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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Vacation sucks

    I remember when flying used to be a real pleasure. It has sucked since 9/11 and only got worse after the recession.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Alcoholism & WLS

    I quit drinking before surgery long before, in an effort to lose weight on my own. I still have no interest. When I go out I drink Water with lime and tip very well. I only know one person personally that had WLS. They never drank before surgery. They were a homebody and felt unattractive. Fast forward to them being down 100lbs. They feel better, more confident, going out several times a week. Lots of drinking. I think that is how some people become alcoholics. Other people who have not done the emotional work, need alcohol as a replacement coping drug because they dont have food.
  3. I watched someone I know die a slow miserable death because their intestines were nicked during a surgery for something else. It let to complications and part of their intestines dying. They ended up with a bag and over the course of a year slowly starved to death. All the medical interventions just extended their life but it was a painful terrible life. I would never take the chance of someone cutting my intestines because if it goes wrong and you live it is a fate worse than death. That is my life experience and my opinion. Long term they end up the same. Everyone does not dump. Everyone does not dump a year or 2 out if they dump in the beginning. Your body can adjust to malaborption. If those are a deciding factor in choosing the bypass it is a real role of the dice that you will have these tools for the time you want or at all. I have an associate that had the bypass at over 2 years out, no dumping at all. Eats anything they want and is regaining. Never hit goal. It can happen to anyone regardless of surgery type. Meeting goal and maintaining more about the person than the procedure. I'm glad the sleeves exists because the bypass terrified me and I would still be almost 400 lbs if that was the only option for WLS, because there is no way I would let someone cut my healthy intestines. My doctor said because I was young, active and motivated. The sleeve was a good choice for me. He only suggests the sleeve for older or immobile people. Also as a single person sleeve was less risky with an easy recovery. I was able to take care of myself day 2, drive on day 3.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Experiences with BCBS - Illinois

    Awesome. At 6 months I feel like normal, just smaller appetite.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Pregnant and overwhelmed need HELP!

    Can they refer you to a therapist? Also, talk to your nutritionist about your food goals with pregnancy.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Can your sleeve be stretched?

    @@LipstickLady I had my teeth professionally whitened recently so I have been drinking everything (coffee, tea) out a straw . Straw drinking is the life!!! I missed it, I love it. It is the best.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    When i was on my preop diet I binged watched the whole series start to finish like 2 times. It was the only thing I could watch that would keep my mind off food and eating. I watched it all day while I worked, and in the evenings, if I didn't watch Fat Doctor I don't think I could have made it through the pre-op diet.
  8. I wore a size 16 at 170 also. I could squeeze into size 14 guess jeans if I didn't eat and laid on the bed to fasten them. At this rate I am guessing I will be a 10 or a 12 at 170lbs.
  9. I definitely have more weight in my arms and more back fat than I did then. I still carry most of my weight in my thighs hips, lower stomach area. These old jeans were my control test about my size, to prove to myself I am really an 18. When I shop now since I won't wear used clothes and I am still losing, I buy cheap clothes that are mostly cut small on the china scale. I'm not wearing 18W, I am wearing 18 juniors to 16s. I can go even smaller with nice brands at Nordstrom or Saks. I spent hours last week trying on clothes all over town trying to make sure I was really an 18 at this weight. Even with my arms being huge I am smaller on top and can wear 14/16, with the exception of my boobs in some things because I went from a DD to a G because my band went down and my boobs did not. I am looking at my DEXA scan for my bones I had last week and I am at the top of the chart of bones density. I still don't know if that is enough to account for the weight difference.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    That's what.....1 in 400 chances of dying from the surgery itself?? Those are pretty phenomenal numbers. I was surprised at one point to see his partner operating over an open GB without a mask though. Seemed a little less than sanitary... They explained that in a few episodes. Basically since they are operating on the intestines, it isn't a sterile environment anyway. Once they cut the intestines, bye bye sterile operating room. Especially back when they were doing open surgeries. I think by the time they switch to laprscopic, they always wear masks. Also, they tailor the death chances to the patient. Most of them were told 1 in 50, to 1 in 200 depending on the status of their health. When they go over the release forms they explain the chances to them. By the time I decided to have surgery I had decided it would be better to just die fast in surgery, than to keep killing myself slowly with food. I felt I had nothing to lose.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Experiences with BCBS - Illinois

    When I was approved, I called them about something else, and I asked if I was approved, and they told me, that was at a week or less than a week, and within a few days the letter came in the mail. The Dr office took another 2 weeks or so to call me and me I was approved.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    It really is better to be prepared. I was not prepared I was so shocked. I believe I was watching while I was doing pre-op testing and I was crushed. He was so sick though before. So many of the people they operated on are in such terrible health, it is amazing that they have so few deaths.
  13. @@tappingmom I heard that before, and I didn't believe it. I thought it was all vanity sizing but if I can wear something with no stretch from 22 years ago that is a size 18. I am willing to believe that bones might be heavier than when I was in college.These used to always sit tight on my hips and they don't now and I am a easily 40-60lbs heavier than when I purchased them.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Can your sleeve be stretched?

