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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. For me, it isn't about breaking bad habits. It's about having options and tools. Just like the sleeve, JUDDD is a tool for me to utilize when and if I can. And since I wont be on 500 calories for the rest of my life, I still like to keep things flexible. I asked to see if anyone had incorporated it into their life to see where they're calories are fitting in. When I last did JUDDD, I did it for months. I ate high cals on my high days the whole time because I knew the next day, a down day, I'd be crazy hungry. We are still dieting regardless of the sleeve. We have to be mindful of carbs, protein, etc and keep those in track with our plans. That's exactly what a diet is. But with the sleeve, we are limited in terms of portions. Thanks for responding though! I appreciate it. Anyone with experience with JUDDD, what are your calories looking like if you are doing JUDDD? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App My response was based on this book and the trial that went along with the book. They found that over time, people didn't eat a lot on their high calorie days because they learned to cope with fewer calories on the low calories days and it carried over. They didn't binge on those days, after they got adjusted to the diet. http://www.healthista.com/fasting-diets-krista-varadyscience-research-studies-52-diets/ Calorie cycling when you calories are already really limited seems pointless. I do think fasting is a great tool. If it helps you, good luck.
  2. @@OKCPirate Yep, that is it basically. With all the information I have on the DEXA he doesn't feel RMR testing is necessary at least not at the every 3 months they recommend for a DEXA. I have dense bones that are getting denser (they were really impressed with that) and my muscle mass is good. My RMR is holding steady at slightly higher than it should be. It is dropping at the normal rate it would drop for anyone who weighs less, I am not suffering and adverse effects of "rapid" weight loss, or a compromised metabolism. He thinks I can just use any BMR calculator in the future and it would be close enough in accuracy that I don't need to be tested. When I get to maintenance I will probably have it checked again, so I can plan my calories accordingly, and to just double check. I think it is important to note, that I don't really work out in the way that people think of working out. I walk, and I lift weights at home but I am not that consistent with the weights. I work from home, my commute is about 20 feet from my bed to my desk. I don't even get the normal level of activity that most people get, because I don't have to leave the house, besides walking the dog there might be stretches of days I don't leave the house (Amazon Prime rocks). So I am not really doing much to keep my RMR up, I am just walking and I am not even walking as much as I was. I do 2 miles a day and that is about it, there were lots of days in Feb and March when it was super cold, and I barely walked a mile. Wow I sound really lazy, but its the truth. I plan on stepping it up though. He is a professor with a leading athletics program so I am going to trust his judgement. I told him the workout I was starting and at what gym it would be at and seems confident I am on the right path.
  3. I guess hit dogs will holler. If you are happy with your choice, you wouldn't have to defend it so hard.
  4. *States that do not offer bariatric surgery, nutrition counseling, or weight loss programs in the State Health Insurance Marketplace are: Alabama Alaska Florida Georgia Indiana Kansas Kentucky Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Pennsylvania South Carolina Wisconsin Source http://nofusa.org/news/health-insurance-cover-obesity-treatment/
  5. @IrishGermamRN If you read here enough you will find people with 29 or 30 BMIs and eating disorders going out the country for surgery because they would never be approved. No one is talking about you.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Healthcare Exchange: States that do not cover Bariatric Sugery

    Medicaid plans aren't the kind of Healthcare plans we are talking about in this thread. Medicaid is federal. We are talking about individual or family plans that consumers purchase on the Healthcare exchange for the self employed or people who do not have insurance offered by their employer.
  7. @@OKCPirate Basically his logic is my RMR, is normal for my height, weight, age. No reason to keep testing it. The scan provides so much more information, it is more useful. It is also faster. It is four pages of information about your totally body composition. And RMR, is just one number. They suggest DEXA scans for people 4 times a year for people that are training. Metabolism isn't my issue. I will probably do another RMR next year, but not going to bother anymore this year.
  8. I know someone on IG that is doing it to break a stall at almost a year out. I think early on, the first 6 months any kind of fasting is dangerous, just because its so hard to meet goals anyway. Fasting like this is a tool to break people of bad habits. Being sleeved should do it for you. You don't have to diet, your calories are already limited. I think keeping up dieting habits after surgery is a bad idea. The idea is that your 500 calorie day balances out your high calorie day and eventually you stop eating as much on your high calorie day because the low calorie day teaches you discipline. This is a lesson you learn with the sleeve, you don't need a fasting rotation to teach yourself this like a person that hasn't had WLS. Every day with the sleeve is a low calorie day unless you go off plan and purposely try to eat more. The only fasting I would consider post sleeve is limiting the hours that you eat in a day, once you can easily meet your Protein goals. Since I can easily meet my goals, I try to eat in a 8-10 hour time window, just because it stops me from eating late at night. Everyone fasts when they sleep anyway, so extending that fasting window isn't a big deal.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Healthcare Exchange: States that do not cover Bariatric Sugery

    What insurance do you have? All the literature that I have found says it is not covered in Kentucky. Medicaid plans might cover it since Medicaid is federal and not state.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Dating And The Perfect Body

