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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Preconceptions on Surgery

    It is your body and your life. No one else has to like it. tell them to *^&% off. A lot of people keep their surgery secret, I have. I don't have anyone in my life that needs to know about my medical decisions and it seems like the only person that need to know in yours is your SO who is supportive. If you have one supportive person that is all you need. If you want to have surgery make your life easier and keep it to yourself. I also wouldn't let people discourage me from having surgery because I have a lower BMI. I wish I had surgery when my BMI was lower, I would have lost weight easier and done less damage to my body.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Band to sleeve to sleeve revision

    Maybe get a revision to the DS.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    What's for dinner?

    http://absolutelygf.com/classic-pizza.php topped it with pepperoni. One of these minis is the perfect size.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    First Restaurant Dinner Out?

    https://www.bonefishgrill.com/ crab cakes
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    What's for dinner?

    @@Smallfry06 My program was at 6 weeks. I don't really eat salad though, it takes up too much room, and I don't feel like I can eat enough to get the level of nutrition I can get from eating other green veggies. Don't you have a handbook to tell you what you can eat when?
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Doc says no fruit--EVER

    While you are on the puree stage it does seem like a waste. Later when you are on regular solid foods, that is different. You have very little stomach room right now and fruit seems like a bad choice. Try to find better nutritional advisers.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    4 1/2 mths post op- HALLOWEEN! :-) PICS!

    You are gorgeous. Congrats on all the hard work.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Decide not to have surgery?

    Yvette, I am 3 months out and besides the egg and sausage morning snack and the desert I basically eat about the same as you. I have 6 ounces of fish for dinner and 1.5 ounces of veggies
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Nascobal B12

    I use it. I love it. I have the additional supplements. The supplements are fine, they are a little sweet but for chewables they are low carb and low cal. If you can get insurance to cover it, go for it. The Vitamins alone are saving you $30-75 a month. They auto ship them fedex right to my door.
  10. I think other people might think the way I dress, hair and makeup would be over compensating, but these are things I was taught from thin women when I was growing up, it is just part of being a lady, I never went all out because I was fat. It stands out because most larger women don't so it seems to draw more attention. I'm really thinking about this a lot while I work today and trying to judge if I am really being honest with myself. I'm pretty self aware, but I am still going to think about it. I think attitude and mental readiness is a big part of this WLS process.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Decide not to have surgery?

    Like @@LipstickLady losing weight was not the issue. The issue was doing it without feeling deprived, and keeping it off, both seemed impossible. Ultimately no one has to live in your skin but you and it is your decision. I will just share my experience. I am a good ketoer/lowcarber. I like it, I enjoy it, I can live it. I got a sugar free, clean eating lifestyle together long before surgery. I still struggled with portion sizes. Always. I'm a workaholic. I will work all day and forget to eat, then grind through a lot of calories. Surgery has allowed me to continue my keto lifestyle, and made it effortless. I have no hunger, I can easily eat correct portions (in spite of people thinking we eat very little, when it comes to Protein we are eat the normal amounts most of the time, portion sizes are out of control). food doesn't rule my life. I feel like I have a lot of food freedom, even with a "restricted" diet. Since you have already lost weight and seem to have your food under control you are going to be successful than most people. Just search here for all the people asking when they can eat xyz, and those are the people that are going to regain. Most people are not in the right head space for surgery, if you just had 80-90% of your stomach removed and your biggest concern is when you can get a kitkat or a slice of pizza, your long term success seems unlikely. You are ahead of the curve! You are really ready for surgery. Today is the youngest you are ever going to be in life. If you delay and have to go down this road again, you are only going to be worse off. Also a lot of us don't have issues. We just don't post everyday how great it is not to have a lot of the issues other people have because it seems rude. No one really wants to read how awesome someone else is doing when they are miserable.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@OKCPirate Thanks for the advice on going where the men are. It has worked out great. Met someone and we really clicked.
  13. I have been thinking about this since I read the other thread. I not exactly excited to be thin. I like to shop so I am excited about clothes shopping, but I have not been a miserable fat person. Being fat is part of my persona and I will be losing it. I'm comfortable with how people treat me. I am overall treated very well by people, the people that treat me bad will still treat me the same when I am thin, because their actions towards me aren't due to my weight but other factors. I never viewed being overweight as a handicap. I thought of it the same as hair or eye color, it is just a difference. I have other issues as a minority that are more important than being fat, it is pretty low on my list of concerns. I don't think I have compensated and I don't see myself changing much. I will probably be more daring in fashion choices, but I have never been subtle in that department either. I might do crazy colors with my hair instead of just red or blond. I'm just me and I have been this person a long time I don't really see changing much.
  14. I can wear clothes at Forever21! Clothing problems solved, well mostly.

    1. BLERDgirl


      I bought a bathing suit from them this summer that was surprisingly well made

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      I tried things on so I could get a feel for what I could wear there and I was surprised at the quality. Most of the things are well made, especially for the price. Can't beat $13-20 jeans

  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Reasons for diet stages?

    My Dr said 2 reasons. First all the reasons people listed above about healing. Then the 2nd reason is food are reintroduced in stages so you relearn how to eat. I didn't think it was possible this late in my life to relearn how to eat, but I have found it to be very effective. Also I think it gives you time to learn your stomach and how it works.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Alcohol and the sleeve!

    You didn't mention specifically what the problems are. You should see your doctor. I used to have a high stress job at a tech company and I felt like I needed a drink at the end of the day just to wind down, or I would spend all even hyped up and unable to fall asleep. I started swimming laps at night and that helped. Swimming uses a lot of muscles and you get worn out. See your doctor though. You already know the answer though, you just need to come to terms with it. I read your thread from earlier with the blood, you should call your Doctors emergency number, and think about going to the ER.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Pain on left side by rib

    6 months post op, a visit to the Dr seems like the best option.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    July sleevers?

    I'm down about 55lbs. Some days it's feels like a lot and other days it feels like nothing.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Going Back to Work

    Everyone is different and it depends on what kind of job you have. I work from home. I did some work as soon as I got home from the hospital
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    The quality on the produce can really vary. Like the lemons in the bag are crap, but they are cheap so I keep buying them, lol. Sometimes I make lemon Water with them but mostly they just sit a bowl so I can pretend to be a grown up. The main reason I love TJ's is because of the small sizes of everything, they are perfect for a single person or a couple. I can buy things and not be saddled down with them for weeks or months.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Sexy halloween

    Halloween is the heaux dream holiday. I usually see lots of sexy every thing. I don't get Halloween period, I didn't really grow up celebrating it. It just seems like an annoying road bump to the real holiday season.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    MyFitnessPal bug is getting to me....

    FItbit and the app I use to track my food, Lifesum both change my weight to like XXX.9. I dunno if they are converting LB to kilos and back to pounds and that is creating it but it annoys the heck out me. The only app that keeps it exact is S Health
  23. Glad I read the whole thread, because I was just going to suggest Halo Top as tasting way better. I haven't tried either, but I have Halo Top on my list if I ever get interested in ice cream. You can really easily make your own low carb sugar free ice cream. I used to make it all the time and people can't tell the difference. http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2012/11/chocolate-ice-cream-low-carb-sugar-free-2.html The strawberry ice cream recipe is really good from that site but it is in the cookbook and it is the one I have made.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    So this is weird...

    @Frodo Not being hungry is something no one could have ever explained to me before surgery and I would have understood. It is something you have to live. I am 3 months I am never hungry, and unless I set alarms and reminders I forget to eat. I am behind on eating to day. It is a glorious freedom I never thought I would experience. They say it doesn't last so I am enjoying it while it does.

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