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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    When did you buy new clothes?

    So my ThredUp mail in kit arrived today. I went to their calculator website to see what kind of payouts I could expect. https://www.thredup.com/cleanout/brands The payouts are terrible. Even for the Isabel Toledo stuff. Most of the european brands I have they don't even accept. I would rather just give this stuff to goodwill than try to sell it on ThredUp. I might try to sell the jeans on eBay depending on my mood, but ThedUP is a no go.
  2. Get rid of the clothes. I was going through some of my old journals and notebooks and I had all this stuff written in them about heart ache and old boyfriends. I had been moving all that negative energy around with me, every move. I tore them all up and set them on fire and it was therapeutic. Those old clothes are just there to remind you of failure. Chuck them. Even if you do regain the weight 10 years for now or something, there will be different clothes and different fabrics and styles, they might have clothes that make you look thinner. Drop them all off and drop all that old baggage. Before I started down the path of weight loss surgery I thinned out my closet. I used to use about 4-5 closets and wardrobes and tubs. I had enough clothes I could change clothes 2x a day and never wear the same thing twice for over a year. Except I wasn't really wearing those clothes and all the extra clothes that I didn't wear were blocking my view to the things I did like. It was to the point I couldn't even find some of my favorites, and I had so many new clothes with the tag still on that just got lost. So I cleaned house. Now the only clothes I have are things I have worn within the last 18 months (with a few evening items that aren't worn often). I put on fall clothes from last year that were tight tight and they are too big now. When I lose another 25lbs I am chucking all that stuff. I don't need it holding me back or holding me down. This book might help you think about it from a different perspective than weight loss. We hold on to too many things we don't need. If you want to keep one reminder of what not to let happen again, keep one shirt or one pair of pants, dump the rest, and put that one item away in a box someone so it is staring at you sabotaging you daily. http://www.amazon.com/Joy-Less-Minimalist-Living-Guide-ebook/dp/B003UNJX4S
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Please, help I'm starving....

    Where are you gurgling? If it is below your breast bone that isn't your stomach, it is your intestines. This soon out your body is still waking up from anesthesia. What seems like gurgling is food hitting your intestines. How much Water are you drinking? If you aren't drinking enough water you will have a headache. Your stomach is so swollen from surgery it is almost impossible to be physically hungry. Unless you are suffering from GERD.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Please, help I'm starving....

    What does your hunger feel like and where are you feeling it?
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Holiday Desserts

    low carb cheesecake with almond meal crust is the easiest.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating too much...

    @@Ryan TN When you get full eating 4 ounces of food, your mindset of what is a lot changes. Also if you look at the portions on labels. A portion of meat is 2-4oz. Most people go way over that. When you have the sleeve, you what a proper portion is supposed to be, maybe a little less. An egg can fill most of us up, so an egg, plus toast and meat, wow that counts as a feast. If you follow all the steps of your program, really follow them, and relearn how to eat. You will be surprised how your attitude about food and portion sizes change. A 3oz crab cake is a feast for me (crab is dense).
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Multi chewable vitamin

    I take Bariactiv but it looks like you can only get them with Nascobal prescription. I like them, I take them on an empty stomach all the time no issues.
  8. http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/ Lots of stuff in there that is soft, you just have to look around. Lots of recipes on eggface http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ http://www.bariatricfoodie.com/ Google. Everyone has different requirements so google and find recipes that have things you can eat. Also there is a recipe section on this site. http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/1056-soft-stage-3/
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Food Funeral, Last Meals?

    I didn't have a lot of lead time from when I decided to have surgery and when it happened. I had some food funerals. Right now I am really regretting I didn't have a ribeye funeral, because in the back of my mind, I really could go for a steak. It seems weird low-carbing without steak. I still have a little over 3.5 months before I can have steak You are going to have a long time possibly you won't be able to even have anything you need to chew. If you think enjoying some things you like will help you get through those times then do it. Also down the road if you are willing to cook, search the net for recipes, and buy a few specialty items from the health food store, you can have almost everything you can eat now. You just have to think different about how to prepare it and what tastes good. Life after the sleeve is not a life of being deprived but you need to log and weigh everything so you can stay within goals.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Disappointed - Minimal Weight Loss 9 months post op

