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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. So we are supposed to say, oh it is okay you took a chance on riping apart your new staples and having stomach acid seep into your chest cavity and spend 3-4 months in ICU because pizza it totally worth it? THIS IS NOT A DIET YOU CAN CHEAT ON! THIS IS MAJOR SURGERY AND A LIFE CHANGE. People keep posting and acting like this is a diet, it is not a diet, advancing your food, eating things off plan can seriously harm you. This is not a game. This isn't a person, a year out that went to the bar and had too many chicken strips with beer. This is a person with a swollen stomach and a healing staple line. Eating off plan is flat out dangerous and points to serious food addiction. If they aren't a random troll, they need to seek therapy ASAP so they can learn to cope with their food issues. A college associate of mine advanced her food, testing her WLS early and ended up on a feeding tube. This is serious and my "mean" tone comes from a place of concern and horror.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm at a major stall!

    @@Hk6723 when did you have surgery?
  3. You are willing to risk a leak for Pizza?
  4. Take my measurement like @@BigViffer said. They really help with getting through stalls. I still don't take them on a weekly basis only when I am ordering clothes. I wish I did them every week and kept them in an excel chart like I made but never used. Other than that, my biggest regret is starting to date at 3 months but you know hormones. Also early on I used to measure some foods and weigh others. Now I weigh everything because I realized how off measuring can be and you can add so many calories using volume measurement instead of weighs. I always logged all my food everyday. I have a year of it.
  5. If I had to pay all these co-pays and jump through all these hoops I would just go to Mexico, this is ridiculous. I'm sorry people have to go through this. I met my out of pocket and deductible in preoperative testing. Surgery cost me nothing. My max out of pocket last year was 1500. Needless to say, BCBS doesn't offer that plan anymore, lol.
  6. It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point. My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight. I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do keto. I just don't lose. Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App One thing I learned through this process is that my obesity is at least partly due to under eating as much as to overeating. Overeating is my bodies response to under eating (skipping meals, restricting, etc.). One of the biggest gifts of this program for me so far is a deeper understanding of nutrition and what my body really needs. Eating under 1000 calories in a day is no longer an option for me. Of I go over 1000, even on slow small increments, I gain. Ive been on many diets with many "coaches". I've been through different nutrition classes while in training for holistic health, while in college, and with docs. I understand the metabolic system. My doctor recently ran labs and told me how surprised she was to see sugars, and everything else perfect. I realize that for most people 1000 is not enough. I apparently have a really efficient metabolism. It doesn't take much to make me go. Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App What is your resting metabolic rate? Have you ever had it tested?
  7. @@NewMeBefore40 Have you tried different doctors? Have you had your resting metabolic rate tested? Have you ever had a DEXA scan? What does your blood work look like? If you have several metabolic issues, they need to be addressed by a specialist. And lots of people won't lose on 1000 calories a day, not long term. Most people that aren't slugs with even minimal muscle mass burn more calories that just being above ground.
  8. @@Montana Gal People refuse to believe that our current Western food supply/diet is what is killing us and making us fat. Even with proof that as it spreads around the globe, cultures that never had obesity and diabetes issue now have epidemics. People forget the historical perspective of carbs, bread and sugar. They were/are for peasants, to provide a lot of energy/calories for very little cost. The average farm hand/manual laborer in Victorian England needed 6000 calories a day to work. They obtained these calories by eating bread in large amounts because meat was expensive and out of reach. Fresh vegetables even harder. The rich have always had a wide variety and had fresh veggies, fruits, and meats. We are not a manual labor work force. We do not need these massive amounts of cheap calories to earn a living and get through the day.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm at a major stall!

    @@DFernandez718 You don't lose weight every day or every week, no matter how heavy you are to start with. That is how it works, get used to it. When you lose big chunks of weight you are more likely to stall before you lose again.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Summer Comparsion Pics

    It isn't a journey because there is no end, but I am enjoying life!
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Yes or no?

    I use just the plain lemon packets and add them to water and a few drops of liquid stevia if I want lemonade quickly. They are nice to keep in my purse. I can order water at a restaurant and quickly turn it into diet lemonade.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm almost overweight!

