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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    @@trekker954 Yeah with a face like hers, I wouldn't let those old dudes hack on me. All they did was remove her skin. They did nothing to shape her body. Now she is built like an ipod. Congrats I guess. Her face is a 10, it seems like someone like her would really want to spend the money on someone that is going to sculpt your body and give you a feminine shape.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    "My Diet is Better than Your Diet" -- random rambling...

    I made it through about 20 minutes. This show is terrible on so many levels. The diet personalities are all terrible and none of them are really TV ready.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    July 14 (or close )Sleeve Date Friends

    Unflavored protein in broth and other drinks. Baked fish like swai.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    you probably won't be able to get in more than 500 calories until 6 weeks. If you want to get your calories up you are going to have to just sip on protein drinks all day. your stomach is healing and lacks capacity.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    July 14 (or close )Sleeve Date Friends

    @@becca1281 With a lower starting BMI, you are going to lose less, than people that are larger, 57 lbs in 6 months seems good. Talk to your NUT about your calories. Are you meeting your protein goals each day?
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    I binge watched Fat Doctor repeatedly before surgery. I feel like it is a better quality show that tells better stories. And it is better prep for surgery than 600lb life. I don't like 600lb life and I never identified with the people on the show. All of them have people that take care of them and help them get that huge. As a single person that has lived alone for 20 plus years, it is just a foreign concept to me. Also their lifestyles and socio-economic levels are just too different for me to relate to. Nikki's adult sisters have skipped off to enjoy their lives and left their parents stuck with 2 adult children they have to take care of. The skin tight show, I will be watching. Watching that show filled me with so much dread and despair, I can't even express it properly. I can already see the skin issues and I can see that some skin, in a lot of places is not going to snap back and I am going to need surgery. I should be able to afford surgery, but still the idea of needing it so desperately is not something I look forward to.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    New TLC Reality show on WLS: Skin Tight

    Well this was the most depressing thing I have watched in a long. I was left with a deepening feeling of complete dread by the end of the show.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    300-350 lb workout plan

    I suggest walking. Start with 20-30 minutes at a time and build it up to an hour a day.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Laziness even after weightloss

    There are lots of days I don't feel like walking. My dog however doesn't care how I feel, so I walk. I adopted a dog partially for this purpose and it is working out perfectly. I think building being active into your live works a lot better than "working out".
  10. @@ExplosiveAmnesia Your surgeon sounds like an idiot. I mean maybe at 1 year would could be at goal but most Doctors don't even estimate you to get into a healthy BMI if you are super morbidly obese. They hope you lose about 60% of your excess weight.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    African American vsgers!

    @@bel6692 A lot of people that are band to sleeve lose slowly. Do you track your food with an app? What do you eat in a typical day? How many carbs, Protein, fat?
  12. I used to work out at the Y and all the ladies did there was talk about food, share recipes, and plan to go out to eat after working out! It drove me nuts. Since surgery though, food doesn't phase me. People talking about it, watching cooking shows, being out at resturants and bars doesn't really phase me at all. I know what I can and can't eat and I have blinders to everything else. I will say that I feel more food obsessed now than I was before. I have to constantly track my macros to get them right and swap in and out different foods to meet goals depending on the day. Before I just kind of did whatever. Weighing and measuring everything too makes me feel more food obsessed. I just traded one master for a different one. I mean people HAVE to eat to live, and most people enjoy it. Food is an enjoyable part of life. I don't think that it is sick that food and advertised so much. I just think the types of food that is advertised is the problem.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Best way I have found to make coffee

    Before it was cold I made iced coffee, with Trader Joe's Cold brew, ice and unflavored protein powder. It was the perfect breakfast, or mid afternoon snack.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Out patient gastric sleeve?

    Blossom Bariatrics does outpatient Sleeves. They have some good videos on youtube that might be helpful to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUBEXcmtR5g
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    zero weight loss

    50-60 grams of Protein might cause you to lose muscle mass, that will slow your weight loss. If you are eating 50-60 grams of protein? How many carbs? more than 25 grams? Protein without the carb information is not enough.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    zero weight loss

    This is a good video that explains why revisions might be necessary. Posting what you eat in a day, if you track, the macros might help. How much Protein, carbs, fat? If you go on liquids protein and meat for 2 weeks, do you lose weight? I would never lose weight if I followed what my Dr office has on the list of foods I can eat. There are too many carb items included. I eat low carb/high fat. It is hard to get the fat in because my protein intake is so high, but I lean towards fats over carbs. I'm not suggesting you eat how I eat, but most plans include a lot of carb items, that you can easily avoid, especially if you want faster weight loss. So tell us how you are eating and maybe people can make suggestions.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    What are you guys eating?

