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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    5 months post op 53 pounds lost!

  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars ..

    You had the same program that had you starving after surgery not having Protein shakes. I think they are terrible, there has to be another place you can get nutritional advice from. I have more muscle than fat. I want to keep it that way because down the road more muscle will help me burn more calories and give me more calories in maintenance. My program days 60 is the bare minimum for right after surgery hen you can't eat much, but optimal is 80. I try to get 110 in a day, at least 90 no more than 120. By eating mostly protein and keeping my protein goals high it doesn't leave room for junk to creep in. How many calories are you eating a day? 600-800?
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    3 days post op......

    I couldn't stand cold things either. Just sip all day and relax even if you have a lot of energy. The worst thing I did was over do it right after surgery.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    weight loss stopped at 7 months

    & why don't you "Try" not talking to me on this site (: Thanks! If you don't want people commenting, don't post on a public forum. You already know what your problems are, fix them. If you aren't drinking or eating enough protein, the simple solution is to drink Protein shakes, then you kill two birds with one stone.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Hair loss help... Devastated

    I would say not to do weave while your hair is shedding/falling out, the weight of the weave makes the hair lose worse. If you really, can't stand how your hair looks, purchase a high quality lace front or full lace human hair wig to wear.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Curvy girl clothing issues...HELP!

    Since I lost weight, women's plus sizes don't fit me well at all. I have to wear juniors plus or regular sizes. LB and Torrid jeans fit me terrible now. I find the cheaper the jeans the better they fit, which annoys me to no end.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars ..

    @@lachellove Do you have a stricture? Why are you still only on 3oz past 6 months? You might want to try baked swai fish. It is very soft and moist and you should be able to eat 4 to 5 ounces because it almost instantly turns to mush in your mouth. I started with Swai so I could get all my Protein in without using shakes or bars. Shrimp doesn't have enough protein. Tuna, Salmon and Crab are harder to process. Protein bars are higher in calories and carbs than just meat/fish and they are basically slider foods, they offer no kind of restriction or satisfaction other than taste.
  8. call your doctor and get a script, it should have been in you follow up instructions to call about these issues. Do you have a post op appointment coming up soon? You can get over the counter pepcid AC and it might offer you some relief right now.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Husband's breaking furniture due to weight, but still refuses surgery?

    @@4MRB4PHOTO Nothing. Unless the dude is 4'10, her story doesn't add up. Notice OP hasn't been back at all, but everyone in this thread are fighting among themselves. If this was a serious situation and OP wanted advice OP would be posting in the thread. Look at OP's posting history. So many people post these attention seeking trolling posts, and no one seems to catch on. Lastly this is the same forum that people give advice to and uphold married people actively cheating in their marriage. I knew the advice was going to be terrible and I wasn't disappointed.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Best friend told me she doesn't want to hear anything about my surgery...

    I hate when adults say another adult is jealous as a knee jerk response. This isn't middle school. After her success and relapse, you being successful is going to highlight her own mistakes. She is probably more ashamed than anything. Honestly, 2 years from now, I doubt I will be talking about surgery at all. I don't want to be the poster child for surgery so that anyone that has surgery, that I know for the rest of my life, will come to be and ask me questions. The reason I kept my surgery a secret was because I don't want to be talking about the sleeve for the rest of my life. It was a thing that happened, it has helped me, but it isn't the focus of my life or the most important thing. If you failed at something would you want someone reminding you of that failure every day? With gleeful enthusiasm? Hopefully you both can take this as an opportunity to strengthen your friendship. At 26 though, most people aren't that evolved. Also something you might end up learning in your 20s is just because you grew up with someone and you were friends when you were younger (before your personality was fully formed) doesn't mean you are going to be friends through your adult lives. Focus on yourself, your surgery and your success. Good luck.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars ..

    How many ounces of meat can you eat at once? Do you eat seafood?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars ..

    @@lachellove You don't have any of your surgery information filled in, when did you have surgery?
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Lonely in Sleeveland

    You could look for a sleeve buddy on the forums. I found one here with the same surgery date as me and our friendship has been a great help to me during my post op time. Other than that I post here and that's enough. There are lots of facebook groups, I don't use them but I am sure someone can suggest some.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars ..

    Why can't you just eat more meat or fish to meet your goals? I have them for an occasional treat and I keep one in my purse for emergencies but Protein bars are an extremely fake and processed food. Real food is better. Eatmeguiltfree.com brownies are less processed than Protein Bars. They don't taste like brownies but they taste really good.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    6 days post-op and hungry

    @@jstachic I had to learn the hard way about taking my pepcid early on. I never had any acid issues before surgery, so I thought I could skip it. Wrong. I didn't have to take it forever, just the first month or so. Its not worth it to miss it, The pain it awful.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    6 days post-op and hungry

    Once you get on soft foods, it gets better I promise. Not being able to chew anything is just horrible. Then you will have a different things to worry about. When you first start on soft foods it is can be really jarring after having liquids so long. Hang in there.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein bars ..

    The best protein bars I have ever had are the Oh Yeah One bars. I don't think I can ever force myself to eat another Quest bar again. The difference is night and day. The Lemon cake tastes just like lemon cake, it is delightful.
  18. This is so well stated, I wish we could sticky it on the forums. If I try to eat more, I find that I can eat more. I caught something last week and didn't eat anything for 2 days and my restriction was back to almost the 3-4 weeks post-op level. Once I felt better and started eating larger (normal) portions everything was back to normal.
  19. @@Inner Surfer Girl She answered that already in the 4th post.
  20. You are working out 6 days a week and your nutritionist thinks 1000 calories a day is enough? That seems too low if you are burning calories. Did you have GERD before surgery? My understanding is the sleeve makes GERD worse not better.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Down and Blue in Alabama

    Go for a walk, even in the rain. Sitting around stewing in life doesn't fix anything. Put your mind to something else. I would have never dreamed to ever tell my mom she was fat, even at 5 I knew better.
  22. If you aren't logging your food and can't tell people your daily macros it is hard to help you. What people think is eating healthy really varies.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Memorial Day Challenge

    Thank you for doing these. They seem like so much work but I like setting goals.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Almost 4 weeks out and stalled

    You lost 28 pounds in 9 days. Even if 28 pounds ends up being your 30 day total, that is a ton of weight. Stop weighing yourself and focus on meeting your Protein and calorie goals.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
