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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. Hot tea is awesome in the winter when you want something warm. Bonus points for drinking it black and calorie free.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me

    Don't Leave Me This Way- Thelma Houston Disco forever! This is the most active WLS site because of the app. We have to roll with the punches.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    Soma has really nice bras if you support. Yes they are around $60, but they are worth it. The staff in the store are good at measuring. A good bra will make you look slimmer, it isn't the place to cut corners. If I end up spending $60 a month on bras it is offset by my food savings.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    addiction to carbs/need advice

    Kids don't buy groceries, parents do. Parents are in control of what comes in the house. Kids shouldn't be eating fake food like packaged mac and cheese anyway. @@sbg224 If you want crunch, slice a really firm cucumber is cracker thick slices. You can season them and just eat them or you can use them like crackers and put toppings on them.
  5. I would say don't stock up on anything. I still have broth and those nasty New whey Protein shots on the shelf. I got a lot of stuff because I live alone and I thought I would be out of commission for a while but I went shopping on the 3rd day after surgery. You don't know what you will like or what your sleeve will like, don't get too much.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Small hiccup

    I hope the stress test goes well. I went from EKG to Echo to a stress test. Then I had to have a cardiac cath. All for them to say my heart is fine. Good luck
  7. There was a thread on this recently if you search for straw you should get the thread and a lot of responses
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Don't Let Nobody

    You made a thread that didn't got how you wanted. Then you made another thread to take everyone to task for taking your first thread on face value. You could have just stayed in the first thread or taken a break but you decided to make another dramatic thread. I made a thread when my was freshly sleeved and my hormones were all crazy. Almost no one agreed with my opinion, even though I wasn't looking for opinions I was just venting. I stopped responding to the thread and I will never bring the topic up on this forum again. If people don't say what you want, you can just take a break or ignore them.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    I was awake and watched my swallow test on the screen so I pretty much know the exact placement of my sleeve and intestines in relationship to each other.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Don't Let Nobody

    I have spent an entire day with my Priest and heard God and the Bible used less than you have is these 2 threads. Like I said, a hit dogs will holler.
  11. OutsideMatchInside


    Do you notice it more with certain foods? I looked back at what you wrote and thought about myself at the same time period. I had some issues like this. I knew it was not hunger though because of my swallow test being live, I knew where my stomach was and where my intestines were. The longer I was eating real food, it stopped. Then again at 6 months I had some days like that and then it ended. It seems like a switch flipped for a while then it went off. I think it is part of the healing process. Maybe some other veterans can chime in.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Don't Let Nobody

    I wish you wouldn't put God in all your posts. It is a poor excuse for your crappy attitude. Being a good Christian doesn't mean wearing your Christianity like a cloak or trying to shove it down other people throats. Since you read you bible so much I am sure you are well versed on what was said about the hypocrites. Hit dogs holler.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?

    She works out with a trainer too. She has a ton of muscle under that layer of fat which is why she looks so tight.
  14. I had to quote this because it illustrates how I feel so well. When I went on diets I would loss 30 to 50 lbs and it felt a little better and my clothes fit better but it never made a huge difference. Now 7 months out I am only 1/2 to goal but I have lost over 100lbs. Losing 100lbs has completely changed my life. If I never lost another ounce I would consider this a success. I want to keep losing and I am still losing and I am very hopefully I will make my goal. This first 100lbs has made my life so much easier and me more active overall, I have no doubts I can make goal. On my own it seemed impossible, because of constant hunger and rarely feeling satified. Also like someone else said now I know one bite of something can be enough for me. I never had that kind of control before. I was skeptical the sleeve would work for me. The first few weeks I felt I was losing slowly for my start weight and I was discouraged. When this happened in the past with diets I would just quit because I was hungry and deprived and not seeing results. With the sleeve, I couldn't quit. Not quitting forced me to push through stalls and "slow" results to ultimately get great results. Being sleeved isn't easy but it makes everything easier.
  15. Well first it isn't a diet. It is a healthy eating lifestyle. You have to make that switch in your mind. A healthy eating lifestyle allows for occasional treats or indulgences. Your "will power" increases for most people because of the lack of hunger. It is easier to stick to eating healthy and eating very little because very little satisfies you and you are not hungry. Hopefully by the time hunger kicks back in for people (I am 6 months and still no physical hunger), they have learned healthy habits and are pleased enough with their results to continue healthy eating. If you follow your food plan you learn to eat again, just like a baby. Surgery is a tool to teach you healthy habits and help you by making those healthy habits easier. After weeks of Protein shakes, purees, and soft foods, a bit of soft baked meat tastes like heaven. You learn to enjoy simple pleasures in food because going without for a while retrains your palette. At least that has been my experience. If you feel like a food addict, you need to get to the root cause of why you eat. Once you can solve that root cause and find other ways to cope, it is a lot easier to be successful.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Food & Social Life after surgery

