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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    The best thing for your hair is to strengthen it from the inside out. Collagen supplements, keratin supplements, MSM, making sure your Iron level are good, and maybe adding in extra Zinc. If your hair is falling out at the root, no cream or butter is going to help. I had a bad experience with some braids a few years ago, and I regrew my edges with collagen supplements and these vitamins http://www.sephora.com/phytospecific-cap-energy-dietary-supplement-P376055
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Post op peeling splitting nails

    Try a collagen supplement and make sure your nails are well oiled.
  3. I don't know how you Veterans do it. I am so sick of people whining about stalls and I am only a few months into this. Time for a forum break.

    1. BayougirlMrsS


      you learn to weed out the bad.... that's it


    2. jane13


      I am like @OutsideMatchInside - I am only a couple of months in and I try to acknowledge everyone on their first post and stuff....but I cannot reply sometimes to the questions. I let someone else some days and other days I answer...

      We were all "there" at one time :D

  4. OutsideMatchInside

    No weight loss

    Contrary to what you see on forums, most people with the exception of men, don't lose in the first 2 weeks after surgery. You are full of IV fluids, and swollen. Your body has had major trauma, and it is recovering. If you don't eat you aren't going to lose any weight, If you want to lose, push fluids, drink all the Water you can, and eat according to your program.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Very discourged

    Because Protein shakes are full of artificial sweeteners and chemicals. Once I was eating fish and veggies, the weight came off quickly. Also I had more energy and could walk more. At 6 weeks I was walking 2 miles a day. I walk 3-5 miles a day now (just depends on my work schedule). Once you have more energy and can be more active and eat real food, not processed stuff, I think the weight comes off faster. Everyone is different. If you are meeting your protein and Water goals the weight will come off. When you see people posting about not losing or failing long term, they usually end up admitting they were not getting in protein and water, but were eating junk slider foods because they go down easy. Follow your program and the weight comes off, this is science not magic.
  6. Cucumber slices if you can have raw veggies at 6 weeks. just slice them thin.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Venting... Feeling like I failed.

    Well you haven't failed. Maybe you need to find a better program though.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Fried Foods

    I got to bars all the time. I just make sure they have hot wings that are not coated. Most places have classic hot wings. I also ask and make sure that the sauce doesn't have sugar.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Drinking alcohol

    My program was 3 months. What does your doctor say?
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Spicy foods and hot sauce

    I eat spicy food and did from 6 weeks on. My tastes have not changed, but since I eat so little I am really picky about quality.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Is Your Love Life on Hold While You Lose Weight?

    Are you dating while in process of weight loss? Yes, even though I said I would wait. My mood was so up beat, and well winter is upon so I decided to date once I got a handle on things, after 3 months. Do you divulge that you've had a bariatric surgery to your date? Nope. I haven't told and I won't tell unless I am sure it is a long term thing heading towards commitment. And for all the people that are going to ask, no my eating etc does not really stand out. What kind of responses did you get? N/A Are you waiting until your close to goal to start dating do you can focus on yourself? I live alone and work for myself so my whole life is basically focused on myself. Dating a few times a week, is a welcome distraction. I am dating someone that is active and goes to the gym, so their lifestyle compliments mine.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    trying again

    This is really a mirror of what has been going on with us. I realize now I have never really dated a real man before, not like this. We had just enough age difference that things between us communication style can be difficult. I had to really fight my urge to break it off just because of my own issues and insecurities. I would rather be the dumper than the dumpee, but I was really far off base. The feelings are mutual, they are just not communicated the same way. So I am learning patience and being humbled.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    What's been your biggest post op realization about food

    I can make it through a day without eating my feelings. That is huge for me.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    trying again

    This sounds like my guy. He claims guys like him never get the girl. A younger me would have worked that to my advantage, but instead, I tell him how great he is all the time. How special and rare I think he is. I want him to feel appreciated. He might not be "the one" but I have found my unicorn for the time being. He isn't everything I normally like, but everything I normally like hasn't got me what I needed. He is exactly what I need at this time, and a lot of the things I want. Fingers crossed for us both. Also, at least the kids are teens, sure teens take a lot of time with their activities, but there is a sell by date on them. They aren't toddlers or in elementary school, so the light at the end of the tunnel is real close.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    I have been to gym everyday and still in stall!

    Try walking instead of working out. I am losing more weight walking than I ever did doing serious exercise.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Need some help ladies!

    I went from a 28 to a 20 in 4 months. You might be a lot smaller than you think in April. I think an 18 would be a safer bet, especially if it is stretchy.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating if not hungry?

    Before surgery physical hunger wasn't my issue, head hunger was. Once I worked through my emotional issues with head hunger, I was in the right head space for surgery. Fast forward to now, I have to basically force myself to eat. It is getting worse with each passing week. I have little interest in food, and zero hunger. It is important to get your Protein in, so weigh, measure, make a schedule and stick to it. Just because you aren't hungry or are not interested in food doesn't mean your body doesn't have needs.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Very discourged

    @@Munecagirl85 My start weight was the same as yours. I thought since my weight was so high it was just going to falloff really fast but it didn't. Prior to WLS I had lost and gained the same 30-40lbs never able to get under 325ish. I sat at 325 for a while, then once I finally got past that point, the weight really came off. WLS help me break that set point I had for over 10 years. Right now I am losing on a regular basis. You might be going through the same thing, just stick to your plan. Weigh and measure your food and get your Protein in. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids so you don't have constipation issues. The weight will come off, your body basically has no choice except to burn fat for energy.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Very discourged

    I barely lost until I was past 6 weeks. Once I was able to eat real food the weight fell off. Just follow your program, and stay off the scale. I think people sabotage their own weight loss by stressing themselves out over the scale.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    3 months post op

    50 pounds is a lot. I am 4 months and I have lost over 70lbs. It didn't seem like a lot until the last 10 lbs. I am actually happy that is came off slower than what some people post here, because my skin is tightening as I go. I am not getting too flabby looking or feeling. The last 6 weeks have been my best weight loss, losing about 30lbs in that time period. Partially because I can easily make goals and I can also easily be very active without it seeming like work or exercise, it is very natural at this point. My energy is boundless. Give it time, you might surprise yourself.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleeve failure?

    I think my sleeve was crap for like the first 6 weeks. Sure I wasn't hungry but weight wasn't falling off either, then everything changed. It is hard in the beginning and emotions run high. Give it time.
  22. Yeah I have issues with it. Protein shakes though, really are a short time in the process. Once I could have solid foods, with proper planning I could eat all real and clean food and get to my protein goal. Still when I think about how I used to eat before, just the quantity of even good food, I think a few chemicals is balanced or lesser of 2 evils trade off. Still a person can completely avoid Protein Shakes if they want to once they are on soft foods, it just requires tracking, weighing and planning. It all depends on the tolerance levels and dedication.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Thanksgiving Tips

    I find since surgery when I have something that is "off plan" it is easy to go right back to normal. Prior, if I had a "cheat" meal, I would have a cheat day, week, month. Right now I am doing mostly liquids Protein and pure protein (fish) this week, to prep myself for thanksgiving. The next day I will be on liquids all day. I also won't have left over thanksgiving food sitting around all weekend. I have been thinking about this for a month and I realize with the exception of turkey, almost everything at a typical thanksgiving meal is a slider food. So I am going to be really careful about measuring my food.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    I want solid food!

    Are you tracking your food? Are you hitting your Protein goals? Are you drinking Water and taking a stool softener? Do you like seafood? Try a white fish and bake it. chicken and Turkey can be hard to digest since they are dry. You will find that things with a higher moisture content are easier to eat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
