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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    I'm watching Hulu through my cable provider and at the bottom, it has the original air date.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    They considered the surgery cosmetic, when he first asked for it. That time would have been around 2000, because I believe was aired at the end of 2007. In 2000, RNY was still a fairly exotic surgery to a lot of insurance.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Doctor

    I rewatched Daniels episode. The Dr told him he had a 1/10 chance of dying. I feel so angry with the local NHS people for denying his surgery for 7 years. During that 7 years he just go sicker and heavier. Daniel is a good example of why it is so important to get the weight off as soon as possible before people get sicker.
  4. Never eating eggs again. I had some quiche today and I ended up with gas pains as bad as surgery day. Eggs are just the worst, every time i have them I have some kind of awful reaction. I'm over it, never again.

    1. ssflbelle


      Oh No I am sorry for the pain it caused you. I am also a little bit scared. Starting Tuesday I am suppose to start eating an egg a day along with the clear liquids I have been on for 2 weeks. You said today was a quiche. What did you put in the quiche? What were the other kind of eggs? My Dr told me just a soft boiled, poached or scrambled soft egg, nothing else. I sure hope I don't have such trouble as you have been having as I love eggs and have really been looking forward to starting to eat again.

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Lots of people eat eggs no problem. Eggs always gave me gas before surgery but it wasn't painful. After surgery it seems like they give me gas and that gas is trapped in my stomach. If you tolerated eggs well before surgery you might not have an issue at all.

    3. Djmohr


      I miss eggs but like you cannot eat them. They make me sick Everytime. I am 16 months post op RNY and still cannot do it.

    4. Show next comments  534 more
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Mediterranean Style Eating

    There are a few vegetarians who post here and there is a vegetarian forum. Even those people, get their Protein in. Protein is a building block of the body and you can get it from things besides meat. So what was your start weight? What is your height? What is your current weight? How many calories do you eat a day? What is your protein goal? Do you meet your protein goal? How many carbs do you have a day? What kind of fruit are you eating?
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-Op Diet.. part of that 60-70%?

    I think the best way to optimize your results is to do research before surgery. Find out what shakes you like, Try lots of different shakes. Protein shakes are a great tool, they can save you lots of problems. find some you like. Understand the nutrition. Understand the Vitamins Work though any personal issues you have Lower your stress levels if you can. Give up sugary drinks Give up alcohol Find a sugar replacement you like (stevia, Xylitol, etc) Learn to cook healthy low carb meals The best to optimize your results is to make sure you can follow your program. If you follow your program and you like following it. Meaning you don't feel deprived or punished, you can be more successful.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Experiencing nausea 3rd day preop diet

    It is just your body detoxing and freaking out from the lack of weed and lower calories. The 3rd day is the worst day. Drink lots of Water. Just try to make it through each hour. Take naps if that helps you avoid eating. It gets easier. I am not sure if the weed withdrawal gets easier never been a smoker, but most people feel bad on the 3rd day of detox/low carbing/pre-op dieting. You body has burned through what it had stored and now the reality of what you are doing has set in.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Telling people

    People think that, but I have found that isn't really true. If you are living a life that is a healthy life, eating less, eating Protein and veggies and working out. People will assume that is why you are losing weight. Most people don't jump to surgery as the reason you are losing weight. Most people think that losing weight is fairly easy, eat less and move more. They watch biggest loser and all these other shows and they think diet and exercise can make weight just fall off. Don't feel like you HAVE to tell just because people are going to be curious or assume. Once you tell people you can't take it back, or control who they tell, so keep that in mind.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Progress Pictures ☺

    Wow congrats! that is amazing! Update your weight on the bar at the right side so bariatricpal shows your current weight.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    What upsets your sleeve now?

    It only seems like greasy food does it, but it has to be like a combo of things. It has to be greasy and I have to eat it pretty quickly. So basically nothing if I eat right
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-Op Diet.. part of that 60-70%?

    @@Ruth1ess What you are asking is if you can bio-hack your way to more weight loss. No one can give you an answer to that. The 60-70% is an average, It is a completely arbitrary number. Doctors use it because that is the average and its is a good number. Losing that amount of weight is life changing for obese people and can end a lot of medical problems. If you use a calculator like this http://www.obesitycoverage.com/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-bypass/how-much-can-i-expect-to-lose This is what the calculator estimates I can lose at my starting weight This is what the calculator estimates I can lose from the weight I am at right now. I have lost 101 lbs in 6.5 months with the sleeve. The weight lost estimated from my start is 222. The weight lost estimate from where I am right now is 182. The start weights are 101 pounds apart but the end result is only a 40 pound difference. Is it worth it to wait and have to lose weight taking the chances on being hungry, to possible lose an little extra? It might be to you. The amount of weight you will be able to lose on your own before surgery is unlikely to be that much so the differences will be minor. I would have never lost 100lbs on my own. I would never lose more than 30-50 on my own and I always gained it back. I am only 6.5 months out and I have lost 101 lbs basically effortlessly. I haven't been hungry, and after the first 6 weeks I have had plenty of energy. I am more active, but I don't run. I walk, I do yoga, and I lift weights. I do things that don't stress my body and I am still losing at a fast pace. The way I am dropping weight right now 10-14lbs a month and it isn't slowing, as I lose more weight and am more active, it is coming off faster. I expect that I will blow right past that first lost estimate from my start of 365 to 222, I will probably be past 222 long before my one year anniversary. I expect to keep losing long after my 1 year anniversary just because I would have to be really dedicated to eating, basically eat all day to get above my resting metabolic rate. So try that calculator and see if you think the difference is worth waiting for. Just remember it is just an estimate and it is arbitrary.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Couple of food questions :)

