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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Odd Non Scale goals

    I really didn't have any NS goals, except sitting comfortably on a plane. A lot of the NSV I have now, just strike me as odd. They aren't things that I thought of as an issue before, now that I can do certain things I couldn't before they are fun surprises. The amount of space between me and the steering wheel on my car amazes me every time I drive. I'm glad that before surgery I didn't think I was missing out on much, because knowing the difference between before and now, my heavier self might have been unhappy.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Stretchmarks and Surgery Scar Removal Creams

    My doctor told me to use Vitamin E, so I did. It works. I used scar sheets also, I got them from Walmart and cut them in half. They totally help also. I am using bio oil now. I only have one noticeable scar.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    You know you lost weight when

    You can wear huge over sized hoop earrings and they don't touch your shoulder anymore because your collar bone is visible now.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    The BEST feeling in the world post op!

    The elation I felt waking up after surgery, was huge. I had a deep hidden fear I wouldn't wake up. I really hate hospitals, I think they are death traps. 2nd to that was fitting on a plane comfortably. The first time in 20 years I didn't feel like I was imposing on other peoples space. It felt great.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Pregnancy testing

    Before I had surgery they took like 10 vials of blood, I am sure they did a pregnancy test off of one of them. I think they might have done a urine one when I checked in, but I can't remember, the details of the time pre-surgery are kind of a blue because of the drugs.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Cruise 3 months post op

    Buffets are kinda perfect because lots of people just get small tastes of things, so the fact you are getting small amounts will go unnoticed. If you like seafood, you should have plenty of options of things to eat. Moist seafood goes down easy and you can eat it in amounts that will allow you to meet your Protein goals. Watch out for sauces, since they usually have sugars and carb thickeners.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm scared of the lunch room at work :-(

    I think you should probably work on your food shame issues with therapy, now and after surgery. You can pour your Protein shakes in tumbler, so people can't see they are Protein Shakes. You can put your protein on a bed of green veggies, even if you aren't eating the veggies it looks more "normal" If you feel like people comment and think about how you eat now, you are going to be more self conscious after surgery. You really need to address this or it is going to snowball into a huge issue and create new problems.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Feel like I dont care about anything anymore

    Make sure you discussion your feelings and issues with your medical professionals
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Not losing weight

    People need to stop comparing themselves to other people. There are several people that post here that I can think of that recently in the past year had surgery. Yeah they have these huge losses they talk about now, but they don't mention that the reason the had those huge losses in the first 2 months is because they weren't able to eat, had issues with Protein, had to be hospitalized for dehydration and a ton of other things. Once they get better all they talk about is the weight the lost not how they got there. You have no idea what people are really doing behind the scenes to lose weight. Some people are existing on 3 Protein shakes a day for an extended period of time. Yeah that will drop your weight really fast but it will ask wreck your body. Just make sure you are following your post op instructions, and the weight will come off.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    10th Month: How many calories?

    @@Munecagirl85 I have a lot of muscle mass and I want to keep it and I want my hair to grow, so I increased my Protein. I eat 4 to 5 times a day and I try to get 20g of protein or more whenever I eat. Also once i got past 6 months, I had an appetite and I didn't have one at all before. I need the protein so I am satisfied and not hungry. I eat Keto also, but I rarely eat enough fat, its hard to get the fat in, since I mostly eat lean Proteins to get my protein in without eating too many calories. I like Keto but it is a hard balance with a limited amount of calories to work with.
  11. My nutritionist is useless, when I ask questions I get canned responses, Google is better source of information. Right now I am almost 10 months and I am having around 1100 calories a day. I get in between 110-130G of Protein and 900-1100 calories a calories a day. My weight loss is slower, but I am not really sure it is because of my calories. I think it is just a natural slow down because I have lost over 50% of my weight. So people that are 10 months out or more, what did your calories look like at this point?
  12. OutsideMatchInside


    I have never liked iceberg lettuce. I find that post-op I have zero interest in eating things that I don't love. That could be a thread all by itself.
  13. OutsideMatchInside


    I have never ate lettuce based salads because lettuce has zero nutritional value. I like baby spinach salads. Spinach totally breaks down. I can eat a lot of spinach and I find it makes a great afternoon snack. 3 ounces of spinach is 1/3 of a bag of a spinach, and 20 calories.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    6 Months Post Op. Can Eat Whole Sandwich?

