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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    What is weigh-loss goal reality, sleeve & bypass?

    I pulled my book our and this is what is in my program book.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    What is weigh-loss goal reality, sleeve & bypass?

    BTW I was never given a number. I was asked what I weighed in HS and told I could probably get close to that because I was motivated. I never had a number given, just that I should be successful because I am motivated.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    need help/overeating

    Agreeing with @@stacyg1 and @@BLERDgirl I can really eat anything. I don't throw up and I can over eat if I ignore my restriction. Learning to eat until you are not hungry but not full is a fine point. Like everyone else said, your sleeve is working, you felt full and you just pushed on. You have to get the head hunger together. Try overeaters anon.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Real intimacy isn't sex, so how do you get there?

    @@OKCPirate I think he will be totally cool with. He is active and cares about his health and fitness. The issue is just me and my hang ups. I want to make sure it is really real. It feels real, but it just seems to good to be true. I have given myself a drop dead date I have to tell him by but for now I am still holding some cards close to my chest.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    What is weigh-loss goal reality, sleeve & bypass?

    Honestly no offense to the guys that post here, but their weight loss posts make me $#%$%^$ nuts. They lose so much so fast and it skews everything. "Hey guys, lost 60lbs in 5 weeks, hitting the gym hardcore, added 20lbs of muscle in 2 weeks." Bro'in out. Bro'in out. If you discount the men and read between the lines and cut out all the pre surgery weight loss from people, you get a better picture. A lot of people will be like "Down 40lbs, 3 weeks out!" and leave out the fact they lost 30lbs before surgery, and have lost 10lbs in the past week once the IV fluids and swelling goes down. Really it seems like most people lose 10-15 a month the first few months then its like 5 lbs a month. The thing that people don't really take into account that almost always constantly losing for months, even with stalls, really ads up. 10lbs a month is 120lbs in a year. That is huge, that is a whole person. That is also around 2lbs a week. Real weight loss isn't biggest losers numbers. Almost all those people gain it back, because they lose weight in the worst ways possible. Our views on weight and weight loss are so skewed that we don't know what to expect. I will totally admit there have been times I have been disappointed in my weight loss. Even though looking objectively my loss has been great. It is hard to be objective about something so personal, but we all need to take a step back. I can't ever recall losing over 60lbs in 3 months and not feeling miserable and starving. Surgery has allowed me to lose this weight without feeling terrible doing so, that is a great blessing that shouldn't be overlooked.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Real intimacy isn't sex, so how do you get there?

    This is a good topic. I am also currently in a new relationship that seems like it is progressing really fast but also it is really comfortable like we have known each other forever. We have a lot in common. Real intimacy is something I have always avoided, but now since I am older, it is something I crave. The thing that made me comfortable with him is when I am with him, is I have his complete undivided attention. He is looking me in the eyes all the time we are together, and when we go to events he watches my reactions and talks to me about it. He really pays attention to me. I know that he is really into me, so that makes it easier to open up to him. We talk openly and honestly, he is willing to expose himself which makes me willing to expose myself. While I think it is possible to move too fast, I think with the right person there is no real time table. Things happen in their own time. I believe that apathy is the death of intimacy. Taking someone for granted, not paying attention. It is something that you have to fight to maintain every day. Also, secrets and lies. Right now the more time we spend together, and the more he asks about how little I eat, I feel like I am going to have to tell him about surgery really soon. He knows I low carb, work out and have been losing weight. There is a copy of Overeaters anonymous on my night stand, I know he has seen it, so I am not exactly hiding my issues, we just haven't had a deep conversation about it. I have spent my adult life focused on my career and my business so, relationship and intimacy are new to me. I do have the benefit of watching my peers get it right and wrong over a long period of time, so I think I can learn from the triumphs and mistakes of others. I know there are some people here that have been married a long time I would love to hear what they have to say.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    Ok as of today my CW is 297, Goal 280.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    I think my loosing time is over :(

    What are your calories and carbs like? Are you tracking your food? Do you exercise?
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Dumping 5 days post op

    Are you sweating and shaking? I mean if you are on a liquid diet, you can expect liquid BMs.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Post-op and crazy puppy!

