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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. Are you meeting your protein goals like that?
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    3rd week post op what was your first solids meal?

    Scrambled eggs, and I still regret it.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Extended Pre-Op Counseling?

    Find a different hospital/doctor. You shouldn't be held up because of their religion issues.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    Yes, I did all the pre-op testing, I met the requirements. My insurance didn't have a 6 month supervised diet required. They dropped it. Part of the reason is, insurance companies did a study and making people wait longer for surgery doesn't save them money in the long term. People just get sicker waiting for surgery or they are still take the same expensive medicines. I will have to look for the article. When my packet was submitted to insurance it was approved in less than a week. Most of the delays for surgery are with insurance companies that have 6 month diet requirements or Bariatric programs that have the requirements to try and lower their malpractice insurance.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    You're Cheating

    Next time tell her a W is a W.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Anyone drink Shakeology?

    The nutrition stats are terrible. 17 carbs to 17 Protein. You get almost double the protein for the same calories with Premier Protein. Most nutritionist want your shakes to be under 5g of sugar. Even subtracting the Fiber, 11 carbs per shake are way too many. These might be alright for someone in maintenance, but not for losing.
  7. @@Megall9 It is hard to realize that you are the fatter fat friend to the fat friend. LOL My friend is stuggling with that right now I think. She doesn't say much right now, but I used to have a good 100 plus pounds on her and I am taller than her. Now that I have lost weight I am close to her size if not smaller than her right now even though I weigh a little more than her. Last time we went shopping I was just one or 2 sizes larger than her, I could tell she was uncomfortable but to her credit she tried to hide it. When you know someone a long time, they can't hide much. She doesn't know I had surgery though, she thinks it is just keto and working out, I am sure after the next 20lbs or so she is going to have questions.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    How much of your stomach was removed?

    Not really sure, didn't ask. There is no way they can accurately say how much the removed, the way they do the surgery, the fact that stomachs are not a uniform size and the way they would have to measure to make that measurement accurate. Not to mention the fact that your stomach is empty when operate, they have no idea how big your stomach really is when full. Like @@JamieLogical said, the only thing they can semi accurately measure is what is left by estimating with the size french bougie they use. That still is just a guide since they cut close to it but not exactly on it. The differences in the sizes of the bougies are pretty minimal, and there have been studies that long term the weight loss is the same regardless of the size of the bougie. At least once a month someone comes on here raving about how their small bougie is going to make them a size 0 and how larger bougies are ineffective. The study data doesn't really support that. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26194265# http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24577879# And to be fair there is one study that says smaller bougie size is associated with greater excessive weight loss, but the size they are using is the mid range size, not the smallest size available. In the end, once you are healed, past 6 months, it doesn't matter what size your sleeve started at. You can easily abuse a healed stomach with slider foods and liquid calories. A person would just drink milk shakes all day or eat crackers and cakes all day. The sleeve is just a tool to teach better eating habits, long term it won't save people from themselves.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    I purposely pushed and made it at accelerated as possible. I needed it to happen in a certain time frame for my business schedule, and there was a limited window my friend could fly in from out of state. I also work for myself, so I can take any first available appointment times offered. If you have a job you have request time off from, I expect it would take longer. Also when the coordinator called me the first date she offered, was a little over a week after the date I wanted. I requested a date on the week that worked best for me and they made it happen. I really felt like if I had a long dragged out process, something would happen to make surgery impossible or I would talk myself out of it. Once I decided I wanted surgery, I wanted it to happen as soon as possible. If they hadn't been able to fit me in I think I would have just gone out of the country. I wanted it ASAP, I felt like waiting and dragging it out, would just endanger my health more, and you only get older not younger. I understand why programs make people wait, but I wasn't interested in that kind of process. If I was willing to wait, I would have done the program at Northwestern in Chicago.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    I was about 8 weeks from first appointment with Dr to surgery. It would have been faster but some people were on vacations and that slowed the process. Plus memorial day and 4th of July were in that time frame.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Weak... What did I do?