    Stretching and GROW BACK are 2 really different things. Don't back track because you sounded like a complete idiot.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Sipping while exercising?

    Pre-op I think it is basically impossible to sip Water the way you do after surgery. I know people keep trying to practice but it is a waste of time. You learn to sip post-op and what that means is different for everyone. What people should practice pre-op is just drinking water period, all day. You can drink and workout, you will drink at whatever pace is comfortable. Right after surgery, I was drink more water, faster while working out than just sitting. I could easily drink almost 16 ounces in 45 minutes.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Syntrax nectar Caribbean cooler

    It is my absolute favorite. I plan on sipping on it all summer. I am going to get the small packets to take with me to summer parties.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Realistic Goals

    My doctor never gave me a goal, he just said because of my attitude and my activity level and knowledge about the process I would be successful. Almost 10 months in, I already consider it a success. He did however kind of hint at a possible goal, which would be what I weighed in HS. That is kind of a sore subject for me because I weighed from 155-180 in HS. The only way I could keep my weight down was with slim fast shakes, even though I was really active, swimming and other sports and activities. I know that being below like 170 means I can barely eat and I have to watch every single thing. I'm not sure I want that kind of stress. My goal right now it 190, which would put me in the BMI range that the plastic surgeons I want to use, would work on me. Ideally I see 170ish as a great stretch, ultimate goal. I still just don't want to stress out about the numbers. All of my health issues are resolved. That was the most important. Now that health goals are met, I can work on fitness and vanity goals. I can wear regular size clothes. I look and feel great. I am however still at the top of regular sizes, I would like to be a Gucci size 12 so I have more clothing options. Also since I probably have a life expectancy of at least another 40 years, I think it is inevitable I will regain some as I age. I want to get as low as possible so hopefully if I regain, I have enough cushion that I never get over 250. Also with my frame, I have a legit measurable large frame, not just fat people big boned excuse, I don't think a low BMI is really possible for me. Then with what I know about my bone density and muscle mass, I don't think it is possible. I already look small for my weight, if I got below 30 BMI, I don't even know what I would look like, Skeletor? I think you have to set a goal for you that is realistic for you, you have to live in your body, not your doctor. I want to lose as much as my body wants to lose, and I plan on pushing myself towards that goal. Edited to add, I need to lose about another 20 lbs to be at my 70% of excess weight lost goal. Hopefully I can do that before the summer is out. http://www.obesitycoverage.com/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-bypass/how-much-can-i-expect-to-lose
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Total carbs verses net carbs

    Green veggies, protein brownies, once a week maybe a low carb tortilla or a flat out rollup. I think protein bars being highly processed and extremely fake are for emergencies only, but I have one maybe once every 10 days. Mainly veggies for fiber.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    Being on my period is like a 3lb gain for 4 days. Months 8-9 post op, I had a period every 2 weeks. Now it has gone back to normal. I have never ever had irregular periods in my life. I think it is just a body adjust bump in the road.
  20. It depends. The first 6 months my Vitamins were free, covered by insurance. I got tired of the chewable and I went back to the vitamins I took before surgery. I take a few different kinds of vitamins but my multi is about $10 a month. The first month, I spent about $140 on Protein shakes. I have some protein I need to throw away because it has been open almost a year. My Dr encourages getting your protein from real food ASAP, from week 3 on, I was eating real food and getting most of my protein from it.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Best vanilla whey for cooking with

    I would say Quest powders since they are designed for cooking and include a lot of recipes. Just make sure when you cooking with Protein powder you keep the temps low, so you don't destroy the protein.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Total carbs verses net carbs

    I pay attention to both but I try to stay between 25-35 net carbs. I almost never get that high with my carbs, but I look at the whole number. European standard to the best of my understanding is net carbs. The US seems to be more total carbs. Since we need fiber, I think net carbs are better to track.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    My doc never mentioned this..

    You won't get foam if you eat on plan. Form comes from over eating or eating greasy foods. Follow your plan and eat healthy and you can avoid it. I hate throwing up, I've never thrown up with the sleeve.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Ready to drink Muscle Milk after RNY?

    The light is okay. The regular has a ton of sugar

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
