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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    So confused-Weighing less=less protein?

    Her current weight is 291, which is higher than the start weight of most of the people posting in this thread. There is no way in hell 40g of Protein a day is enough for her. She is a month out, she should be working to increase calories not lower them. I seriously doubt she is anywhere around 1000 calories a day right now.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    So confused-Weighing less=less protein?

    I'm not telling you to ignore your Dr but... You have less fat to muscle right now. It doesn't make sense to lower your Protein, you are trying to keep the muscle you have and hopefully add some. Also as a larger person, you have more muscle mass than most people just from carry that weight around, you probably need more protein than most people, like in the 100g per day range. You calculate your protein needs based on your lean muscle mass, not your total weight. Your body doesn't absorb much more than 20 grams of protein at a time. So all these doctors that think people can get all their protein in 3 meals are making like harder on their patients. My Dr even told me not to over do it on protein at one time. Your body will just waste it. Most people need to eat 4-5 times a day to meet their protein needs. Eating planned and measured meals to meet your protein goals is not grazing. Which is what most doctors are trying to discourage by say no Snacks. I have a protein shake most days, just to save on calories and to prevent me from skipping Breakfast. I just don't feel like eating in the morning most days, so a protein shake is perfect. I don't have to have a protein shake, I can eat enough to meet my protein goals but I like having a protein shake. It is something I did for years before surgery so I don't see a need to change. The only thing about protein shakes is you want to make sure you are drinking the right kind, low carb, 5g of less of sugar, and at least 20g or protein. As long as you are drinking a high quality shake, there shouldn't be an issue.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Discrimination Against People Who Had WLS

    You should have told her to "f off", you didn't have gastric bypass, malnutrition isn't a real worry. I have a friend that is just mystified that I don't look sickly after losing "so much weight, so fast". Well it wasn't really that fast, and I eat every day, all day. I always took Vitamins before surgery and I still take them. Even with less food than most people I still get more nutrients than most people. People still think weight loss surgery is like it was 10-15 years ago. It is so different now, because of technology and information being readily available. Also online ordering supplies. Think of all the people that come here that had little nutritional guidance from their program, but people are able to help them. In the past those people would have just struggled alone. Like @@AvaFern said the reason I chose this surgery was because there is over 100 years of data that you can live with little to no stomach and be perfectly normal. Once your intestines get messed up, it is just a long slow death. I'm not the type to say that people are jealous because I think that is a lazy response to usually complicated situations, but I think there is some jealous in WLS. There are a lot of people who desperately want surgery, and can't afford it/their insurance doesn't cover it, it is not available for them. Some of the posts I see here people who want to be approved changed my opinion on how bad people want surgery and how hard some people have to work to make it happen. I think there are some fat people that worry, they will be left in a super minority, as surgery becomes more mainstream, available and socially acceptable. They are being crowded out. Most minority groups go through these kinds of growing pains, but since access to medical care, has so many socio-economic factors, and how you look affects your earning potential and other social aspects, this is just a huge powder keg, we haven't even got to the real tipping point yet, wait 5 more years.
  4. When I was obese I wouldn't have felt the same way you did. I feel like all humans are equal and I just as much right to space as other people. I didn't feel like I had to apologize for existing. Other people don't apologize for ruining my shopping experience by talking loudly or not controlling their children or standing in line the whole time not even getting their form of payment out. I really hate all these sweeping statements that people make about all obese people like they speak for all obese people. Everyone doesn't have the same feelings and even in the same experiences people don't take the same lessons from them. The other sweeping statement about fat people that I see all the time on here is that people got fat, because they put themselves last or they take care of other people. I got fat totally indulging my every whim, because I felt entitled to it, not because I put other people first.
  5. I thought the lemon tea was awful. Caribbean Cooler is still the best one. I plan on sipping it all summer and pretending I am on a beach.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Curvy girl clothing issues...HELP!

    @@Munstersfan207 Ashley Stewart Jeans. They have a lot of stretch and are designed for curvy women. The 5 pocket jeans are normally 32.50 but if you sign up for emails they have sales all the time. Cello jeans are cheap. I got a pair at Ross for $19.99, they are usually around $30 at most stores. If you shop at macys' and you have coupons. You can sometimes get $70 jeans for $10-20 when they are on sale and you use coupons. I have good luck with American Rag and Rocks and Indigo. Also try the skinny jeans at Forever21 plus. And Charoltte Russe plus sizes. I have better luck with curvy skinny juniors plus than with normal plus sizes right now. My waist is really small, and my hips and butt are not. You are going to have to go to the stores and try everything on though. I find my size varies a lot from brand to brand and even sometimes from the fit. Also try high waist skinnys, I have good luck with those. Also Jeggings work. I hate jeggings beause of the fake front pockets but they fit great and make your butt look great.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Husband doesn't want me to lose any more

    Keep losing he will get over it. Even if you tried to stop right now, you will probably keep losing anyway, at 7 months you still can't eat enough unless you eat all day to drop yourself into maintenance.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    How to avoid awkwardness during group meals?

