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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    So now that I'm maintaining a healthy size, I have an issue.

    Some people are just shoppers regardless of size. I like to wear current season clothing. When I get a little older, I will invest in Chanel and St John suits. Until then, I am going to buy trendy seasonal clothing and donate it when I am tired of it. I take so many selfies in things, and go out in my clothes a lot, I usually only wear an item once anyway. You should try Rent the Runway unlimited. I am going to try it for the summer, since I have so many social engagements. It will save me a fortune. You live on the coast, it should work really well for you. https://www.renttherunway.com/unlimited Shopping is my cardio and my #2 hobby after travel. Never going to stop till I am in the grave. Clothes aren't my issue though, fine leather goods in the form of shoes and purses are. That is where the $$$$$ really stacks up.
  2. OutsideMatchInside


    @@PatriotFan Yeah a meal shouldn't last longer than 20 minutes. 3 hours is just grazing.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Drinking with meals-ever again?

    You can. I do sometimes but its just a sip or two. You really won't want to. Drinking with a meal can mean being full, and being full for most of us is uncomfortable and something we try to avoid. You might have a sip or two to help something go down, but you aren't going to sit and chug Water and eat. I'm sure that changes the further out you are. It is one of those things you can do, like we can do a lot of things post-op, it just depends on if you should and do you want to.
  4. We are equating STDs to WLS surgery now? I knew someone would go off the deep end. Didn't have to wait long. Having a STD can affect the other person. If one person can only eat 4 ounces of steak on a dinner date, that has nothing to do with the other person. The fact that people eating proper portions freaks other people out so much illustrates exactly what is wrong with our country and how people think about food.
  5. My Dr support staff isn't everything I wanted. I wasn't impressed with them. They weren't the important part though. I wanted a surgeon that could offer a good surgical result, since that is the most important part. I felt I found that surgeon. The rest of it is readily available other places. If you think your Surgeon is very capable and the best available. I would stick with him, and get nutritional support elsewhere. If you don't think he is the best, then find someone else. The only person that really needs impressive credentials here is the one that is cutting you. The rest of them are expendable. Even if they give you an exact plan to follow, that plan might not work for you. A lot of really successful people here are not following their plan once they are healed. And a large number of people are never given a Protein goal.
  6. I find that servers in restaurants are pretty frantic when you don't eat all of your food. It really freaks them out. I guess they think you are going to leave a bad yelp review. Still that was really rude of her to say. I would have wrote her a note on the check. Anyway, I was dating a guy shortly after surgery. My hormones were raging and I couldn't resist dating. It was really serious then it fizzled out. I am really glad I didn't tell him I had surgery. I would be pissed that he knew any more person information about me. I eat like a small eater/thin person. I really don't eat much less than women like my grandmother. Portions are so out of control now, people have no idea what a real portion is. I grew up in a home with juice glasses, and a juice glass was 4 ounces. He was annoyed sometimes that I ate so little of meals he paid for, which looking back was a huge warning sign. What difference does it make? I hate cheap people. If you want a real relationship, then you need to be honest about who you are. Since I have decided that I want something real with someone in the future, I won't be intimate or tell someone those types of person things about me until they have been thoroughly vetted, and we are really heading towards something serious. Like an exclusive relationship. This comes up on here a lot. Some people have no issues with telling, a lot of the guys that post here have certain opinions on it. The guy I was dating never asked me about my scars, there is only one noticeable one anyway (yay! Vitamin E). My boobs are big enough that holds the attention of most men. So TLDR, I have no good advice. Good luck.
  7. OutsideMatchInside


    I get to go boxes because people seem so offended if you don't and I just toss them in the trash before I walk in the house. Never going to eat leftovers, especially from a restaurant. The wasting food is hard to get used to but I think it is an important thing to accept because it helps prevent you from overeating especially if you didn't fix your plate.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Muscle Loss/Sleeve

    You are only 2 months out. At 6 months you should be able to get enough Protein in easily to gain muscle. A lot of the guys around here have, hopefully they respond.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Paying the Deposit

    @@JamieLogical Maybe you are just anxious because you know it means a break from running, which you seem to love.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Whoosh effect and weight loss stalls

    .2 lb is 3.2 ounces. You really shouldn't be stressing over 3.2 ounces. Our bodies can vary by 4lbs any given day just on the content of our intestines and Water in our body. Your intestines are 25 feet long, think about all that can be held in 25 feet. Maybe weight once a week?
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    swimsuits that cover loose skin?

