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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Major Dumping Syndrome

    Did you have the sleeve then a revision to the switch? I didn't think the bypass and the sleeve were compatible because of the way they are cut.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    I have been eating them since before surgery. They are 200 calories for a serving so I have 1/4 a serving if I want something to munch on. That is 2 almonds. It might not seem like a lot but it is just enough, I swear.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    I forgot my most important item, and the reason I make the trip. Cold Brew coffee Concentrate. I either drink it hot or I make a Protein drink with it cold with unflavored protein and ice. I picked up hotwings this weekend. I haven't tried them yet but I will report back if they are a keeper.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Stuck stuck stuck!

    If you search around here, you are going to find that those last pounds especially when you are mid to low 100s are going to come off really slow. You lost the bulk of your weight faster than most people. It would probably be better for you to accept the rest is going to come off slowly. You said you aren't exercising. If you want to try and break that stall, get some serious exercise in, but that last 20lbs will probably take you as long as the other pounds.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    Keep walking, it really helps.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Ounces of protein

    It depends on what it is and the Water content of the meat. Turkey, chicken 4 oz. Beef 3 oz. Fish 6.5 I am 3 months out.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Hair Loss

    I'm 3 months, my hair isn't thinning and it seems to be getting thicker and longer.
  8. The drop in calories with the liquid diet pre-op made me start early. I have been regular since, my periods are maybe a day longer, so 5 days instead of 4. I don't have PCOS and I have always had regular light flow periods.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Calories in/Calories out

    I think the most important thing to take from that is that all calories are not the same, and everything is not absorbed and metabolized the same. The bio-chemistry of digestion is important and over looked.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    chewable vitamins/vs patch

    I am in the same situation. The Bariactiv are basically free to me since I met my out of pocket for the year and they come with my B-12. They don't make me sick. The sweetness is annoying, though. I would rather avoid the carbs and calories in them, although I think a whole day is only 15 calories or something, they are the lowest of chewables I have seen. When insurance resets at the beginning of the year I am thinking about changing to the Patches. I was thinking about the trader joe's chewables but they have more calories. I am interested in the responses.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    @@rebirth1029 I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    How to count calories

    If you have a scale and an app, there is no math.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    No set calories or protein

    At 13 days all you do is drink protein and water. When you get on soft foods everything will be different.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Loss over four months out?

    65 lbs ins 4.5 months seems great. They sound crazy to be honest.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Book recommendations

    Overeaters Annonymous is the best book I have read to prepare me for WLS. Everything else you can get from google searches, youtube videos from Drs and Bariatric centers, and your own program if it is a good one. Having the right frame of mind about food is the most important thing before surgery, it makes everything easier.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    troubel getting protein and food in.

    I skipped purees. I would rather starve than eat pureed food. I have always been a picky eater and food texture will make me vomit. I did not want to vomit that close to surgery so I just did another week of full liquids instead of purees. I tried really soft scrambled eggs and I made very thin cream of wheat with unflavored Protein powder in it. just to have a little something that was more than liquids, then I went to very soft foods. Ask your doctor what else you can do
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    To Tell or Not to Tell?

    Won't your sister eventually find out that you had the surgery? Or at least, notice that you are losing lots of weight quickly? One of the three people I told kept asking me this. People hear weight loss surgery and they seem to think you are instantly thin or you look sickly. My weight-loss looks normal, and I have lost almost this much weight before. I am not yet in no mans land but I have lost well over 50lbs this year, just over 50 since surgery. I look normal. I take good care of my skin, take all of my Vitamins, and get all my Protein in. I order smaller portions (normal really) and I eat amounts that are not alarming. Everyone knows I love to low carb, if I get a sandwich and just eat the meat no one cares, the meat on a restaurant sandwich is just a few ounces, that is why all the rolls/buns are so huge. When I lose another 50lbs people might get curious, but everyone knows I walk 2-3 miles a day, and my house is devoid of sugar and carbs. There is nothing about my actions that make me stand out from any person that is trying to eat healthy. Also people seem to obsess about people watching what they eat, but honestly I have no one cares or pays attention. Even if you are losing weight "quickly" at 20-10 lbs a month in the beginning, if you are morbidly obese, it doesn't seem like a lot to people seeing you. By the time they are shocked at your weight loss you are down 80-100lbs. There are plenty of threads around here with people complaining no one is complimenting their weightloss but they have lost a 2nd grader in weight. I'm not in the situation where I know an obese person that is desperate to lose weight. I am the mostly lone fat person in a sea of fit people in my social circle/family. If I knew someone that was desperate to lose weight I am not sure I could without how I was losing weight to them, especially if their health was failing. Still most women that have had hysterectomies don't go around telling everyone with cramps their cure secret. We are so weight obsessed in this society that something that is a personal health decision is treated like public information and this age of over sharing and trash TV like biggest loser doesn't make it any better. Other people are not entitled to know your medical information and there is even a law to protect you.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Lucky sleever

