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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside


    @@MzStockton You are less than a month out from surgery, you had surgery on 9/25 right? Do not drink soda. It isn't worth it. You stomach is still healing and it isn't worth it. Try to mental work through why you are craving soda and let it go. Be stronger than your craving. When I was early out and I felt like cravings were getting the best of me I thought about my stitches popping and ending up in ICU and I got past my cravings.
  2. The thing about a Vitamin deficiency is by the time you are reading/feeling the results it is too late. Your body is going to first use what it can from your body, the once that runs out, the deficiency shows, but by then the damage is done. Set times on your phone/computer whatever and take your Vitamins. Get your Protein in. Don't like your Protein Drink, eat your protein or find a different brand. These 2 things are not optional.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    They have it but it is always sold out. Always. I have seen it once. I decided not to get any because I had a huge head of cauliflower at home I was trying to get through. A decision I regret.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever be able to eat Pizza again?

    @@Pillar2butterfly I have tried a few. I had the most success with this one. http://ketodietapp.com/Blog/post/2015/08/24/foolproof-cauli-pizza-pepperoni You can also make pizza crust using Bobs Red Mill Low Carb Bake Mix. More carbs but not bad carbs. Just use a standard pizza crust recipe, and sub the sugar with a sweetener. You won't get the rise you get with standard pizza crust but it makes a nice thin crust. http://www.bobsredmill.com/low-carb-baking-mix.html
  5. You should be able to drink liquids easily by the time you start soft foods. That is normal. When you first start eating, weigh/measure your food. Eat what you program allows, mine was 2oz or 1/4 cup to start. just eat that. 2-3 small bites at a time, wait 5 minutes, then 2-3 bites. Don't guess on your food, measure it.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    @@BLERDgirl I will dig the french press out and give it a try.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    July Sleevers!

    Log your food for a week and know all your macros you might find the issue in what you are eating. You had surgery the day before I did. I walk at least 2-3 miles a day (depends on the dogs mood), every day. Some days I get to 4 or 5. I am going step this up soon. I noticed a real increase when I started walking more, and every single day. It broke a stall I was in and I have been losing every since. That and making sure my carbs are low.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Post op struggle.

    This isn't a diet where you can "cheat" this is a lifestyle. You have to stick to it. All those little bites and breaks are going to slow your weight loss and eventually you will discouraged. The whole point of the food steps is so you learn how to eat again properly. If you must have Pasta, get a veghetti and make zucchini pasta
  9. I'm single, I live alone in a strange town where I know not one living soul, not even co-workers since I work from home. When I had surgery I had a friend come from out of state and stay with me, they arrived the day before surgery and left about 48 hours after my surgery. The only thing I need them for was the drive home and they picked up my prescriptions for me. Other than that I was totally self sufficient and as soon as they left I went and got a pedicure. If you are healthy (relatively) and active now, I don't think you will have an issue being alone. Living alone and being alone are a huge benefit after surgery in my opinion. You don't have to watch other people eating. You can clear your home of all temptations. No one is watching what you eat or commenting. You can recover in peace. Good luck!
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever be able to eat Pizza again?

    To be honest, you will probably be able to eat just about anything you want eventually in small portions. The question is not if you can but if you should. The goal is to not want to. At 2 weeks you have a lot of cravings. Being on liquids for weeks will do that you. Once you get further out and have more options you won't have as many cravings. If you can cook, you can have all your favorites if you make them yourself. I make pizza with cauliflower crust, it is delicious you don't taste cauliflower at all. you can make fried chicken and fried fish and just use low carb coating, brown them a little in olive oil and then bake them in the oven. The thing is you probably won't like fried foods after surgery, they will make you not feel the best and you will gravitate to better options. If you follow your food stages and steps, you relearn how to eat and you get pushed down a healthy track. Take advantage of that. Search "regained" and you can see all the mistakes other people have made, so you can avoid them. You can enjoy a lot of food, I am only 3 months and I feel like I basically eat like a normal person. I have a wide variety of healthy tasty options.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    How to count calories

    Unless you are actually eating with a measuring spoon that isn't accurate. Utensils are not accurate measurements. Volume varies and your eyes can deceive you. Weight is the most accurate especially early on when being off by an ounce can be very uncomfortable.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    July Sleevers!

    What is your exercise like? Water? Protein? Are you regular? What is your carb intake? Did you start with a low BMI?
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    2 years and 231 pounds down!

    Thank you for sharing!
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    July Sleevers!

    How long has be been since you lost?
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    @@Thinside It is small, the selection is limited compared to what I am used to. The customer service is okay, but not at Whole Foods level. The TJs in Brentwood has a nicer staff.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Care to share your dating profile?

    I said I wasn't going to date until next sumer or fall, but I made an OKCupid profile. It has been interesting. I'm really glad to know there are all these proud Dads out here, but I don't want to date one. So many guys in their 40s with little kids. As I weed them all out I might find someone decent by Nov 2016
  17. If that was my boss, I would turn her ass in to HR and get an attorney.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    My hair :(

    Have you been taking your iron?
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Well, I've been yelled at today.

    You are paying them. Find someone else.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    I Starbucks Verismo. I am just doing the cold brew because of the acid. That Ninja looks cool but it is still brewing the traditional way with the higher acid content.
  21. @@Runner1 You are just healing well. The only pain I had swallowing liquids was the first time I swallowed something and it was because it was ice Water. If you are healing well and don't have much swelling nothing should hurt. 4 spoon fulls is probably less than 2 oz so that shouldn't hurt either. Liquids start emptying almost instantly to your intestines, so they shouldn't trigger restriction. When you start soft foods you will feel restriction right away. Do not let the ease of liquids fool you into taking bigger bites or eating faster when you start soft foods.
  22. OutsideMatchInside


  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    I'm thinking about making my own cold brew at home. It would definitely have a higher quality coffee taste. I just have to decide on a cold brewer. I love Whole Foods in Lincoln Park in Chicago. The Whole Foods in St Louis sucks. @@BestDayEver I haven't seen the Tzatziki sauce, I will look for it next time.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    The gas pain comes later Keep walking though
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    Yes it has caffeine. It is cold brew coffee concentrate. I use it because it has very low acid compared to traditionally brewed coffee. http://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article/1708

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
