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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Loose skin versus body fat

    @@erp The machines don't determine skin. They determine bone density, lean mass, and fat. When you get your results for each zone on your body, you can tell where the fat is. I am going to scan a page my last DEXA and post it on my DEXA Scan thread. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/368237-my-rmr-test-dexa-scan-results-wls-works-better-than-biggest-loser/
  2. So to answer a question about body composition, this is one page of my DEXA scan results. @@erp Basically with this information, you can determine how much is really just skin and how much is fat. Just because it hangs doesn't mean it is just loose skin.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Lotion with Vit. E AND Keratin?

    @ It helps heal scars, it helps with your skin overall. I put it on all the areas of skin I am trying to firm up. It works, and it helps diminish stretch marks, I think just because your skin overall improves. I am using a dab on my eyes at night to prevent crows feet.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    My therapist disapproves sleeve?

    If people can't find coping mechanism for emotional and stress eating. They will continue to do it after WLS and fail. WLS works best in combination with therapy. WLS makes it easier to resist emotional eating, and therapy makes it easier also. There is no reason not to do both at the same time.
  5. @@Km77942009 I was given a whole book at my nutrition class before surgery that told me the stages and amounts I should be eating each week. Starting with 2 ounces and working my way up. If you are meeting your Protein goals and getting your fluids in. You just have to work on your head hunger. Do you have something to distract you when you are battling head hunger?
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    My therapist disapproves sleeve?

    The therapist isn't wrong. I would still get my date, because insurance changes etc. That doesn't mean you can't work on your eating issues. Any issues you have before surgery, the pre-op diet and the first month after surgery are going to bring them all to the surface. You have to find ways to cope with head hunger, and stress eating before surgery or you are really going to suffer post op.
  7. You can't tell early on. The nerves have not reconnected after surgery. This is why it is important to weigh and measure your food and only eat the proper portions. You do not want to stress your staple line. Did your doctor explain all of this to you? The nurses? The reason you eat in stages after surgery is so you can relearn to eat properly, like a baby. That is why you go in steps, it helps you break bad habits but more than anything it protects your staple line. You want to protect your sleeve and you don't want it working too hard. This is not the same as a normal diet where you can cheat and get back on the wagon. Very early after surgery, "cheating" is dangerous. Read the complications forum and see what happens to people who have leaks. They spend months in the hospital and have terribly painful recoveries. Is that something you want to risk for pizza? I have pizza a couple time a month. I make my own low carb pizza at home. You can have pizza in a few short months. Don't risk it now, it is not worth it. Also, you don't eat to be full. The last thing you want to be with your sleeve is full, it is really uncomfortable. It feels like an elephant sitting on your chest. Your goal is to eat to meet your Protein goals and to not be hungry, not to eat until you full. If you are battling head hunger, when you are hungry go for a walk or try to drink Water, don't eat off plan.
  8. @ExcitedAt55@KristenLe I stand by my opinion it is pointless. What was a sip to me before surgery, and what is a sip afterwards are different as night and day. My very first "sips" were barely enough to wet my mouth. I would have never sipped like that before surgery. And I tried, but you have no idea what a small tight healing stomach feels like until you have one.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm officially 3 years out!

    @@o2bskinny Congrats on the hard work! You should update your weight on the site!
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    4 weeks out and hungry!

    How are you supposed to get your protein in at 4 weeks eating just 3 times a day?
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Sick all the time and hair loss

    Never sick. hair grew back faster than it fell out. And I don't even care about the hair to be honest. I wear wigs and weave anyway because that is the current trend.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    gaining weight on soft foods

    It is impossible to gain 2 lbs of fat in that amount of time. The calorie excess you would need to actually gain weight, you are not capable at this point. You are probably heading into a 3 week stall. Google it. Follow your plan you will keep losing.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Post-Sleeve Working Out

    @ Ask your doctor because everyone and their situation is different. Don't take advice from the internet on this.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    3 week stall-- what?!?

