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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. @ People rarely post on forums about their mom supporting them, but every day we read about their moms raking them over the coals. The negative mom stories far outweigh the positive mom stories. Also posting how great your mom is doesn't really help OP. It is like someone telling you that their husband just knocked up his assistant and you responding that your husband loves you and just bought you a diamond tennis bracelet and a new Audi.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Constantly Drinking?

    liquids don't trigger restriction, they go right through your stomach. There is no reason to limit them to 30 minutes. If you do that the first 6 weeks you will never get your Protein in. Sip fluids all day.
  3. @@reachbree I'm lucky that most of the people I know have good manners and don't ask me stupid questions. When people see me they just usually comment that I look pretty (not tooting my own horn, or that I look great. People really rarely ask me how I lost weight. Most of the people I know are thin and they don't care. The 2 people that asked I told them low carb/keto and walking. I'm lucky that most of the people I know have good manners and don't ask me stupid questions.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Birth control

    Talk to your gyno about options.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight gain after plastics?

    I don't live in NY. I am just Nationwide
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Weight gain after plastics?

    If you are in NYC, you can try https://www.instagram.com/plastymunecas/ they give good lymphatic massages and that will help you with the Water weight.
  7. I don't think surgery is a good option to lose 30 pounds so you made the right choice. check out https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/ you can probably drop that weight in a few months with keto, and keto is an easy way to eat for the rest of your life. Good luck.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    people not educating themselves

    @ I totally disagree. The average american reads at 7th to 8th grade level. Studies have show that if medical information is written at a higher reading level, comprehension is compromised. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18811992 If you are a teacher you are familiar with lexile levels. Who knows what lexile level individual surgery companion manuals are written at for surgery. If they are even written just at 12th grad level, a good number of people are not going to understand the content. http://cdn.lexile.com/cms_page_media/135/Lexile%20Map%208.5x11%202015_b%26w.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_in_the_United_States Most of the information available is written at reading levels that makes it inaccessible for the average american. People come to forums and ask questions because other people are responding to them in plain common sense conversational English. Even with that, a lot of people still don't grasp what has happened with their body. I don't even have time to bring up the math and science issue. I think a lot of people don't understand measurements, measurement conversions, simple math, and basic science. Which creates a lot of problematic situations post-op. Like understanding food tracking and understanding basic science to get a grip on what has happened to them and what it means going forward. Lastly, Doctors vary so much. The newer doctors have newer (imo, more realistic views on many things) and the old school doctors are sticking to the knowledge from 20 years ago. All that being said, I ignore a lot of the really dumb posts. I think they are mostly trolls, and if they aren't they have more issues than I can ever help them with.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Real resources for people our age?

    IG people in their 20s https://www.instagram.com/fergieonfleek_vsg/ - she is 30 but she is young and living a young persons life Youtubers Clusee - she is her 20s and has struggled with her weight for a while, she is a success VSGer https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJGHPqGhf1TOLpJ4hUVF08w/videos If you look on IG for vsg you will find lots of people, I don't have time to find more right now, but I follow a lot of sleevers, as I find more I will link them I can totally understand having a different lifestyle than most people that post on forums and are involved in the WLS community. Most of the people are married and have children and that seems to be the focus of their life, if you are single and childless, you have a few different issues or fewer issues than the married/family people. It can be hard to relate to a lot of peoples stories. So even though I am in my 30s, I understand your issues. I have found some IGers and Youtubers. I think Clusee is the best youtuber because she updates, is in maintenance and doesn't have children. Most of the youtubers I found vblog about their man and their kids and those issues all the time, and I really don't care about that aspect of their life at all. Good luck. I'll add IGers as I find them
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    How did you feel two months post-op?

    @@Clarevoyant You should be fine. They have Protein shakes and bars in the UK just like in America. You can get a salad with grilled meat and eat the meat off anywhere. 2 months post op your energy levels should be rising. You will have to make sure you get enough calories in each day for energy. In London you will be forced to walk a lot, unless you already live in NY or Chicago, it should really help with your weight loss. I am really excited for you that you have this opportunity. I wouldn't pass it up. Things to remember eating out, you can always get a sandwich, they usually have 2-4 ounce meat portions, and just eat the meat I do it all the time. It is an easy way to control how much you are eating out, and to get cold cuts. You can eat the top off of pizza. Like I said before get a salad with meat and eat all the meat first. This keto blogger lives in the UK so you might find some hints on here where to shop. http://ketodietapp.com/Blog 2 low carb UK restaurant reviews http://ketotheukway.blogspot.com/search/label/Restaurant%20Reviews Keto UK boards https://www.reddit.com/r/ketouk Just do your research and have a plan. If you have a plan you can always stay on plan. For example I know almost every restaurant has a chicken Cesar salad, so if there is nothing else I can eat on the menu I know I can get one and eat the meat off. Even slumming it at a casual place, they will have some kind of sandwich with cold cuts I can eat. If push comes to shove and you are stuck with street vendors, a kabob is better choice than fish and chips. Also the food in Europe tastes so much better than the US, you will really enjoy that post-op. Good Luck!
  11. I'm not sure if losing weight is going to help you. Just because if you haven't got "lean in" down already, losing weight isn't going to help you feel more confident if you don't already have that inward confidence. Weight loss, and rapid weight loss can bring and entirely new set of insecurities and issues. And just because you lose weight it doesn't mean you will feel like you have lost weight. Also depending on what field you are in, being attractive, and even beautiful as a woman does more harm than good. A lot of people that post here see the world through a fat smeared lenses, but other people have the same problems. There wouldn't be all these books about trying to teach women to more aggressive in the work place if a lot of women didn't have this issue, not just over weight ones. I have always been aggressive, "bossy" and "bitchy". I work in a male dominated field and I started as a manager fresh out of college. I feel like its a skill best learned in elementary school, I credit a military dad and the girl scouts.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm torn..