    coffee for breakfast Fish,Crab,Shrimp. Baked or sauteed. 3x a day sometimes 4 to get my Protein depending on what my Snacks are. I still use Protein drinks on occasion to get my protein up or if I am going out on a date. I have Quest bars or protein brownies every now and then. I eat zucchini and cucumbers and rutabagas. Boar's Head Tavern Ham Sometimes I make a burger. and eat it with no bun. Grass Fed Beef. I don't eat turkey or chicken, they are too hard to process for me
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Illinois Health Insurance Exchange - Obamacare Coverage

    Asking your provider (insurance provider?) or asking the hospital what their cash price is? These are 2 different things. My surgery billed at 38K but the insurance agreed rate was under 12K (what BCBSIL actually paid). A lot of hospitals in the US offer cash prices in the 11-12K range. http://kcbariatric.com/compare/ http://www.hoab.org/procedures/gastric-sleeve-st-louis-mo/ I believe someone who posted on here said blossom was 10K and that was in 2013. http://www.fox5vegas.com/story/27844392/blossom-bariatrics-at-the-forefront-of-low-cost-weight-loss-surgery Everyone has to make a choice that is comfortable for them. You don't really have to have long term care from your surgeon, you can do your follow up care with your primary. If cost is an issue, there are lots of avenues to explore. Depending on where you live in Illinois a BCBS single plan is going to cost you around $300-500 or more a month for one person (it varies by age and county). I think the lowest out of pocket max on a plan is $4500. So premiums and out of pocket are going to be 7500-9500 alone. Might as well cash pay, because you are basically cash paying at that point anyway. Unless you have your heart set on using Northwestern or University of Chicago, I don't see any other center in Illinois being worth the cost and hassle of insurance.
  19. @@AlexaLasVSG I am not mid 20s, I'm late 30s but when I was mid 20s I worked in NYC. I am going to tell you right now, being on either coast, being a normal size is important when looking for work. How you look matters a lot in society no matter what people tell you. I live alone and from the 2nd day after surgery I was alone. I was driving on the 3rd day. I had a decent energy level by week 3 and I was basically at normal energy at 6 weeks. You are not out of commission as long as you think you will be. If the sleeve was as widely available when I was in my 20s and as safe as it is now, I would have done it with no hesitation. Once you lose weight so many new doors will open for you, that I doubt you will regret your decision.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Too skinny?

    I think it is better if people catch things early on. I don't think people should wait until they hit super morbidly obese and have done a lot of damage to their body to have surgery. And the sleeve is not as drastic as people think.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    283 CW 270 Goal
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Here we go!

    Yeah basically if you wait until you are thirsty of hungry it is already too late. You want to never be thirsty or hungry.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    How much exercise do you do weekly?

    I walk 2-5 miles every day. I have to walk the dog (I got a dog right after surgery, and part of the purpose was to force me to be active). The bare minimum we do is 2 miles, if I go shopping and push my steps I hit 5 miles a couple times a week. The average is about 3.5 miles a day. I am adding in additional workouts on top of walking this week. Yoga and weights because I don't want to just lose weight I want to be fit and look good in my clothes. Dropping this amount of weight in less than 6 months, I am just far too loose feeling. I just wanted to add my personal opinion on gym equipment. I can do an hour on the elliptical and barely break a sweat. Walking in my neighborhood on real terrain is far harder. When i was just going to the gym and using the elipitcal, I was barely losing any weight. As soon as I stepped up my walking, my weight loss dramatically increased. Gym equipment just tries to mimic physical activity. If you can do real physical activity and do it outside with more variables, you will burn more calories. Also, once you get up to 30 minutes on the eliptical, try to build up to 20 minutes on the stairmaster, that is going to be a better workout and burn more calories.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    To tell or not to tell? WLS

    Before surgery I told one of my really good friends and told her not to tell anyone. She promptly told her husband and her mom. I ended up telling her that during pre-op testing surgery just isn't an option for me. Then I had a different friend come and be with me for surgery. She thought that "don't tell anyone" did not include her husband and her mom, when I feel like anyone means anyone. So once you tell people, they can take it upon themselves to tell whoever they want, so once you put it out there, it is just out there. I have kept secrets for her and she has previously been able to keep secrets. I don't know why she felt this one was something she could blurt out. I know you can't really trust married people to keep secrets, but again, she had done it in the past. 3 people know about my surgery and they all live several states away. I don't have an office or co-workers, I work for myself from home, so I don't have anyone asking questions about my weight loss.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
