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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. You can't depend on dumping. You might not ever dump, and even if you do, you might only dump in the very beginning. The reason your Dr said they are the same, is because long term, they basically are the same. You have to do the work, you can eat around a sleeve or the bypass. If people don't change how they think about food and your eating habits, people can fail with either. Long term it doesn't matter what you have.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Removed it!

    If you had GERD already bypass is the better option for you than the sleeve. Your doctor doesn't offer the bypass?
  3. Yeah I mistyped. I meant to say that someone can be the same size as me and I will always be heavier mainly because my bones are so dense. My bones are 2x as dense as an average person. This is what a DEXA scan is. Most universities have them in the US. Some health clubs and private places have them also. They accurately measure your bone density, body fat and muscle. If you are really heavy and have hanging skin etc, this is the only accurate way to measure your body fat percentage. http://www.wsj.com/articles/too-much-fat-try-a-whole-body-scan-1439828879
  4. 9 months out, eggs are still a toss up with me. They were the first thing I had after liquids and it was painful. They give me a lot of gas and it seems to be right in my stomach. If something bothers you just skip it, there are other food options
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Before and after pics

    @@Catmom you have some great bone structure. you look great!
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Myotape Body Measuring Tape

    I have one like that, it came free with my scale on amazon. It is great for measuring yourself.
  7. I had a knee that ached constantly, it was a soft ball injury to start with, then arthritis. Once I lost like the first 60 the pain almost disappeared. Now I have no knee pain at all. I was so used to it, it still surprises me. It used to creak and crack all the time and it never does now.
  8. It is so nice to be able to wear normal sizes and shop anywhere. If I am out of town and need some clothes, I won't ever have to scramble to find a big girl store. I can even slum it at Old Navy or JC Penney

    1. gowalking


      My fear when flying was what if my luggage was lost and I had to try to find a store where I could shop? Worried me alot but now I couldn't care less.

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Yeah @gowalking I used to travel for work and that was my biggest fear, if my luggage got lost, I had to hope there would be a Lane Bryant or something. Not anymore. That alone is enough motivation to stick with my eating plan.

    3. Myka99


      That is what I am looking forward to....just being able to shop anywhere and if I like it get it....

    4. Show next comments  477 more
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    55% gastric sleeve!?

    Get a 2nd opinion. Once you are healed you control your calories, there is no malabsorption. So you can control your weight loss with your calorie intake. Dr sounds like a Quack.
  10. OutsideMatchInside


    Are you pre-op? Post op? How far out from surgery?
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Inability to Eat

    You are 3 months, you can't eat real food? You could be eating fish and deli meat and all kinds of other sources of Protein at this point. When I was 3 months I only had protein shakes as an emergency, all my protein came from real food. Do you have a stricture?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm going to scream....

    One thing I have learned over the past few months when my loss became really noticeable is that my friends that really loved me never thought of me as a big person. I complained on here a few months ago about being on skype with a friend when I was 80 or 90lbs down and they said nothing about my loss. Later he was like I didn't notice really, I just love you. AWWWW I never really gained much weight above the shoulders I barely had a double chin at all. Hey, I give good face, what can I say. So anyway my loss isn't noticeable if you are looking me in the face. Plus I have kept my face contoured to the gods for the past 4 years or so. So maybe instead of people thinking that people are jealous or dumb or whatever. Accept that maybe some people loved and accepted you the way you were and the change is shocking to them. I know this might be hard since so many people seemed to genuinely hate their fat selves but maybe there are some people that loved you more than you loved yourself. Most of the people that post here freak out about their own change and you live with yourself everyday. What do you think it is like for other people? At a 14/16 I am so curvy and my hourglass shape is so noticeable, it is almost vulgar. I can remember looking like this in HS and college but most of my friends can't. I don't mind them freaking out, it means those nights when I chug Water so I won't eat after 8 and head hunger is trying to beat me down, are worth it.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    not able to eat lunch with co-workers

    Get a salad with grilled meat. Eat the meat, push the salad around. Along your co-workers are jerks what kind of people make comments like that in a business environment? I eat around people and no one notices. They know I am trying to lose. @@Stevehud why over share in the work place? Her eating habits and personal life are none of their business. Unless her job involves competitive eating.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Baking with Stevia and Other Sugar Alternatives

    @@Indieflickers I saw this recipe and thought of you. http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2016/04/low-carb-strawberry-swirl-cheesecakes.html It still doesnt solve your sweetener issue, but it looks delicious and I always have good luck with her recipes.
  15. OutsideMatchInside


    I notice I don't drop weight and inches at the same time. If I drop inches my weight stalls. When i am losing weight, I don't seem to lose many inches. Bodies are amazing things.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Met someone I am really into

    I'm so ecited you have someone special! Good luck
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Unfounded Statistics & Percentages

    Misinformation is a strong word, especially when a lot of doctors and programs give varying advice.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Oh, the lying!