    @@Tyler H I had a ton of energy post surgery or it seemed like it. I think I was mostly thrilled I wasn't dead or in pain. I pushed, since I rarely take time off work, I pushed myself. I got a mani pedi 2 days after surgery (hey they made me take my polish off for surgery, can't live like that). I went shopping, I walked. I did whatever. I should have rested. It caught up with me in the 2nd week. Even though you feel great you had major surgery/trauma to you body. Your body needs the energy you are using to bike so it can heal. Let your body heal.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    I'm paying $ 8-.10 a pound for grass fed beef at my local grocery store. If you have a Whole Foods I know you have a Trader Joes, they have grass fed beef and bison in the frozen section. I want to say the beef is $8.99 a lb and and the Bison was 9.99 or 10.99. $5 for a 1/4 lb, just say no. Carbs are kind of a hot button topic here, there are different camps. I am 3 months also. I do between 20-30 carbs 20 being the goal, 30 being the rare outlier (some days we want to eat more than others). I do net carbs with veggies and full carbs with processed things, like Quest bars. So if I have a quest bar, those are my carbs for the day. I also try to stay at 20 because my Vitamins have minimal carbs. I wasn't given any direction on macros or carbs except no bread, Pasta or rice. I have used this calculator in the past to come up with macro ratios, this is for Keto, which might not be your thing. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ And I know some other WLS patients that have used it. The nice thing about post WLS surgery is you can cut your calories lower than most people, and not be hungry so something like Keto basically is turbo charged. It isn't for everyone and you have to do what works for you and your lifestyle. I tried just following the lose plan they had for me, but it wasn't enough and I was barely losing, so I change to Keto and not only am I losing better but I have also regained my mental focus.
  20. OutsideMatchInside


    If you are going down bands but your cup size is the same (44DD to 42DD to 40DD, for example), then your *volume* is going down. Because the cup size is the difference between the band and your fullest measurement, if your assets are staying the same size, then every time you size down a band, your cup would go up. So, for example, I went down two band sizes (44 to 40), but only lost a size in cup -- going from 44DDD to 40F. If my assets had been just as big, I would be in a 40G now. But yes, I know what you mean about wearing the good bras. I have so many fancy special ones from Lane Bryant, and It breaks my heart to see them go -- pink and black plunge lacy numbers with matching garter belt skirts and stuff. So sad! :-) I am going to go some place and get measured when these are all too big. What I meant by band size was all my 44DD were tight and uncomfortable, not they are all comfortable. I have a lot of bras so I can rotate. Before I was using bra extenders because Cacique gets really frumpy after the 44 band size but I don't have to use those anymore and I can wear all my bras on the last hook, even the newer ones that aren't stretched out. I have a lot of back fat, but the front never really changes even with 150+ lb weight gain. Yeah yesterday I was desperately looking for clothes that fit so I could go shopping and I opened my sexy lingerie drawer and it hit me that all of that was going to be toast. It is a nice decade plus collection. Hopefully one day soon I can fit into Agent Provocateur and the sacrifice will be worth it.
  21. Everyone is different but for me, hiccups mean stop. It also sometimes means I am eating too fast, but hiccups are my sign to sop.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    What Do You Do in the Moment?

    I use a visualization technique, and visualize myself how I want to look and think about how that will benefit me and that allows me to better choices. If that fails, I put what I want to eat in my food tracking app and see if I can make it work with my requirements and visually seeing that it doesn't work makes it easier to say no.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What's for breakfast?!

    Is that the first time you eat anything after you get up? I was told it's really important to eat within an hour of getting up to get your metabolism going. Drinking fluids gets your body going. There is a science to fasting daily extended periods of time. By not eating food until later in the day she is extending her nightly fast, which can be very beneficial to some people.
  24. OutsideMatchInside


    My cup size isn't changing but my band size it. I'm not sure how much longer I have with this band size but I am wearing all my special occasion bras because I know their days are numbered. Bras are the one thing that will have to be replaced often and with high quality replacements. I bought one pair of jeans, luckily I work from home and don't have to dress for work. I thought I could get by with wearing my top longer but a lot of them are just huge on me now. I am going to have to invest in some tops pretty soon too. All the winter stuff is toast basically. It was until the weather changed and I had to put on my fall clothes that I realized how much I have lost. My summer clothes are more form fitting so the differences weren't that drastic. A lot of my fall/winter clothing it looser and bulkier and none of it works. Good problems to have.
  25. OutsideMatchInside


    The clothes aren't that big of a deal, well they are but I think I got over it this week. What just really hit me is all the bras, shapewear and lingerie I have to replace That is going to be a fortune.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
