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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Laffy taffy - skittles -starburst

    I have never been a candy person. Not really a sweets person, but when I do like sweets it is baked goods. I think before 6 months it will make you dump and you aren't fully healed, but I don't even know about the textures of those things. I wouldn't chance them getting stuck or something. I honestly doubt they are worth the risk. If you want sweets, there are safer options, even cake would be better than straight candy just because at least it has some Fiber. You are fresh from surgery and not eating yet, so you are probably just dreaming about food and imagining all the things you will never be able to have. I have to say that the longer you stick to your plan, the less likely you are to even want those kinds of things. I am thinking about my favorite dessert right now and I have no desire or emotions for it. However, I do have Halo top ice cream and eatmeguiltfree Protein brownies. They fill any of those desires and they also have protein and fit my plan. If you stick to your plan (and I am not saying that you aren't), you really reprogram your mind and your tastes. When I first had surgery and pre-op I never thought I would have anything "good" and that food would always be a chore and never a pleasure. I can tell you that 6 days shy of a year that is not the case at all. I eat lots of delicious things, that fit my program, in small amounts and I actually enjoy food now more than before. Don't think about candy, take a walk. You will make yourself nuts.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Probiotic yogurt?

    @@gsleevenewbie Just take a real probiotic.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I SO HUNGRY!

    @@aahizzel You really don't want to test your staple line like that. Please don't advance your food stages. If you think something is wrong, see a different doctor in the area. ASAP. My plan didn't allow salad until 6 weeks and I didn't eat check for almost 2 months, because it is so dry and dense. Please don't let your hunger put your life in danger.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I SO HUNGRY!

    @@aahizzel If you are actually just having Protein shakes and liquids, there kind of is no limit on those. I think that is what you are saying but I am not sure. They do not trigger your restriction, they slide right through your stomach. So just because you can drink endlessly, doesn't mean your surgery is a failure. Famotidine is Pepcid, and yes that is for acid but it is not a PPI. Have you been taking it?
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I SO HUNGRY!

    Most of that sounds like acid so ask for a PPI but you can just use an over the counter one like Prilosec of Nexium from the drug store right now and you should have some relief in 3 to 4 days. Just because you can eat pizza doesn't mean you should try it. you might want to have your sleeve size checked by another facility just to make sure.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Can you lose too much?

    @@sarcruze They go by the weight you start at. Plus honestly with that much to lose, it is unlikely in 6 months on your own you will get your BMI below 40.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    holy hell **Confrontation or Enabling ?**

    @@Daisee68 Everyone in America has to have insurance now. 37 states cover Bariatric surgery as an essential service which means insurance can't deny people that meet the guidelines. Credit has opened back up and foreign Drs are aggressively advertising to American patients. So there are more people having surgery outside and inside the US. There are also so many people with BMIs over 40, that basically don't have any waiting period for surgery, because America is so fat. And yeah, America is just so fat that a large chunk of the population qualifies for surgery. So there is a massive influx of people having surgery, and it isn't stopping any time soon. The Sleeve is a fast and "easy" surgery. A doctor can do 10-12 a day easily. WLS has become a for profit business. Welcome to the new norm.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    holy hell **Confrontation or Enabling ?**

    I don't think people should feel beat down for their mistakes but when people ask them simple questions on what they have been eating they immediately get defensive and never provide the details on what they have been except. Responses are like "not eating what I should" "some carbs" " a few crackers" "[insert stolen whatever while packing kids lunch]". Never any details. They aren't seriously looking for help, they are just looking for other people that have regained to whine with.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I SO HUNGRY!

    @@aahizzel Your body doesn't know that most of your stomach is gone so it still makes acid like it is making acid for a full size stomach. So most doctors give patients a PPI to lower the stomach acid created for the first 3-6 months to give your body time to adjust to the new stomach size. Where is the stomach growling coming from? Above or below your rib cage? Most of the growling you hear post op is from your intestines trying to wake up after anesthesia. If you are still taking narcotic pain medicines, as soon as it starts wearing off before you take the next dose, your intestines are going to start waking up. That growling and pain can feel like hunger pains but it isn't. Are you still taking pain meds? I took a sip of my barium test, then I swallowed the rest of it like a shot. Did you see your sleeve on screen? Did it seem to be the appropriate size? Swallowing liquids shouldn't hurt and should not trigger restriction. You don't feel the restriction of your new stomach until soft foods. Not everyone is in a lot of pain after surgery, and not everyone has issues eating. Different people heal differently. Where did you have surgery?
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Why am I SO HUNGRY!