    You can find a ton of rashguard/sufer type stuff on amazon. LL Bean actually has some cute stuff too. If you google rashguard you can find all kinds of cute options. When I am at the Water this year I will be boating mostly so these options are perfect.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Whoosh effect and weight loss stalls

    I dunno about whoosh effect but I have noticed that I drop pounds, then I don't drop pounds, I drop inches, then I drop pounds. Now that I know what to expect it doesn't bother me. I actually love the inch loss in the "stalls".
  13. When I was first going through pre-op testing I told one of my closest friends I was planning to have surgery and told her not to tell anyone. Then not even a week later she told me she told 2 people "that I didn't think counted". It really hurt my feelings and basically changed our friendship forever. As a single person I know you can't trust married people to keep their mouths shut, but I thought she and I were better friends than that. I have kept plenty of her secrets. In that moment I realized that if I wanted to keep any control over who knew about my surgery, I had to keep it to myself. It sucks because my friend could really benefit from surgery, but she isn't mentally ready for the changes, so there is no point in trying to have the conversation with her. The fact she blabbed my business like it was her story to tell, removed all guilt for me, and I learned my lesson. Don't feel bad.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?

    I have had guys try and hit on me at the gym regardless of my weight. A lot of those meathead, bodybuilder guys love fluffy chicks and they will be all over a big girl in the gym. Then some guys in the gym like to see any female in the gym trying. Then some guys are watching you to make sure you aren't doing anything wrong and they are willing to offer advice.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Big bosomed friends

    @@ssflbelle No I don't have that pain but I wear sports/leisure bras around the house. I randomly workout around the house during the day, so I just wear workout clothes all day. When I get dressed to leave the house I wear underwire bras.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Horomonal Eating - PMS and all that jazz

    This is a good time to learn some substitutes for things you like that are healthy. Protein shakes and Protein Bars can satisfy cravings for sweets, and there are plenty of low carb Snacks and sweets available. I have lot of options in my home, so if I want something, there is something healthy immediately available and I don't have to leave the house and be tempted by other things.
  17. OutsideMatchInside


    I only regret not doing it sooner. I have low carbed off and on for about 16 years, so no one really cares that I am eating low carb again. If you live a healthy life, people don't ask a lot of questions.
  18. @@theantichick Has your therapist had WLS? If not she doesn't have an idea what the lifetime commitment is. Long term it isn't as dramatic as you think. You go through the stages in the beginning so you can learn to eat again. The surgery helps you with learning to eat again, by forcing you into basically being a baby learning over. If you actually follow your plan and do it right, you relearn to eat. You don't have to think about it, because it is a way of life. @@VSGAnn2014 really hit it on the head. I am not as far out as her, only 9 months out, but I don't have to really think a lot about what I eat, it is a pretty natural thing because I have completely changed my attitude about food. Even when I go out to eat, it is easy to pick out what I can eat, because it is a natural thing.
  19. If you don't need a lot of pre-op testing, you can probably go from visit to surgery in a month. I did it in about 8 weeks with insurance. The pre-op testing can drag it out.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Cheating with post op diet

    Also people should cook healthy food for their families. You don't have to feed your kids fries. They can have baked/grilled chicken nuggets and brocoli. Same thing with spouses and everyone in the house. Most American do not eat healthy and just because people aren't morbidly obese doesn't mean they are healthy. This is about a lifestyle, not a diet plan. If you think about it that way it is much easier to follow. Please people stop feeding your kids trash like kraft Mac and cheese
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever be able to eat more than two bites?

    That is just healing. Give it time.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Cheating with post op diet

    I'm not going to scold you, but you have to think of this as a lifestyle. This isn't a diet, this is a way of life. When you are further out, there are going to be times you have a more indulgent meal, dining out or at a party. Normal sized people do this same thing, but they let it be a one time thing, and they go back to eating normally instead of starting a binge. You have to change your attitude about food, that is easier said than done, but the first step is not thinking about this as a diet but a way of life.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Memorial Day Challenge

  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Big bosomed friends

    Yes and no. I was a full D cup at 150 lbs at 14. I used to be a 48DD before weight loss. Now I am a 40F/G depending on the bra. Most women in my family have large busts and all my aunts had breast reduction surgery. If you really have large breasts based on breast tissue and not just fat, they aren't going to get too small.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Should I be worried?

    As others have stated, you should just eat your portion, not eat as much as you can eat. With the sleeve you will find that you can be satisfied (not necessarily full) on very little, but if you push yourself you can eat more. You don't want to get in the habit of eating more. Enjoy your tool and work with it, eat your portion and not more.

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