective which is exactly why I adopted it. It weeds out a lot of men that are a waste of my time. I used to do coffee dates like 2 years ago. I found that the kind of men that asked me out for coffee were not the kind of man that interested me, so I stopped doing it. Guys that are introverts are going to ask you to coffee, they want to avoid crowded situations. These are exactly the men I want to avoid like the plague. I have negative interest in dating an introvert, being friends with one, or just associating with them in general. I am an extrovert and I like to be surrounded by other extroverts. I find introverts to just be energy vampires. The coffee date guys are also just mass dating. They are doing coffee dates because it is a cheap way to check someone out without much time or money investment. Those guys are the real players. They ask you to coffee so they can verify how pretty you are or not, and then they ask you out on a real date if you pass the coffee date test. They ask you to coffee, then try to push it into dinner and invite you back to their place. Rolling 3 dates into one night with the goal of taking you to pound town. A busy professional male with a worthwhile career doesn't have time for coffee dates if he is really looking for something real. Guys that are players are trying to date the most amount of women for the least cost and time investment. They are not buying concert tickets or taking you to MLB games. I used to be a hiring manager in IT. I can gauge if I am going to click with someone in a few text messages. I am a good judge of character for the most part. After that I want to see how you act in public and what your mannerisms are like in a few situations. I like being out and about and doing lots of activity and things, always have. I want to avoid homebodies and the quiet evenings at home guys like the plague. Since I refined my dating requirements, I am going on higher quality dates with higher quality men. Basically getting exactly what I want from dating.
  3. That is kind of my point though. People just talk about complication, weight loss, and healthy life style changes. No one ever really talks about emotional or identity issues that don't involve breaking up your marriage, or transfer addictions. It is all the same old thing you can just read about.
  4. I'm sure a lot of people would like to hear about your experiences. The thing is individual experiences vary a lot. Dr orders vary a lot. How people respond to surgery varies a lot. I had already spent a lot of time educating myself on surgery and even post-op life. In the end my experience has been unlike anything I have read about or watched on TV.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Different Hair

    Hormones can change your hair. Even if you are post menopausal, your body gets flood with hormones from burning fat. I have a lot of curly/wavy friends that get straight hair after having babies. Certain vitamins can also loosen the curl pattern for some people.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    After Surgery Taste Issues

    My tastes never changed at all. I did however get really sick of having sweet stuff all the time, because I wasn't living on sweets before surgery, the idea of living on sweet stuff all day post-op was just stupid to me. I did a lot of broth with unflavored protein powder.
  7. Nice to see those peeps didn't hold you back!
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating is hard

    Well I date a lot in spurts. I think that men who comment on how much eat on a date are rude, not worth seeing again and also probably cheap, really not worth seeing again. I dated this guy that insisted I get a box, even though I didn't want one and wasn't going to eat the food later. If I get a box for my food I always toss it in the dumpster before I walk in my Apt anyway. I don't do first date coffee dates. It is a complete waste of my time. Guys that ask me on Coffee dates I just block. I like first dates to be fun activities, something creative. I feel like men that aren't willing to take the time to try and impress me aren't worth my time. I'm 2 years out and I can eat enough no on ever comments on me not eating a lot. I think also because of the kind of men I date, they are used to women not eating a lot (most of them have thin ex-wives). Even at one year I could eat enough or make it look like I was eating enough that no one cared. If it is a nice restaurant (not a corporate chain) , the courses arrived spaced out enough that you have time to eat properly like a civilized human. Order seafood, it is moist and almost a slider, you can eat most of it. Dinner Salad, they only give you 2 to 3 ounces of protein and salad greens are basically a slider, easy to eat it all. Steak can be tricky, but if you order filet mignon, with veggies you can eat all or most of a 4 ounce filet and have a few dainty bites of veggies.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    5 months Sleeve to MGB post-op pic

    That is amazing weight loss for a revision. Most people with revisions lose very slowly and barely anything. Congrats on all the hard work!
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Stall Help

    Nut butters are very calorie dense and the protein is basically equal to the carbs. Unlesa you very accurately track them you can consume a lot of calories with them and trigger zero restriction. So if you add them to your diet, be careful.
  11. @sydneyjonno When you eat do you eat dense protein first, alone by itself then eat your other food if you have room? I find that eating protein alone is very filling. If i eat it with other food it is not as filling and I can eat 2x as much almost. You could try eating your protein. Then an hour or 2 later eating vegetables. I very rarely have physical hunger but I had to learn to reach my goals, it is okay to be hungry some of the time. Good luck
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Stitched Muscle Pain- How long did it last?

