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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-Surgery and Post-Surgery clothes shopping *Rant*

    Newsflash, thin people have problems shopping also. Sizes very not just from store to store, but brand to brand and even product to product. If you hate shopping you are going to continue to hate shopping.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Stomach sleepers.

    I did it on night 4, by accident. I just naturally rolled over, and it didn't hurt. That was the first real sleep I had since surgery and I felt to much better afterward. The pressure of sleeping on your stomach also helps with gas.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    My Doctor faked my surgery!

    Except this is a terrible inflammatory title. You have your surgeons name in your profile and you are accusing them of malpractice.
  4. Protein shakes and broth with protein powder.
  5. You can still eat pizza. Google low carb pizza and you will get a million options. this crust is awesome http://ketodietapp.com/Blog/post/2015/08/24/foolproof-cauli-pizza-pepperoni
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    How long was ur process?

    8 weeks from first consult to surgery. A lot of insurance companies dropped the requirements this year. If you have to do a lot of pre-op testing and you have a job, scheduling those things can be an issue.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    My Doctor faked my surgery!

    I'm not sure if this post is serious, joking or trolling. A lot of people aren't miserable and tolerate food very well. I was able to see my sleeve and intestines live on screen during my swallow test, I know it happened. I wasn't miserable like a lot of people. As more and more younger people have surgery we are going to see more people with less post op issues, and as doctors get better at surgery.
  8. The inner fat they move to the side during surgery is the fat that every person has, even if they are thin. It is there to protect your organs, they do not remove it. In overweight people it is just thicker. The fat, as in the fat you are trying to lose and the fact you have suctioned out with lipo is between the muscle and the skin. That is a different fat.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    This is from /r/keto https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah8MbmZepQxWdGo4bnB2QmxxMUlmTzZUTXYzMURRLWc#gid=0 It is a good guide to what is low carb.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Hormones in meat

    There are enough amish and organic farms around here that natural meat is readily available. Since I eat so much less than before, the price isn't really an issue. As more and more people start being awake about our food, I think the price will drop when it isn't a niche market. The hormones in food along with sugar in everything are the reasons we are seeing record obesity and other issues.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Surgery in the Afternoon

    I had surgery in the afternoon. I think it is better than the morning just because you don't have to worry about oversleeping. I had to be at the hospital by 12:30 and I was in the operating room around 2pm. Drink all the Water you can tonight, try to drown yourself.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Your Daily and Weekly Planning?

    I work from home so I cook all my meals fresh before I eat them. I like cooking each meal because it helps keep me mindful about what I am eating and I love fresh foods. I don't meal prep because I would be freaked out about bacteria and just end up tossing it. I buy my fresh Protein usually fish or crab by the week. I default buy veggies by the week because they last me so long with so little. I usually defrost my fish for the next day by putting it in the fridge before I head to bed. I buy protein powders by the month. I try to keep 3 flavors so I have a variety. I also buy my Snacks since I order them online by the month.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    How Do You Track Your Food?

    I track daily in Fitbit to make sure I meet my protein goals.
  14. My temper wouldn't tolerate most of these comments. I'm too pretty for jail, so I'm glad I kept my surgery to myself.
  15. OutsideMatchInside


    Drink Lots of Water Stay Busy The first 4 days stay really busy and avoid bad food situations, it is easier after 4 days. Have a variety of Protein flavors. Add unflavored protein to broth Stay Busy. Go to bed early
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Don't want to eat

    Like others have said, drop the slim fast shake and get a better shake with higher Protein and fewer carbs. I know a lot of WLS patients eat eggs, but eggs are so hard for me to eat scrabbled. They have to be over easy. Turkey lunch meat also isn't that filling or satisfying. Why not try some different things? I have a lot of fish in my diet, and I use a variety of Protein shakes. I also suggest Syntrax nectars since they a like Water so you can drink them easily and get your protein in.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    What Does Full Feel Like?

    @@Giarc you probably won't be able to do a cup once you fit soft foods. Then you will really feel the restriction.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Don't beat me up....

    Are you regular? I mean a pound can be water or BM. If you can stand it, try liquids for a few days and see if that jump starts you or increase your exercise. It looks like you have already lost over 1/2 your excess weight. Your weight loss is going to be slow from here out, you might as well adjust to it.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Mourning food!

    Once you can actually eat soft foods you will probably have a different set of issues. At first eating solids again, even soft solids is scary. If you don't chew enough, or eat slowly enough, it can hurt. That will also change your relationship with food. You will get more to a point that food is just to get your protein in, instead of a stress reliever etc.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    What Does Full Feel Like?

    What does your program say about your portion sizes? I went back and looked at my handbook and at 6 weeks it says 1/2 to 3/4 a cup of food in 20 minutes.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    What Does Full Feel Like?

    I get the hiccups. Actually I get the hiccups if I over eat, so I measure my food and try not to go over 6 oz. Less than a month out you should be in the 2-4oz range per meal. You should try measuring that much, eating 3 oz, see if you feel satisfied after 20 minutes, then stop. 8oz is a lot of food unless your food is basically pureed to liquid. Also that probably isn't your sleeve growling, it is more likely your small intestine if it is lower than your chest bone. It isn't growling, it is digesting your food. Early on you can feel when food empties into your intestines, well more like you can hear it.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Dinner dates...

    Why not go to a restaurant where you can order fish? I can eat a decent amount of a fish fillet, at least a good 4-6oz of white fish at a time. Men are used to women not eating that much, and if you are talking a lot during the meal, you can easily play it off. You could also just get Soup and a salad, and just move the salad around. People don't notice what you eat as much as you think. He has never seen you eat before, so it isn't like he is going to expect you to snarf down a 12in sub, because you always do. Don't over think it.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Diet & Exercise Regimen

    This is your 3rd week. You are in the 3 week stall. Just wait.
  24. broth has almost no calories, so drink more broth also. you will get so tired of cold shakes and sweet stuff. Work on doctoring that broth to taste better.

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