    Start bringing a protein shake now. It will help you get used to protein shakes. Help you learn to resist, and later if you start losing fast, people will assume it is because of your new lifestyle because it is.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Out of pocket cost after insurance pays

    My out of pocket maximum for the year was 1500, that plan doesn't exist anymore, lol. I didn't pay anything for surgery. I spent all the money on pre-op cardio testing. By the time surgery rolled around, I was maxed out.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Tired of "embracing the stall !"

    Advancing your diet and increasing your calories is the best way to get big loses. You don't lose a lot in the beginning because you have shocked your system. When you can take in more calories, you lose more fast. The first 6 weeks for me, were very little weight loss, as soon as I could eat more after 6 weeks BAM rapid weight loss.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    hiccups after eating?

    @@rachdotjpg Like other people said, hiccups mean full for a lot of people. I got them early on when I was trying to see how much I could eat past 2oz, as I was getting to the points I was supposed to eat more. Try just eating 2 ounces at a time, more frequently and see if that stops the hiccups. As long as you are measuring and eating proper portions to meet your Protein goals, eating more small meals is not grazing.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Stall at 9 days out

    You do not lose weight every single day even if you are not in a stall. You might stay the same weight for days then suddenly drop. Also the amount of fluids and waste in your body vary fromday to day.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Veggies and VSG

    I hate cooked, and especially hate over cookee vegs. I like mine very crsip, i waited until cleared for salads to add in veggies. With the exception of cauliflower, i just barely cook my veggies. Texture is very important to me food.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Lets talk sausage....

    All the dominicks in chicago went out of business right? They had the best turkey sausage. The chicken sausage at trader joes and sams club are good. Early on you might not be able to tolerate the grease in real pork italian sausage, it might be better to wait until after 3 months. If you are used to Chicago italian sausage, that JennieO sausage is a huge disappointment, it is basically flavorless. The trader joes chicken sausage have 10x the flavor and seasoning.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    The Biggest Loser

    I wonder how much money they make off this show. It seems like a fortune. All the products and resorts.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    The Biggest Loser

    I never watch this show but I am watching it because well I am bored in my office. So none of these women can walk in heels? No one thought to practice before they had to walk on a stage on national television??!?! Yes, I am being catty and petty, but it is just ridiculous. Most of them look like cats walking across a hot tin roof. The twins look sexy. I like that strong chiseled jaw look. He actually looks like a PE teacher. Roberto looks delicious. Hey, Papi... Their voices are even sexier. What a reminder of how much I hate this show. They really told people the day they are going to die on? Then told them they added x amount of years? Doctors or Mystics? I didn't know we had Shaman on NBC. Stephen looks good, that jaw line is looking real sexy. The only thing about him is he has that loose skin on his neck and under his chin, if that tightens up or he get a little he will be good. He had a lot of weight in his face and he lost it which aged him a little, but he doesn't look sickly. He looks distinguished now. I bet he does better in career going forward just based on his looks. Colby is younger so losing the weight isn't as dramatic in his face as it is for the older guys. His face is still fat which is why he looks, "healthier" plus he is younger. The other dudes have necks though and Colby still doesn't have a neck.
  17. Is the jello cold? I could only tolerate room temperature or warm items for the first few weeks.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    How to 'break up' with your surgeon?

    If there is a University nearby, give them a try.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Big Decision to Make

    If you like seafood, you should be able to eat a decent amount of fish/crab/shrimp at that point. I'm not sure I would roll the dice on how well I will feel post op for such an important trip. Can you have surgery after the trip?
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    GP says to do Weight Watchers instead

    What a quack. I wanted to find a counselor that would be knowledgeable about eating disorders, food addictions. I asked the Dr that did my eval for surgery and he suggested a counselor that worked with addictions, like drug addictions. I never went, but I was disappointed there weren't professionals available in my area that could help me.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Coffee drinkers

    About 6 weeks maybe a little longer. It is all a blur now. At first I was making iced coffee drinks with cold brewed coffee and unflavored Protein. I have a cup every morning with a few drops of stevia and 1TB 1/2 and 1/2.
  22. OutsideMatchInside


    @@Mrs_O That atkins pizza is pretty high in carbs but most of the carbs are Fiber, so the net carbs are decent. The calories are too high for me. Especially since the pizza is TINY. Dr Atkins is dead. The company that bought the brand are perverting the concept to maximize profits. All these packaged products are really playing fast and loose with the rules, keep that in mind. I buy mini cauliflower crust pizzas and add my own toppings or I make cauliflower pizza. I have never been a big pizza person, it is just to ad some variety to my diet every once in a while. I think I posted a good cauliflower crust recipe in the recipes forum. If someone had a family they made pizza with, I think you could make that pizza and the whole family would like it. http://ketodietapp.com/Blog/post/2015/08/24/foolproof-cauli-pizza-pepperoni
  23. Why not get a 0% APR Credit card? That would be the best way to finance if you can pay it off in a year.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Cruise Pre-op

    Enjoy that vacation and have your surgery. How you will feel post-op no one knows. Make sure you don't end up doing pre-op while on vacation so plan the surgery far enough away that you can really enjoy the vacation.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Love at First Swipe

    I really want to see the advice they give this girl with the huge boobs. She looks like the club turn up queen, but she wants to be married. Girl, okay. I want to see how they fix her up.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
