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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    My resleeve

    Ok, 3 days out, you have no idea what your results are going to be long term. Please don't stress yourself, it is only going to make healing harder. Focus on getting well, and then focus on following your program and getting your Protein in. Make sure you measure and weigh all your food so you don't over do it.
  2. Diet soda is poison. You don't need those kind of chemicals in your body. And the artificial sweeteners they use will stall/slow your weight loss. Drink Water, drink tea, drink coffee even. Just give up the diet sodas and if you have an uncontrollable urge for soda, at least get a high quality soda that is sweetened with stevia and drink it in moderation. 2 oz and toss the rest.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    The One Thing No One Tells You About Losing Weight

    @@WL WARRIOR Have you tried a really good dermatologist? One with an esthetician on staff? The derm and a medical grade/train esthetician could help you a lot, at least to the point where you can decide if you need something more drastic. I would give that a try for a few months.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    What do you guys think about Sweet Potatoes?

    They just don't seem worth it to me. I don't have enough room after Protein, and what room I do have I really want to save for green veggies.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Starting to feel bulimic...

    I agree @@Kindle please add some unflavored Protein to broth or soups and try that. It might take you longer to move to solids. I'm 5 months almost 6 out and I very rarely eat chicken or turkey. They are dry and hard to digest. The same goes for Tuna, save those for later. I actually kind of hate them now. I like seafood because it is a lot of protein for few calories and since it has a higher moisture content, which makes it easy to eat and digest. Unflavored protein is really your friend this early on since you can add it to any liquid and get your protein in without stressing your stomach. You can't heal without protein, making sure you get your daily protein in is your top priority.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Starting to feel bulimic...

    What are the other things you have tried that you can't tolerate?
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Oh my..

    @@Babbs I would love to be a 36D. I have gone from a 48DD to a 42F. I figure in the end I will end up a D cup, but the side effect from a medication I take is larger breast so we'll see.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Oh my..

    There is a plus size store I like to shop at. I used to only be able to wear the large cut really stretchy shirts. The sizes at the store are 12-26. I was a 28 sometimes a 30 before surgery. Now I wear an 18 at this store. That just blows my mind! In a few months I have gone from barely being able to fit anything in the store to being near the bottom of the sizes they sell. It is hard to adjust to dropping sizes, I am dropping 1-2 sizes a month, about every 3 weeks I need new jeans. My boobs are also huge now, I am losing weight everywhere but since I never gained in my boobs, I am not losing in my boob. So as I am losing back and size fat, and my band size is going down, my cup size is going up. And my boobs look huge when I have clothes on. Most days I am just in louge/workout clothes, so when I put a real bra on, it is a real shock. I'm not even 1/2 way to where I need to be, but adjusting to my newer body is a lot of fun.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating awkwardness

    @@cstew21 I started dating at about 3 months out. I could eat enough at restaurants not to raise alarm I haven't told and now since I'm bored with the relationship I am really happy I didn't tell. Like @@CowgirlJane I am talkative and entertaining so it isn't an issue that I don't eat a lot.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Rude people

    When people say they are keeping their surgery a secret on here, and other people jump in and tell them they should tell people and not be ashamed. This is the prime example of why you can't really tell anyone if you want to keep it a secret. OP told people that should have her back and keep it quiet, but once people know there is no way that you can control who they tell, how they tell, or when they tell. @@Ilovecats1985 I'm really sorry your MIL tried to shame you like that in front of your other relatives. I'm glad it backfired on her and I'm glad your husband supports you.
  11. The joy of being a "normal" sized fat person instead of a huge fat person. I can buy clothes at Sam's Club now! Cheap PJs and Workout clothes for me!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Such a cute message.....

      You're on fire.

  12. OutsideMatchInside

    New TLC Reality show on WLS: Skin Tight

    I hesitate to watch it just because of how TLC has turned so exploitive in how they do shows, but I set my DVR anyway.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Hair Extensions

    I think even clip ins are too much stress. Micro beading or sew-in are going to be the least stressful on your hair. If you can find someone that will let you bring your own hair, you can find the hair cheap on AliExpress. Providing your own hair, which they markup at insane rates at the salon, will really save you a lot of money.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    African American Sleevers

    As far as the hair question, I had a partial sew-in and it was fine. They just don't want any metal in your hair because of the instruments they use during surgery. They don't want any metal on you anywhere, so I had to take my toe rings off etc.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Real intimacy isn't sex, so how do you get there?

    I agree. As time has progressed. I am glad I haven't told about surgery yet. I'm getting bored. I have a feeling will just be endless questions about it and I don't have the temperament to put up with it. I am open about everything else, but I feel like this relationship has an expiration date on it.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    So..........6 month check up

    I agree with @@Babbs follow up with your primary. These surgeons, geez.
  17. I didn't call you dumb, but a man that is trying to have sex with you, even a smart one is dumb. If they are going to have a sexual relationship, he isn't going to care about her scars. They might not be as noticeable to him as they are to her. I only see my scars because I know exactly where they are, they are almost invisible. Every time this topic comes up, guys are like tell, you should tell, people will notice, but this doesn't seem to match with reality. There are several women on here that are dating and not telling and not being outed.
  18. OutsideMatchInside


    Think about it like final destination. If it is your time, it is your time. Nothing will save you.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    That was my fear. I decided I would roll the dice because at worst I would die while I was still young and pretty, or I could keep getting fatter and die older and not as pretty. They take so many precautions now, I think the chances of dying on the table are really slim.
  20. She has already lost the bulk of her weight, she is around 200lbs now. Any weight she drops from now is going to be at a basically normal pace and not a WLS surgery pace. Women don't drop weight at the rate men do, and people that see you often don't notice it. Finally men are dumb, and if the sex is good he will believe whatever she tells him.
  21. There is no reason to tell some dude you are banging for the winter your life story when you are going to ditch him as soon as the weather changes. I doubt he is passing his credit report and recommendations from former lovers across the table. If you aren't in a serious relationship there is no reason to disclose. People lose weight naturally all the time, the majority of normal people don't assume you are losing because of surgery especially when you work out and eat properly.
  22. At 6 weeks I felt closer to normal. At 3 months I felt like a normal person. Your stomach growling is probably your intestines working or as someone else said, acid.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Holiday Party Dessert?

    Low carb mini cheescakes.
  24. I really disagree with this. No one knows about my surgery and no one is raising the red flags. I am very active every day, and the way I eat has changed. People that are already thin and healthy (both of those are key), are not concerned about rapid weight loss. Mainly because you are still fat to them. Tell him hernia repair. You might have to have your gall bladder out later, so you don't want to tell that one, but a hernia repair can match the scars. In spite of what some people on here think, there is no reason to tell everyone you meet that you had surgery. I have been dating someone for almost 2 months and he is non the wiser about my surgery even though I have lost probably 20-30lbs since I have met him and I don't eat that much. Lots of thin women don't eat that much either, it isn't some crazy red flag to normal people.

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