    Yeah it wasn't muscles for me, they healed in a fairly normal time period. It was something else below the muscle. The pains never lasted long and were never super intense.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Stitched Muscle Pain- How long did it last?

    i randomly had pain on my left side for months. I assumed it nerves reconnecting. I has been a while so the memories are fuzzy but I am going to say at least 6 to 9 months
  14. @sydneyjonno I'm not judging, you but what is going to be different after this surgery? Do you have a therapist to talk to about your eating? Do you have your metabolism and body composition tested? You realize even with your over stitch, eventually you will be able to eat more. What is going to stop you from eating more? Portion control is supposed to come with weighing and portioning your food before you eat it, not your surgery. I will never know if I can eat 2 cups of food simple because I never put 2 cups of food in front of myself. I eat my doctor recommended portions, 4 to 6 ounces of dense protein. You still have to use will power after surgery. You will always be able to graze, nothing is going to stop you from grazing (that is what eating 30 minutes after you have previously eaten is). I'm not discouraging you or judging you at all, but you could probably benefit from a more comprehensive solution than just surgery. After this you will really be at the end of the road with surgery, unless you have more of your intestine bypassed. What is your solution to your food issues beyond surgery?
  15. Have better friends and associates? Like I seriously don't get these comments from people that know me. People will good manners and home training wouldn't talk to you like that. People just tell me I look good, nice, beautiful, whatever. When you make a big change in your life, you get to see what people are really like and how much they really love you if at all. I am on like my 3rd major life change, so I braced myself for possible issues this time, but it didn't happen because previously I already thinned the herd of the people that don't want the best for me or are in general trash.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Stall Help

    Hopefully one of the guys chimes in but... If I were you, I would set my protein higher, at around 100 grams and get that protein all from real food, not protein shakes. And I would weigh all my food, unless you are weighting your food you do not really know how much you are consuming.
  17. OutsideMatchInside


    I have a schedule provided by my Dr. Basically taking things 2 hours apart. Vitamins really shouldn't make you feel sick, if they do, try a different brand.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Stall Help

    Some people are just super responders and lose more. Are you weighing all your food and tracking it in an app? Are you sure your calorie count is accurate? How many grams of protein are you consuming in a day?
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Bariatric plan exclusion?

    @smadams What state do you live in? A lot of states do no consider bariatric surgery a necessity so no marketplace plans will cover it either. Good luck if you live in a red state.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Before surgery

    They start an IV as soon as they get you changed. Almost any time you are checked into a hospital they start an IV right away so they can administer meds to you as needed. Like the other poster said, they run a lot of tests. They check your blood type. They drug you so you don't freak out. By the time you are in the operating room, you are already all the way zoned out. You are awake but very mellow and chilled out. I want to say they give you xanax and some other stuff.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Having trouble eating 3 weeks post op

    I never did purees. I'm texture sensitive and just the thought makes me want to hurl. I did liquids longer, skipped purees, and went to soft foods. There is nothing wrong with not advancing your stages if you are not ready. Just make sure you getting enough protein and liquids in.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone out there cycling? Help please...

    Higher calorie protein bars? http://www.gnc.com/meal-replacement-bars-boxes/507501.html?product_id=507501&flagtype=nonbrand&vendor=none&channel=ppc&adpos=1o2&creative=189757865641&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=Cj0KEQjwwLHLBRDEq9DQxK2I_p8BEiQA3UDVDvDgvHdsBwquTte8fh76qmbvYQf11QfrW4wOsFoHq4MaAjgq8P8HAQ I use these when I am burning a ton of calories because there is no way I can consume enough calories otherwise.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    24 weeks pregnant and losing weight.

    I can't imagine having a baby pushing on my stomach. If my bra is in the wrong position and the underwire is sitting on my rib cage in just the right position, I can get heartburn or have issues eating, Are you drinking protein shakes? You might need to have a few during the day to up your calories. They will also coat your stomach and help a little with the heartburn. What do the Drs say? How many calories are you getting in a day?
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Im freaking out !!!

    Bamboo tea is awesome. My friend that has waist length hair drinks it every day. Unfortunately if you are losing hair due to surgery and/or dropping weight fast. Nothing is going to stop is from falling out. All you can do is combat it by promoting fast growth. That means keeping your protein high, exceeding your protein goals and taking all your vitamins. Keeping your iron, vitamin d and zinc up are the vitamins you need to concerned with. Despite what people say biotin is kind of useless. Try using henna in your hair, it will make the stands look fuller. I lost a lot of hair but it was worth it. I also lost a lot of weight. The hair is coming back but the weight is not. My hair loss didn't stop until my weight loss slowed down to normal people levels.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Premier Protein

    Are you hypoglycemic?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