    @@JamieLogical i totally agree with that, but people claim they have no restriction and that isn't the case. No one is going to have the restriction they have at 2 months, for the duration of their life. The stomach don't stretch back to the size of a football. The average capacity of a human stomach is 3 cups, with the maximum capacity being 8-16 cups Even if a sleever goes from one cup capacity to 2 cup capacity, that isn't a normal stomach and it isn't even close to the stomach size of a long term binge eater. That is also eating to CAPACITY, not eating until satisfied or until goals are met, which we should all be learning to eat to goals not till stuffed. WLS is supposed to be more than just physical restrictions, it is supposed to change how people relate to and view food. If people that don't get to that point, the whole thing is useless, because you can eat around any sleeve/pouch/band if you want to. If people don't make that connection, they don't remain long term successful. My doctor made this point very clear to me before surgery, that the sleeve is just a tool not a magic bullet. It is like bypass patients that depend on malabsorption to control their calories for them, but then when their body adjust to it, they start gaining.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Can your sleeve be stretched?

    I'm not necessarily willing to believe that story on face value, nothing against the OP. If the Dr did the surgery incorrectly the radiologist could be covering for the surgeon and the hospital. It is easier to blame the patient for over eating than to admit to a botched surgery. Without pictures of the new sleeve and the current side by side that we can all see there is no proof the sleeve is stretched. Anyway a stretched sleeve shouldn't matter for long term success. If you are measuring and weighing your food and eating proper portions, the size of the sleeve long term doesn't matter. Once people heal they are never going to have that restriction they have in the very beginning because the restriction is mostly based on the trauma to the stomach like @@VSGAnn2014 said. This is why going through all the food stages and following all the steps are so important. We supposed to learn how to eat all over again like a child, to learn to eat properly. This is supposed to create a life long change and the sleeve restriction is a short term tool to help you make life long changes. Your portions will always be restricted, but anyone can eat around their sleeve, even at a month out. If someone is determined they can just sit all day eating and drinking to flush their food down. Restriction is meaningless if people aren't willing to control their food. This is why some people regain and some never get to goal.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    @@Inner Surfer Girl In the end it is sleeves mostly and they start doing the ballon with really large people to get them down to size to have surgery. The last 2 seasons are pretty different from how it starts off.
  17. I wanted to see if my metabolism was still on track and not wrecked from years of dieting and then low calories post weight loss. I'm at the 1/2 way point in my weight loss and I want to get serious about weight training. I went to my local University and had a resting metabolic rate test. This required laying still, and breathing normally for 30 or so minutes. My RMR is normal so that is great to know. With out any of the additional exercise I do each day I am creating a 1200 or so calorie deficit just by living. The DEXA scan is the best way to measure fat, lean mass, and and bone density. I wanted a DEXA scan to know my lean mass so I could make sure my protein goals were adequate. Using the measurements from my DEXA scan and a few different protein calculators to cover all bases, I know my bare minimum protein requirements and how much protein I need to add to build muscle. This was all available at my local university much lower than the cost at private clinics and gyms.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    DEXA Scan and Resting Metabolic Rate Test

    Seeing my bone density was very comforting. I was really excited I had more lean mass than fat. It was only 51% lean to 49% fat, but hey I will take it. Looking forward to my next scan in may or June. I put this thread in here because I was going to share my results. I have to get them scanned in.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    No it stopped filming a few years ago.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Any St. Louis/Metro Area Sleevers out there?

    You don't have full energy until around 6 weeks according to my surgeon. My experience matched that. It depends on how long your shifts are and your own personal energy levels. Ask your surgeon when they will clear you.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    They don't make them wear compression garments. They aren't getting massages. They basically do none of the post of care people are supposed to have. He went because it was free, but this show is like the embodiment of there is no free lunch. The woman had better results than most on this show. But again sub par.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    This show really prepped me for surgery. I knew what to look for in a doctor. What to expect and also that success depends on the person not the type of surgery. I wish it had more seasons.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    4 weeks post op...moody as can be!

    It is also why so many threads here go from 0 to 1000 for no damn reason.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Cottage cheese test?

    I have to agree with @@FrankiesGirl , I can eat a lot more of anything with moisture content than I can anything dry and dense. 3-4oz of chicken or steak, but 6 oz of fish, because fish has a high moisture content and basically turns to mush
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Keeping your surgery a secret - is it possible?

    4 people know I had surgery, all of them live out of state and none of them even live in the same state together. It is easy to keep your surgery a secret. I have lost almost 100lbs since surgery and over 100lbs from my high weight. My current weight and BMI is the same as what some people start at is and it may seem high but "I carry my weight well", for whatever that is worth. The difference in how I look is massive. I have lost 6 dress sizes, like 15 inches off my lower abdomen, and a lot of other changes. People that see me often, people in my complex, employees of places I frequent have complimented my weight loss. The people in my complex know that I walk 2-3 times a day. Walking the whole complex is around a mile. They see me all the time. They are probably attributing my weight loss to that. People that know me, and don't know I have had surgery, know that I keto. They know I am strict about it and in my home there are no bad carbs. I live a lifestyle that matches weight loss. Unlike what a lot of people that feel like everyone should shout their WLS surgery from the roof tops think. You can easily keep your surgery a secret. People will not be curious or suspect anything out of the ordinary if you live a lifestyle that matches weight loss. Also, to most people WLS is an abstract thought. They haven't experienced it, or seen it up close and if they have it is usually the bad example. If you are going it the right way, you don't draw attention to yourself. I do think the only way to keep it a secret is to not tell anyone. If you tell a relative or a co-worker there is nothing to stop them from telling another person they don't think will tell.

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