    My question is how long does the stall last? Depends And does a big loss come after it? Maybe Is there anything I can do to jump start the process? Right after surgery nothing, later stalls, yes.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling full

    @@PayItForward How many grams or ounces is a small bite? Telling people you had 5 or 6 small bites gives them no idea of what you actually had. One persons small bite is another person medium and another persons large.
  16. Can you elaborate on the dating part? I've been curious about post-op dating and I'd love to hear your experiences. It seems like now that I'm less than a month out, I've got men chasing me like never before! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App It is just a distraction, I don't really have anything negative or positive to say. I never had an issue with attracting men before surgery and I don't post op. The first 6 months there is a lot get used to and you are still adjusting and learning your new life. Now that I am almost a year out, I wish I had waited until this point, because I have a better handle on everything and I am basically completely "normal". Just because I physically look different it doesn't really make anything different about dating, men and relationships are still the same.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever enjoy food I like again

    @@hazelzay Pre-threating people kind of sets the tone for the thread Anyway I eat lots of things I like all the time. If you can cook and you are willing to spend money on things, you can eat just about anything you want. The sleeve is not the end of life or enjoying food.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Five years

    @@beachbum64 Your hunger levels decrease and still stay decreased for a long time. This gives you a chance to develop healthy habits. It isn't a forever thing, just like the initial restriction isn't forever.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Feeling full

    I'm nine months out and I feel full after 5 or 6 small bites. So that full feeling is going to stick around for awhile. WHAT ARE 5 or 6 BITES? What is the scientific measurement for that? 5 or 6 bites are completely arbitrary. I know guys that can eat an entire 1/4 pounder from McDonalds in 4 bites. If you can't provide grams or ounces why even bother?
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    I need a Monster Energy drink

    Seems pretty normally for 6 weeks out with the summer heat and carrying for kids. At 6 weeks I still tired fairly easily. If you are taking all your vitamins and getting in 900 calories you seem on track. I wasn't hitting 900 calories that early on and my protein was a little higher. A lot of people suffer brain dog at that point. I'm not sure checking your labs and spending $1000 on medical tests is worth it this early out. Also, add cold brew or low acid coffee to your diet
  21. Ask you Dr about weight lifting. I was cleared to start lifting weight at 6 weeks. I was consuming over 80 grams of Protein a day from my 2nd day home. I normally consume over 110 grams of protein a day, sometimes reaching much higher. If you make protein your priority and you are smart about how you consume it, you can easily eat enough protein to maintain your muscle mass.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Very helpful advice needed!

    @@hernewselfie I worked on my emotional issues, and my stress issues. I streamlined my business so it was less stressful for me. I also cut some people out of my life and made sure that the people in my life were people that really loved me. Before I went into surgery I was really happy and satisfied with my life and looking to move forward and experience new things. I think being in a good place before surgery is really critical to a good post-op outcome. I think a lot of other stuff that people do before surgery is pointless. Before you have surgery, there is no way to understand what post-op life is like. Practicing eating slowly, and sipping Water, is useless. Just my opinion.
  23. @@karthikselvam Are you undergoing weight loss surgery or have you?
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    How is yoga useful in weight loss?

    @@karthikselvam Some of it depends on you and your body type/blood type. I am a person that is prone to stress. Yoga is a better exercise for me because it doesn't cause my body additional stress. If you have ever read eat right for your blood type, AB people do better with yoga and low stress exercise. Some benefits of yoga are you can build muscle, you have to use your own body weight and you end up getting much stronger in the process trying to master poses. It also helps with your skin and your lymphatic system. It helps stretch your skin, helping with elasticity and it help pump/drain your lymphatic system. It is good to mix it up I do yoga on alternate days from a cardio or strength routine.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm at a major stall!

    5/17/2016 Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App My Dr told me the first 6 weeks are for healing not weight loss, and weight isn't even supposed to be your focus in the first 6 weeks. Getting your Protein and fluids in is supposed to be your primary concern. After 6 weeks I saw a major increase in my weight loss. Give it time and don't stress about it. Stress keeps you fat.

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