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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating after surgery

    You could eat the meat, but the tortilla is a no go. At least probably not till maintenance or maybe buy the low carb tortillas at the grocery. If you are 12 days out dreaming about taco bell, you have a rough road in front of you. Make your own taco meat at home. I have chicken fajitas just the meat and veggies with sour cream and cheese in a bowl. I make it at home so I know what's in it.
  2. OutsideMatchInside


    I wouldn't use a blender with shakes right after surgery. It whips air into your shakes making them thicker and harder to drink. I used a Blender Bottle. Thin shakes make it easier to drink and meet your Protein goals. Later I used by bullet when I made iced coffee with unflavored Protein powder.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Calories and Carbs

    I too am unable to be as active because of my children and some health issues but I do walk a lot . Thank youmy wife and I are both getting surgery next week but we're wondering how people can exercise without being able to drink a lot of water at once or really consume very many calories...Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App I didn't exercise. I just waled 2-5 miles a day and lost that way. I didnt start exercisin until I could drinkmwater normally and calories were over 800 everyday. You can lose weight without exercise. I think it iseasier and faster weight loss not to exercise but to just walk. If you burn a lot of calories working out, you have to guess on increasing your calories enough that you don't go into starvation mode. And keep that balance.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Hungry already! Is this normal?

    The growling that people think in in their stomach after surgery is actually their intestines waking up and working post anesthesia. Most of the digestive noises people hear are intestines not stomach. Head hunger is pretty real until you can start eating. Try to focus on other things.
  5. I never would have thought one square would have done it for me either, but they are $5 a bar and I can only buy them one place. I try to make them last as long as possible. I find that a taste of anything I am craving satisfies that craving. Surgery worked really well at making a disconnect for me between my brain and my stomach. I also don't feel like I need to eat something until I am stuffed to enjoy it. Just a taste is enough. Plus if I want more it is there for later. It took a lot of mental work to get to this point.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    @@Smye I'm sorry if my language upset you. Married people dating really grates on my nerves. I will stay put of your threads in the future.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    What did you do pre-op?

    My best advice is to go to bed early and sleep as much as possible. Also, don't watch TV. I binge watched Fat Doctor from the UK start to finish 2 times over those 10 days of pre-op. My pre-op was all liquids and very few calories. I had no energy. I didn't bother walking or working out, since most of the time I was light headed.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Total weight loss confusion...

    They are wrong, just go along with what they want, so you can get cleared for surgery but after you have surgery, report that psychologist to the state board. I am not even joking. She is not qualified to give out medical advice.
  9. Don't use food as a crutch (which I already think you know), even "healthy" food (I wouldn't consider carrots a low carb healthy choice). What works for me, is replacing things I like with low carb healthy options. They also happen to be expensive, hard to come by and sometimes time consuming to make. Which helps naturally curb my consumption of them. You have to work with your personal limitations, and not work around them. I know when I am on my period I want chocolate (even though I don't even like chocolate), so I have one tiny square of stevia sweetened chocolate, that is about 20 calories. Or I have a Protein bar. I keep options around that make it easy for me to stay on plan. This is a diet, it is a lifestyle, there is no cheating, just different choices.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Total weight loss confusion...

    @@haleymarie A psychologist isn't a medical doctor and should be advising your about your weight loss and what you can expect. It is pretty unethical in my opinion. A masters degree or a Doctorate of Science does not make you a MD. Next to you see her tell her that, and hopefully find someone else to see. The psychologist is probably using the excess weight chart estimate. http://www.obesitycoverage.com/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-bypass/how-much-can-i-expect-to-lose Something like that. The thing is, you can lose whatever you want to lose. If you decide you want to keep losing and you make it a serious goal for yourself. You will probably lose 70 or 80lbs just follwing the program in 6 months with little effort, then after that is going to require more work, possibly. You are really young so I think the weight will come off pretty easy, if you can resist alcohol. The next time the psychologist offers you medical advice, tell her you are going to report her ass.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Just Wondering....

    I weigh everyday but i am pretty detached from it. I never used to weigh myself before surgery so i am trying to make a new habit. Stalls dont bother me because i lose a lot of inches. Like other people Monday is my offical weight counting day. I want to weigh every day or every other for the rest of my life. Once i get into maintenance, i never want to be in a position where i gain more than 5lbs. If you let it pile on, its too hard to get it off.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating Dilemma

    Don't say anything. Just keep dating him and see where it goes. As long as you haven't agreed to be exclusive, date other people. The best way not to get serious with one person is to date more than one person at a time.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    2nd thoughts

    I'm 8 months out. The preoperative diet is the worst part. Not eating after surgery is easy, almost too easy. In the beginning you have to really work hard to eat enough and meet your goals. While it is a permanent thing. Barely eating really isn't. You will have a variety of options of things to eat, eventually you will be able to eat more. I feel completely normal. I just eat less. That's about it. I make better choices but I don't feel deprived. I didn't have 2nd thoughts, once I decided that I was going to this I worked really hard to make it happen as fast as possible. I went from visit to surgery in less than 8 weeks. I think people with a lot of lead of have too much time to over think it.
  14. OutsideMatchInside