    Congrats! I can't wait to just be overweight
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Summer Comparsion Pics

    @@Fettchick83 congrats on the hard work
  14. OutsideMatchInside


    All of my blood work is normal, and my libido is through the roof, it was always high now it is off the charts. There are so many different things that come into play with your hormones as a woman. It is hard to just pin it on surgery.
  15. OutsideMatchInside


    @@jintycb Good grief, I am not even talking about you. I am talking about the 200 questions a week about Alcohol, drug use, pizza, ice cream, crackers, not losing 10 pounds a week, stretched my pouch/sleeve at 6 weeks and all the other assorted stupid questions that people ask every week. You know, the ones you made this rant to complain about. Anyone that has been around here for over a year can definitely notice a huge influx and change in the types of questions asked.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Single and Looking!

    @@samanthajo20070 You know this isn't a dating website right? So saying you are single and looking here seems ridiculous. Not to mention even the demographics of this website, even if you are looking for just other single friends, this is the worst place to look. Most of the posters here are married and have kids, usually lots of kids. This isn't the foot loose and fancy free singles haven. And just because Tinder is "for hooking up" doesn't mean you have to hook up. Just because you go to the buffet, you don't have to eat. People like Tinder because they don't have to bother with making profiles. If you are pretty enough, lots of guys will want to take you out and get to know you. It is a fast track to getting a lot of dates really fast, it is just a phone speed dating app really. With your attitude, Good Luck. You are going to need it
  17. OutsideMatchInside


    It wasn't like this a year or 2 ago. I think the app makes the forum too accessible to trolls and now surgery is affordable and available to a lot of people that shouldn't have it. People are getting burn out. I think a lot of people, including myself just need to take a break from forums. The recent influx of people has been too much.
  18. OutsideMatchInside


    @@s.thompson How far out from surgery are you? If you aren't able to take your Vitamins and get your Water in, you should contact your surgical team.
  19. @@Oak Park Lorena A lot of people never do anything because they are afraid of the gym, going to the gym isn't for everyone. So offering alternatives is a good thing.
  20. I use Walden Farms and I love it! I use it for my salads and I can have a "huge salad, and it is less than 30 calories. Salad in a bag, would really help with your snacking.
  21. @@Tonna Marie Chikukwa If you do shakes for a few days, you will definitely feel an increase in your restriction. If you are snacking and grazing you can sneak so many calories in like that. This is where veggies would help, if you were snacking on veggies, they basically have no calories.
  22. @@Oak Park Lorena Yeah I have to load my bike up and go to trails. I have to use trails because it is too hilly around here to be safe to ride, too many blind spots, and cars also. So yeah I get how annoying it is to load the bike up. I still think I would rather ride my bike than run in the city. I feel like running I would get snatched by someone. If running was working for you, and you can go back to it, it is just a matter of cutting out the liquid calories until you can run enough to balance them out.
  23. @@Tonna Marie Chikukwa Have you tried going to the farmers market for veggies? Frozen fish is cheap at Walmart. You don't have to workout in a gym to lose weight. Track all of your calories, and walk.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Single and Looking!

    @@samanthajo20070 I think @@AvaFern said she didn't want to date until she was at goal, and now I understand why. My hormones were in over drive at 3 months and I started dating. I regret it. I should have waited. It distracted me from my WLS. I didn't go off program or anything but it was hard to manage being post-op and all those early adjustments, and my business and dating. I would suggest waiting until you are at least 6 months. You are fully healed and your life is back to normal for the most part. If you can really hold out, waiting till 1 year is even better. I totally feel like a normal person now just with a smaller appetite. I can passably eat enough that people don't think I am anorexic, so no odd questions. I understand want to get out there, but if you wait. You can avoid a lot of issues and awkward conversations. @@OKCPirate Is totally right about where to look, and this place is terrible. 98% of the men that post here are married and most of the ones that are single that post on a regular basis aren't even in America. Wait till winter and hit Tinder hard with some great selfies.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Day surgery or overnight stay?

    I was there overnight but just a total of about 26 hours.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