    @@rleslye Personality is kind of harsh too. Dating is just really different right now, especially with people in the later 30-60. You have a lot of people that are damaged from previous relationship and haven't done the work to be better. You have some people that are in Peter Pan mode (like moi). Then just flat out, people have a ton of options. A lot of guys are just rolling the dice and dating as many women as they can because they have access to more women than ever before with the internet. Lastly there is another thing that creeps in with this age range, lots of married or not single men, who are dating just because they are middle aged and they want to see if they can still pull, but have no intentions of a relationship. They often just disappear or fade out on you. You could totally just be constantly picking the wrong kind of guy, but I seriously doubt it is your body.
  11. The scale of that image is a little off The stomach is under the ribs. Most of the intestines are below the ribs.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    So scared with this stricture

    No one called you a liar but you make unbelievable posts and contradict yourself all the time. Plus you have admitted to mental illness and eating disorders. So what are people supposed to think?
  13. Your stomach is in your chest, right under your breast bone. It is no where below your ribs, where people claim they are having all this hunger and noise. Which is really digestion. A lot of this confusion could be fixed by people doing live swallow tests. I think the only people on this forum that have had one are me and JaimeLogical, at least people that talk about it. You can see that liquids go right through the sleeve, and you can see your small intestines and you learn where your stomach is and isn't. I think programs do a really poor job educating people, and since the sleeve is an easy and very profitable surgery for Doctors this is only going to get worse. I think the most disturbing thing I am seeing in the past year or so reading WLS forums is the number of people with low BMIs and obvious eating disorders having surgery. The sleeve is an anorexic dream. As WLS moves more and more to being easily profitable in the US and other places this is going to become a bigger problem. Wait poop out staples?!??!!?
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    It is grilling season. I read most of this thread but excuse if I post something that someone else has posted. I have tried a few sugar free BBQ sauces. Walden Farms is okay. It is easily accessible, at least around here most of the nicer grocery stores carry it. http://www.waldenfarms.com/products/sauce_bbq.html Hughes is okay, better than Walden Farms has a fake sweetner aftertaste, but its not bad if you are used to fake sweetener. It is available at some Walmarts, it seems like the ones in my area stopped carrying it, but they did a few months ago. http://www.walmart.com/ip/G-Hughes-Smokehouse-Sugar-Free-Hickory-Flavored-BBQ-Sauce-18-oz/40740655 Now onto the best I have tried... Guy's Famous http://guysbbq.com/sugar-free-sauce/4121213 This tastes just like BBQ sauce, no after taste for me. I had my carb and sugar loving friend test it and they loved it too (your tastes can get a little skewed when you never have sugar, so I needed a neutral party). Delicious amazing. I might use it to make some lower carb baked Beans. Summer is saved! I haven't seen it in stores but you can buy it online.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Great article in today's Boston Globe about VSG

    She will still think you had the lapband. Whatever surgery sticks in peoples mind is what they think surgery is. It is like people who call all soda Coke.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Pant sizes?

    I went from a 28W to a 14 Misses, 16/17 juniors (I like juniors cuts better). I'm not done yet, hoping to get to a 10 or a 12 in Gucci.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Losing hair/hope/everything but weight

    Do you track your food? How much protein are you eating each day?
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Exhausted : sleeved 5/17

    Sleep. You just had major surgery. You body is using all of its energy to repair the trauma. You are going to tired all the time for the first 6 weeks. Rest. You had most of a major organ removed.
  19. @@Kindle I found it amusing. Body builders and anyone who is really into it will tell you, "You cannot out train a bad diet". If your eating is bad, all the training in the world is pointless. I have lost more weight controlling my calories, than I ever did training hard. The main focus of WLS patients needs to be controlling their food and head hunger. Exercising can be counter productive for some people because it stimulates the appetite. The other issue is balancing calorie intake with calories burned to prevent starvation mode.
  20. Not only is @@Dub a handsome devil, he is well spoken too. He really nailed it on the head. I love cooking so much more that I am less attached to food. It is more art to me than aything. I don't cook for a family, I spend most of my time experimenting with low carb, keto, and paleo recipes. My goal is to replace most things I like with healthy options. It is really fun and taps into my inner scientist. It is hard to really explain how your relationship with food changes. I would have never believed this would be how i feel.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    I am watching the episode with Olivia. Dr Now, does every surgery under the sun. I bet he delivers babies too. I don't understand his practice at all.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Swallow pills

    I was swallowing pills within 28 hours or so of being sleeved. When i was released in was told to resume my meds as normal, and my pain meds and all the meds they released me with were pills.
  23. OutsideMatchInside


    If it changes be sure to post about it. There are lots of unknowns when it comes to surgery and we would love to hear about that
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Rant: Rude people!

    I guess I'm an a*****e but it's just as rude to let your pants fall off your butt as it is for someone to comment on it. I get jeans for less than $20 at Ross, and with coupons I can do the same thing at Macys. Belts are cheap too. I don't think people who are out to eat should be subjected to seeing your button because you are trying to save money. There are so many cheap options to prevent this.
  25. OutsideMatchInside


    I doubt it. I mean a lot of people claim their tastes change but I am totally the same. I can't see surgery fixing an allergy and you sure don't want to test it out

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