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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Throwing up blood 5 weeks post op

    @@kgd002 Call your Dr, call the after hours number.
  2. OutsideMatchInside


    For 25 months (started 2 months pre-op) I've been planning and tracking all my food / drink on My Fitness Pal. I also weigh every morning and record my weight in MFP. It's the second-best tools (the sleeve is #1) that has helped me lose all my excess weight and maintain my weight at or below goal (for the last 14 months). It's essential for me. I plan to do this for the foreseeable future. P.S. I think those who track are a pretty small minority of WLS patients. The number of WLS people that track are small but the one thing I seem to notice is almost everyone that is successful long term, they track.
  3. It is kind of like having kids. All people ever think about when deciding to have a kid is babies and diapers and day care. They never think about teens, college apps, tutors, ACT/SAT Prep, all the costs of moving into the dorms, college tuition etc. When it comes to surgery all everyone thinks about is what they can't eat and the immediate time after surgery. Once people heal, unless they have some issues, they are pretty normal, just with smaller capacity. That seems like a really hard concept to understand until you have lived it.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    The Struggle

    I didn't have severe issues like you but I had arthritis in one knee from a softball injury. I would hear my knee making noises when I moved it, and it hurt all the time. Since I have lost weight, it never hurts anymore and I can't hear it when I bend my knee anymore. I don't think insurance requires you lose weight. Some programs want you to lose weight and make it a requirement to make people prove they are dedicated.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Hey Guys... First Post!

    @@BigNorm4Life It depends on your pain tolerance but I have a high pain tolerance. The pain was minimal. It just felt like I did 1000 crunches, where they cut your muscles hurts the most but its not an unbearable pain. Moving constantly so you don't get stiff, helps.
  6. @@TracyBar Older people that are active and healthy have appetites.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Waist Training with Corset?

    @@sweetmini You should use search we had a long thread on this not too long ago. It keeps coming up. I will give you my opinion. Waist training isn't new. It used to just be the norm. My grandmother wore a bone girdle her entire life once she hit puberty. She told me to always wear on and I wish I had because I would have never been as fat I was. The biggest thing a girdle does for you, and I am talking about a real girdle with steel non flexible boning, is it prevents you from overeating. You can't over eat with a real girdle on, it is right you have no room. It is basically like a lapband or a sleeve. So that is one of the reasons that people who are really waist training at least 8 hours a day lose weight. They can't over eat, or probably even eat to capacity. If they are even just seasoning with their corset, and only wear it a couple hours building up to more time. You can't and won't want to eat with it on. You do good to even breath. they also actually change your shape and move your organs if you use a tight steel one over a long period, and that is not a good thing, but do your own reas So if you have actually medically had your stomach made smaller, you don't need a waist trainer. You already have limited capacity and wearing a waist trainer is going to limit it more and make you more prone to GERD. Now if you want to wear neoprene while you work out, that is cool, you can get some superficial or limited time skin improvement with wearing neprene and using a cellulite skin cream of your choice. If you have ever work spanx etc all day when you take them off (at least for me) you are still tucked in some for a little while. If only lasts a couple hours but if you are self conscious about being naked for sex, it can be a nice trick. I still wouldn't suggest neoprene until you can drink a lot of fluids quickly, because you are going to sweat a lot. For larger people or those of us with loose skin. Suits like the ones from Kutting Weight are better than a lot of just waist trainer type things because you can easily cover larger areas.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    what to tell the surgeon?

    The shrunk just asked me a million questions about my tech business. I could have been bi-polar or something and he would have never known unless his questions were cloaked and he was just that good.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    I tracked before surgery off and on for years in fitbit. I used to not track on my bad days. I have to say that was a huge mistake. I track now, everything, no matter how small. I try to avoid eating things I can't find the nutrition on. I use loseit premium and I like it because I can add my recipes and make servings and it does all the math for me. You can also set a lot of different types of goals and track them. I have never been able to get into my fitness pal and their yearly rate for premium is ridiculous when it is filled with so much mis information on calorie counts. Anyway, track your food all of your food. It is important to success. Some days I feel like I have ate a ton but I am under calories and protein. If I didn't track I would never know.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Nighttime leg cramping.

