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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. I'm still new at 6 months but the posts of people trying to figure out what makes them full or what full feels like really bother me. It seems like a signal to me they don't have their food addiction under control or are not working to control it. Before I started working on losing weight, my goal when eating was to feel stuffed. I wanted that full coma like numbing feeling because food was like a drug to me. It calmed me down, it was a reward, it was comfort, it was a lot of things more than it was supposed to be, which is nourishment. I am still a foodie and I love food and eating, but my understand of portions is really different. I still accidentally eat too much sometimes because as I introduce new foods, the weight and volume of different items has different effects. 4oz of fish is not the same as 4 oz of chicken. The full feeling, which is over eating with a sleeve is terrible. Your food is just sitting in your chest and for me it feels like a baby is standing on my rib cage or something. My whole chest is full and uncomfortable. I wish people would think of trying to feel full as stressing their staple line, instead of feeling full. Early on when you are feeling full are you are going is stressing your staple line. That isn't something you want. One thing I have learned from weighing everything is that I can't eyeball weights/portions at all. I am always over or under. I have accepted that weighing my food is something that has to happen for the rest of my life.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    I have NOT Regretted my WLS for a Single Moment

    So much of what we read on here are complaints, but there are some of us that are totally happy from the beginning and are still happy. I am glad this has been a positive experience for you.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Stretched Sleeve

    Even if your sleeve is stretched and to the best if knowledge, the issue isn't stretching, the sleeve was never formed properly by the surgeon. It shouldn't matter. We can't rely on the sleeve to control our portions forever. We have to learn and follow proper eating habits. My sleeve is not stretched and i couls eat what you had at the party if i did it over the legnth of thr party. I could grave my way thtough a full meal with enough time and determination. This is why i weigh all my food, so I have proper portions. At parties, I have one low carb appetizer like shrimp cocktail, then i just sip Water with lime or lemon all night. I learned over the holidays it is too easy graze at social functions. I work from home and i could easily graze all day at home also, especially on stressful days. When i feel the urge for a snack that is not in line with my needs for the day, I take a walk. Head hunger and grazing is boredom or emotional. I stop it by changing what I am doing at the time.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    When do you get to have crunch!

    Quest makes Protein chips. The only flavor I have tried are the salt and vinegar and they are good. There are lots of lowcarb/keto cracker recipes, just look around. Also you can cut cucumber in slices and get a nice crunch from that. I use cucumber as crackers and put ham and a dab of cheese on top of them.
  5. I have Quest bars 1-3 times a month. The net carbs are low, but they are a really processed item. I keep on in my purse just for emergencies. i'd drop the egg and the Protein bar for lunch and have baked fish, grilled chicken, deli ham or something. i would also trade the yogurts for like a Syntrax nectar. You will feel more satisfied with eating real food, that is denser. Fish is not dense but it is more filling than yogurt. You are eating a lot of processed food and sneaking in a lot of unnecessary carbs. This isn't a bad menu now and then for busy days but I wouldn't eat like this every day. I also wouldn't pack in so many calories at dinner. I would have that dinner meal at lunch and the lunch meal at dinner. At 3 months you are still healing. When you get further out, like 5 or 6 months. Those yogurts are not going to satisfy you you are going to be constantly hungry. You need more real solid food, and build a habit of it. quest bars, depending on what bar you choose, don't last in the stomach that long either. At 3 months I did one or 2 Protein shakes a day and the rest was baked fish. Quest bars as emergency/treat food only. Like if I wanted fruit I had a quest fruit flavored bar instead.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Treats and lazy days

    I like the idea of changing the activities. Sunday is a recharge day for me also. I like to go to Brunch, the movies, light shopping. Once you are healed you can enjoy eating again although it will be less. There are all kinds of healthy low carb meals you can cook for your family. Egg casseroles, crustless quiche. You can make hot wings. There is a long list of things you can make. Life after the sleeve is not all Protein shakes forever.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    What Are Your Best WLS Tools?

    The best tool I was given was watching my swallow test live. It helped me understand how my sleeve works. Tracking food with an app. The app doesn't matter but tracking every day even the bad choices helps you understand calories and keeps you accountable. Get a dog that requires walking!
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    How Do You “Eat Out?”

