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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Gas smells horrible

    If you aren't having frequent bowel movements, your gas smells bad. Probiotics and staying regular is probably your best hope.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    WLS Made Me A Liar!

    One nice thing about working with men, is they won't ask you the kinds of invasive questions women will, for fear any female health questions might lead to lady problems, and they don't want to hear that. Working in a male dominated field has some perks, fewer nosey women.
  3. They are a slider food. You could eat them non stop all day. My suggestion is not to eat them, because if you like them it is a slippery slope, especially when other things are going to be hard to digest and eat, you might want to turn to them for the ease and comfort. Always eat your allocated portion, don't push it. Weigh and measure your food. At the deli you can make them weigh and measure the food, at 10 days you probably shouldn't be eating more than 2 oz at once. This is about how much you can eat, it is about how much you should eat. Eat what you should eat, not what you can eat, now and basically forever.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    What do you eat before and after a work out?

    I always workout on an empty stomach, or I will get nauseous, I have always had this issue, even before surgery. I drink a Protein shake right afterwards, because I don't feel like eating right away after working out. I really like a fasting workout in the morning. I feel like it gets you going and you are burning nothing but fat. Then you can feed your muscles with protein afterward.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    I kinda feel out of place....

    Before surgery I always went into regular size stores to get accessories or shoes. I never once in my whole life every had anyone tell me I didn't belong in a store or they didn't carry my size. Don't worry about it. $$$$$$$$ is $$$$$$$$$$$
  6. My wrists are so small now, it is crazy!

    1. Djmohr


      Isn't that the weirdest? I had very chubby hands, fingers, wrists arms......

      Now, my fingers and wrists are tiny. My wrist bones actually stick out as do my knees, shoulders, neck, collar bones.....etc.


      When my hubby cuddles me, my bones give him the creeps. He is just not used to it.

  7. OutsideMatchInside

    WLS Made Me A Liar!

    I don't consider protecting my privacy or sanity a lie. You shouldn't either. People ask too many invasive questions.
  8. OutsideMatchInside


    My whole life is kind of one long treat myself adventure. Since I don't treat myself with food, right now it is mostly shoes since I need all new ones. Clothes are so annoying to buy because I have to try everything on they are more of a chore than a treat. Actually thinking about it a little more. I think trying on clothes is my #1 treat right now. I try on lost of clothes almost every week, and take lots of pictures and that is how I track my progress beyond the scale. If I am not looking to buy something specific and just trying on different things to see what I can fit, it is less tedious.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    So Far !

    @@laguerr13 Long time no see! Glad to see you are doing so well.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    I don't think it was meant to be an insult

    I think it is hillarious a gay man is trying to tell women how to attract straight men, and women are taking him serious. I have nothing but head shots and I get vulgar messages all the time. Slut shaming women about their online pictures is putting all the burden on them, when in reality the perverts on dating websites need no encouragement.
  11. Maybe your friends think you need to rest, and haven't came by. They might be giving you time. Don't take it personal.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Curvy girl clothing issues...HELP!

    When your loss slows down and you wsnt some nice jeans, look at PZI. They are made just for curvy girls and your ass will look amazing.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Calories Don't Matter?

    Sugar is a carb.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?

    I went to Dr to complain about a rash. Dr said it was weight related, gave me nothing. Went to a dermatologist, got a cream and it was gone in a week. After months of suffering. Too many doctors see fat and stop caring.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Hot Yoga

    I would give up on the hot to be honest. I have a friend that is a super yogi type and told me that hot was a waste. I really wanted to get into hot, and they said it doesn't really do much for you. If you try regular yoga and you are still struggling then maybe talk to your Dr. Also maybe give it one more month. 6 month mark was a huge difference for me, even though I felt great before at 6 months I went to totally normal person mode. It is a definable shift I felt.
  16. I grew up not being allowed to drink with meals. So it is kinda of an uncomfortable mental issue with me that I associate with negative food behavior. I don't rely on restriction to control my eating. I don't have the hunger issues some other people have. Sometimes I take a few sips with meals, most of the time I don't. I start drinking within 45 minutes or so after eating. If you don't know your level of control or will power, I wouldn't drink with meals or soon after. I definitely stop drinking before I eat so I have an empty stomach and can eat enough to meet my Protein goals. I struggle more with remembering to eat often enough to meet my protein goals and get in enough calories than over eating. In the beginning you should follow your program as closely as possible, then later on once you know yourself and your limits, you can change things to suit your needs and your lifestyle.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    I have a dilemma! Help please

    I had surgery on a Wed, came home on Thursday and when I got home I answered emails and talked to customers. if you have no issues and you have surgery late in the week, you could probably go back to work on a Monday if you had surgery on a Wed or Thursday. Did you tell them when they hired you, that you have a medical procedure coming up that you would need time off for?
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Aqua Zumba

    If you have the right instructor you will be on fire in the pool doing Aqua Zumba, no chance of being cold. I used to sweat buckets. If you are cold in the pool, I would probably find something else to do, because it isn't working you out hard enough. I love aqua zumba and I lost a lot of weight doing it several years ago. It is so instructor dependent, the quality and energy of the trainer really matters. I won't waste my time trying it again unless I get a personal recommendation from someone young and active. A good class with a good instructor is like dancing for an hour at a club in Miami, a bad instructor is just like doing water aerobics, snooze city.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Phantom Fat/Body Dysmorphia

    I always felt good in my clothes and felt I looked good. I mean not to toot my own horn, but I do give really good face. Now that I have lost and I am looking back at old picture, only now can I tell the difference. I was never the kind of person to shy away from pictures so I have tons. When I get down in the low 200s I think my mind and my ego are going to explode. Kanye will have nothing on me in the ego department.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Before and After Pics

    @Rose1up! Bear Down! You look great. I am really looking forward to get all new Bears swag this Fall.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    High protein, low carb for life?

    Low carbing as a lifestyle and not a diet is different. As some other people said, eating Protein first makes you a low carber by default even if you add in carbs at the end, you will get so few you are still low carb. I love low carbing, more specifically Iove eating Keto. I had issues with portion control before surgery so I would fail or stop losing. Now with the restriction, it is easy to stick to. Eating after surgery even though are tracking everything and some thing you don't eat, is not like dieting. It is a completely different thing, and I don't think you can understand the difference until after surgery. Your body and your desires are just different.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Girl Scout Cookies

    I haven't seen a girl scout all year, except on the internet. In my previous town they would have been all over, here, nothing.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Phantom Fat/Body Dysmorphia

    It was kind of a fluffy article, but there should be more articles on the topic. I always felt smaller and thought I looked smaller than I was so now my reflection in the mirror closer matches how I aw myself anyway. I think trying on new clothes constantly is the best way to notice loses. I go shopping every week, and every week I look and feel smaller and the clothes prove it. Wearing the same clothes, and since most clothes have stretch now, will never really convey the weight loss like new clothes.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Do People Treat You Differently Now?

    Nope. I have a very unique and valuable technical skill set that has always been highly valued and highly sought after by employers. So I never really faced fat discrimination in my field. Being a fat nerd kind of goes with the territory, no one cares. I have always been pretty, outgoing, vivacious and friendly. People are drawn to me and that hasn't really changed. I think a lot of people are treated by the outside world what the project onto the outside world. My Dad said people will treat you how you let them treat you.
  25. OutsideMatchInside


    If your stomach is producing a ton of acid it feels like hunger pain, but is really just excess acid. @@JamieLogical i've heard the above many times never understood how hunger and acid go with each other reason is-------------?? thanx kathy

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