    The only issues I have ran into is going out on dates, some guys feel you are wasting their money by not clearing your plate or something. I have heard this from other people too. It is a quick and fast way to weed out cheap jerks. If they are complaining about how much you aren't eating, they are probably terrible tippers too, and that tells you all you need to know. Other than that, I do just fine. I have a big personality and I talk a lot so most people don't pay attention or care. I have also always been a picky food snob so that helps to. If I don't eat something people assume I am just being me.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Food variety

    @@Daisee68 How do you track these bites? I wouldn't eat like that just because a "bite" isn't a scientific measurement. There would be no way for me to accurately gauge if I was meeting my Protein goals.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    This Week I Failed

    @@1Cor2:9 You are less than 2 months from surgery or just at 2 months. You are still healing. Don't be so hard on yourself. Walking and being active every day is exercise. Exercise is not just going to the gym. Do you have a fitbit or anything to track your steps during the day? Phone? You are probably already far more active than you think you are. You wanted to lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks. You lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks. Almost 6% of your total body weight. Most people have to almost kill themselves to lose 2-4% in a month. You are above average weight loss. You are losing very well for some so close to surgery date. Weight loss is 80-90% diet. If you are still controlling your food you are still winning. Don't be so hard on yourself and don't set your weight loss goals so high. I set my goal at 13lbs because I felt it was more realistic. I lost 19lbs which makes me feel good I exceeded my realistic goal. If I set my goal at 20lbs I would be kicking myself for not meeting goal instead of feeling awesome I made goal. This is a mental game. Make it easier on yourself, not harder. Stress and anxiety are the anti-weight loss emotions.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Post-op pain and shapeware

    I kept a bandage over the incision near bra, a padded one.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Can't stop "cheating"

    Get in bed at 9pm and read.
  21. Lots of people have completely crap parents. His dad has him around because he is another source of income. Unless you have really experienced a crappy parent you can't understand how really terrible some people are at being parents and human beings in general.
  22. This is the biggest thing for me. Food is not comforting because the full feeling isn't the same. Plus I still have a huge disconnect between my brain and my stomach. Before surgery I would think about food and get hungry. Now when I think about food, my stomach doesn't care.Tastes can be very mentally satisfying, but even that taste enjoyment which is mental doesn't carry over to anything physical. This makes it easy for me to just have a bite or 2 of something and stop. I know that this disconnect might not always exist so I try to stay aware.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Fear of not waking up!

    I just came to terms with it before surgery. First of all with all the invasive pre-op testing they put me through, I thought my chances of dying were radically slim. Worse than that, the pre-op testing convinced me that I would live a long time mordbidly obese and gaining and losing for another 30 or so years. Ugh. So I decided dying why I was young and pretty still with my hair freshly done was worth the risk. Added bonus I felt the only way I would die would be malpractice, so at last my family would have some cash. It is a real fear, and what people tell you won't help you get over it. You have to work through it in your mind and come to terms with surgery. The fear is partially real fear probably and a little self sabotage.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Mexico or US...cant decide

    It sounds like your decision is made. Good luck with your surgery.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    I like Amish stuff. I used to live near Amish country, I don't now and I have no idea if there are any stores around here selling Amish goods. I also get spices from https://www.penzeys.com/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
