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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. When your calories are low, and you are dropping a lot of fat and releasing a lot of hormones the first 2-3 months, your PMS can be worse and your cycle can be irregular. Once you start eating more it balances out. Try using the search feature, there are tons of threads on this topic.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Mexico or US...cant decide

    My primary was totally supportive of me having surgery. Do the math on paying 2 insurance policies and meeting out of pocket expenses. Add it up and compare it to paying for surgery. If you have surgery and pay out of pocket in the US are doctors still refusing to see you? That doesn't even make sense. Blossom Bariatrics in Vegas has a good program at a good cost. http://blossombariatrics.com/ Also there is a whole forum here dedicated to surgery in Mexico. You might get better answers there.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Mexico or US...cant decide

    Open enrollment on the healthcare exchange is closed. Also since you have insurance through your employer I am not sure you can buy a plan, if you can you won't get a supplement. All the premiums you would pay will end up being the same cost as paying for surgery out of pocket. Post-op unless you have a complication, you can just follow up with your primary care doctor. Mainly you just need your blood work monitored long term. You don't have to see a bariatric surgeon forever.
  4. around 800 with 90ish grams of protein. I could eat more, I choose not to.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Mexico or US...cant decide

    would go to Mexico if paying out of pocket, or maybe Blossom Bariatrics in Vegas. If I was cash pay, I wouldn't have surgery in the US because they add on all kinds of extra costs, or it is too easy for there to be extra hidden costs over what they quote you. Paying out of pocket has the advantage that you can have surgery soon rather than later. Waiting only get you older and sick in the 6 months or whatever of insurance red tape. Plus with a lot of the deductible and out of pocket costs. Surgery in the US with insurance costs almost as much if not the same as just self paying outside the US.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?

    Well since I am a different kind of minority, than just being fat. I have a different perspective on it. I don't mind fact acceptance. It is not my kind of thing because they go to extremes. There are some people that are always going to be fat, even after weight loss surgery and there are of course lots of people that can never have surgery. Fat people are a fact of life, they shouldn't be marginalized. However, extremely morbidly obese people is another topic. It isn't healthy, and once you are at that weight long enough your health starts to fail, the body just can't handle it. What I hate the most is all these people have enablers that help them get this way and keep them that way. If you have to do everything for yourself just daily life would prevent you from getting that large. It is a form of abuse, emotional and physical. I'm also not offended by chubby chasers depending on how chubby their desires are. Regular plus sized women, I don't see that as being a fetish. Women that are so hard they can hardly move, that is a complexly different topic. They want women that size so they have absolute and complete control over them and they are no better than pedophiles.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    I have been so annoyed as I have been bra shopping with people in stores telling me to get a band size larger and just use the the last row. Do they even understand how bras work? You start on the first row because with wear and the warmth of your body even if you aren't losing weight the bra gets looser and then you move rows. If you start at the very end you have no where to go in a couple weeks or so when the bra breaks in. @@JamieLogical I have never lost 100lbs before. I am losing most of my weight in my upper body, my collar bone is popping like I am below 200 when I am far from it. Everything is shrinking but my boobs. I got measured for bras at a bra shop because I knew I buying all wrong, and I can't really accurately measure myself alone at home. I was really surprised to hear 42G because I thought I was losing all over my upper body. I wear sports bras around the house most of the time so that has distorted my view of my breasts. I wouldn't think I could slide into a size 16 or 18 at 260 lbs either. This is a whole new body and I am still losing and still adjusting to it.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    I think I have gymphobia..?

    I cancelled my gym membership recently. I have only been a few times since surgery. There are no good gyms within 20 minutes of where I live. Not gyms with pools and the kind of classes and trainers I want. I'm not going to pay for a trainer that needs a trainer. I hate going to the gym and faking activity, I would rather just be active. I kept my membership for so long for the weights, but the weights they have aren't even good and the arrangement isn't optimal. I walk. I work out with weights at home and I do yoga. I think yoga is probably the most beginner friendly exercise regardless of weight. All the poses can be modified to accommodate people at whatever stage they are at. It is also a serious muscle workout and you use muscles you didn't even know you had. I'm going to get a new bike soon and add bike riding to the mix. I find being in a gym boring unless I am swimming or in a really intense class. I have found that intense workouts stress my body into holding weight so I haven't tried those again in a while. You don't have to go to the gym to be active. It is better to build activity into your daily life, that doesn't require you going or doing something special. Walking is the best exercise, and you use more muscle than you think.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    3+ years post op having issues