    Maybe you need a different dose.
  15. dry skin brushing is the only thing that really helps, that and chemical peels.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    @@Smye dump her fast. As soon as possible. Do not try to work this out. Also, seriously. Your therapist is a quack. You should be alone for a while and find yourself instead of jumping from marriage to something else. Try dating yourself for a while. It is indulgent and will get you in the right head space so you can find crazy easier. Seriously though, take a break from dating.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Hair loss

    If you love your skin, don't try Biotin, it won't stop your hair from shedding and it makes a lot of people break out. It isn't worth the risk, imo. The best thing you can do is create and environment that promotes fast regrowth. If your hair is going to fall out, nothing will stop it. a high quality hair Vitamin like, Phyto. Collagen supplements, and exceeding your Protein goals helps. Hair is protein. When I wanted to make my hair grow fast prior to surgery I always increased my protein.
  18. Months 3 and 4 I lost the most weight the fastest. It just fell off. My doctor explained that in the beginning most of what your body is doing is trying to heal, not lose weight. Once your body recovers from the trauma, the weight loss kicks in. Removing 85% of an organ is trauma to the body, even if it doesn't feel like it.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Starting to Feel Like I Don't "Got This"....

    I have to agree with @@AvaFern on the straw. I accidentally drank from a straw and when I didn't die or instantly explode and realized how much easier it was to get Water down, that is how I drink all my water now. I can understand why they don't want people to use straws, you can drink a lot quickly and easily and if you are drinking calories that would be terrible, but for just water it is awesome. Just make sure you don't suck air in by accident. If you are having problems with Protein and liquids, I would drink Protein shakes so you can kill 2 birds with one stone. When you get tried of shakes you might try to get your water/protein in harder. Early on everything is boring and tedious and the weight loss doesn't really have that motivating wow factor yet to add to your motivation. Things really changed a lot for me at 3 months, I was 1/2 healed (my doctor said at 6 months you are fully healed an that really seems to be the case, 6 months was a huge change), and I could drink a lot more, faster and I could add more variety to my food. I know it sounds patronizing but stick with it, it gets better.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    zero weight loss

    If your surgeon won't fix it for free, I would sue for malpractice.
  21. I had similar starting stats age and weight. I had been diabetic controlled with diet and pills for several years. I'm 8 months now, and I don't take any diabetes meds, and my blood sugars are normal. I still test them now and then, fasting and shortly after eating to just to make sure it is really true and they are normal to the low end of normal all the time. I'm noteven at goal or close, I am only down a little over 100lbs. My Dr only does the sleeve. He said I was young and active and there was no reason I needed RNY. You can lose and lose quickly with the sleeve. Long term it doesn't matter if you get the sleeve or RNY. Once you are healed you can eat around either surgery if you choose to, and people regrain and/or never meet goal with both. Check both forums. RNY is not magic. If you don't want RNY and you can't afford it, don't have it. Since you are paying cash, you can switch Doctors if you want. I wasn't comfortable with having my intestines touched, I would have opted not to have surgery rather than have that option, it is just not something I want at all. If you feel like that, go with your feeling. You have to live in this body, not the Dr.
  22. Your brother is stuffing himself, but hot dogs in a bun, depending on the bun is just a slider food. Hot dogs are not a dense source of protein. This wont trigger restriction. If he is drinking while eating then he can probably eat a lot. There is a reason they use water ate hot dog eating contests and there is a reason there are hot dog eating contests and not grilled chicken breast contests. I hate to say it but your brother is doomed to fail. He is already off program in a huge way. He isn't even healed so when he does heal, he will be eating tons because he has already figured out how to eat around his sleeve.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    FitBit Blaze Accuracy

    Maybe they have corrected some of the issues or yours is simply fuctioning better because it is new. It is known in the industry they over inflate, that is part of what makes them so popular with consumers. When your blaze is over 6 months old, the accuracy might decrease. The older they get the less accurate they are. Most of the fitbits are just glorified pedmeters, they are terrible at measuring other activities. The newer ones with GPS for runners are more accurate, but only a couple models have that, the one you have and the more expensive one. I find it interesting that your fitbit has more accurate HR monitoring, chest straps are supposed to be the gold standard. Thanks for posting about your Blaze experience.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    UHC says "not covered even if medically necessary"

    If you live in illinois, buy a plan on health exchange.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    FitBit Blaze Accuracy

    I recently stopped using my fitbit after having one for years because I realized the step count was inaccurate. The steps are completely inflated. Iwalked with it on a few times and watched the step counts on my app on my phone and it was registering 3 steps for every step took. Some other people on instagram I talk to noticed the same thing with theirs. I haven't used a Blaze. I switched right before they announced it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
