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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside


    Are you taking anything for acid? You might have developed GERD since surgery, that would make you feel hungry all the time.
  2. My opinion is going to differ from most people that are going to reply to this, but work through this the best way you can. With pre-op and immediate post on dieting, I had about 8 weeks of almost nothing. The main thing that got me through those weeks and like week 2 post on mentally I felt I was starving, was looking back on what I had eaten and knowing that I'd had what I wanted and didn't need it now. If you are still having good funerals, that's your business. When you preoperative diet, it might make it easier to endure. It might not. Don't beat yourself up about the past though, just move forward.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    IUD - What should I expect?

    I think you might really be over thinking it. Mine didn't hurt any more than cramps. The gas pain in my shoulder and my hip post WLS was really the worst pain of my life because it lasted for days and not the 30 to 90 seconds of the IUD.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    IUD - What should I expect?

    I would have more respect for an OB, that doesn't want to dole out narcotics for a procedure that doesn't need it. If she is this nervous about it, maybe it isn't the option for her and she should choose something else. Birth control shouldn't cause this kind of anxiety level.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    OK... so be honest with me...

    Since you have to scroll down to reply, the top is what you see first. People are only skipping it by being willfully ignorant. You just admitted you know where it is but you don't bother to look, because you just don't care. And I only responded because I think it is totally BS, that women keep popping in the men forum and then get huffy when men don't respond well to it, this isn't the first time.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    OK... so be honest with me...

    The forum name is in print at the top of the thread on the app and on the website just like every other forum. The fact that sometimes you can't see the blue button isn't a valid excuse. It is just laziness and entitlement. Even when women see it is a men only thread they will still post. If guys happen into a womens only thread they will usually back out and apologize. Most of the guys that post here are older married, or formerly married guys and they are respectful of womens spaces. The women that post here however don't care and run roughshod over the whole forum, because the forum is mostly women. There is one forum, one entire forum out of all the tens of forums here that isn't for them and they can't respect that, not even a little a bit. It is a good psychology experiment on when minorities become the majority, they act just like the majority, no respect for other people. Anyway I see it happening all the time and it is rude and annoying. It is one thing to make the mistake but like I said before when women see the the mistake they just keep going because they feel entitled. Men, especially since they are the minority in WLS on this forum and in the world, should be able to have a forum they can post in, and feel safe about posting without women popping in with their uninformed and unsolicited advice.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Can you stretch out/damage your sleeve?

    That doesn't seem like a good nutritional goal. You can't even get enough protein from 500 calories
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Can you stretch out/damage your sleeve?

    If it is done properly in the first place no. A sleeve that isn't formed right and too much of the stretchy part is left can stretch more than others but it will never get close to normal size. The staple line they make is 3 rows of titanium staples. Some people do have leaks and develop complications but that is rare. You can however eat around your sleeve. There are food that break down very easily and are high calorie, called slider foods. You can eat a lot of these items. You will find on forums a lot of people eat these kinds of foods and complain about not having restriction but some things will never trigger your restriction, thus they are called slider foods.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    OK... so be honest with me...

    I can see male only on the app. It is in the male only forum. People post all kinds of stuff in the wrong forum. Her lecturing post was completely out of line. A young man asking about the function of his penis is perfectly fine. The broads with PCOS post all over the forum everywhere about their baby dreams and no one says a damn thing to them. Maybe he wants to be a dad and hopes surgery will improve his chances. Women always pop in the male forum giving unneeded advice but men rarely pop in the female forum. Just because women are the majority on the forum doesn't get them the right to be bullys. If he wanted to ask other guys if his knees are going to be sexy that is his business. No one asked for her Mom opinion. Just because you are old doesn't mean a 24 year old isn't an adult.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    IUD - What should I expect?

    The pain is going to depend on a few factors, including the skill of the doctor. I have a copper IUD I had several years before surgery. My pain was basically non existent. Cramped a little like a period. The first 6 months I spotted a lot, but I didn't have constant periods. After 6 months totally normal. No idea about hormonal one, I got an IUD to avoid hormones. The peace of mind is worth it. I love it 2nd only to my sleeve.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Alcohol, parties, fun?