    @@hernewselfie At 22 there is no way in hell I would go with bypass and have to deal with malabsorption issues for the rest of my life. Too many years in front of you. I started out at about your weight and I have lost almost 130 pounds is less than a year. You are a lot younger than me, it should come off you even faster. My Dr said the sleeve is a better option for young active patients. They use the bypass on older, inactive people. Good luck on whatever you choose. Also later on, if you are like 50 and you regain a ton of weight, you can revise to DS. Once you have bypass there is nothing to revise to right now. If you fail at it, you just failed. And people regain all the time with bypass, just like everything else.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    The great straw debate!

    It has never made sense to me, and I don't think it make sense to any moderately educated person. #teamStraw
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Flying Post Op

    I would ask for a wheelchair just because if you have to walk a long distance in the airport, you might get tired fast and not be able to make it.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    I haven't told any one!

    I told my close friends, but they live out of state. The one semi local friend I told, told other people, this was pre-op. I ended up telling her I didn't have surgery. My friends that know, are my REAL friends, they are supportive and not telling everyone they know and not doing stuff like outing me on social media (although I don't talk about my weight loss at all on social media, so there is no reason to out me. I'm not trying to sell body wraps). Almost all of my close friends low carb or so some kind of low carb diet. The way I eat to them isn't abnormal. When I was recently visiting a friend, they had their house stocked with all the Proteins and low carb goodies, because that is how they normally eat. We went to a lot of local restaurants with farm fresh ingredients and tons of healthy or healthier options. I have other friends that are just intersted in eating fast food and bad foods. Surgery has kind of tiered my friends off in a way. The ones that are healthier and into a healthy active lifestyle are easier to relate to and I gravitate to them more. My other friends just don't fit into my life and I don't really fit into theirs. When you are making good choices, and other people are making bad choices and they feel internally guilty, they can project that onto you. And this is all without people even knowing I had surgery, this is just me being Iron clad about my low carbing. I think it is best to keep it private until you have a handle on things. You don't need the extra stress of people being assholes, or asking you a million questions even if they are well meaning. I think once you are past 6 months, if you want to tell people, tell them. It takes a lot of time and effort to get adjusted to your new stomach, and you need to concentrate on that and not other peoples issues. BTW, I had a surgery buddy I found on this site, who had surgery the day before me. We used to text every day for the first 3 months or so, that really helped me a lot. We still keep in touch but at almost a year we don't need the same support level.
  16. I went to a lake, and did all the lake activities. I was never tired or exhausted and I could keep up with my companions. It was a great feeling. This summer is going to be so awesome.!

    1. Christinamo7


      that's great! I am really looking forward to my beach vacation in July. there have been so many changes since last year...

    2. heidikat72


      that is so great!! have a super summer followed by a fantastic autumn!

    3. VEGAN  ME
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  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Starting school again...

    @@sanjumelts I can understand wanting to weigh it all out. Especially to make sure you are getting enough Protein. On days like that when I am not eating everything at home and I do not know the exact amounts. I start the day with a Protein shake or something high protein, and I end the day with it. I plan those calories and macros out in advance so even if what I am eating is not exact, I know that I am getting my bare minimum protein in for the day. At 7 weeks, you shouldn't have to worry too much about calories, you won't be able to eat too much anyway. I would just be concerned they aren't giving you enough meat. I doubt they are giving more than 3 ounces at a time and that is just around 20ish grams, not enough protein for a day.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    BCBSIL wait time?

    4 days, it took longer for my surgeons office to call and tell me, but I had already spoke to BCBS and I had my letter before the Dr office called.
  19. On vacation and what I used to dread happened. I didn't pack right. I need to get some additional clothes. This used to really freak me out before. This weekend I was able to just slum it at Old Navy and pick up some shorts and tops to get through the weekend. In the past I would had to frantically search for a lane bryant or something. I still have a lot to lose but wearing regular sizes make the hard work worth it.

    1. LipstickLady


      Best feeling ever.

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      @Babbs I like this summer clothes, the quality on the winter stuff is terrible though, but for summer they have some nice pieces.

      I also picked up some things from banana republic! I'm so excited I can shop there

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      @gowalking when I used to travel for work it was my biggest fear. You can just pick up a size 28 anywhere, but you can get a 14 most places.

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  20. OutsideMatchInside

    NSV shout outs

    On vacation with friends.. I can shop for clothes in the same store as everyone else! The biggest sizes in normal stores are too big for me now... No one has to make any special accommodations for me, I can do everything everyone else does. I am able to eat anywhere and make good choices (this is a huge step for me). I'm comfortable everywhere, I don't have to worry about patio seats being too small or breaking lawn chairs.
  21. OutsideMatchInside


    I am rarely physically hungry. I have some lot of head hunger like everyone else. There is a disconnect between my brain and my stomach. My head hunger does not trigger physical hunger. So it is easier to resist items and keep my portions small.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

    Double check on that, and get it in writing.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Family poaching off your plate

    No not at all. And it wasn't even 'order the whole thing and pack it to take home' it was 'order the whole thing so I can eat mine, and yours too'. I just worry because he has about 60 extra pounds on him, and I don't want him to take my limitations as a licence to eat everything he can. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App You need to talk to him about doubling down. Maybe he is doing it as a coping mechanism. It seems like you are more worried about how he is reacting to your loss than about the actual food. Hopefully he is willing to talk.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Family poaching off your plate

    Maybe he doesn't want to pay the same and get less. Is he normally frugal?

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