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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    I just saw "All of Me"

    I rented this on iTunes before surgery. This week was my first time watching it after surgery. I didn't think it was sad and I wasn't offended. Most reality shows with a group of people, the people have a common factor. Their factor was they met at the fat acceptance group. Which by the way I think is a cool group, there is nothing wrong with being fat. I feel like no one paid attention to why they hung out together. They did it because they didn't have the options other people have to socialize. They were meeting in homes. Plenty of girlfriends meet once a week or once a month for dinner, lunch or drinks. That is normal female behavior. If they went out at their size, people would mock and make fun of them and they wouldn't be able to enjoy themselves. As a minority I see them doing what lots of other minorities do, stick to their own and make their own fun. I thought more people would have been interested in the rift created in their social circle by having surgery. Their group used to be much larger, but as people had surgery and lost weight they disappeared. Fake friends. The women that did stick around buy had surgery had issues navigating with the women who hadn't. I thought that was really the most important thing about the whole thing, the change in relationships. Friendships and marriages. There are plenty of people that post here about issues their spouse has with them losing weight. Finally these women were super super morbidly obese. You can't compare their lives and their options to the options of people with lower BMIs. When I was at my heaviest I could still fly on a plane, fit into a booth and live a normal life. The only difference right now is everything is just more comfortable. I can't judge these women with fewer options by my options. I think the chubby chaser angle was important because it is assumed especially in certain cultural groups that no one will want you if you are fat. There is a market for everything though.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Not So Supportive Support Group

    I wish more people would learn to just tell people to &^$% off. You lost 24 lbs in a month. That is a lot. You aren't going to drop 10lbs a week or something. It is slow but constant which is what it should be. I lost over 90lbs in 6 months. Around 20 the first month, and then 10-15 per month after that. Keep your head up
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    It's seems like this delay is creating a big risk that you won't even be able to have surgery. I would start the ball rolling with another doctor just in case if you really want to have surgery before march.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Healthcare Exchange: States that do not cover Bariatric Sugery

    Those states do not deem it essential services. If you have a plan from the Healthcare exchange I doubt you can make them cover something they are not required to cover by law.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    They are strict at Washington University. I wanted a streamlined process which is why I chose the program at Des Peres. The programs with all the hoops take forever and the were are too many issues. They do the same thing To Northwestern in Chicago. Sorry your surgery was cancelled.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    sugar scrubs..or whatever you call em

    It melts so easy I wouldn't worry about it.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    I had no idea Dr Minkin operated anywhere else. I wasn't able to drink until after my swallow rest the next morning. Did you have a live swallow test you watched on screen?
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    The doctors are terrible, the young "plastic surgeons" so their opinions are meaningless. It is a TLC show my expecting were low and they are being met. They are still making people do the humiliating shower scenes. A lot of these people need counseling though, they have bigger issues that skin
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    @@Babbs I agree with how they act like losing weight without surgery is the end all be all. I know how hard it is to try and lose without surgery so I am not offended. Still I feel like it's flipping the bird to all the people that lose naturally. The thought has always been the loose skin comes with rapid weight loss from WLS. It is good to see that people that do it the hard way and take years are just as screwed as us. It makes me feel better about my WLS choice and the loose skin. There is no way to avoid it once your skin is stretched, no matter how you lose the weight. I would rather lose fast without feeling like I am starving. Now I know even if I took 5 years and slaved away in the gym, I'd still be screwed.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    If you are looking for protein powder, Allmax Nutrition Isonatural, tastes better than unjury. You can buy it at Supplement Superstore or on Amazon.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    excess skin?

    Exactly! Their after care is trash along with bad surgery techniques, which is leading to these terrible outcomes.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    excess skin?

    My issues with the wounds is they have so many that pop open, and become infected. Some of that seems to be from lack of proper post op care, not wear the right garments and their suture techniques.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    excess skin?

    That is for sure! Dr. Nowzaradan is a bariatric surgeon. WTF is he doing performing plastic surgery? I have never in my life, through all of my research of plastics and bariatric surgery heard of a surgeon that was doing both. They are both very highly specialized fields! I would never let a bariatric surgeon perform plastics on me or vice versa. It's insane! And the two younger doctors on the show... what is up with them doing tummy tucks with no muscle repair? That's pretty useless! No muscle repair, no lipo, everyone of their patients have a shelf and a terrible scar.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Am I normal?

