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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside


    Right after surgery when I was struggling with water intake, my skin was really dry and it flaked some. I had the same issue in the winter. I wasn't dehydrated though. My skin was going through a lot of changes. It stopped around 6 months.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Unsupportive family

    @@gary5862 your kids might be young but they shouldn't be commenting and talking to you like that. They are just mirroring your wife, and long term it is only going to get worse. You need to make sure they respect you as an adult and a parent. My Dad was a Marine and would have never commented anything remotely like that to him ever. I hope things get better for you at home. And people don't have to change their eating habits, even though they should. McDonalds isn't healthy for anyone. They can at least be respectful.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Who the hell do you think you are?

    Actually it is really useful advice. This whole situation happened because she told a stranger something the stranger had no right to know. It is just like when people get angry on this forum because they make a public thread and people don't agree with them. You can't control other people, you can only control yourself and your reactions. And just because you post in rants doesn't mean everyone is going to, or has to agree with you. Not telling your business is an easy way to help prevent people from commenting on it. This is for your own sanity, not other people.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Who the hell do you think you are?

    I'm with @@Fredbear , this is why I don't volunteer my personal life to strangers. I don't care about their opinions and I don't want to hear it. Make your life easier and don't tell people your personal business. It is not lying or keeping secrets. All of the people I talk to on a daily basis and I consider friends know about my surgery. There is no reason for random people to know. I know this is a personal choice and we debate it here almost every week, but consider it. Stress is bad for weight loss and other people will stress out and steal your joy, and they won't even care. That lady isn't still thinking about you, but you are thinking about her after the encounter. You really don't want to live the rest of your life like this or defending your life choices.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Changes in Shoe Sizes?

    @@IAwoman The size of your foot changing can happen from a lot of factors. You aren't as heavy and now you have more of an arch, so you no longer need wide widths Mild to severe Edema that is corrected with losing weight, overall loss Fat loss In my case I had edema, that cause a lot of Water retention. A lot more than I ever thought. Now that the weather is warmer, it is back a little but nothing like it was before, because basically there is less of me to fill with Fluid. I have flat feet, but since I lost weight I have more an arch, not a lot more, but not totally Flintstone flat like they were before. I have long feet, it runs in the family. I have however lost at least 1/2 a size, it is almost a full size, and I no longer need wides. I also don't need wide width boots anymore, which is annoying since I have a few grand in wide width boots collected over the years. I expect by the end of the year I will be down a full shoe size.
  6. @@Oak Park Lorena All I am going to say is at least you live in a better neighborhood than 98% of America. I would love to live in Oak Park. Okay that isn't all I am going to say... Running is hard on your body. Get a bike and ride it. Dr Matthew Weiner talks about not doing exercises that are prone to injuries because, if you are injured and unable to workout, you are worse off than doing moderate exercise the whole time, like walking. I will try to find the video. So maybe chill on the running and find something that is easier on your body like walking, biking or swimming, so you can always workout. Found the video... https://youtu.be/YxKUssyS8F0?t=7m09s
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Any alternatives for the sweets?

    Protein shakes. Try Syntrax Nectars, there are lots of flavors and they are liquid like kool-aid. You don't have a lot of room for other stuff. When you are further out, Protein Bars are a possibility.
  8. OutsideMatchInside


    Some people have doctors that tell them no Protein for a month or no Protein shakes at all. As surgery is becoming more popular, and there are more quack doctors out there. Expect more dumb questions. Even if the questions are annoying, it is better people ask than suffer alone. This is a support forum. Every topic isn't going to be about low self esteem, bad spouses, and gossipy co-workers.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    How Do You Stay Cool Without Ice Cream?

    I second halo top. Love it. Ice Water cools me off fine, although I rarely ever get hot unless I am directly in the sun. Being cold all the time is the bigger issue the being hot.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Higher BMI with vsg

    I started with a BMI of 60. If you have a higher BMI, you have to accept it might take you 2 years to get to goal instead of one. There are lots of high BMI sleevers around here that have been successful. RNY, has faster short term weight loss but long term it's about the same. Both surgeries have pros and cons you have to decide which surgery is best for your lifestyle.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Getting back out there ......

    It's not so much about being a trophy, but most men care that you look good when you are out with them. They don't care about your skin when your clothes are off, their mind is on other things. I really think women over think this. Have you asked your doctor about the gas problem?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Judging a RNY through a esophagram?

    How long does it take you? If you are eating these amounts in 20 minutes, that is a lot. If you are taking an hour or so that is different. The one cup at lunch seems like a lot but the fluids seem right.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Judging a RNY through a esophagram?

    How much more can you eat at 6 weeks? Also, there are so many variable that account for the different amounts people are eating. First and foremost is how the food is measured if at all. You have no idea if people are accurately measuring their food. Volume based measuring and scale based measuring rarely match. Then the moisture content of the food matters. You can I can have the exact same food in the same amount. If you reheat your food, you are going to extract more moisture from it so you will be able to eat less than I can because my food has more moisture content.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Ladies: IUD

    @@moppet I have an IUD but it is copper and doesn't have hormones. My periods were irregular for a while but they have balanced out (I hope)as my weight loss has slowed. I have never had irregular periods and any kind of lady problems so it has been pretty annoying. I would probably just let my body run its course because getting a hormonal IUD is just adding more hormones to a body flooded with hormones, but just call your Gyno and make an appointment. They are going to give you the best advice, not us and not your friends.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Nail polish/Acrylic nails

