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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Premier Protein...

    @@Nurse_Lenora strawberry is my absolute favorite. I hate chocolate and I get vanilla if Strawberry isn't available. I will always pick strawberry or banana over chocolate which is the most boring flavor on the planet.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    @chycky This is a normal day for me. The exception is I don't always have ice cream. I stuck all my Water after Breakfast on dinner so it would show my whole food log in one shot. These are the macros
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    How can I stop weight loss?!

    @@mmy If you get into a really unhealthy weight loss, your could try drinking those high calorie body builder Protein shakes. I don't think you can eat enough to slow your weight loss at this point. What does your doctor say?
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    How many meals..?

    you don't have to eat breakfast food for breakfast. I don't, well I do rarely because it doesn't have enough Protein. Why not have a piece of fish, shrimp, grilled chicken, turkey etc for breakfast. I try to make sure I am eating at least 15 grams to 20 grams of protein per meal Fish is a good way to get your protein in early on because it is soft and easy to digest.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    Tummy tuck BEFORE WLS?

    @TheRealMeIsHere! I had a laparoscopic procedure. There is no way to them to get to your organs without cutting through the muscle. A small cut is still a cut.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    How many meals..?

    I eat 5 or 6 times a day to get my Protein in. you might want to try eating protein at your 3 meals, and having a couple Protein shakes in between. mid morning and mid afternoon. What does the nutritionist at your program say?
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Very low carb diet can cause ketosis? WebMD

    Most people are seeking ketosis. I know I try to stay in it, and that breathe thing doesn't last.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    July 5th surgery not loosing

    Because when people talk about losing weight after surgery they have these massive loses in the first month. People forget that most of the people that had WLS until recently were the super morbidly obese. So yeah, they lost a lot because they had a lot to lose and anyone will lose weight going from 5000-10000 calories a day to 500. Biggest loser doesn't help. People with start weighs in the 200s, the low 200s your monthly WLS is going to be "slow", probably less than 15 lbs in the first month and rarely more than 10 per month after that. They are not going to drop 50 pounds in the first month like someone that weighs 500 pounds to start.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    July 5th surgery not loosing

    @@ChrisInc2 Most people don't lose a lot in the very beginning. You can't really take in enough calories to facilitate weight loss. Take some stool softeners and focus on meeting your Fluid intakes. I would stop weighing and only weigh when you go to the Dr for follow up appointments and just follow your program.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    @@chycky I use this http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ to come up with my macros like I said above. Then I set my goals in the LoseIt app/website to match those macros. Like I have 100g of Protein as my minimum, 12-14% of my calories from carbs and 40-45% of my calories from fat.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    How can I stop weight loss?!

    I seriously doubt you can at 11 weeks. Your body is going to keep losing until it wants to stop. You can try increasing calories but with the amount of your intestine bypassed, you will likely keep losing for a whole longer. @@mmy What is your start, current and goal weight?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Tummy tuck BEFORE WLS?

    The gas they put in your torso to lift your organs is minimal. It isn't like they puff you out like a pregnant woman. They do cut your abdominal muscles, not sure what that might do if you had them stitched together in the past. Share your concerns with a Dr and get their opinion.
  13. @@ML573663 I did whatever I wanted before my pre-op diet. One it was a short window so it was unlikely I would gain a lot of weight, and two because I thought I wouldn't enjoy food or my food options would be really limited my entire life. That isn't the case at all. I eat what I want and I enjoy food. So don't think you have to food funeral because food in the future is going to suck, totally not the case.
  14. Pokemon Go is going to go down as the best weight loss tool of 2016

    1. Valentina


      did you see the video of the man playing it while his wife was giving birth???

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      No, but the amount of random walking people will add because of it is going to be great.


    3. borg/assimilated


      I love it! My son and I compare which Pokemon we have caught, a little rivalry we have going on.

    4. Show next comments  366 more
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    @ I haven't had any really long stalls. If I have a 2 week period where I haven't lost anything I either increase or decrease my calories for a day or 2 and that breaks it. Do you log your food? What are your Protein, and carbs each day?
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    Just to illustrate a point about greens. This is what I am having as part of my lunch. http://www.earthboundfarm.com/products/salads/organic-spinach-spring-mix A whole 5 ounce clam shell is 20 calories, 3 carbs and 2 of those carbs are fiber. I will eat the whole thing today, 1/2 now and 1/2 later. There is no reason for people to be "starving" when you can spend 20 calories on a huge volume of salad greens.
  17. I had 3-4 months where I had my period every 2 weeks. It was driving me crazy because it was stalling my weight loss, but I had to learn to just accept that my body is going through massive changes and trying to adjust. i eat right every day, so there is no way I am not going to lose weight.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Surprise bill after surgery- Advice needed