    Working out too much can cause you body to into stress mode and hold weight. Really log all of your food and weigh and measure it. Even log the bad food, so you can see mistakes in print. Then it will be easier to avoid them when you see how bad they are in front of you. As people here always say, go back to basics. Clean Protein first (nothing breaded, fried or on bread), and Water. Portion control your food and don't eat more than what your portion is.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    8 week stall/need recommendations

    You can't expect to lose weight every day. Weighing yourself everyday is going to make you crazy. Pick a time once a week, and weigh yourself at that time.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Approval: Healthcare Exchange Plan - BCBSIL

    They don't know if your deductible is met or not and they don't care. If you haven't met it before pre-op testing, your pre-op testing will get you there.
  13. If you are going to use acids on your body, which I am doing as well buy products for the body. You will save a lot of money that way. http://www.makeupartistschoice.com/Bath-Body-and-Spa_c_55.html The body peel there and the lotion are great. At walgreens you can pick up http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/studio-35-beauty-alpha-hydroxy-face-cream/ID=prod6111663-product it is cheap, 9.99 a jar and I use that also. The best you can do is moisturize inside and out and force your skin cells to turn over all the time.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Sugar free recese

    Oh man. All those sugar alcohols. With things like that, you need to take a serving portion and put the rest away. If you don't have the self control to put the rest away and not touch them, then take a portion and throw them away.
  15. @@MzStockton Stop watching TV with commercials. I watched everything about 10 minutes after it started so I could FF through commercials. Once you get on soft foods, you won't crave food as much. A few more days and you probably won't even be interested in food. Do not chew food and spit it out. That is terrible habit, don't start. That is eating disorder behavior.
  16. Are you over eating? Different people have different reaction that tell them when they are full.Trying timing your meals and measuring to see if at a slower pace and a smaller amount you don't sneeze.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    face cream

    take a picture, and email the people at this site using the contact form and they will make good recommendations for you. Their products are top knotch. http://www.makeupartistschoice.com/
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    To Tell or Not to Tell?

    I only told 3 friends out of state. One flew in to be with me for surgery and recovery. My weight loss is steady but it is not crazy fast so people are not curious about my weight loss, since it is obvious and I am eating less and working out more. I decided not to tell people, just because once you tell people you have no control over who they tell and there are some people in my life that would use this information as a weapon. So if you are losing weight by eating less and moving more that is all you have to tell people. I think not telling people removes a lot of stress. No one is constantly asking my about what I am eating, how much weight I am losing, etc. I just get to focus on my weight loss.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Best Friend... Not so much

    I think some people are scared for you and it comes out the wrong way. They can't verbalize their fears of losing a friend.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Acne better after surgery?

    When you are losing weight you are going to have more breakouts as your body releases hormones.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Approved - but Should I Go through with it?

    @@wwboy As far as people being miserable post surgery, most of them were miserable before surgery. They thought the weight was their problem, not other things. Bad life choices, traumatic childhood, bad life partners, lack of assertiveness, social anxiety, etc. Losing weight won't fix that and when people lose the weight and they are emotionally in the same place or worse, it really goes down hill. I know a lot of people that had surgery and are still miserable but they are just miserable people, fat or skinny. If you love yourself and you are happy with yourself, but you need to lose some excess weight to make life easier then do it. Most vegetarians and vegans I know are fat. They are sugar addicts and they pile on a lot of crap. It is really easy to be over weight on a plant based diet. You can just binge on fruit and you will be just as fat as if you are were eat double cheese burgers. If moderation is your issue, then surgery will help you with the moderation. The ability to eat very little and feel satisfied and full is a feel of euphoria that is hard to describe. You can have the sleeve and still have a plant based diet, people here do it, it is done. Your counselor doesn't have to live in your skin, and deal with you life. So keep that in mind when taking advice from her or anyone else (including me) you have to live with you.
  22. OutsideMatchInside


    They did not set percentages. I do a keto diet tot try and prevent gallstones and I am working with a University program. 80g Protein, 20g carbs, 38g fat based on my lean body mass.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Best Vitamins

    This video has a good list of Vitamins. https://youtu.be/WmfGuUKB4sE?t=37m32s Your doctor probably sells or recommends certain vitamins. I use Bariactiv that I get with prescription. Just remember that vitamins are not regulated by the FDA, so you have to be very careful to make sure you get quality vitamins. Flintstone vitamins are not high enough quality for our needs.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    July sleevers?

    @@MrsRoboto Are you regular?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