    @ I was talking about @@WLSResources/ClothingExch Who twice came with the same snarky BS. But if you want to be offended too, enjoy. Actually being funny helps when you are trying to be funny. That is why emojis were invented so people who aren't funny can let people know they are making a joke.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Nail polish/Acrylic nails

    @@Kindle except it varies by every anesthesiologist. My point as I said before, was ask the hospital/doctor and go by what they say. Asking random strangers on the internet isn't going to be a lot of help and is not worth having your surgery delayed. I did what my team asked and I offered my opinion on it. You yourself said you had to remove it for one surgery, not the other. Did you ask them why? I asked them why one said it was okay and the other didn't. The hospital that let me keep the polish on went into a long technical explanation about the light and how it works and why it still works even with polish and the other place was like this is how we do it. I did what was asked/expected both times. That doesn't meant I am not entitled to question it if I feel like it. I didn't come in here belittling people that enjoy having their nails done. Or telling them they would risk brain damage. Those were extremes we didn't need. This is ending up like an alcohol/pizza thread. *sigh*
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Nail polish/Acrylic nails

    And I had a head full of extensions and they knew it. As long as there is no metal it doesn't matter. So you can go into surgery with clip insurance but if you have bonded hair, or a sewin, it is fine. Honestly some of these rules would make me question their abilities and equipment.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Nail polish/Acrylic nails

    If you don't care about them, don't post. There is really no reason for you to be so condescending and rude. You are purposely coming in here to belittle people. When I had my cardiac cath, I kept my Polish on and they said it worked fine with polish. It is really personal choice of the staff and mainly BS. It isn't as dramatic as people are making it like if you have on nail Polish you are going to end up brain dead. Good lord.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Here I come world!

    @@Sleeve it to Beaver food waste is something I had to just accept. Cleaning my plate is what got me fat. At the end of the day, me stuffing myself or saving some food I don't want (I don't eat leftovers) isn't going to feed some hungry child in America or the other side of the world. They are starving because of politics, not because I am leaving an ounce or two or steak on my plate.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Stretched sleeve?

    You are supposed to be able to eat more, it is called healing. You are not supposed to have the restriction you have at the beginning forever. If you are eating Protein first, weighing your food and eating the proper portions, you will start losing again. Stalls happen, just make sure that you are measuring yourself during stall, because you are usually dropping inches. For example, I have been hovering at the same weight for 3 weeks or so but I have lost a size almost in that time period. Weight loss for me goes pounds, inches and a stall, pounds, inches and a stall, pounds. I kind of like the stalls now because I get visibly smaller during these time periods and my skin adjusts.
  21. Basically, you aren't eating as much so you just won't go as much, period. In the beginning I had real issues with constipation, and part of it was because I was off Metformin that always gave me loose bowels so solid movements were weird to me. The first few months I took a stool softner often. If you do that and drink a lot of Water, you will be okay. I don't need them now, but I also eat more, drink more etc. I resisted using them so much in the beginning and looking back I cause myself unnecessary pain and drama. Don't let yourself get back up, make sure you are going at least every 2 or 3 days.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Six Weeks Post

    @@Kaze 24lbs Also my diabetes was basically gone. I was able to control my diabetes with diet and just pills before, and if I went ultra low carb, just diet only. So the small portions and not carbs just ended my diabetes, then as the weight has came off it has stayed gone. Just losing 10% of your weight can make a huge difference.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Wedding Dress Dread

    @@Tara1992 You might still love that dress next year, but I am going to guess you will want something else. I used to dress a certain way and think a certain style was for me. I was big on dressing for my body type and shape and accentuating the positive. I have all the books on it Now I have lost weight and even though I am not at goal, still 50-60lbs to go, I have a completely different shape, and I have to dress it totally different. My waist is 32-34 inches and it used to be like 54. My breasts and hips are large though so I have to work with them. I used to wear fit and flares all the time to hide my gut and create the appearance of a waist, now that I really have one, I just wear bodycon/tight clothes because when I wear loose things they make me look larger. My breasts are so much larger than my waist that it I don't wear fitted things, everything looks like a tent on me. I will look 2 sizes and 40 pounds heavier. Same thing on the bottom, I have to wear fitted items or my hips make me look like a whale. So keep that dress as your inspiration, but keep in mind you might be different by next year. Also depending on how old the dress is, it might really be a current size 4 or 6, and not a modern size 10, so don't get too married to the size of that dress. Good luck!
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Where do you buy clothes?

    I buy all my workout clothes at walmart, they have really nice stuff. I only buy danskin. I buy my bras at Soma. My boobs are huge, they are the only option and bras are amazing. Sports bras I purchased on ebay, new, I only wear the kind that go by band and cup size and they come up high on the chest. Unlike a lot of people that post here, I refuse to wear used clothing. I just can't I think it is repulsive. However I do have a limit on what i will spend on a single item and that is $30, dresses $50, and as always no limit on purses and shoes. I am hourglass shaped with a small waist, with the exception of my breasts and arms i am small on top. I wear anything from 12 to 16. I shop at... Old Navy - shorts, dresses, tshirts,rompers banana Republic - tops, the bottoms I am a little too hippy for Tommy Hilfiger - their stuff is very generously cut, you can probably go down a size Saks off 5th - you just have to look Nordstrom Rack - again you just have to look and try things on The Limited Forever 21- I don't know why people turn their nose up at it, I love the cheap tank tops and you can find cheap dresses too. I still wear plus size there Charlotte Russe - I still wear plus size there (the sizes like forever 21 are juniors), if you get on their text list they have tons of great sales, often you can get dresses for $20, tops and bottoms for $10

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