    @@salmon77 I go out all the time. I don't drink. I usually have bottle Water. People assume I think I am on mollys or something. If I do order a drink a rarely end up drinking. If I think I am going some place where I might drink I have to rearrange all my macros and calories for the day to account for the alcohol, which usually means instead of eating meals, I am drinking Protein shakes to allow for the calories. It just isn't worth it, I'd rather have a steak Other people don't care if you don't drink, really they don't, not like you think they do. I am outgoing and I don't need alcohol to be fun and have a good time. The only time people might have an issue with it, is if they have an issue with alcohol and drinking with other people makes them feel like they have less of an issue, but that is someone elses deep problem, that isn't your problem. I never hid from the world, but I do go out more or the same. Not drinking has no effect on my fun level. Plus I need to save all the money I can for my shoe habit.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Good Instagram people to follow

    sleevedin2015 some days she eats good, some days she doesn't but most days she does. She also burns a ton of calories every day working out. She tracks her food and posts the macros along with the food. Good to watch.
  13. The sleeve is slow and steady. You already know your issues. You don't need a pouch test at 5 months, restriction is not your issue. Maybe look for an Overeaters annon meeting and attend one. You are close to fully healed, you have to learn to control your food and cravings, because you can basically eat around your sleeve if you are determined, and that is exactly what you are doing. This is a lifestyle, not a quick fix fad diet.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    The disappearing act

    @@Oregondaisy Please don't give men your home number. They can use it to find your address. Get a google number and have it forward to your landline. Give them the google number only until you get to know them.
  15. I walked out a store today and a lady stopped me and said I looked like model. LOL

    1. jane13


      what a nice NSV!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      You do. I can tell from here.

    3. her1981


      That is awesome!

  16. OutsideMatchInside

    How can I take 70g of protein a Day HELP!

    New Whey is really nasty tasting. Medicine tastes better
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Changing your mind with two weeks left.

    @@choicemun No one else has to live in your body so their opinions are kind of irrelevant. What you are going through, is exactly why I only told a couple people that I knew would be on my team.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Scared to eat different foods

    @@rydersmama I understand where you are coming from. You should fill in your surgery information so people can easily see where you are at. At 7 weeks, I wouldn't add stuff if you don't have to. I stuck with Protein and veggies until about 3 months, I suggest waiting that long, just because at 3 months you are more healed and when you add new things you might tolerate them better. There is no reason to snack on snack things. My afternoon "snack" is a turkey burger. I have 4 meals a day, all planned, all 20-30 protein to meet my protein goals. Just because you have a snack it doesn't have to be snacky. A Protein shake will do, or a Protein Bar, grilled chicken cut into strips etc. That early out I wouldn't have a protein bar though. If you decide to add some look for this brand http://www.amazon.com/ISS-One-Lemon-Cake-12/dp/B00Y7YO59W/ref=sr_1_5_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1457569618&sr=8-5&keywords=ohyeah+one+protein+bars these are the best protein bars I have ever had in my life. They don't even taste like protein bars. I skipped yogurt too. I didn't like it that much before surgery and after surgery I absolutely hate it. It is nasty and the nutrition on most of it just isn't worth it. I keep nuts in my purse as an emergency but I have yet to have any nuts since surgery. Later on though, you might need more variety. I have added a lot more variety to my diet because I find it is the best combat for head hunger. I find lots of substitutions for my favorites also. This is a lifestyle, not a diet, you have to work it in a way you can live with it long term. At 7 weeks you are still healing and probably still swollen, as you heal and things loosen up and you are more comfortable with food, your attitude might change. If you don't want to add things, don't, add them when ready.
  19. @@laurenella82 What are your Macros? Carbs,Protein,Fat? How many calories are you have a day? Do you track with an app? The app I use will tell me my average calories over a time period.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Long Term Results of Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Hey I love forums too. Since I work from home, it is my water cooler action for the work day
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Running dating experiments...dont worry, nothing negative

    Did the dentist lay out his availability like that because of his work schedule? When I was still in corporate America, I used to have to clarify my availability like that to people early on. I worked 60 hours weeks and if someone thought I was going to have time for dinner on a week night, might as well tell them early, I don't have the time.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Long Term Results of Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Basically. The majority of long term people that come back to forums, come back because they have regained. The people that haven't regained and are enjoy their life, we never hear from them. Every now and then someone will pop up and post, but that is rare. I have been reading forums for years and most of the really successful people get to a point where their life has moved on to other things, they are more active and enjoying life. The successful people that are long term that still post the majority of time are trying to sell something, their blog, whatever. They are into self promotion. Life expectancy is far more important than weight loss for a research topic in my opinion.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Long Term Results of Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Why? There are too many variables. This is just a tool, a tool a lot of people misuse. I am more concerned about mortality rates that long term weight loss stats. The long term weight loss is completely up to the patient. Surgery can't fix bad genetics, if you have heart disease in your family losing weight is great but heart disease is written in your genetic code, being slim won't save you. An accurate study would have to take into account genetics and eating disorders (addicts relapse a lot). It would be a massive undertaking that needs a lot of funding. People are just looking for excuses and validation for their own failures.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Long Term Results of Sleeve Gastrectomy

    You realize a lot of the people that are very successful with weight loss surgery go on to live their life and are not even active in the weight loss communities or care any thing about WLS etc. At 7.5 months out, I doubt I will even be involved in WLS communities 6 months from now. Mainly because so many people are so full of self hatred and low self esteem, I find it too negative of an environment. A lot of people want to just forget about their former selves. They aren't going to respond to surveys especially a lot of the longer ones.

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