    All you will do is water your food down so it passes through your stomach faster.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Any Missouri people

    I picked up a low carb quiche from deli Dierbergs, today. If you hunt around at the nicer stores, they have a lot of low carb and bari friendly items. I also get my Walden farms items from there. The store on Edwardsville has almost the entire Walden line, I haven't seen those items at other Dierbergs.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Downton Abbey

    I'm going to wait for you guys to finish then we can all talk. I have seen it all and I will ruin it. Overall, I think this season had the worst writing they have ever had.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Downton Abbey

    *SPOILER * They never talk about his diet really and besides that one time Carson tries to slip him some liquor that's it. Originally I thought it was going to do with the hospital drama but it's totally useless.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    having doubts about sleeve

    You have to decide for yourself. My bad knee that had arthritis in it, doesn't hurt anymore at all after losing over 90lbs. I forget it is my bad knee now.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Downton Abbey

    I forgot this was on in the US. I watched it with my British friends. *SPOILER* They don't really address it much after it happens. I don't even know why they did it.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Transfer Addiction: Fashion

    I have always love to shop and I was a serious clothes horse before losing weight. I had 3 plus closets full of clothes, more in storage and probably over 50 pairs of shoes. I got rid of all of it as soon as it was too big. Now I only buy what fits, and as soon as it is just a little baggy I chuck it and go down to the next size. I actually hate shopping now. I have to try on everything single thing every time I go shopping. My sizes and body keep changing. I spent 2.5 hours trying on clothes in one store the other day. I ended up trying on half the store. The only thing that balances my current annoyance with clothes is buying shoes now is a pure joy. I have to replace all of my shoes since I swim in wides now. I'm not worried about it being a transfer addiction because I actually shop less right now. I love clothes, I like collecting them. I love having things other people don't have and can't get. Right now I cant' get attached to anything because i am still dropping almost a size a month. All these clothes are just temporary, so none of them are special to me. Shopping addiction cured. I used to sit and shop almost everyday online from home, but since I am not familiar with this body and my sizes. I have to try everything on, so I don't shop online anymore, except the rare item I have already tried on in a store and the price is better online or for shapewear, so my shopping is probably cut down by 2/3rds or 3/4ths.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Ketogenic diet

    I love doing keto. I think it gives you more food options and you feel satisfied longer. You could lower your calories eating fish instead of steak. I eat baked fish with ghee a lot.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Ketogenic diet

    Your ratio is perfect though. I wouldn't worry about going over calories sometimes. Your fat/protein/carbs ratio is awesome for today.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Ketogenic diet

    Do you eat like this yet? It is really hard to get the fat in, I almost never meet my fat goals, I definitely would never hit 56, unless I was doing fat bombs but then it would be hard to get the Protein in and keep my calories in line. If you look at my suggest macro targets, my protein is at 48%, carbs at 13%. If you lower your carbs and use net carbs to track you should be able to do 25 or fewer carbs. Did you try the calculator? You can play with the numbers to try and get the right ratio.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight Redistribution: Hormones or Sleeve settlement

    OMG that article is like a horror movie, lol.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Can I eat this?

    That is packed with carbs. Avoid it. Tomatoes and Doritos, just say no.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Ketogenic diet

    I do and I use this calculator. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ I had my resting metabolic rate tested recently so that is accurate and I changed mine from the default, but the default was close, within 100 calories. I had a DEXA scan so I also know my exact fat percentage. If you don't know you can let it guess for you. I use the lowest fat goal allowed. I don't always meet it. My goal is to meet my Protein goal and to not go over my carb goal. My carb goal is net carbs. I easily stay under the carb goal even not using net carbs. Before someone comes in talking about net carbs are BS, net carbs are the standard in Europe, the US is behind on everything because of lobbyists, but that is a different topic. Some days I go over 750 calories, I try to stay under 850.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Stretched Sleeve

    @@JamieLogical I feel like it is so helpful it should be required for everyone. There is so much knowledge in those few minutes. You can see your sleeve and you know it happened even if you can't feel it. You can see how it works. Most importantly you know exactly where your stomach is, which is up much farther than most people think. When people talking about all those noises their stomach is making it is really their intestines. Edited to add... Well while I was distracted with work, this thread certainly took a turn, lol.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Stretched Sleeve

    To piggy back on what @@JamieLogical said, when I had my swallow test after surgery it was live and I was standing up watching it on screen as i took sips. Liquids empty instantly into your intestines. I could see the liquid sliding through my sleeve into my intestines right on screen as I took sips, and it was instant. It doesn't empty as fast as you drink but pretty close. This is why drinking Water all day, even when you are freshly sleeved works and doesn't stretch or strain your sleeve, is passes right through.

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