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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Coffee after Sleeve...

    A lot of people get headaches when they give up coffee because they don't replace the coffee fluids with other fluids and they are dehydrated. Contrary to what a lot of people think coffee does not dehydrate you. If you give up 2 to 4 cups of coffee and don't replace those fluids with other fluids to source of your headaches are lack of hydration, not the lack of caffeine.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Surgery day!

    I wore a bandage over mine until it healed so my bra did not irritate it.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    vivascal or other vitamins for hair growth?

    @@crazyplantlady I stopped using it and the new hair hasn't fallen out and it is still growing. I only stopped using it because I ran out and haven't reordered, but it did make my hair thicken up very fast, in like 3 weeks.
  4. My goal is to get to the top end of overweight, then try to get to the bottom maybe.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    vivascal or other vitamins for hair growth?

  6. OutsideMatchInside

    vivascal or other vitamins for hair growth?

    http://www.sephora.com/phytophanere-hair-nails-dietary-supplement-P2884 Best I have found. These are good for people with ethnic hair. http://www.sephora.com/phytospecific-cap-energy-dietary-supplement-P376055?skuId=1596204&icid2=D=c6:products%20grid:p376055 You can stop it from falling out, but you can make it grow back almost as fast as it is coming back. Just max your Protein out, take all your Vitamins, drink lots of Water, and treat your hair gently. Rogaine won't help with this.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Experienced Sleevers - Tolerances/Intolerances

    Eggs, sometimes okay, some of the time they give me the worst gas right in my stomach.
  8. I don't care what people eat around me, but I am very self focus and self involved. The difference is, I don't have someone in my home trying to throw me off track. I don't tolerate traitors and to me that would be a huge betrayal and a game ender.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    How many ounces are you ACTUALLY eating?

    I don't eat yogurt, but wouldn't it just be a slider? Its basically pudding, it is not going to trigger restriction. It seems like you could eat a tub of it if you wanted to.
  10. On 600lb life, Zasalynn's husband didn't want her to lose weight. He sat in front of her eating all her favs, refusing to get her anything healthy and taunting the heck out of her all the time. He never gave a damn about her beyond his fetish. He can eat whatever he wants when he isn't around her, it wouldn't kill him to show her a little respect when she was fresh out of surgery. People do the same thing when people have heart surgery or other diet changing surgery. My friends dad had surgery and we all ate different around him to support him, and make it easier for him to transition after his not WLS, surgery. It is called respect and compassion. It isn't hard. He is being an asshole.
  11. Even if he didn't have surgery, if he cared and supported her, he could change his eating habits. When I have low carbed in the past my friends and family joined in to support me, because they love me. At worst he is trying to sabotage her, at best he doesn't really care about her or her health. WLS patients and fat people give people too many chances. That is why we have a new thread every day about people having their feelings hurt by their co-workers, friends, family, etc. People let others treat them poorly, missing all the little signs along the way that these people don't care about you.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight regain sleeve vs. bypass

    @@VSGAnn2014 I never thought about it like that, but you might be onto something. My doctor only does sleeves, because he takes out too many lapbands, and he doesn't want to deal with bypass. He is enthusiastic about the sleeve, and he sees that it works with few complications. People that really need bypass or DS he sends to another Doctor. And yeah, reading forums over the years, it is pretty obvious the sleeve is dependent on the skill of the surgeon. There are so many people that post that have issues that would never happen if they were properly sleeved in the first place.
  13. He is trying to sabotage you. Think about it.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight regain sleeve vs. bypass

    If I was 67, I wouldn't take the chance on having my intestines touched. Too many issues can happen. The sleeve is a faster and easier surgery. You have to think about recovery too. Bypass makes them more money than the sleeve because they operate longer. The bypass part can help you lose weight faster in the short term. Long term you never know how much malabsoprtion you will keep, and it comes with other issues. You have to live with this decision, no one else, not the Drs, not us. Good luck in making your choice.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    How many ounces are you ACTUALLY eating?

    I cook most of my food at home so the weights I was talking about for proteins was raw weight. Cooked weight is lighter, so I am probably eating closer to 3 ounces most of the time. When I have 3 ounces and its dry, that is eating grilled chicken out.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    7 days out no restriction WTF

    @@AmyNLaynie6 You are eating slider foods. You will never feel restriction with them. Just because you can eat something doesn't mean you should. You should be eat the recommended ounces in your program, which is probably like 2, and that is it. If you love potatoes, I'm not sure mashed potatoes is a good choice.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Wendy's chilli

    I will never understand the obsession with Wendy's Chili from WLS patients.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Post-Op Exercise Limitations for Very Active Pre-Op Patient?

    We sleeve patients forget, this is still major surgery. My doctor had to remind me a few times. I felt great, just like I did 1000 crunches, but I still had 85% of an organ removed and that is a trauma to your body. You can walk as much as you have energy for but you don't want to stress your incisions for all the reasons listed above. Also very early on after surgery, you might have a lot of energy, but you can get tired easy. I would be bursting with energy and then be instantly exhausted to the point I just wanted to take a nap. That isn't good when you are out alone in public. Take it easy.
  19. The guilt over working out might be extreme. The food however I think is about right. You need to think about what you are going to eat and plan it out. If I am going out or to an event, I think of 2 or 3 plans on what I can eat or avoid eating, so I won't make a mistake. I think as people get further out, it is less. Now that I am almost a year out, I don't worry too much about going out, I just have a little talk to myself about making good choices, but I know that I can pick something to eat off any menu. The reason so many people get into trouble post-op and make bad choices is because they don't think or plan about their food and they just let bad choices happen to them. Keeping an emergency Protein bar in your purse or desk is a way to make sure you never are so hungry you have to make a bad choice, but so many people don't even think to have that security blanket to keep them safe.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    and now my shoes too!?

    I think shoes are more annoying that clothes, especially since they cost so much more, and your favs aren't for sale anymore. I am in a half size now, which is a special kind of shoe hell.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Meals with a beverage

    After 6 months, I kind of do what I want. I still only take a few sips.
  22. @@her1981 Starting out close to 400 pounds myself, I had to accept that this might be a 2 year process instead of one year like a lot of people. I wanted to be a lot closer to 200 pounds at this point, and it is annoying to accept that I am not and probably won't be by my anniversary. The one thing that comforts me is that I am already smaller at this weight, than I thought I would be at 200 pounds. My health is improved to the point of being completely normal and I can wear regular sizes and shop anywhere. Those were the original goals and they are already achieved. The rest is just cushion so I can put as much distance between me and 300 pounds as possible. I'm not gaining. I'm not starving. I am not deprived. I am eating far below my BMR. I know I will lose weight. I am just losing it a normal persons pace now and not at a super morbidly obese persons pace, and I have to be okay with that. Stressing about it is counter productive. I would never go to an OA meeting. Just reading the original book was enough for me. It put food and how to deal with it in perspective and reading other peoples stories helped. Outside of the WLS sphere, hearing how people deal with head hunger, really helped. I'm a foodie and I love food. My coping mechanism is cooking. I realize I enjoy the activity of preparing food more than eating it.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Memorial Day Challenge

  24. @@CelesteMarie please stop eating popcorn at 3 weeks out. You could hurt yourself and popcorn is just starch with no nutrition.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