    Well if you are looking for the people with problems then you are going to find them. The people without problems don't post they aren't have issues. That doesn't mean the complications aren't rare. And it certainly doesn't minimize your pain and discomfort. Have you got a 2nd opinion? I would before considering another surgery. Can you go to Northwestern or University of Chicago and ask their opinion?
  10. @@Cervidae I got a dog. It has helped me so much with my stress and isolation from living and working alone. The dog is the best comfort available. I realize everyone can't afford or wants to take care of a dog. I comfort myself right now by shopping. It isn't always about purchasing items, it is more about trying on clothes, seeing what I can wear and also seeing myself in a different environment. Even though there are mirrors and full length mirrors all over my house, I find that I can see my changes better outside the house and trying on entirely new clothes. That helps me stick to plan and also validates my struggles with head hunger. Doing your nails, deep conditioning your hair. Okay on to food. Comforting myself with food, is something I worked through before surgery, before I even considered surgery. I gave up sugar, I gave up alcohol. I learned to work through my problems and I always removed a lot of stress from my life. Now to be real, I Keto. That is more comforting than most diets. Fats satisfy a lot of needs. Low carb and low fat is just fail to me, and it doesn't seem to satisfy anything. So I have healthy fats, very few carbs and meet my Protein goals. That is satisfying and comforting to me every day. My food is high quality and delicious. I had filet mignon for almost a week straight, at 4 oz at a time, it is affordable yet still decadent.Totally on plan, totally delicious. I am savory kind of person. I would rather have fried chicken or fried fish than chocolate or any kind of sweet. That being said, it is kind of easier to get "treat" like foods that are sweets since most people are sugar fiends. I think that if sweets are your trigger then you should be really careful. I can eat these items and not care about them. They are mainly convenience more than comfort. Protein Brownies. Looking they are protein brownies and they taste like protein brownies, but they do taste good. They also aren't cheap, so you might not want one every day. Found on instagram, a real life saver, added bonus, they are moderately filling. http://www.eatmeguiltfree.com/ Protein Peanut Butter The chocolate is delicious. https://wildfriendsfoods.com/protein_plus/ Quest Bars Low carb cheesecake (just google a recipe. I get these at Trader Joes for $1.99 or 2.99 a bar, I forget the price. cheaper than Lily's I have one square at a time as a snack http://www.amazon.com/Simply-Lite-Chocolate-Cacao-3-Ounce/dp/B0049UDYHI These from trader joe's, fi you are going to buy them, weigh/measure out all the servings and put them in individual baggies as soon as you get it home. Only take one serving at a time. The calories are high per serving for those of us on 1000 calories or so a day so plan accordingly. I stopped buying them because they aren't worth the calories to me, but they aren't a terrible option. http://i.imgur.com/jWCaYT1.jpg Again I am going to state I can eat this things because sweets are not a trigger for me. If they are for you, don't do it. Food though is fuel, not a comfort device. We all need to work past seeing food as a comfort. It doesn't even work post surgery at least for me. Being full is super uncomfortable, it isn't soothing, it doesn't make me numb or sleepy, just miserable. Cooking a complicated keto or paleo recipe is soothing to me. It takes me out of my own thoughts and I have to focus on what I am doing. I find that relaxing. Recipe sites.. http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/ http://www.ruled.me/ http://cavemanketo.com/ https://ketodietapp.com/Blog I am not familiar with what RNY people can eat so if all of these are things you can't tolerate. I'm sorry.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    For someone as young as Ariel it is worth it. If she takes proper care of her wounds, which they don't do on the show, she should have almost invisible scars in 5 years. The show is meant to scare people and be as exploiting as possible. Take it all with a grain of salt. What kills me is people talk about foreign doctors but the wonder twins are complete hacks!! Everyone they operate on has open incisions. Everyone. They are awful
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    July Sleever

    Yeah head hunger is really the issue. I try to keep good Snacks and have tea at night but if it gets too bad I just decide it is time for bed. I also will hold for a few days then drop 2 to 3 pounds.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Insured - still had to pay everything up front

    Actually mine is that fast! My Ortho contacted them one afternoon and they already had my blood tests and MRIs in there from earlier in the day. They don't care if you actually paid those appointments they are the ones you owe for if they finish up your deductible or out of pocket... Because they were earlier you owe for those not the later appointment. Maybe within the same system, but some of the time I go to the Catholic hospital system and sometimes I go to Barnes Jewish. It depends on my mood. They don't have the same billing system and BCBS is not processing claims in real rime, it takes 24 to 48 hours. The healthcare system in America really varies and there are different laws and regulations in different states. It is not all the same. No, collecting everything up front is not standard practice everywhere, just like being billed isn't standard practice everywhere, it varies. This is the first PCP that i have ever had that doesnt collect co-pays at the time of service which I find annoying, especially since they send paper bills in the mail and dont have an online electronic billing system.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Insured - still had to pay everything up front