    @@aahizzel Are you taking a PPI to control your acid? Are you mentally hungry or physically hungry? Do you know how to tell the difference? Have you contacted your doctor office? Where did you have surgery? What is your post-op diet?
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm so scared

    I worked really hard to not be scared just because I wanted to be calm and peaceful when I went into surgery because I felt that would give me the best outcome. I wasted a lot of time pre-surgery fretting about a massive life change thinking I would always be weird and an outsider because I wouldn't be able to eat like "normal" people. 12 months later, that isn't the case at all, I eat kind of normally, except I don't over eat like 95% of the population. Calm down, if you have got this far you came this far for a reason. Focus on what you want to do once you get to goal and keep that visual image in your mind.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Just had the first info session

    Congrats on your weight loss so far. That is a huge accomplishment.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    holy hell **Confrontation or Enabling ?**

    @@Djmohr Your post really highlights a lot of my feelings about surgery. I had a friend that had open bypass back when that was the thing. They followed no post-op instructions, even up on a feeding tube at 26. That person never saw 35. I knew was doing the wrong thing, but I didn't know to what extent. It scared me. I thought, wow I can never have surgery the risks are too high. I had another friend that had surgery more recently, bypass. They never changed their eating. They never cooked, post-op they were on that Wendy's Chili (which is why it drives me insane that people eat it), keeping the fast food eating out mentality going. They still ate out and ordered the same types of foods, still had sugar all the time (there goes that dumping safety net theory). At that time I was trying to lose weight on my own following a WLS post-op diet, without having surgery. It was pure hell, normal people can't eat those quantities, but I was getting desperate. I eventually just went back to low carbing keto. This person never adopted a healthy lifestyle and just dieted after surgery using some diet plan created by their trainer. Now almost 4 years post-op, they have regained, after never meeting or getting anywhere close to goal, although they did lose over 100 pounds originally. They can't lose now, because they having too many issues making real changes. They never cooked, never learned about nutrition. Like when they aren't eating properly, they don't log it. The days you are eating off plan are the days to really log so you can see in print what you are doing and learn from it. Now they are at then end of the line with no options. RNY is it, there really is no revision from that and if you didn't learn to eat right when it was easy in the honeymoon period, you are screwed. Now you have to struggle like everyone else with very little support from your tool to help you. There is no malabsorption at this point to fall back on. The initial tightness of the pouch is gone since pouches stretch. So it drives me crazy to see so many people wasting their opportunity, because you can't get this time back. I need to learn to care a little less though, because I really need the support of being involved in a bariatric community to keep my focus.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Raw veggies... How long after surgery?

    6 weeks for me. I never really ate veggies in any numbers until after 6 months just because eating Protein first, I had no room for them. Even now eating protein first, I don't have room for them, so I usually have my veggies as my afternoon snack. @@Laughkc11 I hate cooked veggies too for the most part. I do love roasted and grilled veggies.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    holy hell **Confrontation or Enabling ?**

    I know 2 people that had WLS personally, well 3 I guess (old co-worker). Their failures taught me the things to avoid. Eating regular food early = feeding tube Not learning nutrition or how to eat healthy = regain Not cooking =Regain Viewing it as a diet = regain Not logging food = regain So there is a lot of learn from the failures of others. The only thing I see all the time on weightloss forums, is people aren't honest why they failed. They blame the surgery for not working, they blame their metabolism (which they never ever had tested). They never ever blame their actions or lack of action. They can never provide a detail of what they are eating. I also feel like this rash of people having surgery are going to skew the statistics, make WLS seem less effective and make it harder for other people to get surgery through insurance in the future. Anyway, I am still holding out hope that a lot of people are just trolls from the popularity of the app and not real WLS patients.
  16. OutsideMatchInside


    @@Clarevoyant No, the surgery is short. As soon as I was in my room, I started walking around the unit.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Minnie (My Dog)

    My dog means so much to me. I work from home and he is my constant companion. I would be so lost without him. I am sorry for what you are going through, it will get better.
  18. Heartburn isn't really a complication since lots of normal people have heartburn. I have had it twice and I wouldn't consider it a complication, at all. It was caused by something I ate out, it doesn't happen on a normal basis. A leak is what I would consider a complication, or a stricture. You are worrying about the wrong things.
  19. @@AchieveGoals I was really worried about gallbladder issues. Once I got heartburn and was convinced I was having gallbladder issues, it was just heartburn. I have never had gallbladder issues prior to surgery, and one year out, still don't have any. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. I think a lot of people forget that most people having WLS surgery in the past were very overweight for very extended periods of time and also older. I think for younger healthier patients we have fewer complications.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Soft foods question?!

    I agree with @@chycky about the Protein bars. Ask your team and stick to your plan. Early on they are going to be dense to the point of being painful. Unflavored protein powder added to broth and other things is a better option. Can you have white fish on soft foods? I would suggest adding fish if possible.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Trying to find new ways to tone my upper arms,

    Are you doing them with weights? I have added muscle to my arms with this routine. I started with 5 lb weights, moved to 10, I am about to move up again.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Protected Forums?

    @@nickisleeve You will probably meet more people just making a Mississippi thread in the general forums. Most people don't know where those forums are. I just looked in the Mississippi forum and the last post was from Oct 2015, and no one even responded to it. Most of those forums are dead as a doorknob.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Confessions of overeating...

    @@becomingmandikaye yeah I pushed because I wanted all my Protein from real calories. That is part of the reason I switched to eating mostly seafood so I could get enough protein in. If you like fish, eating fish makes it a lot easier to get all your protein in.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Too FAT for GVS?

    The sleeve is the first part of the DS, and it was developed for people with High BMIs. It is easier and faster to do a sleeve on a large patient than a bypass. You do need a diet before surgery to shrink your liver. Talk to a few Drs in Mexico and get their opinion. There are several people here that started out over 400 and have been successful with the sleeve.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