    Escalate it and complain as much as you can to try and get them to reduce it. Then agree to a payment plan.
  19. I am really proud of you for realizing you deserve better, and sooner rather than later. Also that comment about makeup, you are amazing, because I can't imagine not punching him in his face. And this is coming from someone that wears makeup to walk the dog. If a dude ever commented on me not wearing makeup, it would be WWIII.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    First Time Out Drinking

    Your stomach is smaller, and as soon as you drink any liquid it starts seeping into your small intestines. The smaller stomach and one that is empty most of the time, makes it faster for alcohol to hit your stomach. The burning is from your insides will being raw and swollen from surgery. Even once your throat doesn't hurt anymore after surgery, it is still a little battered. I took communion at Church a month out, not thinking about the wine and it burned so bad it almost brought tears to my eyes, and communion wine is watered down. I can't imagine drinking straight liquor.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    I have been low carbing off and on since 2001, so most of my experience is prior to WLS. I would say once you burn off the sugar in your body and get over the sugar withdrawals you start functioning normally. Maybe 6 weeks you notice you are firing on more than all cylinders. It is subjective and I can only go by my experience and the experience of my friends. If you read the stuff by the Bulletproof guy he swears by it, but he is also into a lot of other bio-hacking, some based in science some whacky. The difference with post-op on WLS surgery is takes you a while to be able to eat enough calories to really be clear in your mind. At least 800 calories daily for me, to fuel working and just regular activities. When my calories were below that I was fatigued a lot. I don't have celiac and I don't have a gluten allergy and most people that claim to have gluten allergies have never been tested. I mean think about it, if people were allergic to gluten, most of the population would be sick, it doesn't make sense. Most people are reacting to too much sugar. I don't tolerate sugar more specifically HFCS. HFCS makes me sick. It is too much sugar too fast and it floods your system. People say sugar is sugar and that is kind of true, but how different sugars react in your body is very different. I try to stay at 25 net carbs per day and no more than 75 on a carb day. I only count net carbs because I really need my Fiber and net carbs makes the most sense. Really with just eating meat and veggies, it is pretty hard to break even into 25 carbs. I really have no idea how people end up eating so many carbs. I had ribs yesterday so today I am just eating fish and a lot of veggies so I will post later what my carb count is with all the veggies I eat. If people are seriously just eating meat and green veggies is impossible to have a high carb count, counting net carbs or actual carbs. I think if you seriously low carb for a long period like WLS patients should be doing you are going to have to carb cycle some, or your body just gets used to it and nothing happens. I am still experimenting with this. This day is bad because I had a Fit Crunch Bar I have one day a week that I usually have carbs, I had to add some carb cycling because I was stalling a lot. Saturday I had fish tacos and pizza all day and it was pretty glorious. This is the nutrient break out for that day. This is a high carb day for me and my net carbs are 32.5. I also went to Starbucks in the afternoon and had a Trenta Cold Brew, but I always order it black and add my own half and half. This is a day I didn't really feel like eating much /r/keto has been a really big help to me. I can't eat the fat they eat, but there are lots of good tips there. I use the Keto Calculator to calculate my macros to set in LoseIt. It is awesome because well most people can't handle the huge fat deficits that we can, they would be too hungry, but WLS patients can go on and take the max fat deficit. The weight loss forecast it comes up with there is also really helpful. It tells you at the points you have to increase your calories. I want to add that I am not just coming up with how and what I eat on my own with stuff I have found on the internet. Things I have researched have lead me in this direction but I also am in contact with two University Professors. My biggest issue right now is I don't eat enough calories for my RMR or my activity level. It is pretty hard to up my calories but I am trying to slowly. I don't have a diminished metabolism at all and I want to keep it that way. The best way to do that is to keep adjusting your calories higher as you lose. Leaving them low for a long period, lowers your metabolism.
  22. I mean most women retain Water around that time so it makes sense. I don't consider 6 days a stall. You don't lose weight every day. If you know you are on your period, that isn't a stall that is just your period.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What was YOUR experience

    I wasn't self pay, I did it with insurance in 8 weeks. A business associate used the same doctor and did it in less than a month as self pay. A lot of how fast you can get to surgery depends on your personal history, how much pre-op testing you need and your availability for testing. I work for myself and I was able to take every appointment they offered me, and rearrange my schedule around it.
  24. The limitations on what you can eat are only for a little while. You can eat more things in larger amount with more variety each month. The healing period in the very beginning drops weight fast so you get results fast. Even people that lose "slow" are losing faster than they ever have. I didn't have jitters or regrets and one year later it is one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. You have to decide what works for you though. Good luck
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Onederland I can't believe it!

    @@leag78 You should update your information in your profile.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