    Are you able to easily get all of your Protein in each day? I am asking because I wasn't able to get all my protein in easily each day through real food until about 3 months. While things like tortillas sound good, you might find they are really hard on your new sleeve and take up room that you need for you protein. Even a protein tortilla.
  13. Last year I gave up eating out for Lent. Which really helped me break a lot of habits. It was before I decided to have surgery, but it did help prep for surgery.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    SlimFast Advanced Nutrition Shakes

    This isn't something I would drink all the time just because the calories are kind of high for 20g or protein. Syntrax is 23 for 110 calories, premier is 30g for 160. Still I am always looking for things that are readily sold in most stores, for emergencies and these aren't a bad option in a pinch. Thanks for sharing.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Shape wear

    I tried on spanx last weekend for the first time. I was always too big for them before. They are okay if you want light control, but they don't offer firm control in my opinion. They definitely don't shape as well as Maidenform and some other brands. Even the light control thigh shapers I have from maidenform do a better job controlling than spanx, and my firm control are out of the world.
  16. i have been trying to think of something to give up for weeks. I have already given everything up so I dunno.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Alcoholism & WLS

    A lot of people are food addicts to cope with some kind of trauma. When the food is taken away, they turn to other things. I don't think the correlation is just WLS and new addictions. It is underlying issues that are not resolved and the absence of food.
  18. About 26 hours. I just had to be able to drink and eat a little off my tray to be allowed to leave. Have you asked for different pain meds?
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight loss ward?

    They have to pay co-pays in Illinois. They are small like $3 but enough to stop people from abusing things.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Shirataki Noodles

    I had them before surgery. They are gross. They stink and no matter what you do to them, I can still smell how they smell when you open the bag. Zucchini noodles are far superior and cheaper.
  21. You lost almost 10% of your total weight in a few weeks. Most people (men are the annoying exception) don't drop 30-50lbs in the first month. They drop 10-20, then keep dropping steadily each month with lots of stalls in between. The idea is to keep losing over several months and it all ads up, 10lbs a month in a 6 months time is 60lbs.
  22. What was your start weight? What is your goal weight? If you are close to goal, weight loss slows down a lot.
  23. Yeah, everything now has stretch and there is a lot of vanity sizing, which makes shopping annoying because sizes vary by brand. That is why I pulled these old jeans out that have no stretch and I know were tight when I was a size 18 before as my control. It isn't about the clothing sizing. My body is definitely just different. My waist was never this defined when I was an 18 before, I was always very proportionate, but never hourglass. Now I am definitely leaning towards hourglass. I had assumed before I started losing weight that at this weight I was be a 22/24. Since I started losing weight I haven't been a 22 or a 24. I went from a 28, to a 24 for about 3 weeks to a 20, now 18. This weight in the past I would have definitely been in 22/24. I am heavier on the scale, but physically I am a lot smaller and more compact than in the past, and I carry my weight a little different also. I'm going to end up with a better more shapely body in my late 30s than my late teens.
  24. I have lost almost 100lbs since surgery which sounds like a lot but I am still fat. At the bottom end of plus sizes instead of pushing the limit at the top. I know this is some peoples starting points and they feel huge at this weight, but for me this is the smallest I have been in 20 years. The weight I am at right now, I haven't been this range since the 90s. I have had a hard time accepting that I wear a size 18, I keep taking my measurements and comparing them to the size charts on various websites to confirm that my measurements are really a size 18, they are and on some sites they are a 16. My issue has been, in the past at this weight I wore a 22/24. So I have been assuming the issue was vanity sizing. I have one pair of old jeans from college that had some sentimental value (they were really expensive and I had to save up for them) and I have kept them all these years, even though I purged all my old clothes. So tonight, I tried them on. They fit, they fit comfortably, and I don't even have on proper undergarments or shape wear, I am just in lounge wear. When I wore a size 18 before I weighed about 200/210, I am 266 as of today. I'm also not wearing an 18W I am wearing an 18 misses, I can wear a 16W depending on the store. Clothing sizes are driving me absolutely nuts. If I keep going to my goal weight I have no idea what size I will end up. Older body? Heavy bones from lugging fat? More muscle? I don't even understand this clothing math.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Alcoholism & WLS

    There is a difference between having a glass of wine with dinner to compliment the meal and downing a whole bottle of 2 buck chuck from Trader Joes just so you can fall asleep at night. While I think mild alcoholism is a dumb term. The bar for what makes you an alcoholic from a medical standpoint is too low, too black and white and too linear. I would say the thing to be watch for especially if you are young, and even more if you are single is that once you start socializing and dating, it is easy for calories to creep in. This happened to me at the tail end of last year. Started dating, going out more and it was hard to track and estimate calories from restaurants without nutritional value. It is too easy to start enjoyying your weight loss and pick up bad habits you didn't have before.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
