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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. No, I didn't feel like that. When I got home from the hospital I was gleeful I wasn't dead, didn't have a flesh eating disease, and wasn't in pain and didn't have to take pain meds. I really hate and have a fear of hospitals so getting in and out of one unharmed was a massive relief for me. I wasn't thinking about my weight loss, I was thinking I beat the grim reaper. However at 6 weeks I felt like I hadn't lost enough, I had lost 20lbs in a month before on low carb diets. I felt that I should have lost a lot more considering I barely eating. Then after 6 weeks I could eat more than starvation level calories, I started losing really fast. Don't focus on the negatives, focus on the positives. If you focus on the negatives and stress yourself out, the stress won't help your weight loss. Stay calm, relax and rest. the weight will come off.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Off the wagen

    None of that detox crap works. Your body has your liver to detox. Stop eating sugar, after a few days you won't crave it.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Diet progression

    A lot of people don't have clear liquids the first week. I don't even understand clear liquids anyway since most people are told in that time period to have Protein shakes which aren't clear liquids anyway. A lot of programs differ, depending on the Dr. A lot of them don't keep up on current research so they keep the same old rules and a lot of programs keep the same rules for everyone. In my program everyone is given the same guidelines in their books, but when you talk one on one, they tailor what you are eating for your medical needs and surgery. So some people with the sleeve get stuck with the same dietary restrictions as someone who had bypass. I'd skip the wheat thins, but I don't think your diet progression is out of the ordinary. At least you are allowed protein, unlike some of the other "post-op diets".
  4. Please keep asking questions if you have questions. There are lots of people that lurk and never ask questions, and the responses that other people get help that. Which is why I respond to a lot of posts even if I think they are fake, I honestly didn't think this was a real post initially, because they might help someone else. When I was in my pre-op class, a lot of people were asking questions and treating surgery like it was just another diet and it isn't a diet, it is a major life change, and early on what people are told to eat is like a medical prescription for their health and safety not just a diet. Since post-op care varies to much, it is important that people understand this. I'm sorry you didn't get the answer you wanted but to answer your original question. Unless you have a stricture, you can force more food through your sleeve than your capacity. Chewing food until it is absolute mush, and drinking Water you can eat pretty much endlessly. You stomach start emptying as soon as food and liquids enter it. If you make the foods smooth and water enough, you can push all the food you want through. Eating around a sleeve doesn't mean it is too large.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever enjoy food I like again

    @@celibear The sleeve makes it easy. If anyone would have told me about the disconnect between the brain the body as far as hunger and cravings I would have been unable to believe them. It surprises me now how well it works. I think it is also easier once you get to a certain point. Like now I can wear normal sizes and shop just about anywhere. That is something I won't give up anything. I never want my shopping to be limited to a few stores again. So that is a great motivator.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    So That Was Embarrassing!

    @ Those pills were awful. I was on them for a little while. What a horror show. @@goplay94123 When he wants to go for drinks, get bottle Water or coffee. You don't have to drink alcohol when you meet someone for drinks. I think it is better to not drink as a female on a date, so you can stay alert.
  7. @@bini120 Thanks for sharing. It is interesting to hear how surgery is so different at different hospitals. Prior to surgery as soon as I changed into my gown and did my urine test and blood tests, they started an IV. I was given some sedatives, and taken to the pre-op area. I talked to the surgeon, PA, and anesthesiologist. Waited for surgery maybe 30 minutes I was on a gurney at this point, then I was taken to the operating room. I had very little pain so I was up walking around all evening and most of the night. Couldn't sleep in the hospital and I was bored to death. I had a tray the next afternoon after my live swallow test, and on my tray was a Protein shake, hot tea, broth, and Jello. I had to make a decent dent in it to be allowed to go home. Good luck with your recovery!
  8. I have the same one as @@Caribear I highly recommend it. I have had it several months and it is very accurate.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Sleeve size

    @@ChrisInc2 Studies have shown over time it doesn't matter what size they make it and making it smaller, has little benefit and increases complications. They use the bougie as a guide, but they can only get so close to it when they are cutting. I have no idea what size I have, when I did my pre-op research I learned it didn't matter so I didn't care. I wanted a doctor with a good surgery outcome and I found one. I am doing great with my sleeve and the restriction it provides. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24577879 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23023201
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    More calories = More weight loss? HUH?

    Most programs that are actually well ran and monitored have you up your calories as the months go by. It seems like most people can't keeping losing long term on starvation calories, eventually your body says nope. Long term it is better to increase your calories so you don't destroy your metabolism. You should do some research on this beyond this forum and talk to a nutritionist if you so choose.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Insurance denied me [emoji22]

    @@JennAsVSG If you already have GERD why are you getting the sleeve? Is your GERD hiatal hernia related?
  12. OutsideMatchInside


    The temp of the water really mattered for me. Ice water was like swallowing daggers. Warm to room temp water wasn't an issue
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever enjoy food I like again

    @@celibear Yeah I miss PR food, but I don't desire it. The only thing I could probably eat is a Jibarito. Rice and peas is about the only time I ever eat rice, and I am never going to have that again. I miss Rellenos de papas too. Some things you can't substitute. I have in the past been able to make low carb jamaican beef patties. I'm thinking about the Rellenos de papas and maybe I can sub rutabagas for potatoes... The nice thing about surgery is, before surgery I would have thought about it, and then my mind and body would have worked together in tandem and I would have been hungry and obsessed with it until I got some. I am thinking about it now and I know I like it, but it isn't triggering any physical hunger. I like that I can think about food in abstract terms. At the end of the day though, I enjoy wearing bodycon dresses and high heels more than food. I never thought I would be there, but I am.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Lotion with Vit. E AND Keratin?