    What is your sodium intake? You might need more
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Beach-Bikini Day

    I'm so glad this thread is back. I was really worried for a while.
  12. I didn't have anything small except one item from college. I moved before I even thought about having surgery and purged my closets of anything I hadn't worn in the past 18 months, with the exception of that one item from college. As I was losing, as soon as my clothes were loose, they were gone. Either donated or trashed depending on the condition. I didn't even keep an item to fat shame myself with like people love to do in pictures. I have a friend that lost 200lbs and has kept it off for several years on her own without surgery and she told me as soon as you lose get rid of the clothes, constantly. She said keeping the clothes, you secretly give yourself permission to regain. So I got rid of everything, fast. I found that buying new clothes was the best way to show my weight loss to myself. The only things I haven't got rid of are my winter coats. I have some furs I will finally be able to wear. I have some leather jackets I am going to try and have tailored, but they need to be taken in so much not sure it is possible. I have coats I bought last year because I was losing and needed coats that fit and wouldn't let wind in. They are close to new, but they will definitely need to go before winter, they are all too big. My opinion is chuck it all ASAP, don't look back.
  13. OutsideMatchInside


    Totally true, but most of them weren't doing it less than a month from surgery. I have followed a lot of people and most of them don't start expanding their diet a lot until 6 months post op. Also if you read a lot of their posts, they don't eat a lot of they photo. I take pictures of my dinners out all the time and there is a wine glass in the picture because I am not a savage, but I don't drink wine. I eat pizza (I make it and it is low carb, high Fiber, high protein), I eat brownies (low carb high protein), ice cream (low carb high protein), and other things once in a while like hot wings, either deep fried if I eat them out or baked at home. I have lots of fun with food, but not before 6 months. I wanted to let my stomach heal.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Hard Time Deciding

    I went with the sleeve because I am young and active and I wanted to lead a normal life. As a single person I felt RNY was too risky for me. I have a friend that had RNY and never made it to goal, and regained. The long term differences in the weight loss between the sleeve and the bypass are almost the same. In the end it more about how you manage your tool. Also I felt I was too young to deal with malaborption from RNY. If the sleeve didn't exist, I don't think I would have ever had surgery. I knew RNY wasn't for me, and the lap band just doesn't even make sense to me. The sleeve is the only thing that made me think WLS might be for me. Also lastly I knew I could revise with the sleeve to a DS later in life if I had serious regain. Once you have RNY and fail at it, there really isn't any more surgical help. It is a hard decision so you should do your own research and decide on what fits your life.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    @@MarieLouise I am incredibly happy, but a lot of that happened before surgery. I removed negative people and unnecessary stress from my life. It made post op life so much easier. @@Kathy812 Yeah my diabetes is cured. No meds, normal sugars all the time, and on the low end of normal. I keep randomly testing it to make sure it is true.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Eating Leftovers

    If you reheat food in the microwave, you suck the moisture out. So that makes it harder to digest and it can get stuck. I don't eat leftovers and I never heat things in the microwave.
  17. @@higher Maybe. I did a lot at first from elation at not being dead. Then like a week later it all caught up with me. If I had it to do over I would just walk and take it easy and rest.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Dumping syndrome for Sleevers?

    Unlikely, might happen early on if you flood yourself with sugar or something. Even bypass patients don't dump forever.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    MANAGER Giving me hell

    Document it and tell HR if you have to. Hostile work environment.
  20. OutsideMatchInside


    I was tired for 6 weeks.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    ONE must know thing....

    You won't always feel like the odd man out, eventually your life feels normal again.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Slow Metabolism

    @@Cindi_Augustine Have your metabolism tested instead of guessing. Most universities have the option to test your RMR( Resting Metabolic Rate). I recently had mine tested and my RMR is completely normal. You never said what kind of calories you are eating to make up that 1200 calories. Some people do better with different kind of Macros.
  23. People 3 weeks out usually have a 3 week stall. Google it.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Got my date! (Terrible timing!)

    Why not as for an earlier date? I asked for a sooner date and I had surgery 2 weeks earlier than they offered me.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Well :-(

    @@fatgirlsvelte I'm sad you won't be around much because this place could really use someone like you. In a place with so many people that hate themselves, I am not surprised at all this happened.

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