    People ask me how much money I make at my business all the time and I dodge that question so hard, not answering about WLS seems like the least of my secrets to keep. Rude questions deserve a nasty nice response, smile and change the subject. I really wonder how so many people have people that are curious. I admit I am a bit of an anomaly since I don't have co-workers to ask questions. My closest friends with one exception all know. They don't care, they are seriously not even interested beyond my happiness and health. They are all thin/normal weight. The few people I interact with that have noticed my weight loss, just give me compliments and don't ask questions. They know how I eat and that I am very active. There is no reason to ask how when they see me working hard at it. The only person to ask how I lost weight was a sales girl at Torrid. I was in there to get a bra, and I didn't want to have an extended conversation about weight loss. I opened the door to the conversation by saying I had lost a lot of weight and was still losing so didn't want to buy multiple bras (she was trying to push the sale). I'm not going to tell a total stranger when it is a rude question and none of her business to begin with. That was my fault and I learned my lesson. I really don't know many obese people personally, and the few I do know aren't interested in losing weight. If I ever get seriously asked by someone that needs immediate intervention, I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Still the fact that some people have to tell so many people just amazes me. Maybe my work from home isolation has gone too far.
  19. I couldn't agree more. The only time I think people are lying is when they are doing things like selling weight loss products and claiming those products helped them, when they lost weight from surgery. I know of one person that did this. Just because a ton of people in the current "society" we have are cool with oversharing, doesn't mean that everyone does. Plus a lot of people that post here forever that people are from different age groups, cultures, and socioeconomic levels. I was raised not to talk about money, I am for sure not going to talk about a surgery.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Unfounded Statistics & Percentages

    @@4MRB4PHOTO If people are asking for advice on the internet from strangers, they are getting the advice they deserve. People come here all the time asking which surgery to have. Why would anyone ask people that know nothing about their lifestyle, personality or health issues, what surgery to have. The responses are just as ridiculous as the questions.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    What to eat?

    I had baked fish the whole time. If you go the fish route get something white and flaky, not salmon.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Struggling truck driver post op

    @@LadiiReignBeau When you are a little further out and your plan allows it, you can get the low carb burger at Hardees and you can order bun free at 5 Guys. They will give you anything with no bun or muffin at Mcdonalds. You can always order grilled chicken no bun, chicken salads and just eat the chicken. Get an egg mcmuffin no muffin. There are lots of options, you can order how you want at fast food. Chik fil a girlled nuggets I think the cooler suggestions are all great. You can also get a rotisserie chicken from walmart and keep it in a cooler. There are lots of options, you just have to think outside the box a little.
  23. @@AnA92212 Yeah about clothes not fitting. When I buy clothes now, it has to be something I plan to wear within a week or 2, because who knows if it will fit. Somethings that I really like, I buy in 2 sizes so I wear them longer or I buy the size smaller than I am currently wearing, if I want to wear it the following month for something.
  24. I have a friend that lost 200 lbs without surgery and has maintained it for years. The advice they me was as soon as clothes a even a little loos, get rid of them. I don't wear any clothes once they get too big. I get them out of my house ASAP. It is very empowering and motivational. I have always liked my jeans skin tight, even when i was large, so as soon as they get loose they are gone. I had a really nice and expensive lingerie collection that I mourn daily. Lots of nice matching bra and panties in all colors and styles plus lots of naughty lingerie. The lingerie is the most expensive and hardest to replace. My band size keeps changing rapidly. I am single, i am saving a ton on food, plenty to balance spending more on clothes. I think people wearing baggy, loose clothes that don't is a huge mistake. It makes you progress seem slow and you aren't spending time to get to know your new body.
  25. People who have start weights in the 200s, with 40ish BMIs are more likely to get into a "normal" weight range, but for people that have been extremely morbidly obese with BMIs over 50 for a longer period of time have changed bodies. If they meet their Protein goals and maintain their muscle mass, they are going to be heavier with less fat, not even counting in the bone density. I wish DEXA scans were more widely available and used more by baratric programs in the US like they are used in Europe. They provide the only accurate picture of what is really going with a person and their body composition.

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