    I pick restaurants that have items I can eat. I check menus online before going. I usually order some sort of seafood appetizer. If that isn't an option a salad with grilled meat. If that isn't an option and it is a nice dinner restaurant, steak is now an option. So many people keto, low carb, eat paleo that there are lots of options on most menus especially at newer trendier resturants. I also always keep a Quest bar with me for dates and if I drive I keep a premier Protein shake in my car so if I end up not eating much, I can get my protein later. Eating at restaurants is really easy if you have control over your eating. For people still struggling I think all the options will be too much temptation.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    I just saw "All of Me"

    The older lady that displays the nude work in the 60s and 70s started in college. Lots of girls do that kind of stuff to make ends meet, the only difference is she was fat. There was no difference between that and working at Hooters, Tilted Kilt, or ShowMes. The young woman with the abusive husband that wants her to stay fat. What are her other employment options? It sucks that she ends up a sex worker but at her size, her employment options without being highly educated or skilled to work some sort of IT job from home are slim to none. The comments in this thread are really hitting a nerve with me because fat people think all of their problems are because they are fat and everything revolves around that when other groups of people have the exact same issues. That is why so many people lose weight and are still miserable.
  10. i was never one of those few bites and full people, with the exception of eggs. I used to feel bad, then I realized a bite is not a scientific measurement and who knows how large these bites or spoonfuls are that people are taking
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Birth control

    The Dr goes over that risk with you and the information is also readily available on the internet. Women all over the world us IUDs at a much higher rate than in the US. I have a Paraguard and i love it. If I wanted to have children, i probably wouldnt take the small risk. With weight loss as a priority, I wouldn't take anything hormonal either. Good luck ladies.
  12. Once you feel restriction, your goal will be to not feel it again. At least for me, restriction is not something I strive for.
  13. I know most people get "crankier" when low carbing. I feel like my mind is clearer low carbing, so I notice more things. It is the poor mans NZT.
  14. Have your thyroid checked.
  15. I recently had my first DEXA scan the week for fat and lean mass measurement. I will have one every 4 months or so for fat and lean mass. I will be paying close attention to any changes in my bone mass.
  16. OutsideMatchInside


    Lamb broth from whole foods is delicious.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Creeping Calories

    Can you throw that stuff out? I work from home and it can be easy some days to go off plan. I keep nothing in the house that would throw me off.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Ack! Only Starbucks for the weekend

    Tall flat white. No fake sweetener needed. It comes naturally sweet and mild because of how the espresso is done.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Florida independent insurance question

    http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/359312-healthcare-exchange-states-that-do-not-cover-bariatric-sugery/ Not in Florida.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Driving after surgery

    I drove on the 3rd day. I stopped taking the narcotics as they were doing nothing for the pain anyway. Just be careful, because you get tired very fast after surgery. I had high energy levels, but I would only last 2-3 hours and then I needed to rest.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Freezing ...

    I was cold at first, but it balanced out. I am still a lot cooler than in the past, but not freezing all the time.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Is losing 30 pounds in 30 days do able?

    It depends but probably not. I was around that weight for a long time and it would take me 2-3 months to lose that much. Even the first month after surgery I didn't lose 30 lbs. Why do you need to lose 30lbs in 30 days?
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    I just saw "All of Me"

    If men like fat women is a fetish, so is liking blonde, red heads, and a slew of other things, anything can be objectified and turned into a fetish. A preference doesn't automatically equal a fetish. @yerawizardamy There is a lot of self hate floating around on these forums to the point of toxicity sometimes. I remember reading a post here when I first joined about "What was your Slob moment" or something like that. People actually identified with being slobs and named their slob actions pre-surgery. WTF? People have fat shamed their relatives and a lot of other things on here. I try to skip over it, but sometimes you can't ignore it.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Everyone tells me I'm tooo young, opinions?

    Younger is better for recovery. Also you only have 20 years of bad habits instead of 30,40,50, or 60 like most people having surgery. It should be an easier life transition for you

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