    That canned fruit is just sugar, disguised as fruit. I don't eat eggs, they are just a pain in the ass to eat. I will sometimes have one egg over easy or a one egg omelette but that is maybe once a month. I don't know what it is about them that makes them so hard to eat but I'm not really willing to keep trying. White meat chicken is dry, don't eat it. Do you eat fish or seafood? Do you eat ground beef? Deli ham? Deli chicken or turkey? How many grams of Protein are you eating a a day? Carbs? How many total calories?
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    excess skin?

    Once I spend the cost of a 3 Series BMW to get my body right, I sure won't be getting fat again. Not only are the cases on the show extreme. The doctors are terrible. Also people don't tell how they lose weight and what their nutrition is like. That matters a lot how you end up in the end.
  16. Heels! Heels! Heels! I am getting obsessed with buying heels! I have always been a big shoe person and I had a lot of heels before, it just hurt to wear them for an extended period of time, now I can wear them all day no issues. I had to toss out all my wides because mediums fit perfect now. I also had to toss out all my sneakers. I have bought 5 pairs of Nikes in the last month.

    1. Valentina


      I love heels--the higher the better. It amazes me how many young women have no idea how to walk in them. I think that is because in today's world, young women don't spend enough time "being girls". Just my opinion...

    2. 406sleever


      That is one thing I am looking forward too!! I'm scheduled for March 1, and will be thinking about H.E.E.L.S

    3. ssflbelle


      oh my gosh we are alike in the area of heels too. I use to love wearing them too and as I got bigger and bigger my shoes got wider and flatter. When I can walk again it will be so nice to wear some nice looking heels. I hope you don't mind I added you as a friend. Lets follow each others progress.

    4. Show next comments  546 more
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    She and that kid needed shrinks more than surgery.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    I agree. It's like they are scared to do some contouring. They only remove the skin and even then it's not enough. Do some lipo and sew up some muscles! The one woman at the end said she could finally see her progress at the gym and I felt bad for her because her arms still didn't look great...I couldn't see any muscle tone because they left too much skin. Or maybe she's still very swollen. What do I know? She looked terrible, it barely looked like she had skin removal surgery. These people are NEVER in the right compression garments after surgery!!!!! It drives me crazy. They just wrap them like mummies and call it a day. They are the worst examples of surgery and after care. They never lipo, they never shape. They do the bare minimum. This show is terrible to show people what skin removal can do for you.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Not feeling full? Just got sleeved?

    @@pamelardz91 Tonight I had dinner, and I got full by accident, I was eating out and not eating as slowly as I should have. I don't feel full, ever. When I am full I have hiccups, I keep having hiccups until my sleeve empties. I have never had that "omg I had 4 bites and I am stuffed" feeling. Everyone is different, your full might not be the same as your friend or me. You will learn what your full is, but probably not until after 6 weeks
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    About Fat Thighs...

    If your thighs were so fat, you had a fat roll at the top of your thigh, as you lot did that fat roll ever smooth out, or did it just turn into hanging skin?
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    Last week's skin tight. I can't believe how had those young doctors are. They are never aggressive enough with skin removal. They leave a shelf on every tummy tuck and I don't even think they do muscle repair. They are so bad. They are making Dr Now look like a magician.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Not feeling full? Just got sleeved?

    If you guzzle a ton of Water fast you will feel full and feel all your restriction. That is not what you want though, not for a healing stomach. You don't want to stress your staple line. Are you saying you just never feel satisfied? Or are you missing the full feeling? Mentioned or physical satisfaction?
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Not feeling full? Just got sleeved?

    The feeling is so different you might not recognize it. It does not feel like how being full felt before at all. At first for me, being full, which was really over eating, was hiccups. Remember being full is not a goal, being satisfied is.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre op diet ?my doc said I don't need none

    A lot of surgeons aren't requiring it now. In my opinion, I think it is a bad idea. I felt so exhausted and weak going into surgery after living on almost nothing for 2 weeks, then to continue living on nothing for almost 3-4 more weeks while healing. I understand the liver shrinking, and I understand that some people need to "prove" they are committed to the change. But it just seems counter productive to run people down, then slice them up.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Unwanted advances

    The best advice i can give to lowering the number of advances is to look "expensive" or "high maintenance". It lowers the number of men that talk to you, because most of them won't have the ego to do so. This works, fat or thin. I've always had men approach me, no matter how strong I think my resting bitch face is, they always talk to me, or at least eyeball me to all hell. If they compliment you, smile, say thank you and swiftly move away.

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