    Dogs still sleep a lot. I had a lot of energy but I also got tired fast. You might be like that. Does he jump on your stomach and walk on you?
  11. @@lovelylala I told 3 of my good friends, and they all live out of state. One of them came and was here with me for surgery. No one else knows, and I plan on keeping it that way. I have known other people that had surgery and they can be at gatherings and parties and people will ask them about their surgery and what they are eating and all kinds of stuff. 5 years from now I don't want to be stuck answering stupid questions in public from people that feel like they are entitled to your life. Now that I am almost 4 months out I am really happy I made the decision to keep it quiet. At this point I function just like a normal person with a smaller appetite.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Extra skin questions

    Make sure you get it really dry after a shower and use an antiperspirant in the area. Powder is also great too.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

    I have BCBSIL and it took 8 weeks from first visit with the Surgeon to Surgery. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/344568-approval-healthcare-exchange-plan-bcbsil/
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@dusky goddess I found my unicorn and I am dating a great guy mid 40s with no kids. I'd rather be single than settle for something I don't want and co-parenting is something I have zero interest in.
  16. Once I got to the point, I decided surgery was the solution, I never doubted my decision. I also made my surgery happen fast start of process to surgery was about 8 weeks. I didn't want to have a lot of time to have road blocks pop up.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Clothes - when to purge?

    Last week I got rid of almost all my clothes I am down 3 almost 4 sizes. I don't have storage space, and I think it bad karma to keep clothes I have no intentions of ever wearing again when other people could use them. I took 5 garbage bags of clothes to goodwill. It felt great. It was very therapeutic. Dump them, don't keep them. I know some people like to keep clothes for later to compare, I'm not into that but if you want to keep one or two things for that, then do it, but get rid of the old big clothes. So dump them once you can try them on and they don't fit, but if you store your summer clothes, then just dump them all.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Backpage.com - umm. What?

    If you have a police report, depending on your carrier you might be able to change your number for free.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Have you tried Pinterest beauty/health tricks?

    Coconut oil does everything everyone says it does. I like sephora too much to do a lot of home remedies, but I do use a lot of natural products. Most of that pinterest/instagram/youtube natural rememdy advice stuff is just click bait.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Egg issues anyone?

    I have had eggs twice since surgery. The first time I was able to eat about 1/2 an egg and I was stuffed. The next time, I had a whole egg over easy. You don't have to eat eggs, if you have issues with them avoid them. I don't like yogurt so I don't eat. There is no reason to force yourself to eat something you don't like or aren't comfortable. I can understand the desire to try because early on we have a limited number of things we can but for me, since I can eat so little, eating something I don't like is basically torture. I didn't do all this to torture myself.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone ever had someone.....

    I had to work really hard to get to a good place in my life, and create my own happiness. I removed all negative people from my life. You might not want to extract your mom from your life, but it really helps to have a positive supportive environment to heal and be healthy in. People don't like change, especially when they think you are getting too good, leaving them behind.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Date night tonight - first restaurant since surgery

    Try and get something with a high water count, it will go down easier. Grilled foods are usually dry so I would avoid those, and broccoli is going to make you full really fast. i usually always eat seafood on dates or unbreaded hot wings if available. The sauce makes the chicken easier to eat. If you get hot wings some place make sure to ask about the sugar content and make sure you get a classic sauce that is just butter and hot sauce.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    I'm in. I am 301 right now, and my goal is 280 by NYE.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Having a period right before surgery?

    I was supposed to be on my period for surgery. Going on the liquid diet pre-op made my period come early, so it was over before surgery.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Are you eventually able to eat anything?

    If you look around here, it depends on the person. Some people have sandwiches, some people can't eat bread. Some people have ice cream and other stuff, other people can't tolerate sugar. What you can tolerate or not tolerate, will be unique to you.

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