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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    How to count calories

    When I just started out and couldn't eat much I weight before I ate and after I ate with a scale. I have a digital scale that I can put a container on, set to zero so the weight of the container does not count and then weigh the food. I would we before and then after I finished. It is important to get your Protein right, not guess it. If you are doing protein first and hitting your protein goals, it is almost impossible to over eat on calories unless you are grazing
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Major Dumping Syndrome

    @@bellabloom did you have the sleeve or the bypass? You always post in the sleeve forums but your profile says bypass.
  3. Agreeing with the other posters. You don't eat to be full, you really want to avoid being full, if you ever get full you will learn why. Weigh and measure your food and eat the recommend weight/volume for your stage. You will be satisfied. You have to learn this technique early and continue to practice it or you are going to get into trouble later on.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    What's for dinner?

    Baked Swai fillet. I am really lazy with my food since I log it all, I just eat the same things over and over again. It is also easy to make one portion for a single person.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    hair loss

    In this thread we talk about collagen supplements. I like it better than Biotin and you don't have to worry about breakouts as a side effect. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/353355-my-shower-drain-is-finally-hair-free/
  6. OutsideMatchInside


    Eating whole fruit is better than drinking juice. Drinking juice you are basically just straight drinking sugar, even it is natural. You need the fiber in the whole fruit.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    How do you feel?

    My doctor said it takes 6 weeks. Your body is using all of your energy to repair and heal. In my experience, I felt pretty good at 4 weeks and 100% at 6 weeks. I had a lot of energy from the very beginning, but I got tired fast and had to take a nap every afternoon. I was able to stay awake 18 hours at about 4 weeks. I never felt tired and lethargic even at my heaviest.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    My shower drain is finally hair free!

    @@glitter eyes I take http://www.amazon.com/Neocell-Super-Powder-Collagen-Packaging/dp/B0011DJ71I/ It definitely helps with skin. It is subtle at first but one day you will be shocked at the improvement
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    My shower drain is finally hair free!

    Collagen is great. If you have any large pores they will close too. I love it.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Small bougie

    Most people don't know because they don't care. Almost no one ever talks about this except the people that go out of the country. The size is irrelevant. What matters is the knowledge of the Dr. Everyone has a different size stomach to start with. When they get in there and look around they are supposed to choose how much to cut on a case by case basis for the best outcome. And no matter what size they make it, it is going to stretch anyway. Also long term a lot of restriction is not beneficial. If people are so restricted they can't get all their Protein in, they end up look like the crypt keeper. You need to be able to eat, and hopefully avoid GERD. You are never going to know what size they really use, and restriction isn't what is going to make you lose weight, making good choices will. Even with a ton of restriction you can sit and eat all day and drink Water to push it through.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    mini binge - anyone else?

    Keep healthy treats around so when you have a treat it isn't a big deal.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Left should pain during eating

    What did your doctor say about it?
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    What's for breakfast?!

    @@Bufflehead Every time I read one of your posts, my TJ's shopping list gets longer.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    diet? no diet? life change? bad mood?

    At 7 weeks you still can't eat a lot, I am a little further than you at 13 weeks and I can have more balanced meals. When you have room for more than just Protein the world opens up a lot. I still don't have a lot of extra room for veggies but being able to have them really makes a difference. Give it a little more time. I feel like a normal eater now, just really small portions because my diet is more balanced.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    diet? no diet? life change? bad mood?

    I understand your feelings about this feeling like one endless diet. The thought of that would depress me so I did a few things to make sure I don't feel that way. My kitchen only has clean foods, paleo, keto foods. Even if I decide I want to make a mug cake for a treat or something, all the ingredients here are things I can eat. Cleaning out your kitchen makes it a lifestyle not a diet. Then you have to change how you think about food. If I am out and I haven't eaten recently, I know just about every place in a 30 mile radius where I can get a Quest bar. Almost all the gas stations have Protein shakes, they are not the highest quality but they meet my protein to calorie goals. I can eat anything, but I only have so many calories to spend each day and they need to be on protein. I want to keep my hair and my youthful good looks! You kind of have to get cheating out of your mind. You can't cheat on a lifestyle. If you think about things as cheating then it is always going to be a diet. Like @@Babbs I track and weigh my food. Which just keeps me on track. It doesn't feel like a diet to me, I think mainly because on diets I feel constantly deprived. I have no appetite or hunger right now, so I don't feel deprived. You just have to get your feelings about food worked out, and you won't feel so bad.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    I feel defeated

    38lbs in 2 months is a lot of weight. If you look on the band to sleeve forums, revisions seem to lose slower but they still lose.
  17. OutsideMatchInside


    @@lsubabe33 Great
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Taking Prescription Pills after surgery

    I never got any special instructions about taking pills or the time in between. Call the doctors office and ask.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Regret surgery

    Only that I didn't do it sooner, but really I wasn't ready before now. I think the sleeve is probably the least regret provoking surgery just because you end up not that different from most people. You can still eat things just in very small amounts. It is normal to be nervous or worried. This is major surgery no matter how easy the recovery might be and no one should take it lightly.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    When do you get a date

    If you have completed all your pre-op, then call the scheduler. If you are aggressive you can make them fit you in when you want. I had a friend flying in from out of state and I needed my surgery to happen within a certain small window and I pushed the scheduler and got the date I wanted. I have read other people doing the same thing.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Taking Prescription Pills after surgery

    Are you worried about the pills being stuck? If they tell you to take meds, you take them how you took them before surgery unless they tell you different. Blood pressure pills are usually small so you should be fine taking one and drinking or eating.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    My holy grail product for DRY skin!

    Not all alcohols are the same. Cetyl alcohol and stearyl alcohol are good alcohols, they are fatty alcohols and emollients and in a complently different class than straight alcohol or rubbing alcohol. CeraVe contains cetyl alcohol which is a good alcohol. Which is why dermatologist recommend CeraVe, for people with dry skin. I wouldn't put the body lotion on my face though, they make a line of face products.
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    i have the nasal spray. Nascobal
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Care to share your dating profile?

    I forgot Tinder uses facebook, and I don't use facebook.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-op "food"

    You need a multi, a calcium, a b-12 and Iron. I had no issues swallowing pills, so I could probably use regular Vitamins. The vitamins I take are included with my b-12 supplement so I just use those which happen to be chewable. Does your doctor recommend vitamins? Have you been to your pre-op meeting? At my pre-op meeting they gave us handouts on what to take and how to eat and a lot of other things.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