    They can but for a big hospital system/doctor network it isn't worth their time. The only place I see calling all the time to check benefits is my dentist office, but they are not the most high tech system, and they are just a single private office. The whole reason Drs and Hospitals go to groups is to save money on administrative costs, thus centralized billing.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Insured - still had to pay everything up front

    i dealt with 3 different hospital systems in in 2 different states to have my surgery completed last year. None of them collected more than co-pays up front. My PCP office doesn't even take copays for visits, they use a central billing department that mails out bills. My list of states and metro areas to never live in keeps getting longer every year. Also real time billing would tell nothing since some days i had multiple appointments and the morning test might have met my out of pocket before the afternoon test. Billing isnt that fast. Im self employed and buy my own policy, if there was ever a patient to try and collect on up front, it would be me. It just doesnt work like that around here. And time value of money, I am unwilling to take a chance on overpaying.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Hospital bag....what do I need?

    Lip balm. Dont take your lwn clothes i had 2 hospital gowns on, one front and one onbackwards to act as a robe. They probably wont let you wear your own stuff anyway. Have a pillow in the car. GasX strips are useless. And most hospitals do not want you using outside medicine. They will give you what need. Lip Balm is the most important thing. If you nave some kind of skincare routine, bring that.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Insured - still had to pay everything up front

    I get billed for everything. Never charged up front. Insurance is so complicated they can't charge you up front. They have no way of knowing if you met your out of pocket and are covered at 100%. When i had surgery i had already maxed out for the year doing pre-op.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    OMG the wonder twins are so terrible. Dr Now is a better plastic surgeon than them. He just did the best tummy tuck I have seen on the show on Shantae. But..... HE JUST DID A BREAST LIFT?!?!?!?!?! WITH Poor Ariel has terrible skin and genetics. She was so loose fat there was little hope for her when losing and her skin is so beat that her healing is terrible, but Dr Now to save the day. This show is just amazing in how terrible it is.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Forget the numbers on the scale, how about clothing sizes?

    I started at a tight 28 and I got tops with no stretch in 30. I wore workout and lounge clothes for about 2 months. The first time I bought jeans I was in a 24. Then about 2 weeks later I got 22. Then 3 weeks later 20. Then I hovered in a 20 for about 6 weeks, then 18. I am almost 7 months out. I can wear 16 in some things but I am still mostly an 18. I expect to be a 16 fully by the end of the month.
  20. I had a parent like this when I was younger. If people haven't had a parent like this, they won't understand. You can do nothing to change him and it isn't your job to. The fact you said he won't do counseling says a lot, I know the type. All you can do is try to minimize the damage they do to you, that is why I said find a happy place and go there. Work on this happy place daily, so when your Dad goes off, you can easily pull it up and escape there. Keep focused on losing weight and find a way out of the house. Don't look on cragislist for places to stay. Can you find a social worker? I know Michigan slashed the budget on most social services but see if you can find someone to help you at the SSI office. Also just so you can move out, try to get on section 8 or something. If you are on disability, that should help move you up the list.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    I use flavor god seasonings. Most of my condiments are either trader joes or walden farms. I make my own tartar sauce with mayo (real or walden farms) dill relish (has to be dill so there is no sugar), and a dash of seasoning and a dab of mustard. I make my own honey mustard with mayo, yellow mustard and a few drops of liquid stevia. If you look at the ingredients of most commercial seasons in the store like marinades and all the packaged spices they are full of crap. Which is why I like Flavor God, almost all of them are paleo compliant.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Same Veggies as Before?

    I don't eat broccoli because it is too filling, I don't have enough room after Protein. I eat a cauliflower and zucchini. My biggest issue with veggies is I just don't have the room for them after protein, not a lack of tolerance. I eat eggplant also.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Steve Harvey

    Plenty of losers settle down just for a roof over their head.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    When does the weight loss start?

    I started just a little higher than you. I have lost 101 lbs in about 6.5 months. I keep my calories between 750 and 850 and I have about 90 grams of Protein a day and less than 30 net carbs.
  25. OutsideMatchInside


    food scale http://www.amazon.com/Ozeri-Digital-Multifunction-Kitchen-Elegant/dp/B004164SRA/ref=sr_1_1?srs=2598028011&ie=UTF8&qid=1455165395&sr=8-1&keywords=food+scale In the beginning, don't try to get full. Weigh your food and eat the amount your program recommends. My program in the beginning was 2oz at a time, progressing each week.

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