    I have been using shea butter and coconut oil forever and while they are nice with holding in moisture, they have done absolutely nothing for stretch marks. Not like bio oil and some other things I have tried.
  15. @@OKCPirate That I really interesting. The issue I think is most people with loose skin still have fat in it. However at @@erp weight, I doubt that there is much fat on her.
  16. You are missing the point of this entire thread. No where did the OP ask if it was a good idea to eat solid foods at 12 days out. she asked if her stomach was too big, NOT if you thought it was dangerous or a bad idea. If she posted a question saying "is it dangerous to eat solids at 12 days out" the responses would be needed, however that WAS NOT her question. You can't tell or know if your sleeve is too big at 4 weeks and it doesn't even matter, if you are pre-stretching it to all hell, before it even heals. Forcing food down doesn't mean your sleeve is too big. Critical thinking, it doesn't hurt I promise. So the correct response was supposed to be, what? Your sleeve is massive! Contact an attorney, sue for malpractice? This is just like the other thread where someone ate a 20 ounce steak, which should be a stretch even for a normal stomach. We were all supposed to ignore the obvious over eating and blame the surgeon. Ridiculous.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Any home daycare providers out there?

    Wow Texas has pretty loose rules for provider to child ratios. I was going to ask if it was even legal to watch that many children then I checked the state requirements. It is very unlikely you will have the energy to deal with that many children until weeks 4 or 6. This is major surgery and you get tired very quickly post-op. You may have a lot of energy then feel completely exhausted. Most surgeons say no lifting anything over 10lbs for a month. Kind of like when you have a baby and they tell you not to lift anything heavier than the baby. It really isn't worth risking a hernia. I think you need helpers at least for the first month. How many hours are you open a day?
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Almost 2 months post sleeve...

    Also I can understand not wanting to drink Protein shakes, a lot of them have a lot of sodium. However you could try adding collagen to regular drinks to get more protein.
  19. OutsideMatchInside


    The only time I ever hear 1 in 50 or 1 in 20 is on Fat Doctor UK. That is because most of those people are in really terrible health to start with. They have a ton of really bad issues. And those numbers are tailored by the Dr exactly to them, not in general.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Almost 2 months post sleeve...

    60 is the bare minimum in Protein you need to you don't break muscles down. Most people that have been obese for a long time need more protein because they have more muscle. 40-60 G of protein, you are probably barely cracking 600 calories a day. Your body is probably in starvation mode. Try a different nutritionist.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Will I ever enjoy food I like again

    @@celibear I thought I would miss ginger ale and Kola Champagne so much I would implode, but I don't miss them. I don't even think about them really. I gave up soda couple years before surgery. I would have one, maybe once or twice a year in the time that I had given them up, but I have really just lost the taste for them. I was really addicted to carbonation. It felt so good on my throat. I got my allergies under control and without the post nasal drip down my throat all the time irritating me, I didn't need the carbonation to soothe my throat. I was self medicating in a way with carbonated drinks not really realizing it.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    4 weeks out and hungry!

    @@mlgok You are allowed nuts at 4 weeks? I eat Protein 5 -6 times a day. That is the only way I can meet my goals. When I was 4 weeks I ate every 2-3 hours baked fish or a Protein shake. I wouldn't bother snacking on snacky things. That is creating a bad habit. Later when you are healed you will want to snack on normal snack things. Have multiple small meals so you can meet your goals. Also are you taking a PPI for acid? You really shouldn't be hungry at all at 4 weeks.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    So That Was Embarrassing!

    @@JamieLogical And I still wouldn't tell him about my surgery unless you really are going to marry him. No reason to give up little bits and pieces of your soul to someone that might not last till labor day. Yeah when I am out on dates sometimes it is easy to over eat, since I can't really whip my scale out and weigh my food. I just stick to salads with Protein because I find the more expensive the restaurant the less damn meat they put on a salad, so I can safely eat the meat off the salad and push the salad around and never worry about over eating. Then if I have to I eat a Protein Bar. I keep a protein bar with me on dates. So I can get my protein in and not take a chance on eating too much on a date. I got sick on a date once, never again.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Pre-op Diet - Week 2 Stall

    I barely lost any scale weight on my pre-op diet because it was 105 with 90% humidity every day and I was retaining Water like a pool. Shrinking your liver is what matters, not the scale. Also you don't lose everyday. It just doesn't work like that, no matter how heavy you start.
  25. @@provenzee The whole point isn't even about what she was eating, if she was eating a chicken breast at 12 days, that would still be a bad idea. You are comparing yourself at 4 months eating pizza, to someone who is 12 days out, that isn't even the same thing. At 4 months you are decently healed. We fully heal at 6 months. 12 days and eating, giving into head hunger is a really dangerous thing. People with serious food addictions can and do force themselves to eat full normal meals post op even when their sleeve is telling them not to and they suffer serious consequences. Lately a lot of people have posted some very serious eating disorders and dangerous behavior and there are people coddling them, instead of telling them to seek help and reminding them how dangerous it is. This isn't day 12 on the master cleanse, this is day 12 after major surgery to remove most of a vital organ. People forget how serious the surgery is just because the recovery is so easy now with laparoscopic surgery.

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